sweeping the world

Chapter 350 What a humiliation

Chapter 350 What a humiliation
Don't talk about the superiority of the race, just talk about the competition between advanced culture and backward culture. The heritage left by the ancestors to the Chinese Miao people is so rich that there are few rivals on this planet.

Civilization can succumb to barbarism, but culture will defeat ignorance.

Just like Greece lost to Rome, but Rome's culture was completely invaded by Greek culture. From writing to belief, the Romans were almost completely Hellenized.To put it bluntly, the Greeks lost to the Romans in force, but the Greek civilization merged with Rome.

For another example, the Chinese civilization has been conquered by barbarians many times, and the group has repeatedly become the so-called inferior people, but those superior people crazily praise the culture of the Han civilization. After absorbing the Han culture, the barbarians either became weak and were expelled, or It is those people who have forgotten that their former ethnic group regards themselves as a descendant of the Han family.

Using culture to destroy a nation is far more effective than destroying it physically. A certain race that was powerful for a while eventually forgot its own nation, and future generations only know that they are a Han Chinese. Is there a more exciting conquest than this?
The cultural brilliance of Chinese civilization is difficult to describe in simple words. You only need to know that in the upper circles of the Eastern Continent for more than 2000 years, if you don't know Chinese and don't know Chinese characters, you will be despised and not accepted. This is completely enough.

Liu Yan knew very well what legacy his ancestors had left for future generations. When force was insufficient, the existence of the ethnic group could be continued, but if force was sufficient, it would be a huge help.

Looking at the Western Han and Eastern Han, and then thinking about the later Sui and Tang, when force and culture went hand in hand, the Huaxia Miao people are the well-deserved darlings of heaven.

Some kings and contemporary elites seized the opportunity to say that a strong man prospered the Tang Dynasty. Liu Yan may not have too much wisdom, but his philosophy has always been extremely simple. The hearts and wills of the people will expand after they become stronger.

The Han tribe, which is about to found a state, has a strong background, especially when facing the defeated generals, Liu Yan can appear domineering, his subjects can hold their heads proudly, and ordinary people are proud of being Han.

Yao Yizhong knew it. He always knew that Han people and Jin people were two kinds of people.What he couldn't figure out was that if they were both of the same Miao descent, why they would become two kinds of people if they were called differently!
By this time, the two sides actually had nothing more to discuss. Liu Yan might need Yao Yizhong to surrender, but Yao Yizhong could only surrender unconditionally.Of course Yao Yizhong wanted to surrender, but he couldn't surrender unconditionally.

The problem lies in a point of conflict. Liu Yan doesn't think there are millions of Qiang people, but Yao Yizhong thinks that having millions of Qiang people gives him the right to negotiate.

The fighting outside had been going on for a while, but inside the tent, Yao Yizhong was a warring hero who tried his best to express his importance, and Liu Yan didn't open his mouth, but other people came to persuade him.However, in fact, no matter who opens the mouth to say anything, it is nonsense.

Liu Yan couldn't bear to listen, and said with obvious impatience: "Don't talk about gossip."

Yao Yizhong had been paying attention to Liu Yan just now, and it was obvious that Liu Yan didn't take millions of Qiang people seriously.In his heart is a kind of resentment plus resentment, there are millions of Qiang people, how can he not take it seriously.

"Presumably Your Majesty already understands Yi Zhong's intentions?" Yao Yi Zhong felt that he could not procrastinate any longer, and no longer mentioned it vaguely, but said bluntly: "If Your Majesty is willing to accept our conditional surrender and treat Yi Zhong as a humerus, then Yi Zhong will accept it." It is the pioneer of the king's command to expand the territory and work hard for the king's hegemony."

Liu Yan's reaction was to raise his eyebrows and ask with a smile, "And then?"

Yao Yizhong still retained his demeanor and said calmly: "If the king regards Yi Zhong as nothing, and even the pre-school Han oppresses the Qiang people, Yi Zhong's life is not worth mentioning. It is not a pity to annihilate more than [-] Qiang people, and it is not a pity to annihilate [-] Qiang people." It is also irrelevant, but what the king will face is the crazy revenge of millions of Qiang people."

"Do you know?" Liu Yan picked up the sword placed on the desk and said with a smile, "My sword is far sharper than I imagined."

