Chapter 480

As a matter of fact, the war between countries has never been based on the winning rate, but on how much losses the country can afford.A country does not have enough reserve strength, even if the current army is extremely strong and has won victory after victory, but the country will always win and win, but the country is finished.A country with a strong foundation and reserve strength will lose again and again, but losing and losing can consume the enemy country to death and win the final victory.

Is Shijie Zhao Guoqiang strong?It should be said that Shijie Zhao Guo can definitely be called a strong one based on a one-wave algorithm.It's not that Shihu is stupid or always chooses to retreat when facing Han. On the contrary, he seems extremely rational. He knows that he is ruling a country with no backup power at all. Only after several battle-level contests did he choose to preserve the strength of the Jie clan.

For Shi Hu, as long as the strength of the Jie clan is preserved, the Jie clan will have a future.Once the Jie family is gone, let alone continue to rule the Central Plains or still retain a country, there will really be nothing.Shihu has enough escape routes, and the vast and boundless grasslands belong to the escape route of the Jie people. At worst, they retreat to the depths of the grasslands, and wait for the Han Dynasty to weaken one day before killing them back.

When Yu Yi went to the grassland, he discovered that Shihu was helping those Hu people who were used to living in houses in the Central Plains to get familiar with tents again, and helping those who had forgotten how to herd herds regain the life skills that nomads should have.He judged that if Bingzhou and Shuozhou were still unable to defend, the group of Hu people headed by the Jie tribe would definitely retreat to the Western Regions or Mobei, but it was not clear whether the Han Dynasty had noticed it.

The contest between the Han army and the Shijie Zhao army has entered a new stage, and the topography of Bingzhou will be decided to use cavalry as the main force, and the cavalry of both sides will fight bloody on the vast plain.

The cavalry of the Han Dynasty was basically used in the contest with the Zhao army in Shijie. The infantry could only play a certain auxiliary role. It could deploy as many nodes as needed, and the remaining infantry could be flexibly mobilized.

What surprised Yu Yi was that Li's Cheng Han survived the Han invasion for less than half a year before the country perished.He still didn't know that it was because Chengdu was attacked by the Han army, and Li Shi's willpower was not strong enough, which caused the Han army to destroy Li's Chenghan in such a short period of time.He thought according to the thinking of the Han army's attack all the way to the past, and concluded that the infantry of the Han army was very powerful, so the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty must be in trouble.

The water network in Huainan area is densely covered. Although the water network in the area south of the Yangtze River is not as dense as that in Huainan, there are also many large and small water systems in the south of the Yangtze River. Furthermore, the area south of the Yangtze River is a mountainous terrain.

Generally speaking, the northern army gives people the impression of being strong because the cavalry is strong, but the combat effectiveness of the infantry is a bit hard to say.In this way, the idea is that the north also relies on cavalry, and the northern army may not be very capable of fighting after losing the cavalry.

After Yu Yi returned to the territory of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he heard a lot of comments. Many of them said that the Han army who lost the cavalry as a minion might not be very strong. It will definitely make the Han army smash their halberds in the south of the Yangtze River.

What?The number of the inland water army of the Han army is terrible?The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had set up enough obstacles, whether it was iron locking the Hengjiang River or making underwater piles and rocks everywhere, everyone should not play with the navy.

"This is the case, but all the tributaries of the Yangtze River are indeed engaged in similar things." Not long after Xie Shi returned to Shouchun from health, what he didn't expect was that Yu Yi would be in Shouchun.He said without hesitation: "The water network is no longer our advantage. We can only rely on the terrain to resist first and find the best time to fight a critical battle."

Yu Yi came to Shouchun just passing by, he was really going to Jiangdu, and the person he was looking for was Xie An.

Different from the water system in the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Yangtze River, which was already controlled by the Han Dynasty's inland river navy, did not want to engage in any actions such as locking the river across the river. They tried their best to deploy land defense lines along the Yangtze River, especially the Han Dynasty. The place where the army is most likely to land is made the largest, such as the opposite of Jiangdu, with a defense depth of [-] miles.

Yu Yi came to Xie Shi because he felt that it was necessary to tell some news. For example, Han's war on the northern front was not as difficult as the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty imagined. He also told his guess about Shijie Zhao.

After hearing this, Xie Shi could only smile wryly, and said, "Shijie, whom we fear like a tiger, is actually so weak when they face the Han Kingdom."

