Chapter 424

The current Mount Tai fully counts the five mountains of later generations, and there will be no shortage of scenic spots that can be visited. The most famous thing is not to watch the sunrise, but the many waterfalls.

Sun Chuo originally wanted to go to the Yanhuang Temple built by the Han Dynasty, but he learned that it was completely blocked, and he was not allowed to enter it except during the period of great sacrifice.

The construction of Yanhuang Temple is still in progress, and every day there will be a transportation team to transport various materials up with difficulty.There are rumors outside that the Yanhuang Temple Fair built by Liu Yan includes three main halls and 28 auxiliary halls. In addition to enshrining great figures from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors period, people who have made special contributions to ethnic groups in Chinese civilization will also be enshrined.

"That's not just as simple as the ancestral temple." Sun Chuo's name is the official name. He looked ahead from a distance, where there were people all over the mountains and plains, and the scale of excavation and construction was very large: "I heard that the King of Han Just build a little Miyagi in the original Guanggu City?"

The capital city is the name of the entire capital, but the palace city is an independent part. The palace city was not in the center of the city when it was built in the early pre-Qin, Western Han, and Eastern Han Dynasties.

In fact, the shape and scope of the early palace city will not be fixed, and even a certain "garden" will be set up in the suburbs, such as the Shanglin Garden in the Western Han Dynasty, or the Afang Palace in the Shihuang period. part of the city.

In the back... It should be from the Northern Song Dynasty that Miyagi was "wrapped" by the city. It is worth mentioning that the Miyagi in the two Song Dynasties were not forced to connect, and some places were mixed with civilians.This can be said to be rare in the past dynasties, and it has become one of the clear evidences of the "weak Song Dynasty", that is, it treats civilians so humanely.

Some of Liu Yan's deeds are indeed incomprehensible. Any ruler attaches great importance to the construction of the palace city, and even builds his own mausoleum immediately after becoming king, but he has never put the construction of the palace city into consideration. Seriously, it is the first alternative that has never been seen before.

"The King of Han's scheme is very serious, otherwise you wouldn't be so afraid." Zhi Dun, a monk, was one of Sun Chuo's friends on this trip.He is recognized as an eminent monk, as well as a poet, calligrapher, and metaphysician. He is close friends with famous scholars such as Sun Chuo and Wang Xizhi.He brushed the strands of hair that fell to his forehead, and said with a smile: "The King of Han is plotting big things, but you are good at fighting internally, you can't compare."

Hair?Zhi Dun, an eminent monk, really does have hair.He casually tied a big ponytail. Maybe he didn't pay attention when he tied it, which caused some hair to loosen, and the mountain wind was a bit strong, so it fluttered randomly.

Today's monks, those who come from far away, have bald heads, such as Fotucheng from Kucha.The rest of the monks in the East are different, like Zhi Dun, and others like Wu Jinhui, who have shaved heads. Salmons do not require all monks to be bald.

In addition to not requiring that the head be shaved, monks are not allowed to be meaty, and even monks who want to marry wives and have children are not prohibited.This is mainly due to the fact that Samana discovered something in the early stage of spreading. He knew that if there were too many prohibited items, it would be difficult to spread beliefs in the East, so he adopted a "slowly" strategy (the correctness was also confirmed later).

Zhi Dun is a monk, and he looks at the world with the mentality of "not in the five elements", precisely because there is no pressure to tease him like this.This time he came to the Han territory, mainly to observe whether there is any soil for the spread of Samana in the Han territory. There are not many answers in the short term, but it is clearer that the Han State attaches importance to military affairs.

A group of people walked but were blocked by a group of barbarians.

Tuoba Gu didn't deliberately lead people to block the way of Sun Chuo and others.They also hadn't been able to meet Liu Yan for a long time, they were really bored and had nothing to do, and when someone proposed to visit Mount Tai, they did so.

Shijie State of Zhao, Murong Yan State, Li's Chenghan State, Zhang's Liang State, etc. all had the experience of proclaiming their ministers to the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but Tuoba Daiguo had no experience of proclaiming their ministers to the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. I have never made any official contact, so it can be said that I am completely unfamiliar.

Sun Chuo and others, who were blocked, tried to communicate, but Tuobagu didn't seem to have any idea when he learned that the person blocked was the envoy from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the two teams quickly staggered and went their separate ways.

"There are so many people gathered in Fenggao now..." Xu Qian was still the deputy envoy of Tuoba Daiguo, and he said with emotion: "Everyone is here."

