sweeping the world

Chapter 445 What a Game of Chess

Chapter 445 What a Big Game of Chess

You have to eat the food one bite at a time, or you will be choked.

The road should be walked down-to-earth, and you can't choose places that are not stable.

The recent actions of the Han State have great intentions. The appropriate retreat of the Han army on the front line is just a necessary adjustment. After all, the number of troops has increased too rapidly in a short period of time, and many troops have been fighting outside all year round. No matter what, they should be sorted out. one time.

"Just leave the army near Chaoge, and continue to put on the posture that you must rescue Huan Wen's troops. It is best to attract more enemy troops. If not..." Liu Yan was in the garden of Miyagi, with a The core officials continued to discuss: "Give up some areas, and the Hu people must fill in those gaps again. Then it's time for us to send troops northward again."

The status quo of the Han State and Shijie Zhao State is entangled with each other. Since the Han army was dispatched in multiple ways and captured many enclaves, it was a manifestation of chaos and improper use of troops.

Miyagi's garden does not occupy a large area, mainly because Liu Yan usually has no leisure time to play with flowers and plants. It can even be said that he does not spend much time in Miyagi, and even the few harems follow him most of the time. Patrol.

In autumn, the leaves of the plants turn yellow, and a large number of leaves fall, adding endless withered and yellow colors to the field of vision, which looks a bit bleak.

"Your Majesty, the new army should be transferred back to the mainland to suppress the rebellion. It's just..." Ji Chang patted the fallen leaves on his shoulders, and said with a frown: "With 13 Imperial Guards as the main force, deploy [-] field corps, [-] Isn't it too risky for thousands of soldiers to drive straight in?"

The Han army should have what kind of arms it should be, and the Hu people are soldiers and people, so the Hu people always have hundreds of thousands of troops at every turn.


It is the Hu people of 40 million, not the Hu soldiers of 40 million. This point should be clarified and explained no matter what.

Precisely because there are 40 million Hu people, the 18 soldiers and horses on the periphery of the Han army can sandwich them from the three sides, just to give up the gap in the direction of Yecheng. If the 40 million Hu people are really like Han For the regular army on the side, it must be difficult to do so.

"The widow still thinks it took a long time." Liu Yan was actually very depressed about the good Puyang County being beaten like this. He pointed out: "Shihu created internal turmoil for us, and his intention was to make us retreat. He is good at management and accumulation. National strength. We have already assumed the stance of withdrawing troops from areas other than the Chaoge battlefield. He must think that his strategy has succeeded. Confusing the enemy is deceiving the enemy, but he does not really want to give them more time. Furthermore, in Shijie territory My compatriots can't wait that long."

How should I say it?In fact, except for Liu Yan who really cared about the Han family Miao descendants in Shijie Zhao State, the rest of them didn't pay much attention at all.This has something to do with ideology. People with better backgrounds tend to ignore ordinary people. They are basically regarded as numbers and tools, and it is difficult to show any compassion.Liu Yan is different, he has a full set of national concepts.

Several other people expressed their opinions one after another, but because Liu Yan was determined, what they said basically echoed, and some omissions were added based on the actual situation.

The current season is October, and there are only less than two months left before the arrival of winter.

According to Liu Yan, it has been almost two years since the outbreak of the Battle of Puyang to the present stage. The Shijie State of Zhao was not fully prepared for the war from the beginning, and it has been dragging on for almost two years. One thing can be seen from the actions in the territory, that is, they would rather spend their lives to attack Wubao and the fortress than to raise enough supplies.

Liu Yan's return to Linzi and the retreat of the Han army on the northern front are also creating an illusion, making people who don't know the place think that the Han country has changed from offensive to defensive.

The internal turmoil in the Han Kingdom is a reality that can be judged without too much deliberate investigation. Based on this, and the Han army is constantly mobilizing in the country to counter the rebellion, it is normal to turn on the defensive from a common sense point of view , It is not normal to continue to maintain the offensive.

After repeated conscription and comprehensive mobilization of the stable elite areas and newly occupied areas, according to statistics, the number of Han troops has approached 75.

Among the 75 troops, the number of field corps recruited in the first and second phases is actually only 27, the number of garrison troops in various places is 20, and the newly formed new army accounts for [-]. slave army.

Now the Han Dynasty wants to create the illusion of turning on the defensive, the troops on the outside line are mobilized backwards, and the new recruits are dispatched everywhere to counter the rebellion, which is a shrinking situation.

