sweeping the world

Chapter 356 A Cultured Person Destined to Take Advantage

Chapter 356 A Cultured Person Destined to Take Advantage

There is no Guanggu City in Qingzhou, only a Linzi New City under construction.

It is impossible to build a city in less than two months, so planning methods are worth studying.

Any city is formed because people gather and live there. For the Han Dynasty that is about to be established, it is not a problem to gather people to live in a certain place. What needs to be considered is who should come to live.

The Han Dynasty has a strictly hierarchical class system. A relatively simple summary is free people and slaves.The free people are also divided into nobles, meritorious citizens, and nationals. Those who can be called nobles can only be called nobles above the fourth rank. From the third rank to the first rank, they are only meritorious people. They do not have ranks but are not hard-working groups. It is a citizen.

Because of the existence of corvee, and in the early stage, a large number of young and strong were recruited. After the Luoyin war was over, they were actually transferred to build Linzi. There should be about 12 people serving corvee, and nearly 30 slaves were used.

Tens of thousands of people are building a city, and people are busy everywhere on the construction site covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of hectares. The project they need to build first is the outer residential area. Refer to the Sui and Tang dynasties to divide the area into high-end, medium, and low-level residential areas. District, there will be a special division of official residential areas.

Regarding the palace city, Liu Yan chose to directly use Guanggu City as the palace city.

Guanggu City was built by Cao Yi. Given the conditions at the time, nothing could be achieved. It was a city about 600 meters from north to south and 800 meters from east to west, with an area of ​​about 48 square meters, or 48 hectares.

According to Liu Yan's plan, Linzi, as a temporary capital, is not calculated by the unit of "meter", but by the unit of li.

The newly built Linzi City will cover an area of ​​about 71 square miles.If you don’t have any impression, let me give you a simple example. In the Tang Dynasty, Chang’an City had a perimeter of more than 160 miles and an area of ​​about [-] square miles.It is equivalent to saying that Linzi, which Liu Yan wants to build, is not three times smaller than Chang'an in Tang Dynasty.

Guanggu City is going to be changed to Miyagi City, and almost all the buildings inside need to be demolished and rebuilt. The more realistic thing is that there must be a group of palaces.

Liu Yan, who came to Linzi from Changguang County, brought the imperial guards directly into the palace city, and temporarily lived in the city lord's mansion.

The facilities of a palace city must be complete. For the date of the founding of the country, the most important thing is the square and hall where the founding ceremony will be held.

Since Han is the national title of the established country, the names of the various halls of the palace naturally follow the old rules, that is, Weiyang Palace, Changle Palace and Jianzhang Palace must be there. There will be such a noun as Dianluo.

Liu Yan had no choice but to choose Weiyang Palace first.

Weiyang Palace has always been the political center of the Han Dynasty, including Qiandian, Jiaofangdian, Shiqu Pavilion, Tianlu Pavilion, Cangchi, Shaofu, Qilin Pavilion and other buildings. Its functions include large and small court meetings, handling government affairs, receiving ministers and workers, resting places, storing ancient books, leisure and relaxation... and so on.

Liu Yan relied on the system to build the city wall. When it comes to building the city and the palace, you can only rely on ministers and peasants. In order to speed up, you can only increase the deployment of labor, and stop several projects that cannot be rushed.

Liu Yan did not go to do the personal inspection. There were other matters that needed to be dealt with.When he was still in District 1 of Huang 1 Island, countless people gathered from the south of the Yangtze River. At that time, he was focused on paying homage to the fallen heroes and did not pay attention. After arriving in Linzi, he had to take time to understand them.

The aristocratic families all have the habit of placing bets separately. The Han army shocked the world by defeating hundreds of thousands of Shijie and Zhao armies. After that, no one thought that Liu Yan was untenable. Instead, they felt that Liu Yan's side had great "investment" value.

Not only the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River, but also people from the Central Plains and other places came to serve. dare to come.

"We are restoring the system of civil prefectures, counties, townships, villages, villages, and kiosks. We really need a large number of officials." Ji Chang has been in Linzi for three days. On behalf of Liu Yan, he met many well-known people among the people. It can also be regarded as a preliminary investigation: "At present, the territory we own is not too small. Qingzhou and Xuzhou are occupied by the whole state, and Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Jizhou and Liaodong are partially occupied. According to the plan, the priority development is Qingzhou , located in Beihai County, Qi County, Le'an County, Dong'an County, Dongguan County, Gaomi County, Changguang County, Donglai County, and Dongmou County."

According to the administrative positions of a county, they are the county guard, the captain, the county magistrate, the meritorious officer, the chief secretary, and the postal supervisor. In addition, a number of wardens and historians are needed.The post is the principal position, and the history position is the deputy position. Each Cao has a clerk to handle documents.There are also three elders to help implement administrative facilities and education.The officials of the county government are hired by the county magistrate himself. Among them, those with the highest merit are ranked in order of chief clerk, postal supervisor, etc.The staff of the commander-in-chief are similar to those of the prefect, and they are also hired by the commander-in-chief themselves.