Yao Yizhong stood up slowly, saluted and said: "Yizhong really can't understand how the king thinks. To get great help, you have to add millions of enemies." He touched his neck while talking, also smiling Said: "So, let the king's sharp sword cut off the head of a certain master."

Liu Yan put down his sword and waved his hand: "If you want the head of the county magistrate, the widow's soldiers will get it from the battlefield."

"The county magistrate listens to the sound of fighting outside." Sang Yu interjected, "Whether the sound of shouting for killing has diminished, I don't know whether our army has won."

"Impossible!" Yao Yizhong lost his composure at last, it was because he listened attentively and realized that the shouts of killing had disappeared.He looked at Liu Yan and made a final effort: "Your Majesty really doesn't think twice?"

Liu Yan said very sincerely: "I have thought about it a lot. After thinking about it again and again, the county magistrate may give up Shihu today, but I don't know if he will give up the widow in the future. The widow is willing to accept the county magistrate's vote, but knows that the county magistrate is just helpless. Dormant under the action." Seeing what Yao Yizhong wanted to say, he made a "shh" gesture and continued to say very sincerely: "The county magistrate will definitely say that since it works, it will not be repeated. Such a child playing around Such words, even if the widow believes it, the county magistrate himself will not believe it."

Yao Yizhong fell silent. He first glanced at the laughing civil and military men in the tent, and finally fixedly looked at Liu Yan. The next moment, he quickly pulled out the sword hanging from his waist and rushed forward.

Violence broke out, and both civil and military personnel in the tent reacted very quickly. The civil servants formed a human wall as Liu Yan's meat shield in an instant, and the generals drew their weapons to fight. The soldiers and warriors immediately protected Liu Yan. When he got up, the crossbowmen were all aiming at Yao Yizhong, waiting for an order.

Everything happened so fast that Yao Yizhong didn't have time to kick his legs hard when he jumped forward, but he didn't stop, he stepped on quickly and continued to rush towards Liu Yan, bumping into the Han army who was coming with a sword The generals, the two sides' weapons collided with each other to produce a metal clash, but only the first confrontation was knocked to the ground by the Han general who rushed up from behind.

"Master, it's not out of politeness or arrogance that I didn't confiscate your weapons." Liu Yan didn't look annoyed, and waved his hand to let the person who blocked his view go away, looking at Yao Yizhong whose hands were trapped by the backslash, Sighing, he said: "In single-handed combat, I can beat fifty or more like you alone, but I have a family in the country and the hope of all people, so it is difficult to have the opportunity to do it myself."

Yao Yizhong's face looked very pale, he wasn't angry by Liu Yan's words, let alone scared, nor was he beaten.After being reminded by Liu Yan, he instantly understood that it was a game not to have his weapons confiscated, it was one thing to be captured or killed after a failed assassination, and another thing to be killed without resistance.It seemed that Liu Yan had no intention of killing him.

It's not not to kill, but to announce Yao Yizhong's failure to assassinate Liu Yan to the world, or to wait until the value of use is lost before killing.After all, a king has the dignity of a king, and revenge is inevitable after being assassinated, and non-retaliation is to encourage more assassinations.

Imagining a series of consequences, Yao Yizhong hated those irresponsible Han army crossbowmen for not shooting arrows immediately, and also hated himself for not simply drawing his sword and killing himself.Halfway through the thought, he suddenly remembered that there is another way to kill himself by biting his tongue, but just as he was about to act violently, his jaw hurt, and he turned his head to see that a smiling guy dislocated his jaw.

"It's like the dew in the morning, and the days are bitter." Liu Yan suddenly read a sentence from Cao Cao's "Duan Ge Xing", and looked at Li Tan who was about to enter.

"Your Majesty!" Li Tan entered the tent and was stunned by the situation inside. He quickly came back to his senses and knelt down on one knee in front of Liu Yan, saying, "The enemy has surrendered."

Yao Yizhong struggled violently, because the dislocated jaw said huh huh huh huh, huh huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, but it was probably saying something like impossible.

The besieged Qiang army really surrendered.

Any nation worships the strong and despises the weak. When choosing a leader, it must choose the strong and will not obey the weak or the loser.

After the defeat of Luoyin, Yao Yizhong has lost his absolute prestige, and the Qiang army is trapped in a place where there is no way to escape. It is conceivable that the people are panic-stricken, and no one is willing to die for the sake of death. It is said that ants are greedy for life.

