Chapter 497

It was the late autumn of another year, and the world was in constant turmoil. At Sizhou Xiangguo, which was recently recovered by the Han army, there was a strong smell of blood in the air.

Xiangguo was originally the capital of Zhao State in Shijie, and gathered no less than a million Hu people from all ethnic groups. When Shihu evacuated Bingzhou and Shuozhou, he took away the Jie people and other ethnic groups close to him, but not everyone followed Shihu away from the bustling city. Go to the desolate grassland.

The ethnic vendettas in the Central Plains have never stopped. First, Shijie Zhao Guo raised the butcher knife, and then the Han army regained the lost land and launched revenge. The two sides continued to kill until Liu Yan appeared in Xiangguo.

That's right, there are no Jin people in the Central Plains now, but all the people registered by the Han government are Han people.They have come out of the low-class living environment for a long time, and perhaps the quality of life has not changed much, but at least they no longer have to worry about being cooked and eaten by barbarian people, enjoying the revenge brought by the new order, and thinking from the bottom of their hearts that they have become a Han Chinese very good.

"The hunting order does not need to be revoked, at least not in the near future." Liu Yan was walking in Shihu's former palace, walking around the buildings and surroundings, wearing casual clothes.He followed Ji Chang, Sang Yu, Lu Yi and others, and stopped at a courtyard before continuing: "Clear out the barbarians and make more living space. Besides, killing can awaken the blood of the people. Let them know the value of being a Han citizen."

The revenge of the Han people in the Central Plains against the Hu people was based on the premise that the Han army stood behind them as their backing. It deeply let the Han people know how beautiful it is to have a backer behind them, and it can make it easier for people to have a sense of belonging and intimacy.

"With the credit of the first level, 130 million mu of land has been distributed in just three months." Sang Yu actually prefers the government to equalize the land without compensation, but Liu Yan obviously doesn't think so.He said: "According to the plan, there are still close to 80 mu of land that needs to be distributed, but... Hu people flee to death, and if they don't die, they will be Sinicized in place. I'm afraid it will be very difficult."

The Han Dynasty did not prevent the Hu people from sinicizing on their own. On the contrary, it adopted a conniving attitude. However, it was not as simple as the Hu people changing their Chinese surnames. Their living habits also needed to be changed, and then they had to participate in retaliation against the Hu people. .

The Han Kingdom under Liu Yan’s rule was built on the overthrow of another regime. The assets that originally belonged to the Shijie Zhao Kingdom undoubtedly became the state-owned assets of the Han Kingdom. The lost powerful assets naturally became the state-owned assets of Han.

The official land of the Han Dynasty is definitely more than that of any era. Due to decades of ravages by the Hu people, the original fertile land has actually become wasteland. It is definitely not possible to restore agricultural production only by the official, so it must be land distributed to the people.

So far, the Central Plains has not carried out any state-led free land equalization, that is, the people have never obtained land from the state for free.

In the pre-Qin period, those who owned land were "scholars". These "scholars" needed to fight for the lords to pay taxes. "Scholars" also had ordinary people or slaves as labor force. The backbone of the country were those "scholars", usually warriors.

In the early Western Han Dynasty, people also obtained land from the government for no reason. Except for those who originally owned land, anyone who wanted to obtain land needed to have credit, that is, to obtain land through military service.It wasn't until Liu Che used military meritorious titles to sell and collect money that he was spoiled. The way for the common people to obtain land was to rely on trading.

There were some changes in the Eastern Han Dynasty, but the people still could not obtain land from the state for free. The change refers to the fact that the governments in various places let the people farm by leasing, and the land is hung under the name of the government instead of the people.

In the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the feudal lords fought in chaos until the Three Kingdoms came to power. In fact, the common people did not get land for free. It was still the same before the collapse of the Eastern Han Dynasty regime. Without their own land, they could only rent land for the government, aristocratic families, tyrants, and big clans. .

After Sima's family became the lords of the Central Plains, the power of the family rose completely.The aristocratic family has never seen the people as human beings. Of course, they cannot distribute land to the people for free. On the contrary, they use various means to occupy the land, regardless of their status.

Liu Yan thought about equalizing the land, but the idea was cut off after a little thought.

