sweeping the world

Chapter 492 Victory and defeat have been revealed

Chapter 492 Victory and defeat have been revealed
The speed of the cavalry charging is very fast, and a certain number of cavalry charging can even cause the mountains to shake.Faced with a large number of cavalry rushing towards them with the sound of rolling horseshoes, even the most courageous will have their heart beat faster and instinctively want to dodge and flee.

The reason why people are human is that they can suppress instincts, unlike animals that follow primitive instincts.The instinct of animals is to mate when the season comes, or what to do when faced with danger. Genes, not minds, decide what to do.It is not unreasonable for people to become the master of all souls. To mate, one does not need to wait for the season, as long as one can hold on, one can do as one pleases. When there is danger, even though the gene drive flees, one can use thoughts to suppress and fight back.

Every one of the Jin troops waiting in formation was breathing heavily, and anxiety and fear could be seen in any of their eyes. However, they did not put aside their feet and flee. They were squeezing each other to change. More dense.

"Hold on! Hold on!"

"Control the spears and spears!"

"Ready to be bumped...ready to be bumped..."

Various orders were shouted out in the Jin army's formation, and it could be heard that the roars were all vibrating.

The soldiers of the Jin army crowded each other out of fear. Their actions distorted the formation. When the crossbow arrows shot by the cavalry of the Han army fell, screams and cries of pain appeared, and the distorted formation became distorted. Even more distorted, there are meaningless roars everywhere.

The cavalry of the Han army who were charging, the knights on horseback were already bending their bodies as far as possible, and the lances in their hands were not held forward flat, but tilted downward.The tip of the lance looks white and bright, and the high-speed gallop of the horse will make the tip break through the air and make a whistling sound.

A uniform roar suddenly exploded on the battlefield. It was the Han cavalry roaring together: "The Han army is mighty!"

The cavalry of the Han army who charged ahead, when they galloped to the formation and waited about four steps in front of the Jin army, they controlled the horses and jumped high. Make a sweeping movement, sweep away those spears or spears that are tilted upwards as much as possible, and the next moment, people and horses fall heavily.

Scenes of the Han cavalry colliding with the Jin army appeared on the battlefield...

Some Han army cavalry fell safely and stepped out of a depression. After landing, the Han army cavalry may continue to jump forward, or the horse may stumble and overturn.

The cavalry of the Han army who did not fall safely, when they leaped high with their horses and men, their cavalry spears failed to sweep away the spears or spears below. Spears or spears would break, but if they were stabbed, they would lose their balance in mid-air, causing them to fall heavily.

As the first batch of one hundred cavalrymen of the Han army to rush in, no matter what the situation was when they rushed in, their role was only to make an early breakthrough and create opportunities for the following Paoze.

A wave of Han cavalry rushed into the formation, and the originally distorted Jin army's infantry had actually disintegrated in many places. The wailing of men and horses filled the battlefield, accompanied by dense and noisy screams.

The second batch of Han army cavalry was still one hundred, and they stopped jumping high when they approached, but controlled the horses with their lances to charge directly.As a charge cavalry, the horse's chest is protected by a plate armor, and the horse's neck is also protected by some leather-inlaid iron that looks like shrimp skin. Their eyes are actually blindfolded and controlled by the knight. Carrying out a fearless collision, hitting a human body at high speed will make a dull sound, and every dull sound must be followed by a human scream.

If you look at the battlefield, you can see that the cavalry of the Han army has been divided into echelons.In front of them was a column of five hundred people, one after another, colliding with each other.In the middle, every [-] riders form a column, and there are three teams that are not charging at an absolute high speed.The rest of the Han army cavalry in the back spread out towards the two wings, and they will cooperate with some friendly troops who have detoured on the mountain bag to attack the two wings of the Jin army.

In fact, it is not advisable for cavalry to charge into the formation, especially when attacking enemy troops in a dense formation. Although the impact can cause huge casualties to the enemy, the group of cavalry that initiates the collision is also destined to be attrition.

It is used to pull the enemy to run around, consume the enemy's physical strength and stretch the enemy's formation, and then use the short-distance maneuverability of the cavalry to find time. In fact, this is the correct way to use the cavalry.

When it’s time to use the cavalry to charge the battle, use the strong psychological pressure caused by the cavalry on the infantry to create a large enough movement to make the enemy fearful and disintegrate on their own, and then chase and kill them. This is how the cavalry has always been used to deal with the enemy. strategy.

