sweeping the world

Chapter 483 The First Crab-eating Family

Chapter 483 The first family to eat crabs

"Anshi was wronged in the Han Dynasty?" Yu Yi and Xie An were walking on the avenue of Yingpan. They had been walking for a while, and they could clearly see the situation of the Han army around the avenue.Facing Xie An, he showed a surprised expression, and said meaningfully: "The Han Dynasty is flourishing, and An Shi is making a mistake by doing that."

In fact, Yu Yi didn't know what Xie An said at the military meeting just now, the two were too familiar, and Xie An didn't try his best to hide it, as long as he could see the mood swings from the other party's expression.

"Nothing." Xie An gave a stiff smile, changed the topic, and asked, "Yugong came here specifically to find An this time, in order to seek to clarify the position of the Yu family in this battle of Yiding. ?”

People like Huan Wen, Xie An, Yuan Qiao, etc., they didn't take the initiative to join Liu Yan's command, but they were forced to work for Liu Yan by means of means.Xie An didn't know what other people's mentality was at the moment, and he himself was really reluctant.

Xie An is now one of the generals of the Han Dynasty, and his performance in the past can be regarded as remarkable. He reluctantly served Liu Yan on the battlefield. The future of the clan and the nature of patience, otherwise, with the character of a literati, it is definitely not something that happens in romances.

Yu Yi is not a person who can be diverted from the topic at will. He continued the topic just now and said: "The commander of the Jin army is your younger brother. If you feel embarrassed, why don't you tell the King of Han directly? Since you are here under the order, you should do your best. Going, that's the morals that a family member should have."

That is to say, Xie An could still laugh after hearing this. If Huan Wen would definitely turn his face on the spot, after all, questioning a person's morality is equal to the hatred of killing one's parents in this day and age.

"It's not hard to guess what Shi Nu's wishful thinking was." Xie An said with a wry smile: "Maybe it was to make our army retreat, take the opportunity to spread rumors about our army's defeat, boost the morale of the Jin army who didn't know the truth, and undermine our self-confidence to the point where falsehoods could be mistaken for truths. Or let General Xu do the opposite and ask the Jin army to retreat, so that the Jin army has the opportunity to cross halfway and attack."

"An Shi knows it all, then..." Yu Yi asked with a strange face, "Why didn't you tell General Xu clearly?"

"Yu Gong, the Han army has a complete organizational system and related military regulations, and it is not enough to cause soldiers to collapse with a few shouts." Seeing Yu Yi stop, Xie An had to stop walking, and still said with a wry smile: "Shi Nu doesn't know, Doesn't Yugong know?"

To be honest, Xie An thinks that there is a high chance that Xu Zheng will agree, and it is Xu Zheng who agrees with the intention of playing tricks on others. Even Shi Tiaoyou, the commander of the army, can guess what suggestions he will have. The Jin army who was about to cross the river came and attacked halfway.

Xie An is a good general, and some suggestions can be made. Before the chief general and the marching commander Shi make a decision that will lead to the destruction of the army, can they not steal the limelight or don't do that kind of thing.

Yu Yi looked around subconsciously. The layout of the camps of the Han army was very particular. The soldiers of the Han army in the camps basically moved in groups of five. There were no soldiers wandering alone, and more soldiers stayed by themselves. The perimeter of the tent will not leave easily.

When the bronze drum for lunch is sounded, soon the Han soldiers, no matter what they are doing, will line up in front of their tents. Under the orders of the grassroots officers, they sit down in a circle and sort out the eating utensils. The team leader and the team leader went to collect food, and the orders were clear and full of discipline.

Xie An quickly led Yu Yi to his military tent. Before arriving, the soldiers had brought food, even with Yu Yi's amount, and even the seats had been arranged properly.

"The information of the Han army is transmitted really fast." Yu Yi said that even his own food and seats had been arranged in advance. He knelt down, looked at the food on the table, and read: "mutton, beef, Fish, fresh vegetables..." All kinds of fried, roasted, stewed, looked very rich, then asked Xie An who was opposite: "Is it a regular preparation, or a small stove?"

"The big man talks about titles and official remuneration, but if there are conditions, it must be strictly implemented." Xie An asked Yu Yi strangely: "When Yu Gong came, he saw that the food of each soldier and officer was classified, right?"

Yu Yi was stunned for a while, and after a while of chuckling, he said, "If you don't mention it, it's really ignored."

