sweeping the world

Chapter 347 Not as a Chapter 1 thing

Chapter 347
Yao Yizhong is the general leader of the Qiang people. The current total number of Qiang people must be more than 300 million. So whoever gets Yao Yizhong's vote, even if he can't make millions of Qiang people join him, will have no political or other significance. Generally, it is inevitable to cause vibration, and perhaps it can have a greater effect.

If it were the rest of the people, they would definitely feel proud or happy when they learned that Yao Yizhong was going to surrender, even if it was the scene where Yao Yizhong was beaten to the point of surrendering. The status of the leader of the Qiang nationality is worthy of being accepted without any suspicion.

Liu Yan has never been an ordinary person. After he came to the siege battlefield and heard the message, he was stunned and had no special reaction.

The surviving Qiang army is relatively pure, and there are no "idle people" other than the Qiang people. They are blocked in an area within fifteen miles, and they can be seen clearly with a telescope.

"All of them are sallow and thin." Sang Yu was in an extremely happy mood. That was because Ji Chang went to be a teacher in the northern bank of the Yellow River as the chief clerk, and he became Liu Yan's direct chief clerk for the first time.Then there was the war that was expected to drag on for a long time, but he didn’t expect it to be wrong, and he resumed his giggling look when he spoke: "Tsk tsk tsk, all the living cattle and sheep are all ours, and now they can only eat dried meat. Lack of water?"

It's not a joke, Yao Yizhong's remnants are blocked between the Yellow River and Jishui, the lack of water sounds like a joke.However, who knew that there were Han fleets in both the Yellow River and Jishui rivers? Every time the Qiang soldiers went to fetch water, they were shot by crossbows and powerful crossbows. Many times, they suffered heavy casualties and maybe even got some. Water, really, a drop of water is equal to a pool of blood.

After laughing, Sang Yu looked at Liu Yan who seemed to be distracted, and asked, "Your Majesty is considering whether to accept Yao Yizhong's surrender?"

Where is Liu Yan thinking about this.What he was thinking about was how to take advantage of the current great opportunity to absorb more people, and what kind of trend the strategy of Jizhou would develop. He also needed to pay attention to the Jin army's Northern Expedition in Jingzhou.

The difficulty faced by the Han tribe before has always been the lack of population, so Liu Yan was desperately trying to find ways to increase the population.

Since the start of the Great War last year, the rate at which the Han Department absorbed the population has dropped significantly. Shijie Zhao Guo "sucked blood".

Before, Yao Yizhong's crusade army could be regarded as the biggest threat to the Han tribe. After all, even regardless of the number of people, Yao Yizhong brought more than 20 young men who could participate in the battle. How could Liu Yan not be happy? Create stress.

The battle between Liu Yan and Yao Yizhong has come to an end, but it doesn't mean that you can sit back and relax. Not to mention the Shihu who won't attack, there are more than 15 troops under Sun Fudu in Dongping County, and there are also Liu Kai and Lu in Yuzhou. Yong's approaching [-] enemy troops.Even if Yao Yizhong's troops were wiped out, the Han army still had a lot of enemies to face, and the Han army just after the war must have time to rest.

"Jizhou?" Sang Yu said silently, his identity could reveal many secrets, and the expansion of the Han army to Jizhou was a strategic deployment.He hesitated: "Murong Yan's army is going south again?"

The last time Murong Yan's army was defeated in order to eliminate internal instability, this time it was Yan Wang Murong Hao who wanted to march in person. Their opponent was the Shijie Youzhou Army led by Shi Bin.

Lu Tai was ordered to go north, and Ji Chang was Lu Tai's long history.The order they received was that after entering Jizhou, they would continue to push northward depending on the situation, and push as far as they could. The best result was to hit Zhangwu County (southwest of Tianjin), and the minimum requirement was to take down Bohai County and Hebei Province. All the territory south of Jianjun.

The Youzhou Army of Shijie Zhao State should be the strongest army with the most soldiers among all the frontier troops. Shi Bin also has a reputation for being good at commanding troops.After the defeat of Shihu's personal conquest of Murong Yan last time, Shijie's Zhao army learned from the pain. After two years of continuous efforts by Shi Bin and his subordinates, the quality of the soldiers is not easy to judge, but after two years of farming Time will never lack food and fodder.

