sweeping the world

Chapter 422 Xie Shi, who was hit by an arrow in the knee

Chapter 422 Xie Shi who was hit by an arrow in the knee
"Who?" Huan Wen was checking the results of his surrender, and Yuan Qiao was doing the same thing on the other side.He raised his eyebrows: "Zhang Mi from Guangyang?"

They all come from aristocratic families south of the Yangtze River, and you can basically tell what kind of aristocratic family it is when mentioning a certain location.

Guangyang is under the jurisdiction of Xin'an County. When you report your birthplace, you can usually confirm that you are from the Central Plains or south of the Yangtze River.However, the reality is that although the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was established in the south of the Yangtze River, the problem is that the aborigines in the south generally have relatively low levels of "decoration", but those families who fled from the Central Plains to the south generally have relatively low levels of "decoration". high.

The indigenous aristocratic families in the south have been suppressed by the group of aristocratic families who "traveled to the south with their clothes and clothes" for many years. As a result, the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was actually divided into three parts: the northern aristocratic families, the southern aristocratic families, and the common people.

There are many aboriginal families in the south who are unsuccessful. For example, Lu Yi, who was born in a Jiangxia family, went out early to find better development is just a microcosm. After Liu Yan captured the entire Qingzhou and expanded outward, which group from the south of the Yangtze River flocked to the Han territory? , most of them are definitely from the southern aboriginal family.They would do this purely because they were forced to do so. The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was destined to have no better development, so it might be a way out to try to become a hero in the Han Dynasty.

Yuan Qiaohui specifically mentioned Zhang Mi because Zhang Mi commanded the east side of the Jin army defending Xincai. When the Han army attacked the city before, it was found that the command level of the Jin army on this side was obviously higher than that of the other three sides.

"It was Zhang Mi's idea to abandon the city wall section and set up blocking lines layer by layer in the city." Yuan Qiao still admired Zhang Mi, and said: "Compared to other city wall commanders, the Jin army he led showed resilience. It’s also the highest.”

Huan Wen immediately became interested. The newly established Han Dynasty naturally had one small circle after another, including a group of Central Plains families headed by Sang Yu, a group of descended generals headed by Wang Ji, and then Lu Yi and Huan Wen respectively. A man of southern origin who is the leader.

"Why, he wants to rebel?" Huan Wen originally thought that taking down the city wall would be the end, but the result was very unexpected and he continued to attack and defend. If there is any means to win immediately, he is absolutely willing to try: "Or what?"

"Zhang Mi has been idled by the head of the state." Yuan Qiao raised Yang Zhang Mi's handwritten letter and said sarcastically: "The head of the state adopted Zhang Mi's idea, but killed the donkey. Zhang Mi only has There are more than [-] private soldiers, and he is contacting the sons of the family who are also from the south, saying that he will join us."

Huan Wen was a little skeptical: "The method of defending the city was written by Zhang Mi?"

"That's what he said." Yuan Qiao nodded: "From Qiao's point of view, this is probably the reality."

"The head of the country... as expected of the head of the country." Huan Wen also sneered on his face: "There are good generals who will not be used in the war, and they are idle because of suggestions. As the head of the country, it seems that you don't need to take credit for it, right?"

This was also something Yuan Qiao didn't understand. As the commander-in-chief, no matter who under his command made any contribution, he would be the head of the country.

Huan Wen asked suspiciously, "Is it some kind of trap?"

"Joe also has related doubts." Yuan Qiao said so, but the expression on his face was eager to try. He made a pensive look, and after a while he said: "Nowadays, there are many people who express their surrender, most of them Most of them are generals from aristocratic families."

Counting from the beginning of the siege of the Han army, it has been more than three months since the Han army attacked Xincai, and the time is really not too long.It took ten days for the Xincai defenders to lose their advantage on the city wall, but the Han army failed to gain a firm foothold on the city wall. Overall, it was still a bad battle in a stalemate.

The morale of Xincai defenders who lose the city wall will definitely suffer a blow. Some people want to surrender because of the loss of the city wall. After all, the city's offensive and defensive battles in Chinese history are about the struggle for the city wall. The fall of the city wall basically means the fall of the city. .

The problem is that the Han army made the Xincai defenders give up the defense of the city wall, but what the Han army faced was a newly formed obstacle line. In the short term, the offensive and defensive armies saw back and forth on that obstacle line.It should be in this way that the Jin army defending the city regained some confidence, and Chu Po had enough will to defend the city so that the Jin army could persevere.

"Make various preparations." Huan Wen put down the pile of surrender letters in his hand and said solemnly: "The first thing is to successfully gain a foothold at the city wall."