The constant transfer of troops will dazzle people. Only the core class knows what they want to do, and more people are confused and puzzled.

On the day of August [-]th, Ran Min, who was in Fangtou, finished washing up early in the morning. He was waiting for the arrival of [-] imperial guards, and at the same time, there were also the tiger army.

Since the current main battlefield of the Han army is in Chaoge, the generals who commanded many routes before were naturally at the scene. They were summoned when the sky was slightly bright, and they gathered from various places behind Ran Min's big tent. What they saw It was Ran Min who couldn't hide his excitement. When he saw Wang Meng was there, he immediately guessed that something big would happen.

Ran Min waited for the generals to arrive, without any nonsense, he directly said to Wang Meng: "Let's get started."

Wang Meng came with an imperial edict, and received Ran Min's instructions without delay. After reading Liu Yan's will, he first announced the appointment of Ran Min as the General of the Northern Expedition, and clearly pointed out that Ran Min would lead the army in the Northern Expedition. Person's promotion appointment.

"The king's will is very clear." Ran Min had reason to be excited. After the appointment of General Zhengbei, he became the No.1 general of the Han army.He looked around the crowd, focused a few glances at Xu Zheng, Xie An, Li Kuang, Qian Jian and the others, and said solemnly: "Unless this Northern Expedition receives another order from the king, otherwise it will be possible to fight." Wherever you go is where you are."

The distance from Chaoge to Yecheng is 180 miles from the plane map, but in fact it must be more than 180 miles. After all, the road is not straight.

Xu Zheng looked at the high-spirited Ran Min and felt a little depressed in his heart. His position as General Zhengbei Zhonglang was not changed, but his title was raised by two ranks.Depressed but depressed, he is very clear about some things. It is not accidental that Ran Min became the general who conquered the North. Apart from his military exploits, there is another most important factor, that is, the original Ran Min's army was a bit exhausted.

After Ran's Qin State disappeared, more than 8 of the original Ran Min Army were reorganized into the Han Army. These people were not assigned to Ran Min's direct command, but were assigned to Xie An and Huan Wen.Huan Wen got some missions to attack Chaoge, and the troops he took with him suffered heavy casualties. Ran Min hadn't had much gossip all along, and the center had to give Ran Min some affirmation and compensation no matter what.

After finishing what should be said, Ran Min once again showed his vigorous side, calling names in a strong voice: "Xie An, Li Kuang."

Xie An and Li Kuang stood up to perform the ceremony.

"Xie An led the headquarters to detour to the north and cut off the enemy's retreat." Ran Min signed the order and handed it to Zhang Shi for archiving. Then he looked at Li Kuang and said, "Li Kuang led the headquarters to attack Yecheng from the outset. After a feinted shot, he approached Chang Le."

Xie An's headquarters had [-] troops, and Li Kuang's headquarters also had [-] troops.One is in the west and the other is in the east. They will eventually detour towards the back of Chaoge's enemy army, which is equivalent to becoming pincers to pinch the back of Chaoge's enemy army.

"The rest will follow this general." Ran Min stood up as he spoke: "If you don't understand anything, ask quickly, and if you have no doubts, go back to the headquarters." After a pause, he added: "Qian Jiantong, Li Tan, you stay Down."

There must be doubts. Most people thought they were going to be on the defensive, but what happened just now shows that they guessed wrong.Not too many things were said at the meeting, only limited to the movements on this side of the battlefield, and everyone would think about any new changes in the situation.

Since the outbreak of racial conflict, Qian Jiantong has been a bit complicated recently. He thought he would be transferred from the Huben Army, either back to Linzi to be idle, or transferred to an unimportant front, but he did not expect that those things did not happen.

The Huben Army is a very important armed force of the Han Dynasty. Although the number is only [-], it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an absolute elite army. Qian Jiantong, who was left behind, was sullen. He felt that he would stay in the tent for the next moment Wang Meng said that he would not be surprised at all by the king's transfer of the new personnel of the chief general of the Huben Army.

"Shihu himself has withdrawn to Yecheng, and most of the Longteng guards have followed suit. These barbarians in the Chaoge battlefield are a group of people who were abandoned." Ran Min saw that something was wrong with Qian Jiantong but didn't care, he There are some words that must be made clear for the two of them: "The general wants to defeat or annihilate the enemy in front of him with a destructive posture. Most of the enemy don't need to pay too much attention to it. Only Shi Xuan's Donggong Gaoli needs to be taken seriously."

