sweeping the world

Chapter 474 No Contrast No Harm

Chapter 474 No Contrast No Harm

The wind blows and the clouds fly, and the wind will always be the east wind overpowering the west wind first, and then the west wind will suddenly overwhelm the east wind after a while, and it may also be the southeast wind, southwest wind, north wind, south wind... Anyway, it is like that.

People are also fickle, and the only constant personality is to move closer to the group of the strong. The weak are abandoned except for being sympathetic. Compared with Han, Li Chenghan is weak, and he has no deep feelings for Li Chenghan People can change their positions anytime and anywhere, and run towards a better future.

Once the small town of Huangsha was lost, Nanzheng was completely exposed to the vanguard of the Han army. Huan Wen arrived in the small town of Huangsha and wanted to take a nap before rushing to the front line, but Yuan Qiao, who was supposed to be at the front line, stayed in the small town of Huangsha. The two have some words to exchange.

"In this way, the reward offered by the king will help us to conquer Chengguo more easily." Huan Wen had a very interested expression, but then asked falsely: "It's just the casualties of the common people..."

Relevant data show that about four or five hundred people in Huangsha Town broke out in an uprising after the Han army killed them, and there were at most 2000 Han Miao descendants in Huangsha Town who had mixed Han blood. They broke out Yuan Qiao was surprised by his enthusiasm, and wondered whether the attack on the Li family who had a residential building in Hancheng would also encourage the Han family and Miao descendants in the city to cooperate with each other?

Not to mention that Huan Wen had not thought about similar calculations. His fake appearance clearly meant that he did not want to take the blame. The reason was that as the king of Han, Liu Yan did not want the people to suffer heavy casualties.

"..." Yuan Qiao knew what Huan Wen meant, and he said silently, "This is my opinion."

The responsibility of the marching commander Shi is to make suggestions, and he can suggest any means to better accomplish the goal. When necessary, he has to take the blame for the general. Yuan Qiao is now saying that he will take the blame.

Huan Wen put on a reserved expression and said a long "hmm..." to Yuan Qiao, and then signaled the soldiers to prepare to go.He left gracefully, and Yuan Qiao would stay in Huangsha Town to make arrangements.

In the third year of Yuanshuo, Liu Yan sent Kuaiqi to all parts of the world to spread the message, and Yuan Qiao memorized the relevant content verbatim.Yuan Qiao, who stayed in the small town of Huangsha, needed to write it out silently, and then transferred it to others to copy it, and then passed it on to any place he could reach.

Li's Chenghan is a country dominated and ruled by the Di people, but the Di people are not the majority in terms of population structure. The Qiang people are the deputy ethnic groups of the Di people. the bottom end of society.

Before the Han Dynasty attacked Li's Cheng Han, there must have been relevant research. The data cannot be completely accurate. It is roughly estimated that the population distribution of Li's Cheng Han in the country should be that the Di people and Qiang people accounted for [-]%. Hmong descendants accounted for [-]%, and the remaining Zahu and Nanman accounted for [-]%.

It can be seen from the demographic structure of Li's Cheng Han that the Miao descendants of the Han family became a minority within a few decades. This is based on the premise that the Di people and Qiang people migrated from Guanzhong and Jingzhou. , It can be seen how harsh the living environment of Han Miao descendants has been in the past few decades.

Yuan Qiao saw a characteristic from the small town of Huangsha. The Han family Miao descendants who had been oppressed for a long time needed a vent.

Social conflicts need to be released. There is no better time than being released during the Han army's campaign. It is better than waiting for Han to bring Yizhou under its rule before it erupts. Yuan Qiao has enough confidence to think that the center knows this. On the contrary, it is a gain and a loss Huan Wen, who had a heart and cherished feathers, ignored it.

Everyone has ambitions. Ran Min's ambition is to become a king, Huan Wen's ambition is to become one of the military giants, and the rest of the people also have their own demands. Yuan Qiao's ambition is to be able to participate in national-level decision-making. 's center.

After a busy day, Yuan Qiao had dinner and lay down to rest, thinking: [The current form of the big man is far more difficult to walk as a civil servant than a military general, and there is only another way...]

At night, to the north of Nanzheng is a scene that looks like daytime, because there is too much light in the camp of the Han army.

The camp of the Han army stationed in the plains occupied a very wide area. It was a small area at first and then slowly expanded. The psychological pressure on the Nanzheng defenders was far greater than the impact of the large camp at the beginning.