The national policy of the Han Dynasty is like that. The national system follows the former Qin Empire’s policy of farming and war. The society assigns ranks by titles, and the military pays more attention to the distinction of ranks. It is strictly required from all aspects, not related to the system. Not implemented.

Most of the soldiers of the Han army who went south had fought against the Zhao army in Shijie. Most of the soldiers had at least one rank of duke title. It is normal for the Han army to have meat in their meals, even if they do not have a title. Soldiers can also eat light meat once in three meals a day.

"It seems that the number of cattle and sheep seized by the Han State from Shijie is a bit alarming." Yu Yi has already let go of his appetite and is eating and drinking. Now is not the time to pay attention to eating and not talking. Eating meat, it’s no wonder that Han soldiers look strong and can handle high-intensity drills.”

People's physical exertion needs to be supplemented by nutrition. Eating glutinous rice and then engaging in high-intensity physical exertion will not make you strong. It should be because of severe nutritional overdraft that you will become skinny or die directly.Therefore, if nutrition cannot keep up, it is impossible to train a group of soldiers with excellent physical fitness.

"The amount seized is indeed huge." Xie An nodded in response: "Furthermore, the people have already mastered the means of grazing. Each county will focus on arranging certain areas for farming or grazing. The big man does not lack edible cattle and sheep."

To be honest, cattle or sheep are not the main source of meat for the people at all. Dog meat is the most popular meat among the people, and pork is the next choice. People who are rich and powerful may not always eat beef. Mutton is regarded as a "Expensive meat".

"The Han Kingdom is restoring farming, and the cattle are so abundant that they can be slaughtered and eaten at will?" In the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty where Yu Yi was, the nobles could only eat mutton once every three to five days.Don't even think about beef. After all, cattle are the main livestock for farming, and the imperial court strictly restricts slaughter.He didn't look like a powerful patriarch at all, he picked the beef cooked by various methods on the table and ate it, and said as if thinking of something: "When traveling in the Han Dynasty, the most common thing I saw was that Malays were used as farm animals. , or is it that the horses of the Han state are rich enough to completely replace the cattle?"

"Horses are more efficient in plowing land than cattle." Xie An didn't know if Yu Yi understood, and said relatively seriously: "Cai Neishi and Tian Taipu did research two years ago, and it is absolutely wrong to use horses for farming. Use cattle. The strength of cattle is strong, but slow, on the contrary, the speed of horses is faster. Furthermore, the country cannot be without horses, and it is more beneficial to the country to promote the breeding of horses instead of cattle.”

Wheat is planted in most places in the Central Plains, but only a small part of rice is planted. Even all kinds of miscellaneous grains and beans are much more than rice.In the south, rice is mainly planted because of the climate and the region.

Regardless of whether it is wheat or rice, it is indispensable to divert water into the fields. Otherwise, since ancient times, the struggle for water in various villages and villages has caused large-scale fighting in the villages again and again.

"After several years of research, we found that eating beef can make soldiers stronger than other meats." Xie An's way of speaking is completely different from before, and many new words are difficult for Yu Yi to understand: "National Planning Ranch Among them, the land is specially selected to raise cattle."

Yu Yi wanted to understand what kind of country Han is like more than once. He thought he understood it... At least the strategy of farming and warfare existed in the Qin Dynasty, but many new strategies can only be seen in the fog , such as the cooperative commune that centrally manages the people, and the division of industries by the state. Similar systems did not exist before.

The strategies of the Han Dynasty seemed very simple and crude, but the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty couldn't learn it at all. It was not simply because the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was divided into aristocratic families, but also because the people would not agree at all. After all, the reason for success was the Hu people. Although the ravaging system was broken, society south of the Yangtze River still retains considerable integrity.

In the planning of the center of the Han Dynasty, the grassland must be occupied, not only the area specially designated for raising cattle, but also the area for grazing sheep is indispensable.Raising cattle is a national diet strategy. Beef can be served on the table as food, and milk can not only be used but also made into cheese.Of course, mutton is also one of the foods, and wool can support the emerging textile industry.

"The plan has not been laid down yet..." Yu Yi was full of emotion. He didn't hear much information, but he was able to make a general judgment: "If it is really realized, the grassland will no longer be a place of food." The tasteless tasteless ribs that are a pity to throw away should be the land that can never be lost again."

"That's true." Although Xie An stayed in the Han country reluctantly, but in terms of the amount of information he had, he had to admit that this was a country that didn't pay much attention to the old land of the Han family.He finished what he needed to say, and he had already given Yu Yi a better understanding of the Han Dynasty. It was time to change the topic, and asked again: "Did the Yu family make a decision during this great change?"

