sweeping the world

Chapter 366 Only the Emperor Can Give

Chapter 366 Only the Emperor Can Give
Throughout the long river of history, there are many people who acted as ministers and turned their backs on the mastermind to usurp the throne, but none of them has such a bad reputation as the Sima royal family.

In terms of bad behavior and embarrassment, the Sima family is not as good as the Zhao family, the leader of the Song Dynasty.

The Zhao family, the Song Lord, bullied the orphans and widows and came to power. The land of Yanyun was given to Khitan because Shi Jingtang was the emperor, but the Song Lord Zhao family at least tried to regain it. It also led to the weakness of martial arts that has never been seen in ancient times, and there was no strong and prosperous atmosphere until the end of the Song Dynasty, but at least the two Songs still had brilliant literary affairs.

The Sima family attempted to usurp the throne and made "Sima Zhaozhi's heart known to everyone". After he took the throne, the royal family had repeated civil strife, and they lured the Hu people to the south, and even armed the Hu people for internal fighting, resulting in the loss of the Central Plains from the Yanhuang Miao for the first time. , created a precedent in history, and set an example for Hu people to peep at the Central Plains in the future.The most frightening thing is that even the Yanhuang Miao descendants are no longer ashamed to serve the Hu people, but it is the explanation of "seeking the hero and serving him".

In the Western Han Dynasty, there was a Bank of China who said that serving the Xiongnu had left a bad reputation for thousands of years. After the Sima family lost the Central Plains, serving the Hu people became a matter of course, and it was no longer a shameful thing to do.What's more, I don't know how many people have left their names in history by serving the Hu people. It seems that their reputation is not bad. Who will feel ashamed after that?
Yanhuang Miaoyi would like to thank the two of them.

One is Ran Min, who is full of bad deeds but roars in times of crisis, Fu Han kills Hu to prevent the Yanhuang descendants from being slaughtered, prevents Chinese culture from disappearing in the long river of history, and only does one right thing in his life.

The other is to end the rule of the Hu people in the Central Plains. After ascending the throne, he spared no effort to restore Chinese culture. Everything he did was in the name of "Zhengshuo", restored the social status of the Han people, and called on the Han people to find Yang Jian's blood and courage of their ancestors.

It is difficult to know when the term Han nationality first appeared. The only trace that can be found is in the Yang Jian period. In the history since then, the Han nationality has been recognized as a unified ethnic group, and it is no longer based on the past events of the Warring States period. Born in a certain place, he calls himself Qi, Wei, Yan... and so on.

Because of some "politically correct" things, what Ran Min did cannot appear in orthodox textbooks. He would only promote how good Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is. The same reason happened with Yang Jian.As the largest ethnic group in the east of the world, it has to "give way" to something, but it has no way of knowing what happened, let alone that its own ethnic group almost disappeared. All it knows is what it wants to be told, which is hard to describe.

The person who "only does one right thing in his life", he is wearing armor and holding a sharp sword, and he is criss-crossing the city wall. Wherever he passes, there is no enemy.

The war in Tongguan is so fierce that the king of a country wants to go into battle in person?

After repelling the enemy army that killed Shangcheng Pass again, Ran Min, who was covered in blood, was free to meet his courtiers.

There is no need to pay too much attention to the difference in Jiang Gan's expression when he returned from the south of the Yangtze River. He told the story of what happened in the Eastern Jin Dynasty court without embellishment, and Ran Min was so angry that he drew his sword and chopped it at the table.

"It's simply unreasonable!" Ran Min had an angry reason. The Eastern Jin Dynasty's court humiliated Ran's family and the Qin State. Not only did he reject the proposal to become a minister, he even humiliated the envoys he sent.He panted heavily with a terrifying expression on his face: "Don't those aristocratic families have a good background? Now the widow is the king, and their books have all been read in the dog's stomach!"

Things were unexpected. What I thought would be accepted as a subject did not happen. Neither Han nor Jin accepted it.

The Han side did not accept it, at least explained the reasons, and treated Ran's envoys from the Qin side with great hospitality, and there was nothing to criticize above the etiquette.Sikong Tiaoyou was also promised by Lu Yi in private that the exchange of goods and supplies would not create obstacles, and that even in a critical situation, the Han Kingdom would serve as a sanctuary to protect Ran's heirs who were willing to come from the Qin Kingdom.

The envoys sent by Ran Min to the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty did not receive the treatment that an envoy should have since they entered the Jin Dynasty, and they were even strongly hostile and deliberately ignored, and they tried their best to make it to the Jin Dynasty. When I was in the hall, it showed that my intention to come was rejected without hesitation, and even humiliated by words.

Speaking of the aristocratic family, it was not the royal family that made up the mind of the Eastern Jin dynasty, but relatives and aristocratic families.

When it comes to relatives, there are quite a lot of people in the Eastern Jin Dynasty who can be called relatives. Among the family members, there are two, the Wang family and the Yu family, and there are even more other aristocratic families. After all, the emperor has more than just A queen, and many concubines and the like.

"I don't understand..." Ran Min lost his face after getting angry: "Aren't they fighting for Zhengshuo? How could they continue to refuse?"

Jiang Gan's face was full of bitterness, and there were some things he knew in his heart but couldn't say them out.

"Do you all think that the widow's country is about to perish?" Ran Min seemed to be angry again?He held the hilt of the sword very hard, waved it with veins all over his hand, and said, "The kingdom of the widow will not perish!"

