sweeping the world

Chapter 472 The kingdom will die and there must be evil

Chapter 472 The kingdom will die and there must be evil
The erratic winds are fair game to both attackers and defenders.The only unfair place is in the difference between the terrain of the two sides. The defenders standing on the high ground can use the most primitive weapon "stone" to cause casualties to the attackers below. No shortage.

The Han army replaced with more flexible and lighter soldiers, and the speed of advancement was naturally accelerated, but without the thick tower shields to block the stones, the casualties would inevitably increase.

The obstacle to conquering Jitou Pass is still the road. There are only a few roads that can be attacked, and the defenders have arranged defensive nodes on each of them. After the Han army got close enough, they pushed forward against the dense stones, bleeding for a while. Soldiers who were hit by stones could be seen screaming and falling to the ground all the time, and there were even soldiers who were directly hit by stones and fell into the deep ravine.

The originally rugged road was covered with large and small stones. Some Han soldiers who died in battle were directly buried under the pile of stones with their bodies sticking out or only their heads were exposed, giving the picture that can be seen full of desolation.

Why the defenders didn't just block the road is a question worth thinking about, just like the Han army in the valley can be flooded by digging the Bao River after the water is stored, but Li's Chenghan didn't do this, I don't know if he didn't expect it or What concerns.

Many things seem extravagant to the frontline soldiers. All they can think about is how to complete their current tasks and do their best to complete them.

"There were more than two hundred casualties..." Lin Feng said with an unusually gloomy expression, "So far, no one has been killed or killed by the defenders of the pass."

Liu Rui has been watching the battle situation, including his own wounded soldiers being carried on stretchers and being helped back to the back, so he knows exactly what is going on.What he wants to pay attention to is the morale of the soldiers. This kind of battle where one's own side constantly suffers casualties and cannot hit the enemy can easily lead to low morale of one's own side.

Jitouguan is not the highest point in this mountainous area, it is only built in the dangerous area of ​​the road that has been opened up, which is the real dangerous pass.

A group of Han troops who came out of Shimen specifically explored the nearby terrain. It is a feasible way to seize the high ground that can attack Jitouguan, but I don’t know if the defenders of Jitouguan have made targeted arrangements.

"I can only continue." Liu Rui pursed his lips: "As long as you can attack, you can say anything."

As the military marquis Lin Feng who directly led the attack under his command, he felt very sorry for the casualties of his soldiers, so he gritted his teeth and nodded heavily when he received the order.

The attack has been going on. The soldiers of the Han army are staring at the falling stones and advancing. After the debris on the road has increased, it is no longer flexible and light. A lot of tower shields have been brought up from the rear, and they have begun to form a shield wall. Move forward slowly.

Fu An knew nothing about the Han army. He could see that the equipment of the Han army was quite good. For example, tower shields covered with iron seemed extravagant to the armies of many countries. The number of Tower Shields clearly has sufficient reserves.

"We didn't prepare the boulder?" Li Yi's identity was the supervisor of the army, and he was also the Taibao of the Li family Chenghan, so he won the trust of Li Shi.He frowned and looked at the slow but still advancing Han army, and said, "Fire oil, gold juice, etc., are you prepared?"

Fu An was stunned when he heard it, he didn't have a good impression of this military supervisor who had been drinking, having fun and playing with women in the camp since he came here, and now he was asked in a daze and his impression was even worse.

The terrain of Jitouguan is beneficial to the defenders. The problem is that many areas are a cliff terrain, not the kind of terrain with a high slope. Rocks that can be lifted by people can be smashed from the top, and boulders can be pushed to the fallen ones. What's the use of coming if the location is a cliff and you can't hit the road?

Every army will have kerosene, the difference is more or less. It is not impossible to use kerosene when defending Jitouguan, but look at the wind in the canyon. Full blown fire in canyon area.

The golden juice is actually excrement, and excretion will naturally occur. The problem is how to throw it on the road in the erratic wind?

"Deaf?" Li Yi raised his brows and said displeasedly: "Just throwing stones can't defeat the enemy army. You send people to countercharge and drive the enemy army back into the plank road."

"The last general... The last general will organize this." Fu An actually refused in his heart, but the official rank crushed people to death, and Li Shi trusted Li Yi very much. It is better to kill others than to be killed behind him. good.He turned around, his face became extremely ugly, and he ordered: "Let those barbarians go down and fight."