A county needs to have a complete leadership team, and so does every county. There are also townships, villages, lis, and kiosks below. Scarce.

"According to your previous agreement, townships, villages, ri, and kiosks give priority to the appointment of those who have retired from the army due to injuries, and the administrative personnel at the grassroots level are enough." Ji Changshen frowned and continued: "It is necessary for the township and above to appoint effective personnel. Scholars are not like the grassroots, even if they can't read big characters, they won't have much influence."

So, Liu Yan still had to use the sons of aristocratic families, all because in the age when 90.00% of [-]% were illiterate, those masters of knowledge were those sons of aristocratic families. It is a big problem for a person who does not know how to read a large number of characters to manage, first of all, dealing with documents.

"Priority is given to the group of people who followed us in the early days." Liu Yan could only admit it while pinching his nose: "Looking at the degree of contribution all the time, according to the contribution from top to bottom, the new batch... will be appointed after assessment. "

There is no future for the imperial examinations to be held now, because the literacy rate is not high. The main purpose of the imperial examinations is to put an end to the monopoly of the officialdom by the powerful and aristocratic families.

The so-called poor families are not ordinary people, but mostly tyrannical groups with no historical background or rich ancestors. Therefore, in many cases, politics has nothing to do with real ordinary people.

In the early days, there were not a few families who actively or were forced to follow Liu Yan, and they also reached the moment of profit. Jianguo was an act of dividing the cake.

As a king, it is an inevitable process of etiquette distribution to have people who can be used.A qualified king has always learned how to share benefits, and to take everything for himself is to let the horse run and not let the horse graze.

In the soon-to-be-established Han Kingdom, the distribution of etiquette has actually been decided long ago. It is based on the order of first-come-first-served, with reference to merit and contribution, and then to talk about ability.

The real situation is that in the officialdom, of course, the more capable you are, the faster you can climb up the ladder, but the difference between closeness and familiarity is still very important. It's not that the people in power are stupid, it's a trust issue.

Liu Yan still needs to meet some people in person, mainly the patriarchs from some big families in the Central Plains, among them Cui Wan's biological father must meet.

Cui Wan was born into the Leling Cui family, and the Leling Cui family was a branch of the Boling Cui family.

Of course, there are no five surnames and seven sects.It was the product of long-term wars, until Yang Jian ended the rule of the Hu people and established the Great Sui Dynasty. The powerful and powerful families were several Dazhu kingdoms in the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

The background of the true formation of the clan and the aristocratic family is the annexation and plunder in the long-term environment of the barbarian ravages. It is the same process as the European whites who first robbed the world and then became gentlemen.

It is impossible to have no special groups at any time. There must be a class for group living, at least one leader and one leadership class. This is what the pyramid effect is about.

If we really want everyone to be equal, it would be true to say that a plate of scattered sand is light, but it would be true to say that there is no cohesion.

Leading and being tied is a manifestation of organizational power. When an organized group meets another group fighting on its own, who will win? Needless to say, right?
How to become a member of a special group is very particular, but you can’t just stand by and watch, you need to participate, and you need to show your own value.

To put it bluntly, when you complain about someone becoming an important person, the person who became an important person did not gain his status for free. There is no reason for the complaints from bystanders.What we should worry about is the futility of struggle, not reincarnation. There is no choice in reincarnation. It is enough to struggle and gain.Therefore, seize every opportunity. If you cannot become the second generation, let your descendants become the second generation. You can only hope that everyone will encourage you.

Huan Wen is having a bit of a headache now, he has already learned that his contribution has been affirmed and he will become one of the nine ministers.What makes him more depressed is that Tingwei, one of the nine ministers, is not an easy official position at all. Tingwei, who does not offend his colleagues, must offend the king. official position.

There is also something that troubles Huan Wen. His princess wife recently caused something bad. During a ladies' party, Sima Xingnan slapped Yuan Qiao's wife.

No one knew exactly why Sima Xingnan slapped Yuan's wife. There was a gossip that Yuan's wife did not salute Sima Xingnan and was "rewarded" with a slap for this.

Yuan Qiao has always been Huan Wen's good partner and partner. After that incident, Yuan Qiao has refused to open the door to Huan Wen twice.

For some insiders, it is not what the gossip said. The real situation is that Sima Xingnan inadvertently heard Yuan's wife about Liu Yan's harem rank, saying that the princess of the Sima family and many women would be The same status, just because of a big truth was slapped.

In other words, Sima Xingnan is really capable of doing such a thing, but he is a shrew who can kill with a knife when he hears that Huan Wen wants to take a concubine...

……Dividing line……

Dear friends, two updates will be resumed. Without further notice, it will be [-] o'clock in the morning and [-] o'clock at noon, so let's count the tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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