A stack of surrender letters?It seems that there are not many people who are looking for a way out when the situation is not good, even Chu Po's so-called close friends, but Huan Wen basically looks down on those literati.The literati have no military power in their hands, and surrendering is just a few shouts.

Yuan Qiao agrees with Huan Wen's decision, the development of the battle situation has been very fast at this stage, even if there is an accident that the Xincai defenders lose the city wall and still insist, but no matter how you look at the victory or defeat of the battle situation is locked, the difference is how much time it will take.

Huan Wen, who was the commander of the Han army, became calm, but Chu Po, who was the coach of the Jin army, fell into a kind of anxiety.

"Gentlemen!" Chu Pei's appearance is still very outstanding, otherwise she will give birth to a daughter who can be a queen.He lost his calm demeanor and anxiously asked the group of people under his command: "Besieged on all sides, the city wall is insufficient to defend, and our army is back and forth with the enemy on the newly built fortifications. How should we change the status quo?"

It should be said that Chu Pei still remained awake, not that he was completely blind to the situation, but that he had a sufficient understanding of the situation.He glanced at the people below with extremely expectant eyes, but saw that everyone was thinking hard, but no one said anything.

The small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty actually did not lack talents. The strange thing was that it was difficult for talents to display their talents.Furthermore, the social environment can cultivate great poets, great calligraphers, and great painters. Similar literati and poets basically occupy high positions, but those who are capable of military affairs are far inferior to literati who can recite a good poem.

Today's literati and poets are no longer the predecessors of the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty, or the wars at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Even if there are literati who can serve as counselors in the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, they are not in Xincai. That is called the gathering of stories and the separation of people and groups. Chu Pei He himself is a person who likes to recite poems and take drugs, so of course the people around him are those who share the same hobbies.

People who are interested in military affairs in the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty... Don't joke, they are not the same as Chu Po.Because Yu Liang was determined to make the Northern Expedition, and then Yu Bing and Yu Yi continued to strengthen their military, most people who knew military skills followed the Yu clan.The Yu family is facing liquidation.

Seeing that no one spoke, Chu Po became anxious immediately: "Who said anything!"

Someone actually made a "hoo" sound in response to the situation. The person who made the sound looked at Chu Pei with a smile, and then looked at the people around him, with a very interesting and proud expression on his face.

A burst of laughter followed. People who are used to being undisciplined often engage in crazy behaviors. There are still many people who are willing to play in the unfavorable situation. If word spreads, they can still get a "dangerous" person. It has the reputation of being completely integrated.”

To say whether neurosis is contagious or not, the next scene fully demonstrates it.Someone took the lead, and then all kinds of cock crowing, dog barking, pig learning, donkey learning, cricket learning... The messy sounds filled the lobby, making Chu Po, who was really too anxious to talk about elegance, look like the bottom of the pot black.

In the group of generals, they watched and listened to the sick literati, some were expressionless, some were frowning, and some people found it interesting.

As one of the literati leaders, Chu Po still maintains his demeanor under the rage, and he basically knows that everything is the fault of his type of friendship.His hands hidden in the long sleeves have become fist-like and clenched tightly, even shaking constantly, the skin of his hands and cheeks are shaking, and he can't swear a single dirty word.

[Perhaps it would be better to ask Zhang Mi? ] Chu Po had just thought of it, but he extinguished it by himself: [No!The old man is the majestic father of the state, and also the boss of that Zhuzi, he should be the one who eagerly admits his mistakes and pleases the old man, maybe the old man will forgive him. 】

At this time, the captain came to report. He had heard those "smoky" strange sounds before entering the lobby. When he came in, he saw that they were a bunch of lunatics, but this gave Chu Pei a chance to shut up those people. .

"Report to the commander!" The captain of the Chuangsheng Army respectfully saluted on one knee and said: "There seems to be internal strife in the Han army on the south side, and the attacking troops have been withdrawn."

Chu Po was overjoyed at first, but then he was skeptical: "Infighting?"

Lieutenant Chuansheng is really a voice-transmitting person, he will not make his own judgment, but will truthfully report what happened on the front line.

It just so happened that Chu Po couldn't bear the nervousness of those close friends during the war, so he scanned around more seriously, named a few people, and wanted to go and check it out in person.

It is hard to know whether the Han army in the south had internal strife, but when Chu Po led people to the visible distance, they found that the Han army was really gone.

Next, it was not only the south, but also the second area where the Han army stopped attacking in the west. Then only the Han army in the east continued to launch an offensive, and the Han army in the north also withdrew.