"A counselor told Shi Hu that there will definitely be a life-and-death contest between Han and Jin." Yu Yi paused, seeing that Xie Shi was listening intently, and continued: "When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured, and Han is A ferocious tiger may not be the case in Jin. However, Shijie’s desire to be a fisherman is obvious, just like we sit and watch the war between Han and Shijie.”

The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. Almost every country has a similar state, but few countries can perfectly demonstrate the benefits that the oriole should have. Instead, the mantis eats the cicada and surpasses the biological The evolution directly turned into an eagle, and the result was that the squirrel who wanted to benefit was also killed by the eagle, and only when the lips were dead and the teeth were cold would it show its importance.

Among the small courts of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, including Xie Shi, there must have been many people who regretted not taking advantage of the Han Dynasty's contest with Shijie in the north.But they didn't do anything at all, they reached out and took Ruyin County, Xincai County, and Runan County. After the Han army counterattacked, not only did they lose [-] regular troops, but even the head of the country was captured.What they really regret is that they did not do their best to stop the rise of Han.

"There are too many people who want to be fishermen, Shijie, Yan Guo, Dai Guo, and even the Liangzhou shogunate..." Xie Shi seemed to think of something suddenly as he spoke, and asked Yu Yi: "Fu Hong entered the pass. In the middle, after going to Longxi County, he has been fighting with Liangzhou. Did the Han army participate in the battle between the two sides when they entered the pass? If they participated, who did they choose to join?"

Yu Yi really knew the news in Guanzhong, and replied: "The Han army that entered Guanzhong is only marching to the front line of Chencang, and whoever blocks the way will be attacked."

"In this case, there will be six targets for Han to go to war..." Xie Shi was full of melancholy: "If one hits six, Cheng Guo has already been beaten to death, and Shijie has been beaten to a half..." He had a constipated expression on his face, With extreme perplexity: "How does Liu Yan govern the country? He is so strong that he cannot explain it at all."

Countless people have studied how Liu Yan governed the country, and found out that the majority of the population in the Han country is in a cooperative labor mode. They don't know what a cooperative commune allows the country to control the most resources, but they just regard that behavior as The farming that Cao Cao used to do was almost a hundred times larger than Cao Cao's when Liu Yan was doing it.

Centralize the people to control and command, and exploit the people to ensure the army's food and fodder, that is the answer obtained by those who study Liu Yan.They were shocked at how the common people would cooperate weakly, and wondered why the common people did not violently resist. They expected the common people in the Han Dynasty to explode quickly, waiting and waiting or sending spies to stir up. It's unfortunate to be caught.

In fact, how could they understand that the people of the Central Plains have become accustomed to being weak under the Hu people's rule, and they really can't be tough.What's more, with the guarantee of safety, you can not be eaten. Not only do you not feel that it is inappropriate for the government to be responsible for all aspects, but the common people like to be restrained for collective labor. Isn't it also a credit for production?

"It's so strong that there is no reason to say it." Yu Yi has the experience of traveling in the Han Kingdom himself, unlike Xie Shi and other people who can only guess randomly. He said: "The people were rescued by the King of Han from the Hulu. The kindness of the King of Han, he is willing to follow the instructions and calls of the King of Han. Qingzhou came out of the war in less than three years, and the production of the people has fully resumed. We can't see how prosperous it is, but we can see that the people are very satisfied. The rest of the states, The Nine Ministers of the Han Kingdom continue to control and control, and the uncooperative families and tyrants are wiped out, and will soon develop according to the will of the King of Han."

Xie Shi was listening quietly to Yu Yi's story about the Han Kingdom, the people's cooperation after suddenly gaining a sense of security, how miserable the aristocratic family and the powerful were, and how good the social status and treatment of the Han soldiers were.

"What impresses Yi the most is Han's achievements in sailing." Yu Yi had the experience of going out to sea by boat. He suddenly read a passage from Zhuang Zhou's "Xiaoyaoyou", and then said in a shocked tone: "Han The fishermen of the Han Dynasty went out to sea to hunt fish, and what they hunted was an extremely huge fish. Several large boats cooperated to hunt one. The gods bled during the hunting of the fishermen of the Han Kingdom, and dyed a large area of ​​​​the sea red. The fishermen could kill the gods. It shows that the King of Han attached great importance to ship-handling skills."

