Chapter 485
Because there was enough time to plan, the movement of the Jin army crossing the Huaihe River was not insignificant.There were Jin troops operating boats, boats, and even rafts and other tools that could cross the water within nearly twenty miles of Bagong Mountain. People were like ants trying to cross the Huai River.

When the Jin army near Bagong Mountain was crossing the Huai River, the Jin army in the direction of Shouchun and Dangtu was not idle. Almost more than [-] Jin troops attacked at the same time, and the momentum was as great as if they had just Get a decisive victory, take advantage of the victory and start to pursue.

The soldiers of the Jin army who didn't know the truth really thought that their side had just won some victory. They obeyed the order with enthusiasm and went north. They really saw the signs of the Han army retreating from a distance, and they all put more passion into the road. .

In the area of ​​Bagongshan, the sudden enthusiasm of the Han army in the face of the Jin army is a dumbfounding mentality. The whole army has been notified in advance of what may happen. It is unexpected that the Jin army's coach will really do that. Dry, and work hard.

"Although war is all about shamelessness, the comparison is about who is more insidious and cunning..." Xu Zheng shook his head inexplicably with contempt, and said to his generals: "I just didn't expect the enemy commander to be so naive."

The meeting between the two parties for hunting has been made known to everyone. The seriousness of the situation has reached the level of national integrity. After Xu Zheng agreed to the meeting, he really retreated as agreed. What he showed was nothing more than maintaining the credibility of the country. He is very stupid if he is not a general.

Of course, there must be factors that Xu Zheng has full confidence in the army under his command. With strong confidence, he doesn't care how the Jin army will use their schemes. He even looks at Xie Shi wasting his national credit with a mentality of watching a joke.

As long as it doesn't break one's muscles and bones, it's not entirely a bad thing for a country to face one or two losses due to trustworthiness. It can even be said to maintain the country's dignity.

Xu Zheng's self-confidence does not come from imagination. The Han army has not experienced a real defeat. The Han army that preserves its integrity and is not disorganized cannot be disintegrated by one or two rumors. The army that will be disintegrated by rumors will only appear in those places. There is no strict organizational system, or it appears in an army that is already panicked.

"It's quite childish." Tiao You shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Strategy is based on effective execution. Our army is not a rabble without structure and organization like the Hu people, nor is the Han a country that is suspicious of each other and has discord. .”

Xie An frowned slightly at this time, he had always been unable to understand what his younger brother was thinking, why he didn't think of those things.

A group of generals and schools were talking at a place about twenty miles away from the Huai River. As the background wall, a large number of Han troops had already formed a formation. In front of them were troops retreating in an orderly manner. Jin army.

There are about [-] Han troops in formation. If you look down from a high altitude, you will see that the Han army is in the shape of a crescent moon.

There are indeed only [-] Han troops waiting in formation on the main battlefield. The Han troops facing Shouchun and Dangtu have [-] and [-] respectively. This means that Xu Zheng and other Han generals have taken measures against the Jin generals from the beginning. What actions have countermeasures?

The Yanyue Formation is a formation created for the purpose of outflanking. Due to the terrain factors on the north bank of the Huai River, some mountains must be avoided. There are also corresponding considerations in the placement of troops.

The Han army was waiting with the mentality of watching a joke, but the troops of the Jin army did not encounter resistance after crossing the Huai River, so that once the passion of the Jin army was ignited, it seemed out of control.

The first batch of Jin troops to cross the Huai River was [-], led by Liu Jian.After they successfully set foot on the land on the north bank of the Huai River, they divided three thousand as the vanguard to pursue the retreating Han army. The rest used the Han army's original labor results to open ferries and build barracks.

Later, the Jin army crossed the Huai River one after another. After Xie Shi arrived at the north bank of the Huai River, he learned that the dispatched forward had advanced more than ten miles. The Han army seemed to be caught off guard and retreated without any will to resist. The heart that was originally raised was put back a little bit.

It was not until the number of Jin troops crossing the Huai River reached [-] that Xie Shi received the news about Shouchun and Dangtu.

Shouchun and Dangtu's Jin army also launched an attack amidst shouts of "Han army defeated", but things did not develop according to the imagined script. Laughing and charging directly against the current, the battle between the two sides has directly entered into a fierce fighting environment from the beginning.