【What happened? ] Chu Pei was not stupid. The Han army suddenly retreated on three sides. Of course he would think: [Are reinforcements from the south coming?Or was there really internal strife in the Han army? 】

The Jin army and the Han army have been fighting for so long, at least they know that the Han army has swept the surrounding area, but they don't know how many prisoners of war they have collected to consume in the siege battle.

After thinking about it, Chu Po believed that there was an internal riot in the Han army based on seeing that the Han army treated the prisoners extremely harshly.

Believe it or not, Chu Po was extremely embarrassed about what to do, but he couldn't figure out what to do, and someone came to report that friendly troops from the west had broken through the heavy blocking of the Han army and entered the city.

It is true that people from the Jin army successfully entered the city, and those who came were the death-defying soldiers sent by Xie Shi. Nearly five hundred Qingqi posing as the Han army suffered heavy losses and broke through numerous interceptions and interceptions. Only ten people failed to succeed. Enter Xincai City.

"How did you get in?" Chu Po didn't forget that the city gate was blocked. He looked at the miserable friendly army with extremely suspicious eyes: "Don't tell the old man that you rushed in through the city gate!"

Xie Shi sent out those who dared to die, but I don't know if it was a coincidence or what, none of the Xie family's private soldiers survived, and the people who entered the city were from the local tyrants.

"Guo Zhang..." A thin but aggressive middle-aged man said, "I am a member of the Chunliang clan in Beiyi, ordered by Xie Shilang, General Jianwei, to report to the Guo Zhang at the risk of death. "

The word "Huangmen" should be added in front of the servant. The servant of the Huangmen was a gold-plated official in the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.However, if General Zhenjianwei was still a powerful general with high authority in the Western Han or Eastern Han Dynasty, he would become a miscellaneous general used to arrange the sons of prominent families in the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

"Who? Xie Shinu?!" Chu Po was still suspicious. He looked at the people who were serving in the Han army and asked, "Do you have any evidence?"

If there was really any proof, it would be with Xie's private soldiers. How could Xie Shi be handed over to powerful armed personnel from an unfamiliar place? As a result, the local armed forces who had gone through all kinds of hardships were completely confused, and some even The two seriously injured people fainted immediately.

Chu Po in the city was struggling to believe that the people who came were really friendly troops, but Huan Wen outside the city was angry.

"You bastard, you despise your longevity!" Huan Wen was talking about the real slave soldiers rioting. He almost roared with gritted teeth: "Kill, kill, kill them all!"

Just now, the attacking slave soldiers suddenly killed the guarding servants. The problem is that when the slave soldiers were going to join the Jin army, the Jin army first entertained them with arrow rain, and then they were frightened and killed them anyway. .

Yuan Qiao immediately advised: "In less than ten days, [-] slave soldiers were killed in the attack. It must be that they thought they would die no matter what, so..."

"Forget it." Huan Wen tried his best to suppress his anger. He first clenched his hands into fists, and when he squeezed his hands, there was a sound of bones, and he didn't know whether he was laughed angrily or genuinely: "I didn't expect that there would be thieves pretending to be our army. Let them rush into the city. But this is good, it will probably make the old tortoise believe that there will be no reinforcements coming, why should the irrational old tortoise try to break through?"

Huan Wen had good expectations, while Chu Po fell into deep hesitation.

Some news about the blockade of the Yangtze River and the capture of Nanyang County by the Han army entered Chu Ling's ears again.This time, he believed that the reason was that the armed personnel in those places were able to describe the place in great detail, and it was because of this that he was sure that the people who came were not dead soldiers of the Han army.

"There will be no reinforcements?" Chu Po seemed to have lost his soul: "How is it possible? The old man is the head of the country, the father of the current imperial queen, and the grandfather of His Majesty. How could they watch the old man die for the country?" Don't send reinforcements!"

Since there was no sense of secrecy, the relevant rumors were first spread by literati and poets with their mouths, and of course they spread to everyone in the end.

Chu Pei was in a daze for a whole day. When he finally woke up, he was no longer a slow person and decided to break out of the encirclement. However, just after he gave the order to break out, the morale of the defenders in Xincai City collapsed after a while. Zhang Mi and others When a group of people took advantage of the situation to rebel, the residents of the city who had been suppressed also joined in the fun.

It was probably on the seventh day after the fall of Xincai and Chu Su's capture that Xie Shi learned what happened in Xincai due to Huan Wen's methods.His face turned pale and he murmured in great fear: "So, I was responsible for Xincai's fall?"

(End of this chapter)

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