sweeping the world

Chapter 373 This is the "pill"

Chapter 373 This is the "pill"
Almost as soon as Ran Min knew the news about Guanzhong, Li Nong also received a final letter from Fu An.

Fu An did not write too much in the letter. At that time, he was seriously injured and able to hold on, so it was not bad. How could he have too many redundant words, but he only emphasized that Ran Min was a lucky person, and then Ran Min might It can be great for a while, but it will eventually end tragically because of its character.

After talking about Ran Min's personality, Fu An then talked about Fu Hong's decision, that is, after the Di clan recaptured Guanzhong, they would not be able to get out of the pass, and they still belonged to the Zhao State of Shijie in name, but the Fu clan would not mix with Shijie. Tiger's broken.Next he said that the Fu clan would not reveal to Shi Hu what Li Nong had done on the Tongguan battlefield, but would instead speak well of him.

Fu An's entire letter did not say that he wanted Li Nong to participate in the attack on Ran's Qin State, and it seemed to be for Li Nong's sake.

After reading the letter, Li Nong learned from the sender that Fu An had died of serious injuries. With his sentimental character, he couldn't help feeling deeply, and naturally fell into a kind of incomprehensible feeling in his heart. struggle.

"Chief?" Li Cunxiao (not the one in the Tang Dynasty) was one of Li Nong's most valued generals. Seeing Li Nong's disappointed face, he asked, "What happened."

"Fu An died in battle." Li Nong recounted the process of how Fu Hong recaptured Yao Pass and Lantian Pass, and then said: "I want to send troops to rescue Fu Hou from the siege, what do you think?"

A surprised "Ah?!" was sent out in the account. They had a reason to be confused because Li Nong had been "you and me" with Ran's Qin State before. Want to meet swordsmen?

"Fu Hong led his army into Qin, and there are many defectors. It seems that he will regain control of Guanzhong." Li Nong raised the letter in his hand, and said: "Fu An wrote to me before he died, which shows that the long-term friendship is true. The ancients He has passed away, and I have done my best to save his brother."

"What about Yong Zeng..." Wang Xiaozhi said, somewhat dumbfounded: "Yong Zeng still hates us to death? What was the purpose of what he did before?"

"Yongzeng?" Li Nong said as a matter of course: "My gang Yongzeng already has a lot, just to protect Fuhou, not the whole army, how can Yongzeng show affection?"

Everyone was speechless. They felt that Li Nong's thinking was weird. Wasn't it because Li Nong was such a loving person who chose to follow?
Li Nong did what he said, and sent Wang Xiaoqian to talk to Ran Min.

At the time of the introduction, Ran Min was already preparing to deal the final blow to Marquis Fu. Hearing Wang Xiaozhi's intention, he was silent for a long time. After a terrible silence, he said: "Ji Ru can enter the enemy camp alone. If Marquis Fu is willing, I will naturally fulfill Li's request." public camaraderie."

Wang Xiaozhi originally thought that Ran Min would not agree, so that he didn't pay much attention when he spoke, but he was very happy when he heard that Ran Min agreed, thinking that Ran Min valued his friendship with Li Nong.

It is often said that things of a kind gather together and people are divided into groups. Li Nong is such a person, and the people under his command can also see it. Wang Xiaozhi inevitably persuaded Ran Min some words. As for whether Ran Min listened to it, I don't know.

Of course, it is impossible for Fu Hou to leave. If he does not leave, he can still persist. Once he leaves, the troops that are still resisting will collapse.

"Mighty Marquis kindly accepts Hou Yao." Fu Hou bowed his hands to Li Nong's position and thanked Li Nong with a moved face, and said to Wang Xiaozhi: "But I don't know how the situation has developed so far. What is the plan of Marquis Marquis?"

Wang Xiaozhi didn't know Li Nong's plan, but he just tried to persuade Fuhou to leave.

The three brothers of the Fu family have the same layout, and under the premise of their own division of labor, Fu An has already died in battle for the cause of the Fu family. At the beginning, Fu Hou was also mentally prepared for the unexpected.

The development of the situation has almost followed their direction. How could Fu Hou dig his own grave for his own safety, regardless of the future of the Fu family? He could only thank and refuse repeatedly.

To be honest, it was a bit difficult for Fu Hou to defend here, but it would be no problem to hold on for another month or two.

One or two months in a battle is not short, and it is even critical when it comes to the critical moment. Fu Hong is now approaching the city of Chang'an. Every time Fu Hou persists in this forbidden valley, Fu Hong will have more A moment of time is used to attack Chang'an City.

Wang Xiaozhi left with regret. He still hoped that Marquis Fu would accept the kindness. Firstly, the begging army could be kind to the Fu family, and secondly, it could be regarded as helping Ran Min. Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful.

Li Nong was immediately sad when he learned that Fu Hou would not leave, and said to Wang Xiaozhi: "The Fu family has three heroes, and the Fu family is destined to rise."

After the Fu family reoccupied Guanzhong, they would lock the pass, and it seemed that they wanted to sit in the pass and wait for the opportunity.Their foundation in Guanzhong can also be seen from the people scrambling to defect as soon as Fu Hong entered, but the foundation seems to be quite strong.

"Let's make preparations and withdraw our troops tomorrow." Li Nong didn't want to stay here for a moment. He looked in the direction of Yecheng and said, "The friendship here is exhausted, and it's time to be loyal."

