sweeping the world

Chapter 363 Necessary bright muscles

Chapter 363 Necessary bright muscles
The smarter a person is, the more cunning they will appear, and a cunning person has always been a life-saving person.Only honest and upright people will believe that there is righteousness in their hearts, and they will die for that righteousness.

After the sacrifice, Liu Yan, who ordered Zhang He to be beheaded, was a bad person in the eyes of the people in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Because he killed a righteous man who showed courage in order to protect the interests of the king.

It is an unknown act to kill a righteous man, regardless of which country the righteous man is from, especially if he is of the same culture and the same race, so Liu Yan also thinks that he is a bad person.

"Your Majesty has to kill." On the way back, Sang Yu got into Liu Yan's chariot, saw Liu Yan's gloomy face, and explained: "The king's fraternity is not in one family, but in the world."

But Liu Yan knew that those words were bullshit. There is no fraternal king in the world, and there is no big or small love in the king, and there are only needs and needs.

They will return to Linzi, rest for a while, and the conference with other countries will be held.

Zhang He was killed, those who came from the Eastern Jin Dynasty no longer accompanied him, and even Yu Yi who had important matters could only avoid temporarily.

As can be imagined, those great poets from the Eastern Jin Dynasty will definitely shape Zhang He into a hero, and some romances will be added in the process, such as who and who, not limited to one person or a group of people , They also have their own performances in this incident, Zhang and Hehui are flowers, and others are green leaves.

As Liu Yan who ordered the murder, he had the title of a brutal person. While his reputation was stinky in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, any literati in the Eastern Jin Dynasty who mentioned Liu Yan was not afraid that he might be rejected by a few words.

"There are so many ignorant people in the world, and if there are ignorant people, there must be wise people." Ji Chang said in a matter of fact: "We only need wise people, and don't care about the rest."

Things always have two sides. Liu Yan's attitude is clear. What happened is just a repeated display of determination, which will repel some people and will inevitably attract people to come and vote.The most direct thing is that the Chinese Miao people in the Central Plains didn't have many choices in the past, and Liu Yan, who rebuilt the Han Dynasty and paid homage to the Yanhuang Temple, became a new choice.More than that, some groups south of the Yangtze River will also be attracted by Liu Yan.

"After this incident, those who dare to make big bets will become our support." Ji Chang said with a smile: "Perhaps there will be no people from the south of the Yangtze River to invest in the short term. When the turmoil is reduced, there must be big talents to invest."

Do you know what happened?Among those who came from the Eastern Jin Dynasty who were no longer accompanying him, there were more than one ministers who had contact with Liu Yan, and they didn't express anything too blatantly, but there were quite a few who expressed their ambitions in a subtle way.

Just as face is earned by oneself, if one wants to attract talents, one should show one's own strength and determination, and then Han has too many opportunities to show off.

Linzi is still a large construction site. In addition to Miyagi, due to political needs, the residences of hundreds of officials are also given priority in the construction sequence.

The Han Dynasty used the twentieth-class nobility system, and the rewards after the war had to be realized, so the houses of meritorious soldiers could not be slowed down.

Liu Yan, who returned to Linzi, fell into the quagmire of regretting his marriage. It was under the rule of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The people who submitted the list of prostitutes had different opinions and methods. Let alone the princess of the Sima royal family, one family said it was useless. up.

This is a matter that makes Liu Yan extremely embarrassing, and it is inevitable that some national envoys want to see the joke.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty." Li Kuang is still the chief officer of Jiangdu, and he will return to his post soon. Before he left, he was summoned into the palace. Set foot on the territory of the Han Dynasty."

If it were that simple, there would be no need for Liu Yan to summon Li Kuang.He looked at Ji Chang, the left prime minister.

Ji Chang's words were simple and clear: "Zhang He was entertained by the king, and he was even allowed to participate in the sacrifice, but he uttered nonsense during my king's sacrifice. Not only is it against etiquette, but it is also a provocation to the big man."

Li Kuang didn't have any nonsense, he saluted and said, "Please show me, Your Majesty."

Liu Yan didn't have anything to think about his tone, so he said directly: "The National Grand Ceremony has acted like this, so I don't want to go to war. I want to invite the Emperor Jin to a meeting."

Except for Li Kuang who was a little dazed in the hall, the expressions of the rest of the people did not change.

Jincheng Emperor Sima Yan died just two years ago, and was succeeded by Langye King Sima Yue, but Sima Yue became Emperor Jinkang after only being the emperor for more than a year. The emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Whether it is Emperor Cheng of Jin or Emperor Kang of Jin, they are actually posthumous titles, and only after the emperor dies will he have a posthumous title.

The current era is 344 A.D., the second year of Jianyuan in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the first year of Yuanshou in the Han Kingdom of Xinxin Kingdom, the first year of Taihe in Chenghan of the Li family, and the 32nd year of Jianxing in the Liang Dynasty of the Zhang family. The Shijie State of Zhao was in the tenth year of Jianwu, the State of Ran's Qin was in the second year of Yongxing, the State of Murong Yan was in the third year of Yan Yuan, and the State of Tuoba Dai was in the sixth year of Jianguo...

The year name is generally what each country wants to have what kind of name it wants. It is not Liu Yan who chose the era of Yuanshou, but the ministers after a long time of discussion.