There was only one thing that Tuoba Gu came to Han, and that was because Tuobaxiu's dowry kept harassing Murong Yan State, which caused the relationship between Murong Yan State and Tuoba Dai State to become tense and bad. They didn't do anything to blame What does it mean, what I want is to get the compensation I deserve.

Tuoba Shiyijian was actually extremely annoyed. Originally, what Tuoba Daiguo wanted was muffled development, and he seized the opportunity to take advantage of it.If Tuoba Daiguo could not take advantage of Shijie Zhao Guo, they would focus on the Huns, but because the relationship with Murong Yanguo became tense and bad, Tuoba Daijun needed to mobilize To the east, so that Tuoba Shiyijian's abacus failed.

Like the rest of the people, the envoys of the Tuoba Dai Kingdom were not allowed to meet with Liu Yan after they came to Fenggao, but Tuoba Xiu met Tuoba Gu, but they didn't talk about anything fruitful that time, because Some of Tuoba Gu's complaints caused Tuoba Xiu to roar, which made Tuoba Gu feel very depressed before he came to Mount Tai for a visit.

"The Puyang battlefield where the war is breaking out is not as the countries thought before. The Zhao army is not destroyed, and the Han army is not defeated. It is beneficial for the Han country to start to turn." Tuoba Gu is the king of the north, and his status and strength are second only to Tuoba Shiyijian, the leader of the Tuoba Dai Kingdom.He paid attention to the situation in the world, and said: "The Han army can persist even with a small number of soldiers. Next, reinforcements will continue to appear on the Puyang battlefield. Otherwise, Lord Zhao (Shihu) would not have sent envoys."

As for Shi Hu's dispatch of an envoy to the Han territory, it can be said that the shock caused was far worse than that of Ran Min's all-nation surrender.All countries regard Shihu's behavior this time as the beginning of Shijie Zhao's decline, and they can't help being more optimistic about Han.

"Fotucheng's request to hold a Dharma meeting in Fenggao was rejected." Tuobagu was extremely surprised that Shihu would send a monk to Han. He said: "Different from Wu Jin, Fotucheng He is a gentle monk. Fotucheng objected to oppressing Jin people too much, Lord Zhao sent him to Han territory..."

They were all guessing what Shi Hu wanted to do. There were many speculations about the truce, and some people speculated that there was some kind of conspiracy.

Shi Hu personally led the army in Puyang County, and the dispatch of the 18 Jie people's own army was the largest in recent years.You must know that the Jie family is close to 60 now, and Shihu has 18 young and strong to go out, which is tantamount to a posture of going out in full force.At the beginning, Shi Hu should have thought that the Han army would be easily wiped out. However, the development of the situation is not the case. Considering that it will not hurt the "national foundation" to make some compromises is also one of the options.

"What does that have to do with us?" Xu Qian frowned and said, "The king of Han refused to see her, and the princess...was like that again. If we want to get the compensation we deserve, won't be so easy."

Tuoba Gu just wanted to speak, but a panting person appeared.

The visitor was very straightforward and said: "The king of Han informed the envoys of all countries that he will summon them immediately."

In the next moment, not only the people from the Tuoba Dai Kingdom, but also the envoys from other countries who got the news and were visiting Mount Tai, they all hurried down Mount Tai.

Fenggao is not a big city, and the city has become dilapidated under the long-term war, and it can even be said that there is no population at all.

Before Liu Yan set Xingyuan in Fenggao, Fenggao was dilapidated and desolate.

Waiting for Liu Yan's Xingyuan to be established, Fenggao's city has not been repaired, but it will definitely become more lively than before.

"They should be guessing what they want to do with the emergency summons, right?" Liu Yan was changing his clothes. After all, summoning envoys from various countries cannot be in ordinary clothes.He tugged at the hem of his clothes and said with a smile, "I really want to see you after hanging out for so long."

On Liu Yan's left stand Tuoba Xiu, Cui Wan, and Zhang Lan, and on his right are Ji Chang, Sang Yu, Cai You, and Lu Yi.

The military generals of the Han Dynasty, especially the senior generals, are all leading the army, and the civil servants of the central government have only recently gathered in Fenggao, or they were all in various places before.

Ran Min, Xu Zheng, Huan Wen, Xie An, Li Kuang and others were on the battlefield in the west, covering Yuzhou and Yanzhou, and even part of Sizhou was also a battlefield.Therefore, Puyang is not the only battleground in the west, but it involves hundreds of miles around it.

A group of people headed by Lu Tai was on the Jizhou battlefield. After the beginning of spring, they surrounded Zhangshui with Shi Bin and Murongge's troops, and saw back and forth in Zhangwu County, Hejian County, and Bohai County.