It was precisely because the Yu clan was decisive, otherwise why would Yu Yi find Huan Wen who had the best friendship first.He originally had great hopes with Huan Wen, but after getting in touch with Huan Wen, he was very unhappy, so he chose the secondary Xie An.

Perhaps because of the difference in mentality, compared to Xie An, Huan Wen's development in the Han Dynasty was better. If the Yu clan wants to achieve their goals, they need to borrow strength, and Huan Wen will be the best choice.

"The Yu family will only keep some clansmen, and the rest will move out?!" Xie An couldn't hide his shock, he was stunned for a long time, and asked with an expression full of incomprehension: "It's not necessary, is it?"

"I was a little apprehensive at first, but after listening to what An Shi just said, I feel much more at ease." Yu Yi's smile now looks brighter, and he said: "Yi has been observing the King of Han, and he knows that the King of Han will not allow the existence of powerful families. The old family will do everything they can to suppress it. The Yu family did not follow the King of Han from the very beginning, nor did Anshi and Yuanzi belong to Han before the rise of the Han Dynasty. Instead of waiting to be suppressed, it is better to plot outside, Xueji old things."

Xie An opened his mouth and stopped talking, he didn't believe that Yu Yi didn't know that Liu Yan had the intention of wooing, but he didn't know what Yu Yi was thinking, and he chose to go out to explore instead of being wooed.

Looking at Xie An's expression, Yu Yi seemed to know what he was thinking, and said: "As I said just now, the King of Han will not allow an uncontrolled family to exist. Even if he accepts it temporarily, there will be greater disaster one day." Yi You might be able to gain a high position by accepting the King of Han's invitation, but in the decades after the loss of Yi, no one in the Yu family could climb to the top of the Han Kingdom, and there was no one to protect him from the wind and rain..."

Xie An didn't quite agree with Yu Yi's words, but he couldn't say much.He directly asked, "Is there anything Yugong wants Anshi to do?"

"I don't dare to instruct you, I just want Anshi to help me a lot." Yu Yi was already sitting upright, with a serious expression and a solemn tone: "The Yu family can try their best to help when the Han army goes south, but I just hope that I can exchange my family fortune from the Han Kingdom for trustworthiness." A warship sailing the oceans."

Xie An understood, but frowned.

If the Han army really wiped out the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it would not only be Yu's family property...that is, real estate such as land and houses, it should be that even if there is one family, it may not be able to keep much. After all, the Han army is not just going south. Go shopping, or go south to be a good person and do good deeds. The old vested interests will not lose anything, and the newly rising class in Han Dynasty will get what they eat.If the Yu family wants to exchange something that is destined to be lost for a weapon that belongs to the country no matter how you look at it, don't be too smart in your calculations.

"An Shi just needs to forward Yi's words to the King of Han." Yu Yi was still smiling, and his smile seemed to be very confident: "Whether the King of Han agrees or not, the Yu family owes An Shi a big favor."

Xie An keenly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

If it was Huan Wen, he would jump for joy when he heard what Yu Yi asked him to do.That's because Huan Wen was also observing Liu Yan, and he was able to decipher a meaning from some of Liu Yan's possibly inadvertent choices and words, that is, he was also extremely interested in places other than the old land of the Han family, and even revealed his aristocratic family more than once. Ambition should be implemented in expanding outwards rather than in the nest.

In fact, Liu Yanhui very much welcomes the members of the Yu family to go out and explore. If conditions permit, he will not only open the door to convenience, but even provide necessary support.In this way, the person who conveyed it to Yu Yi was not owed by the Yu clan, but the person who conveyed it to Yu Yi owed a favor.All because touching the king's pulse is more important than anything else, and the itch of the king who wants to be forgiven will not only make him happy, but also be regarded by the king as a more vigorous cultivation of his confidants.

The Yu clan believed that their losses were inevitable. They relied on guesswork to avoid losses among many choices. The target had already been chosen, which was Linyi Kingdom on the side of Zhanghai (South 1 Sea).

Xie An was no stranger to Linyi. After all, there were not many vassal states in the name of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Even the vassal state of Linyi was still the wishful thinking of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The king of Linyi didn't know that he had become a vassal.He felt that it was very appropriate for the Yu family to target Lin Yiguo. The tens of thousands of private soldiers of the Yu family could not make any splashes in this side of the contest, so it would not be too easy to bully Lin Yiguo.

(End of this chapter)

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