Yuanshou is the fourth year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.In October of the sixth year of Yuanshuo, Emperor Xiaowu of the Western Han Dynasty obtained a beast with "one horn and five hooves" (that is, a one-horned beast) during a hunt.Therefore, the year name was changed to "Yuan Shou".Another reason for taking this name is that the Han Dynasty launched a large-scale counterattack against the Xiongnu.Hunting means conquest.It was used for six years from 122 BC to 117 BC.

The ministers of the Han Kingdom chose Yuanshou as the year name, not because Liu Yan also hunted some strange animals while hunting, it was purely because the newly established Han Kingdom would face endless wars, and it was to show all countries The determination to fight is also to remind the people in the country to have sufficient psychological preparation.

Sima Dan was not even two years old, and it was not his turn to make decisions in the government. His biological mother, the Queen Mother, Chu Suanzi, was in charge, and He Chong assisted in the government.

There is nothing shameless about Liu Yan inviting Sima Dan to have a meeting. Since the word "huihun" was coined, the meeting between countries is used to resolve disputes. Dispute resolution can be negotiation, or more directly, swordsmanship .

In the final analysis, the Han State held sacrifices, and the people from the Eastern Jin Dynasty made trouble, and yelled and cursed in front of the envoys of various countries. From the standpoint of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Zhang He was naturally a hero, but for the Han State, it would damage the national system and the integrity of the country. For dignity, Liu Yan will only appear weak if he is indifferent. As for whether the war is really going to depend on the actual situation, he must show something.

Li Kuang took the order and went away in great confusion. He originally wanted to say, "Such a matter shouldn't be specially sent as an envoy. Why is it his turn to convey it as a soldier?", but he still didn't say it.

"Xiao~chao~ting must refuse to be a hunter." Ji Chang said calmly: "Such southerners must have no confidence in their hearts when they abuse them."

Liu Yan really didn't want to start a war with the Eastern Jin Dynasty at this time, but just said that attitude is extremely important, and that is the attitude that a king of a country should have.

Afterwards, Li Kuang will also get hints that the Han army in Jiangdu can provoke Xiao~chao~ting according to the situation. More aristocratic families don't engage in trouble.

"What if Jin Renxiong rises this time?" Sang Yu wasn't messing around. As the right prime minister, he always had to do his duty, so he said, "Your Majesty must be mentally prepared."

It will soon be seen what kind of actions the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting will take, and no matter what the reaction is, since Liu Yan challenges the Sima imperial family's Zhengshuo status, it must look like a challenge.

In the next few days, Liu Yan began to pick women, that is, women on the watch list, and chose the one he liked to enter the palace.He didn't have anything to choose from. The women who dared to send them over must all be beautiful in appearance, but it remains to be seen how their brains are.

Liu Yan is busy continuing the royal family, so the operation of the country is naturally left to the ministers.

To say that the busiest person is Lu Yi, the duty of Dianke is to be in charge of diplomacy, depending on the rules and the size of the matter, the officials of Honglu Temple at all levels are busy first, and they will eventually gather in the hands of Dianke.

By the way, temples in China did not refer to religious places at the beginning, but a department name.

According to the old rules, Honglu Temple was under the jurisdiction of Prime Minister You. Lu Yi brought together matters that needed to be reviewed and decided by the king to Sang Yu.

"Murong Yanguo is negotiating with Liao 1 East again." Lu Yi felt that this matter was relatively urgent, and he had his own understanding. He said: "Wang Jian, who was in charge of negotiating, was quite gentle at the beginning, but recently he has become more and more serious. Getting more domineering."

"The Jin traitor is nothing more than guessing that the big man will go to war with Jin, thinking that it will be difficult for the big man to fight on multiple fronts to keep the territory of eastern Liao 1." Sang Yu said with disdain: "When blackmail or threats fail to achieve results, war becomes inevitable."

Lu Yi nodded in agreement, and said, "We have obtained information that the Lord of Murong, Murong Hao, sent people to Yecheng."

Speaking of this matter, Sang Yu couldn't help being embarrassed. Before he judged that Murong Yan Guo would deliberately make friends with Han Guo in order to go south, and waited to learn that Murong Hao sent people to Yecheng, how could he not know that he made a mistake in his judgment.

"A battle with Murong Yan's army in the east of Liao 1 is unavoidable." Sang Yu didn't show his embarrassment, and said, "Prime Minister Zuo is already making relevant preparations."

Prime Minister Zuo of the Han Dynasty overlapped with the Taiwei in some powers. At present, Liu Yan has not appointed a Taiwei, and there is no shadow of a general, so Prime Minister Zuo naturally has to bear military responsibility.

"The national policy of the big man has been set..." Lu Yi said with a wry smile: "It is good to show your strength, the stronger you are, the fewer enemies you will have. It's just fighting on multiple fronts..."

"Yu agrees with the king's decision." Sang Yu rarely put on a serious face, and said in a solemn voice: "The struggle between countries cannot tolerate a little weakness, even if it is pretending, you have to hold your chest, not to mention... ..." When it came to this, he didn't sulk, and said with a smile: "Besides, we are really strong!"

……Dividing line……

In the evening, there will be a chapter with rewards and updates.

(End of this chapter)

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