If Yao Yizhong was in the army, some people might not be able to do tricks if they wanted to, and he would be able to subdue some people with ulterior motives, but he deviated from the army, which meant that the Qiang army fell into a situation where they lost their unified command.

The Han army launched an attack, and the generals of the Qiang army were divided into two completely different parts. Some people thought that Yao Yizhong was going to die if he was killed or under house arrest, and more people were desperate and did not want to die in vain. When the enemy attacked, they fought on their own, but because of different opinions, they divided into two parts.

Huan Wen's side reacted quickly, followed Xie An's suggestion to surrender, and attacked the Qiang army who were still resisting with all their strength.

The side led by Li Tan also took the same measures.

At the current stage, the Qiang army is purely relying on one breath. The situation of Yao Yizhong, the main backbone, is unknown. They will be killed immediately if they resist.When those resisters looked like a joke in the attack of the Han army, the will to grit their teeth and persevere would collapse.

In fact, the Qiang army was in a dead end. The Han army had never surrendered before, and if they couldn't survive, they could only fight desperately.When almost everyone thought that the Han army had no intention of surrendering, "happiness" came so suddenly that most people chose to live without thinking.

The surrender of the Qiang army was expected and beyond reason, so that Liu Yan was a little stunned when he heard the report, and then smiled and said: "So this battle is over."

This battle didn't seem to last long, but it was the most hasty battle ever fought by the Han army. During the process, Liu Yan used himself as a bait.

With an absolutely small number of troops facing a side with a large number of people, everyone will think that the side with more people has an absolute advantage.The Qiang army surrounded the Han army led by Liu Yan for fifteen days. In those days, the arrival of day meant bloody fighting, especially the three consecutive days of storming from the No. 16 day.

Afterwards, Yao Yizhong led his army to break through the siege. From the beginning to the end, only less than [-] Han troops were actually pursuing, and the rest of the troops stayed in Luoyin to clean up the battlefield.

Their fighting season is summer. Once a person dies for no more than three days, they will emit a strange smell, and they will start to rot in less than seven days. Many soldiers who died in the battle were exposed to the battlefield for more than half a month. Maggots will be raised, and flies will inevitably appear on a large scale.

If you don't clean up the battlefield, it will cause a man-made plague, and the horror of the plague in today's era goes without saying.How to clean up the battlefield is also worth paying attention to. A separation line must be set up in advance on the battlefield to prohibit civilians from entering.

It is no joke that ordinary people enter the battlefield. The truth of the matter is that ordinary people will always enter the battlefield.They are not going to help anyone, they go to the battlefield to scavenge, and they will collect anything that can be used from the dead in battle.

For the common people who go to the battlefield, the warring parties have always had an attitude of killing without mercy. It has nothing to do with whether to eliminate spies or not. Stripped naked, of course he would kill every one he saw.

The Han army did not exaggerate to the point that when they saw ordinary people on the battlefield, they would kill them one by one. It's to kill, and it won't be a problem if nothing is found in the search.This has nothing to do with cruelty or not, it is a practice of the military in treating civilians, and this has always been the case.

Cleaning up the battlefield is not sending people into the battlefield at random to collect the corpses of the dead. Generally, it is to let the militiamen do this kind of work that may be infected with diseases, and finally kill the militiamen who are sick or look unhealthy .Looking at healthy civilians, they will also be detained for a period of time.

Not to mention that Liu Yan's current population is not large, so he would not do that kind of immoral thing, and he didn't need to do it. You must know that there is a category of Taoist priests in the system, and they happen to be the ones who do this kind of work.

The Han army searched for any remains of their own war dead on the battlefield, and after performing necessary ceremonies, the ashes were burned and packed in altars and transported to District 1 of Huangyi Island in Changguang County, where the Hall of Valor was under construction.

Those who were not killed by the Han army were gathered together and burned to ashes, and a big pit was dug and buried.

In addition, a large amount of lime was sprinkled on the battlefield, and some areas even had to be poured with fire oil for a while.

Even after doing so much, people including Liu Yan are still worried about the possibility of a plague. It is inevitable to make multiple preparations for the possible plague in the future. Important top priority.

(End of this chapter)

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