"What are they doing?" Zan Jian couldn't see clearly the scenery six or seven miles away, even though the light there was extremely sufficient.He tried his best to squint his eyes and asked Wang Gu, "What did you see?"

Wang Gu, the supervisor of Zhongshu in the Chenghan Dynasty of the Li family, has the same surname and the same name as a person in the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The Wang Gu of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is the great-grandson of Wang Dao and the son of Wang Kun.

Wang Gu looked a little dazed, and didn't hear what Zan Jian was asking, but instead said: "It's really unexpected that the Han army came to the city so soon."

"What did you say?" Zan Jian felt displeased. His responsibility is to stick to Nanzheng. As the general of the army, he can talk with the supervising army. It's not bad. Affecting the morale of the army, he immediately said: "Go and rest when you are tired."

"The Han army was able to attack Nanzheng so quickly. It couldn't be because they were really capable. Something else must have happened." Wang Gu still didn't see Zan Jian's displeasure and said with worry: "I guess It's the front..." Some of the following words were not spoken, such as the person in front surrendering without a fight, etc. The words were cut off by Zan Jian.

"Come here." Zan Jian tried hard to conceal his anger and ordered: "The supervisor is tired and needs a quiet place to rest."

Did the people on the left and right approach Wang Gu hesitantly, or did Wang Gu follow with his own steps?

After walking a few steps, Wang Gu stopped again and said to Zan Jian: "The general should be careful to guard the interior."

How could Zan Jian not know the relevant truths? Given Wang Gu’s status as a military supervisor, forcibly detaining him is already tantamount to rebellion, so it’s better not to be too tough. He nodded patiently and watched Wang Gu’s figure disappear at the corner of the tower aisle. Turn your attention to the Han army camp.

There were many bonfires burning in front of the camp of the Han army, and there was a large bonfire burning a certain distance away, which provided sufficient light for the front of the camp, making it difficult for Li Chenghan's scouts and spies to approach If you can't get close to the camp, of course you can't find out what's going on inside the camp.

In fact, the Han army at this moment was indeed very busy. The soldiers went to the nearby woods to cut wood overnight, and the craftsmen in the camp kept making related siege equipment, and even the system farmers quickly built some buildings.

"The city wall of Nanzheng is three feet high?" Huan Wen didn't stay in the big tent of the Chinese army, but was escorted by a group of personal soldiers to check around the camp area, paying more attention to the area where the siege equipment was being built.He was patting the wall of a rushing cart, and the wood made a thick sound. He looked at the rushing cart that should be about three feet long, and said in a satisfied tone: "The rushing cart is to carry soldiers to attack the city wall, and it can only be too high. Can't be too low."

Judging from the height and volume of the car, a car can definitely accommodate more than 20 people. The structure inside is divided into three floors. Each floor has a thick wooden floor that is installed together to form a "Z" shaped staircase. is in a central location.Its bottom is made of some all-wood round drums, counting four in each row, that is, eight round drums are used as load-bearing.Behind it is an open space, with three other nailed timber walls and some craftsmen nailing the skin on the walls.On the top, it looks like there is a tooth that can be turned upside down. When it is laid flat, it can firmly bite the parapet, and the soldiers inside can fight out through the rectangular passage.

The history of China is a history of wars. In fact, the history of human development is also a history of wars. The history of wars in the Central Plains usually revolves around sieges and defenses. The long history has accumulated enough experience in the use of siege equipment. With a lot of knowledge, he created a variety of equipment for offense or defense.

The craftsmen who were building the siege equipment worked very hard, not only because of the good treatment, but also because the Han army rescued them from the brutal Shijie Zhao army. With good treatment and the grace of saving their lives, there was no reason to commit adultery. Slippery.

The Han army that arrived at Nanzheng City actually numbered less than [-]. It wasn't that Huan Wen didn't want more troops, it was because he had lost a lot of troops while attacking the city. He also needed to leave troops to garrison at some places along the way. He could use There were only so many troops left to attack Nanzheng.

Since ancient times, the emphasis on siege is that there must be more troops than the defenders. It is usually believed that the casualties of the siege are far greater than that of the defender. If there is no superior force, it must not be fought. The problem is that Huan Wen has no choice at all.