"Pengkun is what the Han army usually eats?" Xie Shi was stunned for a moment. When the Han army outside Shouchun was cooking, the fishy smell would come over every time.Seeing Yu Yi shaking his head, he laughed uncontrollably, and said, "What is Yu Gong trying to say?"

"Yangzhou is not dangerous along the Yangtze River." Yu Yi didn't believe that Xie Shi didn't know that the Han army fleet frequently appeared on the coastline of Yangzhou. Log in..."

"We will definitely land." Xie Shi said with a wry smile: "The father-in-law is already making relevant preparations, and then... there are always some aristocratic families who need to know the power of Han in advance."

Yu Yi understood almost instantly that the aristocratic families on the coastline of Yangzhou had become victims of sacrifice. They were treated as chickens to be slaughtered by the Han army to demonstrate the attitude of the Han army towards the aristocratic families and scare the rest of the "monkeys" into supporting the imperial court with all their strength. The main combat faction.

To put it bluntly, since the "clothes and hats crossing south", the migration of the north to the south of the Yangtze River has squeezed those native southern families. The southern native families either migrated further south, or moved to the seaside that the northern families did not like. .

During this invasion of the Han army, those who showed the strongest will to resist were the northern aristocratic families who moved to the south after "clothes to the south". The southern aristocratic families who had been bullied by the aristocratic families migrating from the north showed a strange attitude.

In fact, the local families in the south were really bullied by those families who migrated from the north. Their ancestral property was taken away, and I don’t know how many families were destroyed. The families that were not destroyed were also marginalized in the court.They basically didn't get any good treatment when ordering products. Those who could leave left behind, and those who couldn't leave stayed where they were dying. It's strange to have any good attitude towards the family from the north. It should be hatred.

Lu Yi, one of the Nine Ministers of the Han Kingdom, was born in Jiangxia. The Lu family was born in an authentic southern family, but was reused in the Han Kingdom.And when Lu Yi was in the south, he was not a high-ranking class at all. It was tantamount to finding a way for the many down-and-out local families in the south to let the family rise again.

"Then it's no wonder..." Yu Yi was not polite at all, and said directly: "It's no wonder those aristocratic families want to rebel directly. Otherwise, they will immediately set things right when the Han army comes over."

Xie Shi really didn't know about similar news, Huo Di just stood up, full of shock and anger: "Those jumping clowns want to rebel?"

"Is there anything to be surprised about?" Yu Yi would not say that he had already approached many members of the Yu family. Those people saw that the members of the Yu family were under suppression and thought they could go all the way.He smiled and said to Xie Shi: "It should be a reasonable thing, right?"

However, whether it is in the eyes of Xie Shi or others, it does not make sense at all. They think that those native families in the south have become soft eggs during the long-term oppression, and they have imagined that when the resistance on the front line is not smooth If they can jump, or the Han army will accept the rule on the spot after gaining comprehensive advantage, they just don't believe that the local families in the south intend to directly resist.

"The way Han treats aristocratic families, is it possible!?" Xie Shi was already walking back and forth. If those local aristocratic families in the south jumped back without waiting for the outcome of the war, the situation of the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty would become abnormal. Oops.He paused, looked at Yu Yi with horrified eyes, and asked with some stuttering: "Yu Shi...Yu Shi...has decided to be with them..., together?"

The free and easy Yu Yi was so frightening. After a burst of "hehe" laughter, he said: "Thank you for your hard work and repeated suppression and persecution. The Yu family no longer has the label of the imperial court, and is regarded as a member of the Southern family." People, the Han people also think they can fight for it."

Xie Shi almost didn't call the warriors to come in and arrest Yu Yi. He asked with an incomprehensible expression: "Is that the reason why the Yu family did not split off the branch and go to the Han Dynasty to develop?"

Not to mention, one of the qualified and capable aristocratic families split up and went to the Han Dynasty, but the Yu family really did not do similar things from the beginning to the end.

", you Yu family are really scary!" Xie Shi thought of too many past events. It seemed that the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was able to take advantage of the Han when the Yu family was in charge, waiting for the Yu family to hide from the court since childhood. After retreating, I have been suffering.He said absentmindedly: "Since Zhongcheng's death, the Yu family has been making arrangements?"

Zhongcheng is the posthumous title conferred by the small imperial court after Yu Bing's death.

(End of this chapter)

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