sweeping the world

Chapter 369 The Complexity of Human Nature

Chapter 369 The Complexity of Human Nature
Some people are pretending to be confused because they understand, while others have to be confused.

Li Nong returned to his own army after leaving the military tent for discussion. After pondering all the way, he still made a decision. He wanted to preserve the friendship left by his ancestors, and sent someone to inform Ran Min of Fu Hong's conspiracy.

After all, life is inherently complicated, especially for those who want both loyalty and righteousness.There are really no completely bad people in the world, and that is relative to their own recognition, and it is also a difference in opinions from different positions.

Li Nong sent someone, and Fu Hong got the news with a second kick.

If it can be brought up for discussion, it is doomed to fail to achieve any secret matter. How can Fu Hong not know this truth.He has every reason to guard against Li Nong, and Li Nong is also full of vigilance against him.

"What should I do?" Fu An said slightly nervously: "That guy has really eaten inside and out."

"It can't be said that Jin people have always been guarded and regarded as inferior people in Shijie. Shijie has no kindness to Jin people, and the same is true for us." Fu Hong looked very open, and smiled again. Said: "That was originally expected."

Ran Min and Li Nong come from the same lineage. According to the values ​​from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the present, even if it is hostility, friendship must be taken care of, which is the so-called constant cutting and chaos.

They were all from the begging army. Despite the split, Li Nong sincerely believed that state affairs are state affairs and private affairs are private affairs. This mentality has been affecting Chinese civilization since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.But then again, it is precisely such values ​​that give the concept of a nation a rudimentary form.

Maybe Li Nong doesn't have the idea to sell for a price, but who knows?There are too many people Shihu needs to guard against, and whoever has a heavy army is the one to be wary of. The same is true for Fu Hong, Li Nong, and even Yao Yizhong, who was defeated and captured.

Mutual guarding caused a strange phenomenon in the Shijie State of Zhao. The king did not trust his ministers, and the ministers did not believe in the king. Shihu would weaken the people who held the most powerful soldiers when they had the opportunity, and the people who held the most powerful soldiers would quarrel with each other. leg.

The begging army is an important armed force, especially in the Tongguan battlefield.It is said that the importance of the begging army is not only to help, but also means that if it turns against the water, it will inevitably cause a big impact. Don't think how secretive the private contact between Ran Min and Li Nong has been.

"I've known for a long time that Li Nong is not trustworthy." Fu Hou is another younger brother of Fu Hong. He was originally in command at the Xiaoguan battlefield, but he only arrived at the Tongguan battlefield yesterday.He sneered and said: "Jin people are the generation with many snakes and rats at both ends."

The battle at Xiaoguan has always been fierce, but behind Xiaoguan there is the barrier of Lantian Pass, so the significance of attacking Xiaoguan is not as great as that of Tongguan, so the main battlefield is Tongguan instead of Xiaoguan.

The three brothers discussed the following matters for a long time, during which they inevitably talked about the captured Yao Yizhong.They were of course surprised and shocked by Yao Yizhong's defeat and capture, and it was precisely because of this that they had a different view of Shi Hu.

"We won't be able to get out of Guanzhong this time." Fu Hong said with great firmness: "Yao Yizhong won't be able to come back, and the Qiang people will inevitably have internal turmoil due to the position of the leader. Opportunity. Standing in the middle of the gate and watching the world, let those people fight to the death, we have a lot of opportunities to look for opportunities."

To put it bluntly, the premise of everything is that the Di tribe can regain Guanzhong, and the basis of their strategy is to judge Ran Min's character.

The people sent by Li Nong met Ran Min without hindrance, and presented Li Nong's personal letter without any extra nonsense.

"Pretend to retreat and set up an ambush?" Ran Min murmured, and looked at the person coming from behind. This person's name was Wang Xiaozhi, and he was more or less a veteran of the begging army, but he was on the same road as Li Nong.He asked earnestly: "Does Li Gong want to build a great cause with the widow?"

Wang Xiaozhi was stunned, unable to answer.In fact, he didn't like Ran Min's attitude towards everyone. It wouldn't be a disadvantage for Ran Min to call him uncle in terms of seniority.

"If Li Gong comes, he can be a king, Ji Ru can also be a county prince, and the widow and all the lords can share the world." Ran Min was full of eager expectations, and said: "Ji Ru, we are all of the same origin, and we are all from the same family. It is a last resort for the Hulu to serve, and is it not something that you think about every day and night to get your name right?"

Wang Xiaozhi shook his head and said: "Yong Zeng, Mr. Li has his own thoughts." Regardless of Ran Min's face that became a little stiff when he was called Biao, he paused and continued: "Now that I know Fu Hong's tricks, Yong Zeng Let's do it for ourselves." After finishing speaking, he left.

Ran Min's original intention was to keep him, but he was a king after all, and it would not be a pleasure to be called as a king, especially he didn't like Wang Xiaozhi's attitude of seniority, so he silently watched Wang Xiaozhi leave.

Waiting for Wang Xiaozhi to leave, a group of Ran's Qin Guo Wenwu hiding in the side room also appeared.

As soon as Tiao You appeared, he said, "I wonder if the king believed what Li Nong said?"

"I still believe it." Ran Min said bluntly: "Although Li Nong is pedantic and ignorant, he is a man of great faith."

Wang Jian immediately said: "Since I already know about Fu Hong's treacherous plot, it's enough for my king not to be fooled."