There are also some Nanban in Jitouguan, they come from the same tribe, not only there are men, but also women.The barbarians all have the same appearance, and what is more distinctive is that they will have some tattoo designs on various parts of the body. Each tribe will have its own tattoo totem, and there is also the habit of tattooing on certain parts of the facial features.

Xiaodouzi carried the tower shield with great difficulty and was moving. A stone hit his foot just now, and after bleeding, there would always be blood stains left behind every time he moved.

"Give me the tower shield." Looking at the thick man, his name was Muzi, and he was the same soldier as Xiaodouzi.It was only when he found out that Xiaodouzi was injured, he urged, "Go down and have a check, and come back if it's not serious."

The injured part of Xiaodouzi was painful and numb, and fortunately, he could still feel the pain and numbness, otherwise his feet would be useless.He smiled, looked at the corporal leader Li Mi who was hit on the shoulder, and said, "The corporal leader walked on one side and still hasn't retreated. My little injury is nothing."

The chief of them had just died in battle, and there were only four of them left, and the other one, looking at the thin figure of Pao Ze, didn't know how he was selected into the army.

A few soldiers were showing brotherly love and daring, and suddenly there was a burst of howling wolves and ghosts in front of them. Some soldiers in front were reminding the enemy to launch a countercharge and make people prepare to fight.

Coming out of the corner of the mountain road was a group of barbarians who had no fabric, wore grass skirts and held big sticks, and their faces were covered with mud and added a lot of color.They ran fast on the rugged mountain road, howling something while running, and they looked quite imposing, but each of them looked too short in stature.

The barbarians rushed out, and the stones finally stopped falling from the heights. The Han soldiers who were under great psychological pressure were not used to it, but at the same time they lifted their spirits.

Liu Rui, who was observing the battlefield from a distance, was stunned when he saw the defenders taking the initiative to attack, and he was even more puzzled when he saw the barbarians rushing out.

"Is their confidence so inflated?" Liu Rui was overjoyed when he came back to his senses, and shouted loudly: "Let the troops not win!"

He heard it right, what Liu Rui wanted was for his troops to be defeated when facing the enemy.

The Han army in the front was already fighting with the barbarians before they got the military order. The reason why the road is too narrow is that there are only a few people who can really fight face to face. must go.

For the aggrieved soldiers of the Han army, it is really great to have close combat. At least the defenders at high places will worry about accidental injury and no longer drop stones.They have always been advancing with casualties, and have never even touched a single hair of the enemy. Their morale will inevitably shrink in the long run, and there is nothing that can save morale than a real fight with real swords and guns.

The order from the top arrived, so that when facing the barbarians, they could only lose but not win. Taking Xiaodouzi as an example, they were both confused and depressed. It was actually quite easy for them to kill the barbarians, as long as they were well protected from the barbarians' attacks. The wooden stick that comes over will be able to send them back to the west with the sword in the next moment.Shangfeng gave the order that they could only lose but not win. Facing the barbarians, the soldiers were fierce but stupid. They didn't have enough pleasure in killing and retreated as if they couldn't resist.

When Fu An saw that the barbarians had defeated the Han army, he was stunned again and again. It was no secret at all what kind of combat power the barbarians had.

In dense forests and mountainous areas, the barbarians are very powerful in guerrilla warfare, but that is a way of fighting and hiding, so it can only prolong the progress of the war by sneak attack, and it cannot decide the outcome of a war at all.After all, any war cannot be won by guerrilla warfare, what is needed is confrontation on the frontal battlefield. It is an absolute fact that guerrilla warfare can only injure the enemy's skin but cannot injure his bones.

The barbarians beat the Han army back by fighting. Fu An, who has a normal IQ, knew that it was just a strategy of the Han army. Go out to fight the Han army.

"That's right." Li Yi burst into a proud "haha" laugh. After laughing, he pointed contemptuously at the Han army that seemed to be retreating in embarrassment: "Keep killing them and force them into the plank road to block it."

"..." Fu An doubted Li Yi's IQ level very much, but he didn't dare to say anything, and he didn't dare to go against Li Yi's will.He could only watch Li Yi pointing fingers, but without his own order, the defenders really listened.

