sweeping the world

Chapter 390 What!Hiding evil intentions?

Chapter 390 What!Hiding evil intentions?

After Tuobagu entered the account, he behaved respectfully and courteously, everything was in accordance with the etiquette of the Han family, and he sat upright and quietly.

Xu Qian also looked average, there was absolutely nothing lacking in etiquette, even with a hint of flattery.

The attitudes of the two made Liu Yan feel a little bad. They had to be so respectful and courteous if they were asking for talents. With a Shijie State of Zhao, no matter how strong the Han State was, it would not be able to threaten the Tuoba Dai State.

Liu Yan asked Tuoba Gu with a smile in a homely tone: "Have you met your sister?"

"Go back to the King of Han. I've seen you before." Tuoba Gu's appearance is not much different from that of the Han people. Most of the Xianbei people with Caucasian ancestry are Murong Xianbei. He is not as rugged as the Hu people. He can even be said to be very tall. Like a gentle scholar.He smiled slightly and said, "My sister really made Gu ashamed when she asked about the dowry."

What happened to Lu Yi going to the grassland to receive Tuobaxiu's dowry?

"Although the road was not smooth, it took more than three years. I took the initiative to add two thousand tents and some cattle, horses, and sheep. When my brother found out, he supplemented five thousand tents and one To appease livestock, some princes more or less made up for eight hundred tents." Tuoba Gu looked really embarrassed: "The ones behind are not considered the dowry from the elder brother to the younger sister, they are just compensation. When I met my younger sister, my younger sister said Need more, but Daiguo is...really not rich, so..."

Grassland is counted according to "accounts". There are at least four people in one account, and maybe more than seven people in one account. Then, the average value of five people in one account is equal to Tuoba Shiyijian and Tuoba Gu. Together with a group of Tuoba clans, they paid Tuoba Xiu a dowry of about 4 people.

For the time being, Liu Yan believed Tuoba Gu's explanation, and based on his understanding of Tuoba Xiu, it was only natural that he wanted to ask for more dowry. She was not a woman who was polite to her natal family.

Since it is a dowry, whether it is according to the etiquette of the Han family or the values ​​​​of Xianbei, in fact, no matter how much the Tuoba clan pays, nothing belongs to Liu Yan, but to Tuobaxiu, and if Tuobaxiu has an heir, he should be a descendant. One generation cannot be regarded as the property of the Han royal family.

Naturally, if Tuobaxiu is willing to let Liu Yan use it, it will be fine, but the ownership is still Tuobaxiu's.

"A dowry is a dowry, not a debt repayment." Tuoba Gu said solemnly, "We all know this clearly."

It is rare to give a princess 4 people and a large number of livestock as a dowry on the grasslands. It can be said that the Tuoba clan is very generous. It is rare for them to explain that the debt is a debt, and there is no meaning of debt. It's very interesting.

The last time Princess Xianbei got married, Murong Hao, who married her daughter, was actually quite generous. She gave Tuoba Shiyijian 20 tents, [-] horses, [-] cows, [-] sheep, furs and the like. few.

With this batch of dowry, when Tuoba Shiyijian competed with his third brother Tuoba Qu for the leader of the Tuoba clan, he had more than a little chance of winning. The current leader of the Tuoba Dai Kingdom is Tuoba Shiyi. Jian, but that's because of the full support of the fourth brother Tuobagu.

Yuwen Xianbei also married Murong Huang's daughter. Yuwen Yi Dougui's dowry from Murong Xianbei was only one-tenth of Tuoba Shiyijian's.Yu Wenyi and Dou Gui complained a lot after the comparison, which turned out to be Murong Huang's excuse for crusade.

Now Yuwen Xianbei is actually extinct and split into nine tribes, among which Kumoxi one is the later Khitan.

Yuwen Yidougui first fled to Mobei, and was later accepted by Shi Hu. He first served under Shi Bin, and then ran away to Goguryeo for unknown reasons. This was also the inducement for Murong Xianbei to attack Goguryeo for the second time.

The real situation is that Yuwen Yidougui had a daughter who married Gaozhao, the former king of Goguryeo's homeland.Not only was he related by marriage to Goguryeo, he was actually related to Tuoba Xianbei, Murong Xianbei, and Duan Xianbei, but others didn't care about that when they beat up Yuwen Xianbei.

In view of the "Xianbei principle" used to play with each other, Liu Yan, who knows this, will really regard the friendship of the Tuoba family as Jin Jian. Are you willing to talk about letting Tuoba Daiguo attack Shijie Zhaoguo or Murong Xianbei?

Family affection doesn't seem to work, so should we change our strategy?

Tuoba retreated alone and replaced Xu Qian.

Xu Qian played a very important role in Tuoba Daiguo. Although his official position was only Lang Zhongling, he presided over the establishment of laws belonging to Tuoba Daiguo. Together with Yanfeng, they were called "Shuangjie".He was not at his peak when he assisted Tuoba Shiyijian. He had to experience the destruction of Tuoba Daiguo by Fu Jian's former Qin Dynasty and help Tuoba Xianbei to rebuild the Northern Wei Dynasty.

At this time, Xu Qian has already shown his talents, but due to his young age, he does not give people a sense of weight.He first praised Liu Yan's rapid expansion of the Han Dynasty, and then implicitly raised the issue that it was precisely because of the excessive expansion that there were many enemies.