Xu Zheng, who dispatched the cavalry, of course hoped that the Jin army would disintegrate on its own, and he was not surprised to find that the Jin army was able to form an array to fight. He firmly said: "This elite enemy army must be wiped out!"

The Han army has always paid attention to capturing as many prisoners of war as possible on the battlefield. Prisoners of war can be used as slaves for labor and slave soldiers in battle. For the Han country that is extremely short of manpower, living prisoners of war are really more useful than dead enemies many.

The enemy's elite army is the target that the Han army has to eliminate no matter what they encounter. Being able to eliminate with a majestic military force will give one's own army "increased experience". typed out.Even if it is possible to force the surrender, it will be consumed in various ways after the forced surrender, just because the elite of the enemy army is really hard to control. When something goes wrong or who incites a riot, it is usually those who take the lead .

The Jin army that was fighting in formation collapsed after suffering the third round of attacks. Few of the Jin soldiers who were out of formation could continue to resist. Most of them turned around and ran towards the main formation in the rear.

For this reason, the disintegration of the Jin army's front formation also represents the shake of the overall army formation. The Han army deliberately let go of the fleeing Jin army soldiers, and those Jin army who turned around and fled will become the help of the Han army cavalry. Go to attack your own army formation.

Xie Wan could no longer control the troops fighting in formation. Except that the military order could not be transmitted immediately, he took about [-] Jin cavalry to the flanks, far away from the Han cavalry who were about to charge down from the mountain. apart.

"Detour, detour to make room!" Xie Wan is not stupid. He will not rush forward and collide with the Han cavalry attacking from a high position: "Xie Dong, you lead one unit and fight with me." Forming a distant echo between the left and right wings.”

The person named Xie Dong is not a member of the Xie clan, he is a trilogy who was given the surname Xie. He was originally a Jin general from Shijie Zhao State, but he was reused after defecting to the Xie clan.

At this time, Xie Wancai had time to look at the Jin army fighting in formation. What he saw was that his front line disintegrated, and the rout soldiers either scattered to the left and right or directly rushed into the army formation, while the cavalry of the Han army followed very deliberately. One's own defeated troops looked for opportunities to go up.

Jin general Wang Qian, who was in charge of the Jin army's infantry formation, had ordered indiscriminate archery. The rounds of arrow rain did not stop the troops from rout, but the soldiers in the formation became commotion because they saw the indiscriminate firing of arrows.

In this day and age, enlisting in the army means father and son, brothers, and blood relatives together. Killing one's own people in any way, the arrows shot by the arrow shooter are likely to shoot to death his father, son, elder brother, younger brother or some relatives. The many relatives of the viewers may be one of those who were shot dead by their own people, so how could there be no uproar.

Wang Qian kept reasoning, but the reasoning was often useless. He could only restrain the soldiers in a more iron-blooded way. Anyone who made a disturbance or shook the formation would be executed on the spot, which finally suppressed the situation.

The cavalry of the Han army appeared from the hills on the left and right wings. The group on the left will face the cavalry of the Jin army led by Xie Wan, and the group on the right will see the flanks of the Jin army whose formation is constantly distorted.

At this moment, the cavalry of the Han army who launched a frontal charge have rushed to the other level of the Jin army for less than a hundred steps on their flesh and blood. They shouted "Han army mighty" in unison again, as if it was a signal. The cavalry of the friendly army also let out the roar of "the Han army is mighty" and let their horses gallop.

On the battlefield, the Han cavalry formed a trident. When their formation was fully displayed, Xie Shi, who was in the rear, knew something was wrong when he saw it.

"Captain!" Sun Chuo asked in a panic, "Can you stop it?"

Xie Shi ignored Sun Chuo, and ordered to the generals present: "Do everything possible to stabilize the camp, Fenwu and Fenwei are ready...to prepare for the retreat of the friendly troops in front of the camp."

Speaking of it, the military system of the Jin army is still easy to understand. The Jin army in the Eastern Jin Dynasty continued the military system of the Western Jin Dynasty, and the military system of the Western Jin Dynasty was inherited from Cao Wei. On the top of the song, there are military (fu) and (su) guards.

The army is divided into Frontier Army, Kingdom Army, and County and County Army. The Frontier Army has 500 troops, the Kingdom Army has a fixed army of 3000 people, and the county and county troops are divided into 5000 and [-] people.

