sweeping the world

Chapter 443 How Strong... How Strong

Chapter 443 How Strong... How Strong

The number of soldiers and horses fighting is said to be in the thousands, but two to three thousand people are in the thousands, and eight to nine thousand are also in the thousands. From Zhang Yun’s knowledge, we can’t see the exact number of people. silhouette.

The fighting scene looked quite chaotic, it was fighting together, not the kind of army formation against army formation.This type of fighting only shows one problem, both sides are either unreliable cards, or the two sides collide hastily.

"It's all mixed together, so it's hard to communicate." Zhang Yun pressed the excitement in his heart and said relatively rationally: "The best way for us now is to stay quietly in the woods and not be exposed, and wait for the results of the fight to reappear. "

Cui Yun is a bit domineering, but it doesn't mean he is stupid. He agreed with "yes", but his face could not hide his joy.

The Han army in the direction of Yangping County has only recently moved northward in a large scale. They are not advancing by a large corps, but breaking up the corps into several parts. The Han army on all fronts responded as much as possible.

The Han army near Ping'en was relatively slow to react. For example, the Han army in the northwest direction of Hanoi County had already taken action, and even the Lu Tai Corps in the direction of Jizhou also changed from defensive to offensive.

A genocide of an unspeakable scale is taking place in the Central Plains. For the Han State, it is only as much help as they can. The real test of the Han State is the increasingly violent riots in the country.

Zhang Yun and Cui Yun didn't leave, they hid themselves to watch the fight outside, many things they couldn't understand, but at least they could judge the advantages and disadvantages from the movement of the flags of both sides.

There are only one thousand Han troops fighting Shijie Zhao's army, led by Junhou Yunlu.They appeared here as reports from people who had escaped successfully. Knowing that the massacre in this area was serious, the army took urgent measures.

The thousand Qingqi troops of the Han army on Yunlu were just the lead, and their main task was to catch the Shijie Zhao army who was retreating. There were more Han troops behind and around the same as the lead.After they rushed overnight, they caught the Shijie Zhao army retreating from Ping'en City. The battle between a thousand Han troops and nearly seven thousand Shijie Zhao troops should have lasted about a quarter of an hour?

"Look!" Cui Yun pointed to the southwest side, where a moving black shadow appeared on the visible horizon: "Is it the Hu people, or the Han army?"

Constrained by information, the Han and Miao descendants in the Central Plains didn't even know that the Han army had gone north, and they still knew the Central Plains...at least Sizhou was under the absolute control of the Hu people, so it was possible to find another army coming. I can't help worrying.

Zhang Yun said with a stiff expression: "Could it be a barbarian..." The last "bar" didn't make a sound, which means that a new change has taken place between the two sides that are fighting.

Yunlu only had a thousand Qingqi under his command, and they only bit the retreating Shijie Zhao Jun. It would be an exaggeration to say that they could encircle and trap Zhao Jun.

It is not difficult to guess what Shijie Zhao Jun thought. He found that there were not many Han troops coming, and he wanted to rely on the absolute superiority in numbers to try to annihilate this Han army.Judging from the battle situation, Shijie's Zhao army did not leave a reserve force, and it was really all-round pressure.

There are new troops appearing, outsiders can't judge who is coming, but the two warring parties can generally know it well, after all, whether there are friendly troops nearby is obvious in advance.

Cui Yun said pleasantly, "The Hu people want to retreat."

Indeed, the Shijie Zhao army, which was fighting with the Han army at Yunlu, kept blowing their horns. First, a small group of Shijie Zhao army cavalry left the battlefield, and then the Shijie Zhao army cavalry left their walking companions behind. Without even hesitating, he ran away, and the escape route was to the north, which immediately stunned Zhang Yun.

Directly north of the battlefield was the woods where Zhang Yun and others were hiding. There was a slope on the left side of the woods, and there were a lot of bushes on the right side. The large group of Hu cavalry was heading to the right side, but there were only three or five people there. The hundred cavalry may have rushed towards the woods in a panic.

Cui Yun was still pleasantly surprised at first, but when he saw the barbarian cavalry rushing towards the woods, his face immediately turned pale.

"Go, go!" Zhang Yun's face was extremely serious, and he didn't know if it was nervous or what, his voice trembled: "Go back, restrain people from running at will, and mobilize those who can fight." While running , while saying: "I will send someone to contact Master Wang and tell them that you are here."