The rest of the people also have the same opinion, knowing that there is a pit and not jumping into it is the most straightforward.

"Maybe we can show our feet, make Li Nong and Fu Hong turn against each other, and further make Shi Hu deal with Li Nong?" Jiang Gan gritted his teeth and said, "It is precisely because Li Nong has a choice that he doesn't want to join us. Will you come if you choose?"

Without waiting for anyone to say anything, Ran Min was furious immediately: "If you behave like this, how can you show the world!"

Jiang Gan was stunned for a while. They have been trying to win over Li Nong. They have tried almost every means but it was useless. Now that the most likely chance to succeed has finally appeared, why did Ran Min suddenly turn into a "flawless" elegant gentleman again? ?

"Li Nong treats the widow with sincerity, how can the widow repay his kindness and revenge." Ran Min was a little melancholy, looking at it as he was recalling some past events, and finally said: "Let's keep some faith."

At that moment, I don't know if anyone was complaining that Shi Le and Shi Hu treated Ran Min very well, but Ran Min said otherwise.

Of course, Ran Min's anti-Shihu has the explanation of national righteousness. What is more embarrassing is that no national righteousness is popular now.

Tiao You didn't care about other things, and asked directly: "Then what does the king think of Fu Hong's conspiracy?"

"Let me let you think about it." Ran Min actually thought that if he didn't know, he might be unprepared. Once he knew about setting up an ambush, he could use it. After thinking about it for a while, he said to everyone: "The King of Han's invasion of Sizhou has not yet been confirmed. , Shihu may attack at any time. It is better to ask for others than to ask for oneself. If there is an opportunity to deal with the enemy outside the pass, the widow thinks that it cannot be let go."

With such a foundation, as a courtier, he can only think in one direction.

To the east of Tongguan, there is an open area, but this area is not large, and further ahead is a narrow mountainous area. After the mountainous area is the so-called Forbidden Valley.

Some military common sense should know that it is easiest to set up an ambush in narrow terrain. It is only necessary to set up rocks and a large number of archers on the mountains on both sides, which can easily cause serious damage to the people below. However, the people below have to resist unless they can fight up. .

"Summer has just passed, and it's the time when everything is withered and yellow." Jiang Gan didn't have any special thoughts after being scolded, and made a plan: "I remember that the Han army fought in Taishan County. Attack with fire again."

"It's feasible." Tiao You immediately nodded and said: "We will fight when the wind is favorable, and then set fire to it, and the enemy's ambushing soldiers will be turned into coke."

In general seasons, the wind is mostly northerly, but in autumn there are more changes. In many cases, the wind is erratic, but most of the time it is actually more southeast.

It's not that Ran's Qin State has never considered setting fire, but setting fire is not just a matter of lighting a bunch of flames. If the wind is not right, it will just play with fire and set itself on fire.

Zuo Pushe Zhang Gan looks like a well-educated man, he decided to launch a fire attack and began to pinch his fingers, thinking that there will be a northeasterly wind in the second half of this month, but he doesn't know whether it is reliable, after all, he is not from Guanzhong ah!
Ran Min was wise for the sake of conservatism. He found a number of old people in Guanzhong, personally asked about the weather conditions in previous years, and asked about the wind as if casually. Most of the answers he got were in line with Zhang Qian's calculations. .

The two armies were busy with the goal of calculating each other, and a news spread from Yecheng to the Tongguan battlefield.

The Han army was indeed increasing its troops to Jibei County with great fanfare, and Shi Hu, who had been staying in the Guangjian Palace in Yecheng and wantonly collecting beauties, also responded.

It was not wrong for Shi Hu to enjoy the time in Yecheng, and he never forgot to gather the Jie tribe warriors. He increased the source of soldiers for the Longteng Guards, and ordered Shi Xuan to form the East Palace Gaoli. The pressure on all countries has been not small.

The Han army's massive increase of troops to Jibei County must have provoked Shihu's nerves. He finally broke free from the gentle township and dispatched with a large army that had been prepared for war long ago. The marching direction was towards Dunqiu County, which is adjacent to Jibei County. go.

Dunqiu County was the fourth year of Daxing in the Jin Dynasty (321 A.D.). The refugees from Dunqiu came to the foot of Dunqiu Mountain, one mile east of Xin'an Town, Lai'an County, Anhui Province, and were deliberately resettled.It originally belonged to Xuzhou, but it was restructured repeatedly later. Now it belongs to Sizhou, not a big county, but actually a county.

I don't know how many people in the world are paying attention to Shi Hu's movements. Knowing that Shi Hu is leading an army to attack the Han Kingdom, I don't know how many people celebrate with each other in an instant, and they must laugh at Liu Yan.

After confirming that Shi Hu is indeed leading the army to fight Liu Yan, Ran's and Qin Kingdom's side is of course grateful. He praises Liu Yan. He really knows that it is necessary to have a dead lip and a cold tooth, but it is also necessary to refuse to defect and help. .

"I don't know what the king of Han is thinking, but the king of Han's move is naturally beneficial to the Great Qin." Ran Min commented, but then asked seriously: "The enemy outside the pass really shows signs of pulling out their camps and retreating?"

……Dividing line……

After thinking about it, I'd better write down this branch line of Ran's Qin Kingdom. If you don't like it, please let me know, so that you can get the honor quickly.

In addition, sincerely ask for a recommendation ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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