Suwei is actually a part of the Central Army, and the so-called Central Army is the defense army stationed in the capital, also known as the Yamen Army. The task of Suwei Palace is only to defend the capital.

The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty made some changes in the military system, that is, how many troops were organized according to the rank of each general, such as the [-] full mansion of the Great Army Mansion, the [-] full mansion of the Small Army Mansion, and some other guards, etc. A military mansion of generals, school lieutenants, etc. has [-] establishments.

The Jin army led by Xie Shi undoubtedly followed the military system of the frontier army. Those military mansions with a staff of 2 belonged to the court's regular army. The most important thing is how many talents each family can gather to form a military mansion. As an example, Xie Shi's shogunate army has [-] people, which is only counted as a military mansion.

The cavalry of the Han army charged from three directions. When the cavalry of the Han army in the front rushed in, the cavalry of the Han army on the right also rushed directly into the flank of the Jin army from high to bottom, and the cavalry of the Han army on the left rushed down the hill and divided into two Part of the cavalry of the Jin army that faced Xie Wan.

Xu Zheng didn't just let the cavalry go on the field. After dispatching the cavalry, he mobilized three schools to follow up. The Han army also began to carry out a comprehensive pushback on the overall battlefield.

The confidence of the shogunate army was shaken. They just persisted for less than a quarter of an hour before the army disintegrated. The Jin army on the front and right wing was rushed by the Han cavalry, and the Jin army on the rear and left wing left the battlefield and began to retreat. , making this partial battlefield disjointed into two parts.

"Let's turn around and attack the enemy troops who are frightened like rabbits." Dou'a led his troops into battle again, referring to the group of Jin troops who were retreating from the battlefield: "Send a signal to the rear, and then send a signal to General Zhongbi Go to the semaphore, please allow your troops to hunt together."

The semaphore of the Han army is convenient in that it can communicate remotely and instantly, can ask for orders and get a reply quickly, and can also form a closer cooperation with friendly forces on the battlefield.

Dou'a's calculations were well planned, and Zhong Hui actually agreed to the resolution. On the way, they discovered that the Jin army was joining the battle in the rear, and the commander in the rear asked them to lead their troops to fight against the troops.

The two new Jin armies, Fenwu and Fenwei, came from the Wang family and the Chu family respectively. The Fenwu Army Mansion had a strength of 5000 men, while the Fenwei Army Mansion had a strength of [-] men.The two military mansions were ordered to set foot on the battlefield in a hurry, and they were not dispatched at full strength. After being ordered to respond, they withdrew their friendly troops and returned to their barracks.

The victory or defeat on the battlefield is often full of unpredictable, and there is no fixed time for how long it takes to win or lose.The entanglement between the two armies at the front line this time was not long, so the shogunate army who had lost confidence in victory disintegrated, and formed a scene on the battlefield where the Han army chased and killed the Jin army and retreated.

Xie Shi, who was staring at the battlefield from a distance, shook his body twice and was supported by Sun Chuo when he showed signs of falling down.

"Victory or defeat...in a split second..." Xie Shi's eyes really went dark just now. He saw his elite being chased and killed, and the cavalry led by Xie Wan was also trapped in the battlefield, and his head went blank for a while. Plus the physical reaction of not breathing well.He said to Sun Chuo with a gray face: "The shogunate army did not boost morale, but suffered a big defeat. It is difficult to win here. It depends on how much time you can buy for the rear."

Sun Chuo almost fainted when he heard this. Xie Shi had already repeated before that crossing the river to fight was a one-shot deal. He either defeated the Han army or died here.He heard Xie Shi say with his own ears that he no longer had any confidence in the victory of this war, and that he could endure the blow if he persisted.

As Xie Shi expected, the shogunate army did not win the battle, which was really an incomparable blow to the rest of the Jin army. The entire front began to rot from the middle of the front, and then spread to the rest of the local battlefield. The two wings had been beaten back by the Han army, and Kuaiqi who asked for help came to the Chinese army one after another.

"Turn down the camp completely, as long as you can last." Xie Shi didn't know how many troops he had at hand. He said to Xie Shang who had just arrived: "Brother Cong is in charge of monitoring. If you find someone who wants to flee across the south of the Yangtze River, please be on the spot." kill it."

As the sons of the same family, it is very clear that if something bad happens, abandoning the army and fleeing would be the first choice. Xie Shi doesn't care about the affection of the family, and he is very clear that the situation cannot be made worse.

(End of this chapter)

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