Cui Yun just ran away and didn't speak, but she heard the meaning of Zhang Yun's words, she must not escape, she should organize a defense line, and then ask the Han army for help.

After the fighting on the battlefield stopped, the wind blows away the flying dust. After the field of vision becomes clear, you can see the corpses of people and horses scattered on the battlefield. The number is actually not as many as imagined, only two three hundred.

In fact, that's right, the mobile battle on the battlefield is very powerful, but Yunlu's troops are small, they will only choose to bite the bullet, and greet each other with arrows back and forth. It is definitely not a full-scale hand-to-hand combat, or they should Get yourself into it.

More than one Han army came, four Qus came from several directions one after another, only one Qu was actually approaching the battlefield, and the other three Qus detoured towards Shijie where the Zhao army fled.

Yunlu, who was resting and recuperating, was communicating with Cai Jin who had rushed over. He didn't say a few words, but a village chief under his command came over.

"Marquis of the Army." Quan Qi looked a little in a hurry, and was already shouting before anyone approached: "A few people ran out of the woods, saying that they blocked a group of barbarians."

In addition to being the current guide, Yun Lu and Cai Jin were given the task of taking care of as many fleeing civilians as possible.Their eyes met for a moment, and it seemed that they wanted to do business, but they didn't want Quan Qi to lower his voice and continue talking after approaching.

"The people who came said that there is Mrs. Cui in the woods..." Quan Qi swallowed a mouthful of water before saying the word "kinship". After that, he didn't lose his head, and added: "Zhi special asked. The number of enemy troops in Linzi should be three or four hundred, and scouts have already been sent in."

The name Empress is not a patent of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. The real situation is that it has been used since the Western Han Dynasty. Generally, it refers to the queen, and the rest of the harem are called madams.Time has passed so long, some titles are no longer so particular, and the social environment has been changing. Now the Empress generally refers to the emperor's harem concubine.

At that moment, Yun Lu and Cai Jin looked at each other again, they were also stunned for a moment, they could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

It's not purely snobbish or something. As the saying goes, people go to high places and water flows to low places. While doing business, they can make additional meritorious deeds. Being more active is a sure thing.

Yun Lu and Cai Jin were rational, they were anxious as soon as possible but did not lead the army into the forest hastily, they waited for the scouts who went in to come out to report, and then led the army in after confirming the situation inside.

The Han army saw a group of people not far from entering the deep forest, and they were led close by several Han soldiers.

This group of people looked extremely embarrassed, and the few people in the front looked more prominent, especially Cui Yun, who was a woman, was the most conspicuous.

"The barbarians noticed them, but they didn't stop. They fled deeper into the woods." Quan Qi just entered the woods in person and led his people to find Zhang Yun, Cui Yun and others.He approached Yunlu and lowered his voice and said, "That Xijun is the daughter of the Cui family of Julu."

Yun Lu just said "hmm" and didn't express anything in particular. He looked at Cai Jin and asked, "Retreat?"

China's military tradition says that you should not enter the forest. After all, the forest has limited vision, and it is impossible to see the situation inside at a glance. It is easy to encounter an ambush. The real disaster is that the army is surrounded and set on fire.

Cui Yun is indeed the daughter of the Cui family, and the Cui family can be said to be very large. The main family is located in Leling, and the side branches are scattered in various states and counties. Among them, Jizhou has the most side branches.

It must be said that Cui Yun's family is a branch of the Cui family in Leling, and a relatively important branch of the Sizhou territory. She has not had much contact with Cui Wan. To put it bluntly, the emphasis on identity along the way is to know people's hearts. However, there is a layer of status that should be paid more attention to the identity of the relatives of the concubine of the Han Dynasty. The effect can be seen from the dedication of Zhang Yun and others to protect it.

Yun Lu and Cai Jin wanted to make some connections, but they wouldn't act too much. They didn't even have any conversations with Cui Yun along the way, but they showed enough importance to Zhang Yun.

"So, you guys escaped all the way from Quliang?" Yun Lu looked at the capable Zhang Yun with somewhat thought-provoking eyes: "With so many people, it's not easy to come all the way without any danger, right? "

Zhang Yun knew what the Han Junhou in front of him meant. He wanted to know more about Cui Yun. He was looking for some development. Getting to know two Han Junhous would be a good start, and he wanted to flatter him. That is to say, there is nothing to say.