Huan Wen, who is familiar with the art of war, has a considerable understanding of the saying "Ten will encircle him, five will attack him, double the enemy will fight him, and the enemy will be able to divide him. But he also believes that the art of war is dead, and those who use the art of war are alive, and the living cannot be trapped by the principle of death. If it is really completely in accordance with the art of war, there is no need to fight at all, and they will not appear outside Nanzheng City .

There is a universal axiom in the Western and Eastern Han dynasties, that is, "one Han should serve as five Hus" is universally recognized, which means that one Han army can match five Hus, and that was the era when the Han soldiers were at their sharpest.

Huan Wen not only read military books but also read history books. The Han army in the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties was superior to the Hu people in terms of armor and equipment. The source of the real confidence of "one Han as five Hu" was the accumulation of victories in wars with foreign races. .He didn't know what happened before he came to the Han Dynasty. After his arrival, the Han army fought against aliens many times, and the casualty ratio was generally more than seven for one.If we infer from the data, does it mean that the current Han army is more aggressive than the Han army of the Han Dynasty?

In fact, it's not that calculation. We should analyze what kind of barbarians the Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties faced, and the current Han Dynasty faced barbarians with different weapons and equipment, but Huan Wen didn't care about that.He knew that there were 14 defenders in Nanzheng City, and Zan Jian could even mobilize the residents of the city to participate in the defense. However, according to his calculations, the combat effectiveness of the [-] Han troops on the plains could equal at least [-] Li clan soldiers of the Han Dynasty. It was a battle of city attack and defense. The [-] Han troops above can also match the more than [-] Li Shicheng Han soldiers.

The camp of the Han army outside the city was not quiet all night, and all kinds of "dingling and clanging" movements sounded all night. In the early morning, dense cooking smoke floated into the sky. The wind blows towards Nanzheng City.

Zan Jian's nose was twitching after not resting all night. He smelled many types of scents. Just from the smell of land meat, he could smell cow, sheep, and pig. There were also some smells of cumin, ginger, and Sichuan peppercorns. .What he was more puzzled about was why it still smelled like seafood?

The delicious taste will make hungry people salivate, and their stomachs will make uncontrollable "gurgling" sounds. This is a physiological reaction that people cannot control. The Nanzheng garrison who had been on duty all night would make frequent stomach sounds. The sound of "Gulu" made so many people's stomachs move that Zanjian heard a series of "Guru" sounds in succession.

The defenders of Nanzheng were also making meals in the early hours of the morning. The staple food of the soldiers was beans such as soybeans, black beans, and red beans, which are coarse grains in the true sense. During the war, they would share a bowl of offal soup, and offal soup It is animal offal, bones, minced meat and some various vegetable leaves.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. In fact, the defenders have long been accustomed to eating half-cooked beans that often make them fart. A bowl of offal soup will also bring a sense of satisfaction. However, smelling the aroma of various foods wafting from the Han army, my heart Don't say how depressed you are.

Huan Wen discovered the movement of the defenders at the top of the city with a binoculars. The defenders there looked around while eating all kinds of beans. He ordered: "Put all kinds of food to a place where the defenders can see, and measure enough. Make it thicker." After a pause, the corners of his mouth curled up first, and he said, "Let some soldiers with loud voices shout, and people in the city can come out to eat together."

The technique is very crude, even childish. Many generals in history have used this technique, and it is usually very useful for enemy troops who are trapped and out of food.

Although the Nanzheng defenders were poorly fed, there was no shortage of food in the city. Huan Wen was just trying it out and playing a prank.

Zan Jian saw so much food placed by the Han army within sight of the city head, and he really felt a sense of childishness. The pig still couldn't help frowning.

As a general, you will definitely be able to eat all kinds of delicacies. This is the convenience and privilege brought by your status, but soldiers will not have such treatment.

Most of the defenders at the top of the city stopped swallowing all kinds of beans, and most of them stared at the various "roasting" in the distance, smelling the full aroma of meat in the air.

"Hahaha!" Zan Jian burst into laughter, he had to say something: "Is the general of the Han army a three-year-old boy? He actually put out the best food in the whole army, and he was eating chaff and swallowing vegetables in the tent! "

Thanks to Shijie Zhao Guo's repeated failures, a large number of cattle and sheep were seized so that the food of the Han army has always been unusually rich, but at this time Huan Wen really ate rice and rice as a side dish, and did not eat any other meat.

In the military career, it is common for generals to eat meat, but it is not easy to eat fresh vegetables...

(End of this chapter)

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