Chapter 476
The Jin Dynasty was weak, but most of the scholars in the world, especially the aristocratic families, still regarded it as Zhengshuo.The reason is actually so simple that it is scary. It is a law that the buttocks determine the thinking of the head. Where the buttocks sit can get greater and more benefits, and they will naturally move closer.

At one time, under the various concepts of scholars, the Hu people who entered the Central Plains also regarded the Jin Dynasty as Zhengshuo. The Hu people occupied the land of the Jin Dynasty and enslaved the Jin people. I was very interested, but it turned out that most of the Hu people with some status were officials who were canonized by the Jin Dynasty, and the Tuoba clan had no interest in this.

The rise of the Han Kingdom made scholars all over the world a little bit at a loss for a while, until the Han Kingdom showed that they did not want to see the old families, and the Han army would inevitably reshuffle the cards every time it went to a place, which was tantamount to forcing those families to stand in line in advance, or to sacrifice the integration of family interests After entering the Han Kingdom, the next step is to use various means to prevent the Han Kingdom from annexing the territory.

People in the Central Plains will have a more intuitive impression of the strong rise of the Han Kingdom. Most of the closed Shu Kingdom came from hearsay. Under the premise of profit, there must be a struggle.

In the opinion of Chang Chu and Gong Zhuang, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is the stronger one. Even if they knew that the newly rising Han State had beaten Shijie and Zhao State retreated to only two states, they were unwilling to recognize the Han State. powerful.Even if they heard that the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had been weakened to a certain extent, they would only wishfully believe their deep-rooted judgments, that is, the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was still so skinny that a camel was bigger than a horse.

Another point is that the total number of Han troops who invaded Li's Chenghan this time was less than [-].This number really made Chang Zhu and Gong Zhuang unable to feel the strong side. Even if the Han army came all the way to attack the city and pull out the stronghold, it only showed that Li Chenghan's army was too weak.In their world, a powerful country should at least have more than [-] troops, and less than this amount is not considered strong.

Hanzhong County, where the Li family became Han, seemed to be in danger, and similar news had not yet spread to Dangqu County.

Yin Hao's troops who invaded Li's Chenghan from Badong were temporarily suspended due to the rainy season. Chang Chu and Gong Zhuang hadn't been able to see the Han army's front with their own eyes.

"Ziwei is in the wild..." Chang Chu called Gong Zhuang by his name, and said earnestly, "Let Ziwei go to Jiankang, how about it?"

Chang Zhu's main job is Sanqi Changshi, and his deputy is Li Fu's staff. Obviously, he can't get away from Li's Chenghan and go to the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

"Alright." Gong Zhuang agreed very happily, and said, "Zhuang will take the waterway from Dujiangyan to Lingqu."

In fact, there are not many aristocratic families in the Shu region. Compared with the aristocratic families of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the most powerful aristocratic families in the Shu region are only at the second-rate stage. Many aristocratic families have reached a consensus before the invasion of the Han Dynasty. The Li family is doomed to perish. He led the Jin army into Shu, and as a famous person, Chang Chu personally presided over some things.

Later, Chang Zhu and Gong Zhuang talked about some things, how to make suggestions to make Li Chenghan's army try to resist the Han army, and buy more time for the Jin army to enter Shu.Next, the two had to talk about Wang Gu. Like the two of them, Wang Gu was also a surrender faction, but Wang Gu was not a "Hajin faction" and was on the standpoint of protecting Li Shi's family.

Li's current capitulators in Chenghan have a lot of sincerity, especially after Xie Siming, Ma Dang, and other state leaders died unjustly, and they can't see the future of the country, everyone has their own thoughts.

Wang Gu and Chang Ju had a good friendship. A recent letter mentioned the speed of the Han army's advance, which gave Chang Ju a strong sense of crisis.

Gong Zhuang set off the next day. He traveled by water for more than a month, but he transferred from Jingzhou to land relatively smoothly.What was strange to him was that there was no navy of the Jin army along the way, but the ships of the Han army often encountered them, and the checkpoints set up by the Han army were only to conduct some investigations, and they would let them pass through after registering their identities.

Jingzhou gave Gong Zhuang a very conflicted impression. The people everywhere seemed to be indifferent to the upcoming war, and the aristocratic family was nervous.

"Huh?" Gong Zhuang must have been looking for acquaintances when he entered Jingzhou. Although he was resettled by Haosheng when he arrived in the field, he couldn't meet the head of the family: "Changsheng went to Changsha?"