It was said that Shi Hu led the army to Dunqiu County, but there was not much news later, only about the continuous mobilization of the Han army to the war zone, and the control of the Yellow River was in the hands of the Han State.

In the southeast region, the Han army conquered Xuchang a month ago, led by Xie An.

When the Han army conquered Xuchang, they stopped expanding. It wasn't that the expansion ended here. The Jin army who crossed the Yangtze River took advantage of the battle between the Han army and the Shijie Zhao army and captured Runan, Xincai, and Ruyin counties.

It was Yu Bing who led the Northern Expedition, and he really had a good time, taking the land of the three counties with a mere [-] Jin troops.

After the Jin army took down three counties, it still made a gesture of continuing to march north. Han, who had been taken advantage of, seemed quite unhappy to see the Jin army going north, and must be on guard in anger.

In fact, Yu Bing was called back by the imperial decree after walking more than [-] miles north. He was strictly ordered not to leave the garrison.

Chu Po is the head of the country, and he is still very fresh, much younger than the "outdated" relatives of the Yu family.Furthermore, the Empress Dowager of the Chu family is now in charge of state affairs. The Yu family has been in glory for so long, so it's time for the Chu family to take turns in the queue!
Yu Bing returned to the south of the Yangtze River with depression and regret. Not only did he lose his official position as the Northern Expedition coach, but he also lost the actual power of the local governor. He was transferred back to Jiankang and became a general of chariots and cavalry. .

Chu Po took office and became the new head coach of the Northern Expedition. According to the Chu family, which can only be said to be a second-rate family with a first-class level, he naturally cannot mobilize tens of thousands of private soldiers like the Yu family, but it is not the Chu family that is in charge of state affairs now. Queen Mother.

The Empress Dowager Chu is still a person who is more towards her natal family, otherwise she would not have been under great pressure to get rid of Yu Bing and "throw" the title of the new Northern Expedition coach to Chu Ling.She also came up with a strategy of combining vertical and horizontal, mainly to make friends with the Wang family, one of the powerful families, and several other high-ranking families, and raise food, fodder and soldiers for Chu Po.

When Yu Bing was the commander of the Northern Expedition, he had only [-] soldiers and horses on hand, but when it was Chu Po's turn to be the commander of the Northern Expedition, the number increased to [-].

It is said that [-] is the national armed forces under the Jin army system. Another feature of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is that it can bring private soldiers in battle.Therefore, Yu Bing's previous strength of [-] was only the Jin army, not counting the [-] to [-] private soldiers in his hand.Chu Po alone has [-] soldiers in the Jin army, and the Empress Dowager Chu helped raise [-] private soldiers, which means she has [-] soldiers and horses.

The poet Guozhang began to inspect the land of the three counties after crossing the Yangtze River, and even boldly ran to the checkpoints set up by the Han army to look around.This action seems to be a person who can lead soldiers, but the next scene looks weird. He shrank back to Xincai after seeing what he needed to see, and an old god came to stand still on the ground. The reason for Jiankang was that Han The army is sharp and will find the most suitable time to report what happened in Guanzhong to Jiankang.

The small ~chao~ting of the Eastern Jin Dynasty learned that the situation in Guanzhong and the time point of the Han country were just one in front of the other. The small ~chao~ting in the south of the Yangtze River gloated at Ran Min's misfortune, while Linzi had long been concerned about it. .

It is still not a big or small court meeting. In the Han Dynasty, the big court meeting is held once every ten days, and the small court meeting is held every day.The routine of handling things is relatively flexible, and the king can report anything he needs to know at any time.

"So, Fu Hong led his troops into Guanzhong again." Liu Yan didn't have any special expression, and commented: "Fu Hong's move is good, but the follow-up decision-making seems not grand."

Ji Chang directly stated the key point: "After entering Guanzhong, if Fu Hong does not attack Chang'an and directly advances to Tongguan, it will be of great significance even if he cannot attack."

Han Guo didn't know one fact. It might be funny to say it, but Fu Hong didn't have enough troops. He was afraid that leaving Chang'an behind to go to Tongguan would cause him to be flanked on both sides.

"Your Majesty, it seems appropriate to accept Ran Min as a minister now." Sang Yu looked happy, but he didn't gloat over Ran Min's situation. He said, "Who should lead the troops to rescue?"

Before Han Guo was unwilling to accept Ran Min's title of minister, it was clear that it was meaningless at all, but now the timing is different, the situation of Ran's Qin State is so bad that it is almost hopeless, even if it is not for Guanzhong, it is just for acceptance Digesting Ran Min and a group of civil and military personnel, no matter how you look at it, it is a kindness rather than a hatred.

"Our Liaodong war is about to break out, and there are many local battlefields, so there can't be too many troops." Ji Chang touched his chin, and said in a solemn voice: "Supported by water, and the guards who were originally hidden in the Qinling Mountains The army, in fact, does not depend on the number of troops, it is a shot in the arm for Ran Min."

Liu Yan agreed with Ji Chang's statement very much. What they did was of great significance, not only to Ran Min, but also to Fu Hong, or to the country itself. The country can't play it at all.

"This is also to scare Shihu..." Liu Yan seemed to think of something, suddenly laughed "haha", and said something that Wenwu couldn't understand: "For Ran Min, what the widow is doing is to hand over quick-acting heart-saving pills!"

……Dividing line……

This is Chapter 1, which has been updated for the leader of the alliance, and there are still ten chapters left.How does honor feel a little bit painful and happy?
(End of this chapter)

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