After Li Shi came to power, there were many civil strife within the Li family and the Han Dynasty. Generally speaking, countries will have frequent turmoil. It is nothing more than that the king as the ruling class is stupid enough or stupid, and then there is a group of evildoers among the top officials. .

Last year... that is, the third year of Yuanshuo, Li Shi's younger brother, General Li Guang, King of Han, Li Guang, asked him to be the emperor's younger brother because Li Shi had no son, but Li Shi disagreed.Ma Dang and Xie Siming believed that Li Shi had not many brothers, and if they were abolished, they would be even more lonely and dangerous, so they insisted on persuading Li Shi to agree to Li Guang's request.

Li Shi suspected that they and Li Guang had a premeditated plan, and ordered Dong Jiao to capture Ma Dang and Xie Siming and kill them, destroying the three tribes.He also sent Taibao Li Yi to attack Li Guang in Fucheng, demoted Li Guang to Linqionghou, and Li Guang committed suicide.

When Xie Siming was arrested, he sighed and said: "The reason why the country is not destroyed is because of us. Now it is in danger!"

Xie Siming has wisdom, strategy, and dares to speak out.Ma Dang has always been popular. After their death, all the scholars and people mourned.

This year...that is, the fourth year of Yuan Shuo, if history had not been changed, Li Yi, who had won the trust of Li Shi, would rebel in Jinshou (modern Jialing).Most of the common people in Jinshou followed Li Yi in rebellion, the main reason was of course that Li Shi was sincerely making people angry.

Those who can be evildoers or bring the country to ruin are generally not simple characters. None of them are idiots. On the contrary, they are extremely smart characters, but their ingenuity is often used in inappropriate places.

Li Yi is a very smart person. He is smart enough to understand that the Li family will definitely be doomed this time. As a smart person, he cannot die for a country that is destined to perish. There should be a way out anyway.

Whether the attacking Han army is real or fake, they just retreat and retreat until there is no way to retreat before launching a counterattack. The barbarians who fought excitedly thought they were brave and invincible, until the Han army played for real and found out that it was not. Then one thing, the picture evolved into the Han army crushing the barbarians.

Liu Rui was in a daze again, holding a manuscript in his hand, and a barbarian stood beside him.

This barbarian is a little taller, but only about 1.6 meters. He is one of the parts sent by Li Yi, and it seems that he is the only one who saw the high-level Han army present.His purpose, of course, is to get in touch with the Han army.

Liu Rui knew who Li Yi was, not to mention the official obeisance to the post of Taibao, it seemed that Li Shi was one of the people who favored him after he became the lord of the country.

"My lord is willing to donate the passes..." Yunlu smiled flatteringly: "Not only is it the Jitou Pass, but also the several passes in Jigu behind can be captured by the help of the noble army from inside and outside, but..."

"Well, I understand, I understand very well." Liu Rui hates traitors, but if there are traitors on the other side, he is very welcome.What he is worried about now is the attitude of Huan Wen. After all, the previous military order has not been changed. The Lord will report and ask for instructions."

As the chief general, Huan Wen is still walking on the plank road. He received Liu Rui's report a day later.

"Yin Hao's route has already broken into Dangqu County." Huan Wen actually hadn't had time to read Liu Rui's military report. He was talking to Yuan Qiao about the other army, and he picked up the document to watch it after he finished speaking. After seeing it, he burst out laughing : "Li Yi is surrendering."

"The striker can't attack Jitouguan?" Yuan Qiao knew that only in this way would Huan Wen say those words, otherwise he wouldn't even mention them.He pondered for a while, and had to say: "Since Li Yi decided to surrender, it means that the previous goal has been achieved, and it is time to consider recruiting surrender."

This is the reason why Huan Wen likes to partner with Yuan Qiao. It doesn't take too much detail to start a conversation, and they mostly understand each other.

"The official position of the Taibao is not low." Huan Wen thought for a while and asked, "Is Jinshou a fief of Li Yi?"

"It's possible to let Li Yi launch a rebellion in Jinshou and disrupt the position of Zan Jian and Li Fu." Yuan Qiao's expression gradually became more relaxed. It would be the best thing to destroy Cheng Guo."

Huan Wen was very concerned about whether he could participate in the invasion of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He had been planning to destroy the Li family Chenghan as soon as possible. Now it seems that the goal has been completed, and the next step is to win a few key battles and completely disintegrate Lost Li Chenghan's will to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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