The Han State implemented the Qin State's farming and war strategy, and the people who originally owned the land would naturally not deprive them of it, but there was an irreconcilable contradiction between the unpaid land sharing and the military meritorious lords.

In fact, it's like that. You join the army and work hard to get a few acres of land. You can get the land without any effort, so who is willing to give something?

If the land is equalized, Liu Yan will definitely get the gratitude of the people, and the price will be the collapse of the military merit system.Perhaps not only to collapse the military merit system, but also to make the people look forward to the establishment of a new dynasty next time, so that there will be another land equalization activity?In this way, a seed is planted, and the people are encouraged to rebel and establish a new dynasty if they disagree with each other, which is making life difficult for their own regime.

Since it is not advisable to distribute land without compensation, there are still many Hu people who are stubborn and unwilling to sinicize themselves. Can the common people be allowed to hunt and kill Hu people, and cultivating their blood will also benefit those brave people and encourage more cowardly people? Restore blood?
"If you kill all the Hu people in the country, you can kill the Hu people outside the country." Ji Chang made up his mind from the beginning: "Guide the public opinion and let the brave people enter the land of the Three Qin Dynasty."

Liu Yan has been thinking about one thing recently. The purpose of encouraging the elimination of the remaining Hu people is to cultivate the bloody spirit of the people. Hunting and killing Hu people alone is actually very rare. They are either calling friends or forming gangs based on blood relationships. No matter how you look at it, Like a hidden danger.

"The registration policy can be implemented." Ji Chang did not forget what Liu Yan said, and said, "Since that mercenary?"

"No!" Sang Yu shook the corners of his eyes, and said, "Since the pre-Qin period, why have civil organizations been encouraged to arm themselves?"

It was the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period that people were full of armed gangs. At that time, a hundred schools of thought contended, and almost every school had its own private armed forces.Not only various schools of thought, in fact, as long as capable people have their own personal armed forces.The result is that during the Spring and Autumn Period, there were not only wars between countries. Once conflicts occurred between schools and individuals, it was definitely not just a few people fighting, but a private armed forces fighting one after another.What I have to say is that some schools even have more troops than the country. If it weren't for the emphasis on "all princes and generals have kindness" at that time, it would definitely not be a joke for the country to be wiped out by schools or private individuals.

"Things in the early Han Dynasty must be guarded against." Sang Yu used this to persuade Liu Yan last time, and he still says that: "The rangers in the early Han Dynasty were dominant, and it happened from time to time to gather crowds to attack the county government. It can determine the outcome of a war."

I didn’t name them, but the rangers in the early Han Dynasty were really that powerful. For example, Guo Xie, who made the emperor Liu Che afraid, and those who were in the Han Jing Emperor’s "Seven Kingdoms Rebellion" earlier, really All of them are people who can raise their arms and shout for cholera.

The embarrassment on Liu Yan's face flashed away. The current development of the Central Plains is the seed of racial vendetta. It doesn't mean that if it doesn't happen, it won't happen. Strategy is still necessary, but this cannot be said by him.

"It's better to be under control than to let it develop." Ji Chang said with a serious face: "Registration is to prevent the occurrence of old events in the pre-Qin and early pre-Han periods."

Cai You has been following the team and hasn't spoken yet.He has had a lot of troubles recently. The cooperative commune of the Han Kingdom has almost come to an end with most of the Central Plains being pacified. The second is that because of the outbreak of war on the peninsula, many people from the peninsula and the islands of Japan have come to Han. within the country.

It is the national policy of the Han state to hunt and kill Hu people to divide the land equally, in order to transfer more land to the common people. In this way, there is really no need for the cooperative commune to exist. Forcing the cooperative commune to continue to exist is to create public resentment .The most important thing is that most of the people in the cooperative commune were drafted, and those who were drafted were later compensated with five acres of land. Who would be willing to do public work if they had their own land?

"Decai?" Liu Yan called Cai You several times before waking him up, and asked, "What do you want?"

Cai You naturally had something to say, and withdrew to Lu Yi halfway through.

"There is such a thing." Lu Yi said about the affairs of the peninsula and the islands: "Most of them migrated out before, and now they want to return to their hometown."

Whenever there was a war in the Central Plains, some people migrated out, and most of them were families and clans. Most of the people who went to foreign countries did not live well, but some people did well.Most of the people who want to move back to their hometown are families, including a branch of the Gongsun family in Baekje.