Obviously "Longevity" is someone's watchword.

The person who entertained Gong Zhuang was the elder of the Zhang family, that is, the housekeeper.The steward knew Gong Zhuang and knew that he was a close friend of his patriarch, so he explained: "The patriarch is fully mobilizing, and all the aristocratic families must contribute."

Gong Zhuang was in a hurry all the way, he didn't have many contacts, and the information was limited to the bottom of the society. He knew that the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was preparing for war, but he really didn't know that it had reached the point where all the aristocratic families had to mobilize.

With different identities and levels, Gong Zhuang reservedly did not ask the steward for more things, but in his heart he was eager to know what kind of crisis the Eastern Jin court was facing.

The host is not there, and the female relatives are in charge of the house. It is no problem for the guests to stay temporarily, but it will be unreasonable to stay for a long time. Gong Zhuang stayed for a short day and then set off again.

It took more than half a month again, and Gong Zhuang arrived in Changsha. He had just entered the boundary of Changsha County and immediately found that there was a tense atmosphere everywhere. All kinds of armed men could be seen on the road anytime and anywhere. It's relatively common, but it's not normal to see Yue people and barbarians swaying around with guns and sticks.

Li's Chenghan was a regime of the Di people, but the protection against the barbarians was much higher than that against the descendants of the Han family. Similarly, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was not at all low in defense against the Yue and the barbarians.There is a premise for this, that is, both Zhuyue and Zhuman belong to the "romantic freedom", which means that they don't obey the rules at all, and they want to make troubles from time to time. It would be strange not to take strict precautions against such people.

Gong Zhuang couldn't help being surprised that Zhuyue and Zhuman, who had been under strict guard, were able to appear in Changsha County, which was relatively important to the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, with weapons.

Gong Zhuang came to Changsha to find friends, he couldn't just show up in Jiankang like that, even if he went there, he wouldn't be able to meet enough people without being introduced.

At present, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is in charge of the state affairs, the Empress Dowager Chu Suanzi, the head of the state, Chu Lian, and the governor of the conquest, Xie Shi, is in charge of the military affairs. The Shu family wants to contact Xie Shi the most, all because the Xie family is one of the four great clans .If it is impossible to get in touch with the Xie clan, then the Wang clan, the Yu clan, the Huan clan, and even the four clans Zhang, Gu, Lu, and Zhu were big families as early as the Eastern Wu period, and they were also first-class families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Family is fine too.

If you want the Jin army to enter Shu, you need people with enough weight in the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to come forward. Only those people from the aristocratic family who want to sell Li's Chenghan for a good price can get enough rewards.

Gong Zhuang very much agrees with Chang Ju's judgment that only people of the same background can have a common language.And he also believed that the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty would not allow such a fat piece of Li's Cheng Han to be swallowed up by the Han. It should also enter CD earlier than the Han army that needs to attack the city all the way.

Every city has a gate, so if you want to enter the city, you must go through the gate. Gong Zhuang, who was thinking deeply, and a group of followers just approached the gate, when there was a sudden noise in front of him.

"What happened?"

"There are people fighting with barbarians."

"Why fight?"

"I heard that the barbarians have ruined the people's Xijun."

Not just one commoner was fighting with one barbarian, but at least thirty or forty commoners were fighting with a dozen or so barbarians. It seemed that the commoners were from the same village, and the barbarians must be from the same tribe from the tattoo totems.

The fight of nearly 50 people soon caused chaos at the city gate. Shouts first appeared above the city gate, followed by the sound of drums.

Gong Zhuang tried his best to watch as close as possible. Whether it was common people or barbarians, the Jin army had already surrounded them, and it was unclear whether the people lying on the ground were dead or alive.

It looked like an officer from Chengmen Lieutenant appeared, and the middle-aged officer waved his hand to arrest them all, but an old man came out with the help of others.

"The barbarians and the Yue people are stealing and robbing in the countryside. The official said it is to use the barbarians to resist the Han army. Let's bear with it." The old man stared at the Chengmen captain with a pair of cloudy eyes, but wanted to increase the volume but It was due to the lack of energy in the middle, and he said sharply in a sputum voice: "The petty thief can bear it if he can bear it. Xijun has been ruined and can't get justice from the police, so let's seek justice ourselves!"