Yun Lu and Cai Jin kept making eye contact when Zhang Yun was talking, and generally believed in Cui Yun's identity more, but they didn't say much, and turned to understand the situation further north.

"It's miserable!" Zhang Yun's face was full of sadness: "The barbarians erupted quite suddenly, and we can't tell what happened. We only carefully understood the surrounding situation when we discovered that the nearby walled city was attacked..."

The Hu people were the first to target the Jin people in various cities. Those Jin people who were richer in their families would suffer first. Among them were some Jin people with official status, and then they spread outside the cities. There was no Wubao Or the Jin people who lived in the city walled would either die or flee when they were massacred, and the Hu people would attack the difficult Wubao and the city walled because they had nothing to kill and nothing to grab.

"We thought it was just an ordinary raiding grass valley. We waited for the Tie family to be breached before we realized the seriousness of the matter." The Tie family that Zhang Yunkou was talking about was the largest Jin Dynasty tyrant in Quliang County. He said: "The Tie family The Wubao is so strong that it can be broken, we can only choose to flee."

The reason why a county is powerful is not only because of the large amount of land it controls, but also because it has a lot of food, more grain, and more ironware. In the past, as long as similar powerful people paid taxes on time, the Hu people would let them go.

It's not without reason that the Hu people first picked the rich and powerful to start this time. It was because the Zhao army in Shijie on the front line was so short of supplies that they couldn't bear it, and they urgently needed new supplies.In this way, it will become inevitable to attack the tycoons with more supplies, even if there will be more dead people.

"The barbarian is driven by arresting people, forcing the arrested people to attack the city." Zhang Yun started to howl as he spoke, and the appearance of a strong and powerful man crying bitterly made people feel more touched.He wiped his face, and said the words that had been prepared for a long time: "Little man, please join Master Wang and avenge your father and fellow villagers!"

Yun Lu didn't know how many times he had met Cai Jin's eyes.They are military princes who don't look very impressive, but because they are mid-level officers, they have access to more grassroots people. They have faced fleeing powerful men more than once. Most of them want to join for various reasons. Han army.

Those tyrants who fled are not complicated. It is nothing more than losing their family business. Whether it is for themselves or the family, they need new development. Then there is no more direct way to recover than joining the army with the family part. .

The Han State had indeed made relevant plans. All Han armies had received clear instructions in advance and could accept the fleeing young men as soldiers on the spot depending on the situation.

The reason is not too complicated. Accepting the fleeing young and strong into the army, on the one hand, it is because of the control, which can be more effectively supervised, which is conducive to better and faster integration, and the second is that it really needs more soldiers. .

Xu Zheng led his army northward and only got the report about Cui Yun when he was stationed in Ping'en.

"Huh? Empress's relatives?" With Xu Zheng's status, compared with the people below, he doesn't have to do unnecessary things, such as thinking about connections.He is more interested in those local tyrants who have entered the army: "The quality is very good!"

In the era when knowledge was monopolized, ordinary people could not read a single word. Without knowledge, it was difficult to become a talent. It was because of the relationship between the major families that they could educate a group of intellectuals. Furthermore, places with a certain background were more powerful and capable.

To be honest, Xu Zheng was born into a local tycoon. There were too many similar people in the Han Dynasty. Not only did they support the army's chain of command, but local governance was also inseparable from these people. As a result, it was impossible to eradicate the tycoons. From the beginning, the difference is between our own people and those who are not our own people.

It's not just that the Han Kingdom under Liu Yan's rule faced such a situation, let alone the same thing from generation to generation. Unless knowledge is no longer difficult to obtain, otherwise groups with inherent advantages must exist.

"Yeah, we can have another batch of good seeds." Zhong Xing put down the roster in his hand and talked about other things: "The center has sent a clear order, and we must evacuate in three days."

Speaking of which, Quliang was close enough to Xiangguo. Xu Zheng led his army to this place. The evacuation of more compatriots that needed to be covered was completed. The maneuver to threaten Xiangguo was also completed, and Shi Hu was successfully forced to move troops back from the direction of Chaoge. The defense created favorable conditions for Huan Wen's troops to escape from difficulties.

Xu Zheng smiled "hehe", and it could be seen that he was somewhat unwilling, after all, they were really close enough to Xiangguo.

(End of this chapter)

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