"I'll come back when I come back..." Liu Yan paused for a while, and then continued: "A lot of technology is left outside, and the population is naturally as large as possible, but it's not now."

Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla on the peninsula are now vassals of Han. Silla is the most obedient. Goguryeo and Baekje have made many small moves.

There are many more countries in the Japanese Islands that are not countries. There are hundreds of countries in a small island. The larger countries are only a county in the Central Plains, and the smaller countries are not as big as a village in the Central Plains.The relatively large Izumo, Kyushu, Jibei, Yamato, and Nobi all made submissions to the Han Dynasty, and also sent troops to participate in the Battle of Liaodong.

According to Liu Yan, there is no need for anything belonging to the country, but the current timing is not right, it is not easy to annex it as a county, and it is necessary to carry out some deployment first.

"This is what I'm worried about." Lu Yi managed foreign affairs and encountered a lot of bad things, such as the sudden betrayal of Tuoba on behalf of the country, and the behavior of some vassal states: "Izumo and Kyushu have requested more than one enclave, In order not to scare the snake, the minister has been trying to persuade him with good words."

Izumo and Kyushu, their main population is actually from Buyeo (east 1 north), and immigrants from the mainland do not account for the majority.However, these two countries acted as if they had lost their minds. Since the third year of Yuanshuo, they have repeatedly submitted the form and requested it to be included.

"Didn't the troops of the vassal states come to the Central Plains in the second year of Yuan Shuo?" Lu Yi said the answer: "After Izumo and Kyushu's vassal soldiers returned, they made a big show and said something good. Next is..." He made a dumbfounding Looking around, he continued: "The life of their so-called kings and nobles is worse than that of some rich households under our rule, so..."

Liu Yan suddenly remembered something. It seemed that similar things had happened in the Wulian Islands during the Tang Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty.The piece of land in Kyushu has not been allowed by the Tang Dynasty, and the flag of Datang was raised to indicate that it is the land of Datang. As a result, according to the records of later generations of the Wa Islands, Kyushu was the territory of Datang during a certain period of Li and Tang. (true story)

That is to say, the Han Kingdom under the rule of Liu Yan now, the core officials are too much influenced by Liu Yan, and their desire to possess the land is infinitely strong, no matter where the land is, what the land looks like there.In other dynasties, they would basically not look at an inch of land outside the Central Plains. The first thought of anyone who wants to be included is definitely "which bastard in a remote country wants to be honored by the Celestial Dynasty".

"Their wishes are very firm." Cai You brought the topic back again: "Since they want to move back, they always need to buy a family business."

Currently, land trading is strictly prohibited in the Han Dynasty. Anyone who wants to acquire land needs military merits, including enlisting in the army to obtain five acres of land, or becoming a regular army and killing enemies on the battlefield to obtain land, and then hunting the heads of barbarians in exchange for land.

"They have already participated in the hunting of barbarians, and..." Cai You smiled wryly, "More than one person asked if they could go to the puppet court to hunt and kill their heads."

A lot of news about the war in the south has not reached Xiangguo, and people in Xiangguo, including Liu Yan, don't know what the war over there is like.

The strategy deployed before the war has been implemented, including dividing into three routes to invade from north to south, and then to continuously land on the Yangzhou coastline to harass.

Some of the fleets that landed from the sea in Yangzhou, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, departed from Changguang County in Qingzhou, and some fleets departed from Liaodong, the Peninsula, and the Japanese Islands.

In fact, the entire East China Sea has now become the inland sea of ​​the Han State, and even the sea area around the Wa Islands has been designated as the sphere of influence by the Han State.The fleet's exchanges required supplies, which drove the sea routes between the peninsula, the Japanese islands and the mainland of Han. This led to the return wave of immigrants who had previously fled to foreign countries, and also caused many people from vassal countries to travel between their own country and Han.

"The people in the south are also descendants of the Han family." Liu Yan seemed to regard the south as something in his heart: "The theory of hunting does not exist."

Cai You also answered everyone who came to ask questions in the same way. After seeing too many inexplicable expressions after listening, he obviously didn't think that those people in the south were of the same race as himself.This is the major event that he needs to report to Liu Yan, and it is also the major event that the country needs to face after the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is really wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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