Chengmen Lieutenant twitched his cheeks, and if he slapped a young man, it would be fine even if he hit him with a sword hilt, but he couldn't do that when facing an old man.He said with a look of embarrassment: "Those things are out of our control. Gathering people to fight at the city gate... Seriously, it can be regarded as a rebellion."

Some of the barbarians came out more and more. First, "Ji Li Wa La" didn't know what to say in the barbarian language, and then said in broken Chinese: "We are here to help. We have no food and drink on weekdays, so we can only find food by ourselves. Listen It is said that the barbarians in the north can abuse the women of the Han family at will, and they can not only sleep but also eat them, so what if we sleep with a Han family woman, and we don’t eat them.”

Chengmenwei's expression was like that of a pig's liver in an instant, and he was panting heavily while holding the sword hilt tightly.

"The barbarians in the north are about to be wiped out!" A half-grown young man next to the old man waved a sickle with blood in his hand and shouted: "The Han army has killed two or three million barbarian people, and soon...", the words When I got here, the old man knocked on the calf with a cane, leaving only the cry of "Ouch".

There were so many onlookers, it was so crowded that people outside the city gate couldn't get in, and people inside the city gate couldn't get out, but the original noise stopped.

In the entire south of the Yangtze River, it is estimated that there are only some people living in deep mountains and old forests who don't know what happened. Chen Bing along the Yangtze River in the Han Dynasty, and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty tried their best to deploy troops and deploy defenses. A big battle will start in the spring.

That is, the pressure on the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was too great, and all the troops that could be transferred were transferred to the north. It can be said that only the minimum number of county soldiers were left in the south. People from Zhuyue and Zhuman are wandering around.The plan put forward by the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was to temporarily ignore Zhuyue and Zhuman, and even buy it as a force to resist the Han army. It must not be tough on Zhuyue and Zhuman.

If the government wants to let Zhuyue and Zhuman be allowed to suffer, it is the common people who are suffering. Just because neither Zhuyue nor Zhuman is really civilized, they don't care who owns the chicken or which dog. If you can't steal it, you can grab it, and if you eat it in your stomach, someone will come to ask for it. Believe it or not, if you throw it in the shit, you will be returned?

For Zhuyue and Zhuman, the laissez-faire and wooing of the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty will not make them feel grateful. Looking for justice, the struggle between the common people and the barbarians in Ximen, Changsha is not a single incident, and the conflicts between the common people and the Yue and the barbarians in various places can only be said to be more and more numerous.

Usually savages take savagery as fun, especially when they see that the insulted person can only tremble with anger and does not make a move, they will enjoy all kinds of humiliating performances more heartily.

I don’t know if someone from the crowd of onlookers shouted “Kill them!” or the people who had participated in the fight were shouting. After the shout, someone responded, and gradually the loud sentence was heard in the scene: “Kill them!”

Shouting is shouting, but no one has really done it yet.

A scene soon appeared on the scene, the people who should be Zhuyue hurriedly huddled together, and the people who should be Zhuman also moved closer to each other. The excited people pushed and squeezed towards the piles of Zhuyue and Zhuman, but they just squeezed past. That's all, the soldiers of the Jin army, who were afraid of being heavily armed, did not do anything at the scene.

"Ha, ha ha ha!" The tattooed barbarian was still very nervous at first, but after waiting for a while, he was intimidated by words, and no one actually did anything, making him think that the people were just loud and proud. : "I'll just sleep with the woman of the Han family, and your soldiers will protect you when you sleep, come and beat me!"

In fact, the barbarians should be talking about the women of the Jin family, but whether they are Hu people, barbarians, or Yue people, they have the deepest impression of "Han".

In an instant, the people looked at the soldiers of the Jin army.

Chengmen Lieutenant couldn't tell whether he was angry or frightened because his whole body was shaking. He pulled out his sword relatively suddenly, with an expression of extreme humiliation on his face, and shouted a little incoherently: "At worst, we can hide in the mountains and wait for the Han army to come over." ... No matter what strict order Shangfeng has, I want to kill them right now!"

Amidst the cheers, the resentful people let go of their scruples and took the lead. Some soldiers of the Jin army joined in while others watched indifferently. On the contrary, the Chengmen captain rushed forward bravely and raised his sword a few times.

Gong Zhuang, who was protected by his followers and samurai regiments, was stunned. The anger and resentment of the people, the arrogance of Zhuman and Zhuyue, and the madness of some soldiers of the Jin army, no matter how you looked at it, it was not like what can be done in a normal country. Appear……

(End of this chapter)

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