After receiving the report from the outer battlefield, Xie Shi also received positive news from their side.

"The Han army withdrew twenty miles as promised..." Sun Chuo was now serving as a secretary. He said with a stiff face: "Only more than [-] of our three thousand forwards escaped, and they brought back the Han army's general Xu To be honest, it is said to be waiting for the beginning of the hunt."

There is no need to expect too much, the tactics arranged by the top ranks of the Jin army did not cause the Han army to disintegrate on their own, resulting in a series of conspiracies and tricks that looked like a naive drama, which would definitely make people laugh out loud.

"It's become a laughing stock..." Xie Shi's lips trembled uncontrollably, and he kept looking at the people from the same family in anger and annoyance: "That man Xu Zheng must be praised by the world..."

is not that right?If the Jin army's conspiracy succeeds, no matter how dark or childish it is, it will become great, bright, and correct. After all, the right to speak is always in the hands of the victor. At that time, Xu Zheng must become a character like Song Rengong Being ridiculed until the extinction of human beings, but now the situation is not going according to the script of the aristocratic children.

"Now that the situation has become like this..." Xie Shang, Xie Shi's younger brother, said with a serious face: "Build the camp and get it up as quickly as possible!"

Xi Yin immediately suggested: "You can send someone to meet Xu Zheng, and stabilize the Han army first."

There was an error in the script written. The Han army did not surrender without a fight because of the rumors. However, it seemed that Xu Zheng still maintained his gentlemanly demeanor. No matter how long he could fool him, he should continue to play out this farce.

"Yes, the most important thing is to stabilize the Han army first." Sun Chuo said with great agreement, and then continued in a less confident tone: "Whether we fight or retreat, we must first buy enough time."

Xie Shi was the coach, forced himself to cheer up, and said, "As you said."

At first glance, the people in the Jin army who could speak seemed to be anxious and a little stupid, but they were already relatively outstanding figures in the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Seriously speaking, there are really not many people with outstanding military talents in the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Among the elite figures, Huan Wen, Xie An, Yuan Qiao and others were kidnapped by Liu Yan, which led to the small court system of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. There are really no outstanding generals among civil and military officials.

Nowadays, if the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty wants to talk about people who know how to enjoy themselves and have extremely high cultural attainments, they will definitely catch a lot of them.This is the trend caused by the atmosphere of the whole country, and it is also the inevitable process of the corruption of the ruling class, or the decline of the country, and various declines.

The consequence of being short and tall is that the leaders will be full of wishful thinking in the deployment of military affairs. They really think that the world will revolve around them if they want to do anything, and there is a scene full of comedy.

It was difficult for the Jin army who successfully set foot on the north bank of the Huai River to break free from the state of passion. For example, when Liu Jian, who was appointed as the forward, received the military order from the rear, he said to his subordinates, "I will be out, and I will judge the situation. Don't be disturbed by the rear." After finishing speaking, with a wave of his hand, six thousand Jin troops charged forward against the Han army, which numbered about three thousand.

The soldiers of the Jin army who didn't know exactly what happened, they really had a lot of enthusiasm, screamed and rushed towards the Han army, entered the range of the Han army's arrow array, and fell down one after another amidst the screams and muffled groans However, they still couldn't dampen their enthusiasm, and continued to rush forward in suspense.

What the army is really talking about is whether they have the confidence to win. When they think that their side will win, the courage and courage of the soldiers will increase infinitely, and the ability to withstand casualties will also be much higher. On the contrary, an army without victory and confidence will not fight. It should be really self-confident.

The forwards of the Jin army, who were convinced that their side would win, rushed forward wave after wave. No one cared about the number of casualties. They really rushed through the arrow array of the Han army and entered a state of close hand-to-hand combat.

Fu Wei, who was commanding the Han army in battle, couldn't believe his eyes for a while. He asked Doua next to him more than once: "The one we are fighting is really the Jin army, not Shi Jie's Long Teng Army or Murong's Diao Bao Army?"

Dou'a is now a dignified captain, and the ones who meet the Jin army are some soldiers from his headquarters.He looked at the hand-to-hand combat ahead, and said to Fu Wei: "The ones who came should be the elite of the puppet dynasty, right?"