On the city wall, there were civil servants busy moving corpses, and the ground made of bricks and stones was flowing with bright red blood. Too many people bled, and the blood pooled together to form a stream of blood, which slopingly fell from the drainage ditch to the bottom of the city.

The corpses under the city were piled up in piles, and the stench was wafting back and forth with the wind.If you observe carefully, you can see that the corpses above are relatively fresh, and the corpses are more rotten as you go down.

Looking outside from the top of the city to the east, there are camps stretching for tens of miles.

Regardless of whether it is the Di tribe army or the Qihuo army, the camps of the two armies do not actually pay attention to any orientation. The tents are arranged randomly so that there is no order at all, and the crooked wooden fences and fences seem to be scurrying around like countless earthworms. .

"Sikong over there..." Jiang Gan said that Sikong was Li Nong, and he asked cautiously, "Are you still noncommittal?"

"Don't mention Li Nong!" Ran Min growled: "He is determined to work for Shi Hu!"

In fact, Ran Min is really a bit lonely recently, especially after being rejected by Han and Jin successively, and the unfavorable war in Tongguan, the instability of those following families made him very irritable.

At the beginning, the Qihuo Army was a group that fought for survival under the constant tyranny and bullying of the Hu people. At the beginning, it really fought bloody battles with the Hu people. The fighting style was extremely fearless and brave.Since Ran Zhan's generation was defeated by the Hu people's allied forces dominated by the Jie people, the Qihuo Army was incorporated by Shi Le, and the incorporated Qihuo Army was actually led by Li Nong.

Li Nong was named Marquis of Wei Wu by Shi Le and worshiped Sikong. Although there were many marquises in Shijie Zhao Kingdom, and there was more than one Sikong, it also shows how much Shi Le valued Li Nong.

It is precisely because Shi Le valued Li Nong that Li Nong really planned to do his best for Shijie, and the begging army also changed from a collective that resisted the tyranny of the Hu people in order to survive, to an executioner in the hands of the Hu people who suppressed disobedience.

From the time when Li Nong became the leader of the begging army to the time when Shi Hu was in power, the begging army has actually been divided internally. There are factions determined to resist the Hu people, there are groups who want to live a stable life, and even more are determined to be rocks. That part of the potency.

Speaking of which, what Ran Min brought was the part that was determined to resist the Hu people. They might not really want to obey Ran Min's orders, but they were determined to fight against the Hu people.

When Ran Min established the Qin State, he appointed officials and rewarded nobles based on closeness and distance. Generally speaking, it is absolutely impossible to take care of all aspects of the arrangement of official positions based on closeness and closeness. With his personality, he is the kind of person who is extremely difficult to pay attention to small details. The result is Ran's The establishment of the Qin State did not make the collective more united, but instead caused the originally united collective to split.

After the establishment of the Qin State of the Ran family, Ran Min wanted to recruit people from Guanzhong for his own use, regardless of Hu or Han people. What is more annoying is that there were only a few people in Guanzhong who were willing to serve, regardless of whether they were Hu people or Jin people.

People with strong personalities tend to be restless when doing things. In addition, Ran Min's army first arrived in Guanzhong and needed military supplies and food for search. Originally, Ran's Qin army was only attacked locally, but later it turned into an increasingly serious riot.

Originally, the Qin Army of the Ran clan used Tongguan, Xiaoguan, and Lantian Pass as their defenses to resist the Di counterattack from the east. It cannot be overemphasized to emphasize the importance of the defense at the three passes. However, frequent riots in Guanzhong also required troops to suppress them. , which led to the continuous reduction of the troops available in Ran Min's hands, and even once mobilized the troops from Tongguan and Xiaoguan to return to the hinterland to suppress the riots.

When Shen Zhong was the commander-in-chief of Tongguan, it was because the Tongguan defenders were transferred to the rear. As a result, the Tongguan defenders were insufficient and were repeatedly attacked by the Shijie Zhao army, mainly composed of the Di army and the beggar army. The Ran family Qin State Dong The queen's family took the blame for Ran Min's poor decision-making, but the unfavorable situation had been created and needed to be saved.

As a rescue method, Ran Min came to Tongguan with his personal guards. The troops he brought were actually only [-]. It was not because he didn't want to bring more, but because the riots in Guanzhong had not been suppressed at all.

"I want to proclaim myself emperor!" Ran Min gritted his teeth, regardless of Jiang Gan and the others' stunned eyes, and said: "After proclaiming himself emperor, Li Nong will be canonized as the king of Guanzhong immediately, so he should have nothing to say!"

Really stunned.

Speaking of the original history, Ran Min also asked for submission to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but was rejected. Regardless of anger or whatever reason, he immediately proclaimed himself emperor anyway.

Jiang Gan swallowed his saliva, hesitantly said: "Maybe it will change Li Nong's mind, but...but...we still need the help of the Han Kingdom, will the King of Han agree to exchange information..."

"The widow can see it." Ran Min furiously said, "The King of Han is far away, but Li Nong is close by. No matter what, it is the first opportunity to win Li Nong over."

Zhang Qian, the left pusher, and Lang Xiaoquan, the right pusher, looked at each other. Almost at the same time, they both stood up and gritted their teeth: "Your Majesty, you cannot claim to be emperor!"

Ran Min didn't give people a chance to speak at all, and waved his hand: "Stop talking!"

……Dividing line……

Unfortunately, the update time is messed up again.Trying to adjust, please recommend tickets!
PS: The meaning of the chapter name is that there are some positions that only the emperor can give.

(End of this chapter)

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