"My king is far away in the grassland, and we are relatives by marriage, so we should get closer." Xu Qian didn't treat himself as an outsider at all, and said after chatting a few words: "Seriously speaking, I am also a minister of the king, and treat the king with respect." No different from my king."

Liu Yan nodded with a smile, and said cooperatively, "Then I don't know what suggestion you have?"

"Your Majesty, I am here with the Northern King. Firstly, I want to establish family relations, and secondly, I want to discuss the details with the Northern King." The Northern King Xu Qian mentioned was Tuoba Gu.He looked at Liu Yan and was silent for a while before continuing: "The two families are related by marriage, but they have their own national interests, but there is no conflict. If the king needs to attack Zhao to expand his territory and be prepared for Yan to attack, I If the king wants to gain benefits, he will naturally choose to advance and retreat together with the king."

As they were talking here, Tuoba Gu had already taken out a volume of letters written on silk paper from his arms.

Wang Meng went over to catch it and passed it to Liu Yan, who naturally checked it out word by word.

The letter was written by Tuoba Shiyijian himself. It is hard to tell that it is a Hu chief. The words are gorgeous and rhyme, and even use a lot of allusions. The general idea is that he is willing to assist Liu Yan in attacking a certain country. , but... Tuoba Daiguo fights every year, not only is there a shortage of food, fodder and weapons from time to time, but also the soldiers are exhausted because of the use of troops every year, but they have to wait for the time.

"My king's wish is to open up a channel with your majesty, so that the two countries can become close neighbors and form the most sincere allies, exchange what is needed, and then make one place." Xu Qian said with a humble face: " Your Majesty wants to restore the old land of the Han family. My king will naturally not touch an inch of the old land of the Han family, but I want the king to help my king become the overlord of the grassland after the restoration of the old land of the Han family. In this way, the two countries will always form an alliance good."

Originally, Liu Yan thought he could guess what Tuoba Shi Yijian wanted to do, but after reading the letter and after Xu Qian's words, he couldn't understand.If he didn't understand, he had no choice but to look at Tuoba Gu.

"That's right." Tuoba Gu was straightforward and said, "My brother wants to attack Youzhou while you are fighting with Shi Bin and plunder food and military supplies. It will depend on the situation later. If the two armies can join forces in Youzhou, We will jointly send troops to Liaodong. If we cannot join forces, we will return to the grassland."

Liu Yan blinked: "No ordnance, no food and fodder?"

Tuoba Gu waved his hands again and again: "How can I, the debt is not paid off, how can I owe it again."

Xu Qian also said: "I definitely don't mean that. It's my king who feels that he has received a lot of help from the king, so he should do his best. Try to repay the favor and get benefits from Youzhou, which is also beneficial to my king."

In fact, Liu Yan doesn't know what kind of person Tuoba Shiyijian is. He generally understands that he is a person with tenacity and tolerance, but it doesn't mean that he thinks that Tuoba Shiyijian is really that simple, especially when it comes to When it comes to national affairs.

It makes sense that Tuoba Shi Yijian would take advantage of the battle between Shi Bin's Youzhou Army and the Han Army to attack the rear. After all, Shi Bin's army would definitely be empty in the rear when it went south. Tuoba Shi Yijian still had a great chance of making a profit, but he still had There is a Murong Yan country who is still waiting for death.

Seeing Liu Yan's pensive face, Tuoba Gu simply said another truth: "In order to achieve the goal of raiding the rear, it must wait for the Yan army to attack Han's territory in Liaodong, or even wait for the Yan army to attack Goguryeo again. We just play by ear, and we may not be able to do it right, but there is nothing wrong with telling you in advance."

Liu Yan didn't recall much in his mind about what Tuoba Daiguo had done in the original history, so of course he couldn't recall anything.What's more, he has messed up the history, even if it is the Tuoba Congress in history, it is not sure whether it will repeat itself.

"Brother uncle has a heart." What else can Liu Yan say besides this?He straightened his face and had to ask again: "You really don't want arms or fodder?"

Both Tuoba Gu and Xu Qian shook their heads violently, and then Tuoba Gu added: "If we can really meet up in Youzhou, it won't be too late to communicate with each other."

With deep confusion, Liu Yan entertained the two of them for a long time, and then specially invited Zhang Zuo and Xie Ai to have a big banquet together, and it was not until late at night that everyone left drunk.

During the banquet, Zhang Zuo and Xie Ai were sensible people, they only agreed to meet and did not talk about anything in front of Tuoba Gu and Xu Qian.

Tuobaxiu came only after the banquet was over, and the first thing she said when she arrived was, "Don't care what they said, especially what Xu Qian said, don't believe a single word."

Liu Yan hugged Tuobaxiu, "hehe" said with a smile: "You don't know what they said, just say so."

"It's nothing more than some in-laws, some brothers, something and something." Tuobaxiu helped Liu Yan, who was a little drunk, to the side of the couch, and helped Liu Yan take off his complicated clothes and lie down halfway: " My concubine doesn't know much about the truth, but I know that there is no family relationship between countries. It is nothing more than what each country needs. No matter what country it is, you can't take advantage of us for no reason. The more outsiders come to talk sweetly, even slyly, It must be more malicious!"

Liu Yan was a little dazed...

(End of this chapter)

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