The Jin army in a state of passion, they really look good in fighting. If you pay attention, you can even see more than one example of firmly grasping the weapons of Han soldiers before dying to create opportunities for Pao Ze.

"It seems to be elite." Fu Wei kept nodding his head, and said with some appreciation for the Jin army: "Not any army can be so fierce."

The Han army that faced Liu Jian's Jin army was either a special unit, or a very common organization among field groups. Among the 3000 people, there were [-] crossbowmen, and the rest were pikemen, spearmen, and shield-wielding soldiers. On the whole, it belongs to the light-loaded type.

There are many friendly troops within five miles of this part of the Han army, but after the fight started, no friendly troops from other places made support actions, they just stayed far away and remained motionless.

The self-confident Jin army was deceived. After their casualties reached a certain level, they were fierce and unable to defeat the Han army in front of them. In fact, their morale had already been shaken. If it reaches [-]%, it should retreat no matter what.

Fu Wei raised his finger to the battlefield and rode back and forth on horseback to continuously charge Liu Jian and his trilogy, who looked very conspicuous, and said to Dou A: "It seems that he is a character. I found a chance to capture him alive."

The chief general of the Jin army joined the battle in person, and he lost the command of the troops and the overall control, so that the Han army had already stretched the formation and put it in a double-teaming posture without realizing it.

Fu Wei and Doua, who have been staying in a position with a wide field of vision, have been effectively commanding the troops under their command. How many soldiers should be invested in the front-line fighting, what kind of movements the other troops should make, and what role they should play. But it is much bigger than participating in the fight in person.

"General, something is wrong!" Liu San is the son of a servant of Liu Jian's family. He searched for a long time before finding an opportunity to get close to Liu Jian: "The Han army shows no sign of collapsing at all, and has been blocking it with the least troops. There are more and more Han troops on our flanks..."

Liu Jian was covered in blood, and he scanned the battlefield with a ferocious face. The surrounding Jin army officers and soldiers were no longer so determined in their attacks, but the Han army was still as tepid as before, full of rhythm of fighting.

"What on earth is the governor thinking!" Liu Jian was talking about Xie Shi, almost roaring: "The Han army didn't react at all, why didn't the whole army attack!"

If we just look at the movements of the Han troops on this side, Liu Jian's troops and Doua's troops have been fighting for at least two quarters of an hour, but the surrounding Han troops have no sign of coming to support. It is indeed the command of the Han troops that has fallen into a trap. The state of being dull or incapacitated.

"Withdraw!" Liu Jian was extremely unwilling, and after a loud roar, he thought angrily: [We must ask the governor for an explanation! 】

Fu Wei and Dou'a were already commanding the troops to arrest at least Liu Jian. Before they were ready, some of the Jin army first protruded from the battlefield, and behind them all the living and moving ones left their feet and ran straight away.

When Liu Jian's troops wanted to withdraw from the battlefield, the rest of the Han army, who had been staying in place, finally made a move, and directly followed the retreat route of this part of the Jin army. As a result, only Liu Jian was asked to wait Some men on horseback successfully broke through, and the rest were either killed or captured.

As dusk approached, Liu Jian, who was as embarrassed as he was, finally found Xie Shi.He looked at Xie Shi and the others who were all covered in glory, tried his best to hold back the anger in his heart, and said: "The morale of our army is strong. Even if the enemy army is not in chaos, with the morale of our officers and soldiers, don't you think it is us who are fighting to the death?" The best time to fight for victory?”

In fact, Xie Shi is still in a dilemma. The Han army didn't follow the script they wrote, but they didn't take advantage of the Jin army's foothold to drive them into the water to feed the fish. It was really difficult for him to decide to return to the south bank of the Huai River cleanly. , or stay on the north bank of the Huai River.

Sun Chuo stood up and said: "Shouchun and Dangtu are unstable..."

Liu Jian still stared at Xie Shi, as if he was about to explode the next moment if he didn't get a comfortable reply.

At this time, Xie Shang asked with an expression full of doubts: "Your department... didn't you receive the order to retreat early in the morning, and you should retreat completely. Why do you look so embarrassed?"

In response, Liu Jian let out a wild roar, and Ang Tian spat out a mouthful of blood, and then hit the carpeted floor straight...

(End of this chapter)

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