Xie Ai brought Tuobaxiu's dowry troops to harass Murong Yan Kingdom in the grassland.

Yuan Qiao was naturally working in Jingzhou.

On the Liaodong side, Li Hong, Si Hongzhuang, Wei Junchi and others coordinated the battle with Murong Yan's army.

The current Liu Yan is slightly different from that at the beginning. Because of the large number of scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, there is no shortage of local officials, but there is not enough generals.

When going on tour, Liu Yan also selectively brought some beauties from the harem.The so-called selectivity is to take into account the political relationship. To put it bluntly, it is the problem of pregnancy caused by serving the bed. The order of who the king makes pregnant in the harem is very important to the country.

At this moment, the civil servants would look at the bellies of Cui Wan and Zhang Lan from time to time without leaving any trace. The two women were pregnant one after another.

Zhang Lan is the daughter of the Zhang family of Lanling. Lanling is currently under the rule of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. incident" and then retreated.

After Liu Yan changed into his mianfu, he took everyone to the side hall. After sitting down, he looked at Lu Yi, who had just returned from the grassland, and asked, "Do you know what Tuobagu is here for?"

Before answering, Lu Yi glanced at Tuobaxiu without leaving a trace, then turned his gaze to Liu Yan, and answered after a moment of courtesy: "Under the premise that the Yan army is fighting in many places, Murong Jun led [-] Yan troops to garrison Lingzhi City. Tuoba Gu should have come to complain...and seek compensation."

Murong Jun is the second son of Murong Hao, the current ruler of Murong Yan Kingdom.Unlike Murong Ge who was hated by Murong Hao, Murong Jun was very fond of Murong Hao from the very beginning, and he is also a popular candidate for the next head of Murong Yan Kingdom.

"Compensation?" Liu Yan didn't have any special emotions, he even turned his head and smiled at Tuobaxiu, before asking: "Should there be any compensation?"

Lu Yi secretly watched Tuobaxiu because he knew Liu Yan would ask such a question.All the ministers in the Han Kingdom knew one thing, that Liu Yan might love Tuobaxiu more than other concubines in the harem. Fortunately, Liu Yan still knew the severity, and Tuobaxiu was also a rational woman who did not mess around. .

It is precisely because Tuobaxiu is too qualified as a concubine of the ruler of the Han Dynasty that the officials of the Han Dynasty really can't say anything bad, and Tuoba Daiguo, the natal family of Tuobaxiu, will also be timid in some behaviors Case.

Tuoba Dai State is not a powerful country. After Tuoba Shiyijian turned against Murong Yan State the year before last (344 A.D.), Murong Hao sent an army to crusade because his daughter's death was unknown, but Tuoba Shiyijian didn't even think about it. Take people away.

Tuoba Shiyijian had an inexplicable fear of Murong's family. When he faced Murong Xianbei, it was not the first time that he fled without a fight. He fled to a place by the Yellow River and rammed earth to build a city. He built a city named Shengle, and Shengle became the capital of the Tuoba Dai Kingdom.

At this moment, Tuobaxiu was frowning. She saw that Tuoba Gu was her own idea, and the reason was that she guessed what Tuoba Gu wanted to do and stopped it.She made it very clear to Tuoba Gu that Tuoba Daiguo, as his mother's family, wanted to put some dirty ideas on the big man's head, what he should do was hug the big man's thick legs tightly, and it was nothing to suffer a little. What Tuoba Daiguo should think about is the future.

"Your Majesty." Tuobaxiu had no choice but to speak. She said, "It's the best result not to punish Dai Guo for his half-heartedness."

Tuoba Shiyijian communicated with Shihu secretly, and the two sides were discussing something similar to a non-aggression treaty.Tuoba Daiguo deceived Shijie Zhao Guoguo while continuing to attack the Xiongnu tribes. It should be said that there was no half-hearted attitude toward Han. Furthermore, Tuoba Daiguo was not a vassal state of Han, so Tuoba Shiyi was a matter of course Jian didn't need Liu Yan's permission to do anything.

Tuobaxiu was adjusting her position. When she said that, didn't she see the respectful eyes of Ji Chang and others?
"I still need to make up for it." Liu Yan asked in a questioning tone: "Will you... forgive some debts?"

Lu Yi hesitated for a moment, he looked at Ji Chang, but Ji Chang kept his face expressionless, and then looked at Tuoba Xiu, who was frowning.He finally said to Liu Yan: "In fact, Daiguo...has no debts to the big man."

This time, Liu Yan slapped his forehead after being stunned: "That's right, they have already paid back with war horses and livestock, why don't you thank Ai for the food and fodder?"

(End of this chapter)

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