Shi Xuan was the commander of the Chaoge battlefield, and his Donggong Gaoli was the main force on this battlefield. Shi Hu also left [-] armor and cavalry equipment and [-] heavy infantry.

"There is no residual heat, no temptation!" Ran Min said forcefully: "What I am going to do is to attack with all my strength once the general attack is made. The Huben Army and the Habayashi Army will be the front picks. You must not slack off in the slightest!"

Qian Jiantong couldn't help looking at Wang Meng who was standing in a corner, but Wang Meng also looked over and smiled.

"Be serious!" Ran Min really didn't think too much, and yelled at Qian Jiantong: "The general is lecturing, why are you distracted?"

"This..." Qian Jiantong's heart trembled involuntarily when he was yelled at. Ran Min with double pupils stared at people in a rather scary way, so he had to politely say: "There is a mistake in my post, please punish me, General."

Ran Min gave some lectures again, and waved Qian Jiantong and Li Tan to leave after speaking.

Qian Jiantong, who was out of the big tent, was in a daze, wondering why he hadn't been transferred from the Huben Army, and even got an important task as a striker.

Li Tan and Qian Jiantong were not familiar with each other, just now in the big tent, he found that Qian Jiantong's abnormal situation was not easy to persuade, and when he left the big tent, there were only two people there, so he said: "Su Xiao, don't think too much. "

Qian Jiantong said with a wry smile, "I can't help but think about the current situation."

Li Tan got a little angry when he heard it, and growled: "Suxiao served under the king's command in Changguang County, and the name Suxiao was given by the king. If you don't have a different heart, what are you thinking about!"

It must be said that the relationship between the two began to get closer when Murong Xianbei was killed when their fathers were sent as envoys. They knew very well what the reason for their current status was.It was the killing of Xiqian Boliao and Li Mingzhi who made Liu Yan feel guilty. With a king who wanted to cultivate deliberately, the two were indeed fighting for their spirits, and now they have become two special titles.

From top to bottom, military orders were conveyed layer by layer, and some troops that should retreat also retreated.

Shi Xuan, who personally presided over the command, found out that some troops of the Han army were retreating and found Zhang Qun. He asked in confusion: "The Han army stopped the offensive, and some troops are already retreating. Are they ignoring the besieged friendly troops?"

"Your Majesty's call has worked, and the instability of the Han territory will inevitably cause the Han army to retreat." Zhang Qun took a look and learned the number of the retreating Han army. Abandoning the besieged troops and focusing on the rear is what it should have been.”

"Oh..." General Shi Xuan smiled suspiciously, and said a new piece of news: "The situation on Duke Yan's side is similar. The Han army in Jizhou launched a wave of offensives to no avail, so they took the initiative to retreat."

"This explains the situation better." Zhang Qun said firmly: "The puppet king Liu Yan will never allow internal turmoil to last for too long, and can only mobilize troops from the front line to return to counter the rebellion."

Shi Xuan was still young after all. Seeing Zhang Qun's certainty, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's great!"

They fought around Huan Wen's troops for nearly a month and a half, but many people died, but they only peeled off a barracks barrier of Huan Wen's troops. In fact, morale dropped again and again, and Shi Hu withdrew the main force from the battlefield again, resulting in the end of the offensive. It's hard to continue, and continuing to surround Huan Wen's headquarters is to hold on, and it is also for the sake of the overall situation arranged by Shi Hu that he has to hold on.

"The puppet king Liu Yan has risen too fast and his foundation is unstable. It is a fact that the army has been exhausted by continuous fighting for many years, and the consumption of supplies is even greater." Zhang Qun said that it is the usual situation. He said to Shi Xuan: "Often say, The first is booming, the second is declining, and the third is exhausting. Now is the time when the Han army can no longer maintain the offensive, and it is the moment when the prince will make a big contribution."

Shi Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and then asked with interest: "How do you say?"

"The reinforcements retreating to relieve the besieged troops, what should the besieged Han army think about this situation?" Zhang Qun obviously had a plan, and said with a smile: "The besieged Han army should be made aware of the facts. If they knew that the reinforcements were retreating, even if they could not collapse themselves, they would have lost all morale. As morale rises and falls, it will be easy for the crown prince to wipe out the besieged Han army."

When Shi Xuan thought about it, he felt that what Zhang Qun said was very reasonable, and immediately showed a happy smile.

(End of this chapter)

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