Sang Yu asked in deep confusion: "Actually, I am very curious, why do you think Shi Jie's Youzhou Army will be vulnerable to Murong Yan's army?"

No, Liu Yan never said that the Youzhou Army of the Shijie Zhao Army was in a vulnerable state against the Murong Yan Army, but only judged that the Youzhou Army of the Shijie Zhao Army could not stop the Murong Yan Army's attack.

"Is it because Murong Huang has mink leopard cavalry in his hands?" Sang Yu said that this troop was Murong Yan's armored cavalry: "I heard that the number of mink leopard cavalry in the Yan army has increased to five thousand."

Speaking of which, during the Five Husties in China, the number of armored cavalry equipment possessed has always been the basis for determining national strength. The heavy cavalry wearing armored equipment did not disappoint the world's expectations. Every time they went to battle, they always achieved great results. .

"Every armored heavy cavalry is connected by iron hooks and thorns. They line up in a straight line and rush forward to shake the mountains. No one can stop them." Sang Yu was talking about the information he got from Goguryeo. He shook his head: " This information may be out of date."

Before Murong Yanguo swept the surrounding areas of the eastern part of Liao 1, there were [-] armored riding gear.In Goguryeo, they not only robbed other people's capitals, but also dug up the tombs of several generations of Goguryeo kings.Later, Murong Yan's army continued to attack Fuyu, Quwo, Yuwen Xianbei, and Tuoba Xianbei. After winning consecutive victories, they always robbed each time. The national power should be extravagant.

"The number of sable and leopard cavalry is [-], and the number of elite infantry soldiers is more than [-]." The data Liu Yan said was passed from Tuoba Daiguo, and it may not be correct.He also said: "Those above are Murong Yan's army with excellent weapons and armor, and there are nearly [-] cavalry with inferior weapons and armor but good at fighting. In terms of quality, it may not be much worse than the Jie people's own army."

Murong Yanguo's southward movement is to gather the strength of the whole country, not to mention the elite troops going southward, there are still more troops under the mobilization of the whole country. The information transmitted to Qingzhou shows that Murong Hao entered with an army of nearly 40 in mighty form. In Beiping County, the Youzhou Army led by Shi Bin is staring at each other across a wet river.

"Isn't it because Shi Bin attaches great importance to Murong Yanjun that we can take advantage of it." Sang Yu laughed happily for a long time, and said with a smile: "We didn't plan to provoke Shi Bin too much, but we would definitely upset him in the past plans, but I don’t know how Murong Hao will seize the opportunity.”

Zhangwu County is a county in Jizhou, but it is on the edge of Jizhou and Youzhou.There are about 1 Murong Yan troops in Beiping County in the east and north of Youzhou Army, and another [-] to [-] Han troops from the south.The last time all parties gathered together to form a secret alliance, although no alliance was reached, those people in Shijie Zhao State did not know that even if there was no such alliance, it must be regarded as a conspiracy, so Shi Bin would have a ghost if he was not nervous up.

The Han army's northward attack on Jizhou will indirectly help Murong Yan's army to attack the Shijie Zhao State Youzhou army headed by Shi Bin, but obviously even this must be fought.

If you think about the situation in the Song Dynasty, you will know that the risk of the Yellow River is not enough. That is because the Yellow River will freeze in a large area in winter, and the ice layer is still thick enough. Then the Yellow River can pass freely during the freezing period of the winter.In contrast, the Yangtze River will freeze even if it is partially frozen, but because of the latitude, the ice layer is not very thick. A few people may be able to cross the river on top of the ice layer, but they must be careful, and it is impossible to be like the Yellow River.

Being able to attack and occupy the Zhangwu County area, although there is still some distance from Yandi, and the so-called Yanyun Land has not been completely controlled, but at least half of it has been taken.And the importance of this half of the territory is so great that even if Liu Yan really leads an army to attack Shi Hu, he must take it at any cost!

As long as you know some common sense of geography, or at least understand the need to control strategic locations, you will understand that Liu Yan's choice is extremely correct.Sang Yu is one of the people who understands, not only him, but also Ji Chang understands the importance of the matter, that's why Ji Chang gave up the glory he was about to get and went to Jizhou in the final stage of the battle with Yao Yizhong's troops.

"Sun Fudu, Liu Kai, and Lu Yong, what's their situation now." Liu Yan asked how likely it was that these people would come to rescue Yao Yizhong: "We'll only be stuck for five days at most."

Yao Yizhong's remnant soldiers broke out in a panic, and the food they carried was bound to bottom out after ten days of consumption.

There is a term in the military called "the mourning army must win", which is far more than just saying that the army that breaks out after mourning is destructive, but also includes how terrible the death will of an army that is in despair will break out.

According to previous calculations by Liu Yan and others, information was also obtained from some surrendered enemy generals and schools, and the food and fodder carried by the remnants of Yao Yizhong's troops would last at most half a month.

After Liu Yan arrived, the Han army here reported to him the information that the Qiang people killed horses for food. The combined conclusion is that the result will appear in five days, whether it is annihilation or acceptance of surrender.

"Your Majesty, should you send someone to contact him, and keep Yao Yizhong safe, lest..." Sang Yu still didn't say the words 'dog jumps over the wall'. It's not because he respects Yao Yizhong so much, but if he even If your enemies don't respect you, how can you be sure of your achievements?He thought for a while and then said: "I still have the same opinion. Your Majesty may not accept Yao Yizhong's conditions, but accepting the surrender will benefit your future hegemony."

How about millions of Qiang people!Even if it is only a superficial attachment, the value in the political sense is incalculable.

Furthermore, accepting Yao Yizhong's surrender is far more meaningful than killing him. At least it can give the rest of Shijie Zhao's generals a hope of survival by surrendering, which is conducive to the future recruitment of Shijie Zhao's generals.

Sang Yu's opinion is still relatively "neutral", and he proposes to accept Yao Yizhong's surrender, but not to retain his title and official position, but to recognize his status as the leader of the Qiang nationality.He thinks that the general leader of the Qiang people should be recognized. Of course, Yao Yizhong is still in his hands. Regardless of whether he can use it or not, it is all political capital. At least Shi Hu should be careful about the Qiang people under his rule.

What Ji Chang meant was more...how should I put it?He suggested that Liu Yan directly annihilate Yao Yizhong's troops, and Yao Yizhong was also killed.The reason is that the two sides have already become a blood feud, and with the lessons learned from the Sima royal family, it must not be repeated again.

Of course, Ji Chang didn’t mean that all alien races should be treated with extermination, what he meant was that all the high-level people of the alien race should be killed, leaving the ignorant lower-level people to digest and integrate slowly.He even thought that not only should all the high-level members of the foreign race be killed, but also those elites should be killed, and even completely erased from the cultural and historical traces, as if no foreign race had ever existed.

If Sang Yu is "neutral" and Ji Chang is "overbearing and iron-blooded", then there are also some "kingly" opinions.

What is the "kingly way" for Chinese civilization?Probably it is to convince people with virtue, or to move them and then educate them.Taking this time as an example, some people thought that Yao Yizhong's conditions should be accepted so that he would be moved to tears and be used by Liu Yan wholeheartedly.In that case, millions of Qiang people will become Liu Yan's people.

It can be said that Liu Yan's reaction after hearing the so-called "kingly way" opinion was very direct. He first asked who else had the same opinion, and after the question, it didn't matter. There are many overseas islands that need officials. People should go to the islands for wind and fishing.

The Chinese civilization has carried out the rule of "outer sage and inner king" more than once. This kind of national policy is considered by crooked Confucianism as the way of enlightenment. That is to say, if you know something good and fun, you must teach the barbarians. As long as you teach the barbarians to be civilized If you are a civilized person, then you must be able to use civilized methods to solve problems if you are also a civilized person.

The Confucian Way of Enlightenment without a crooked building is actually a similar routine, but it is basically two different things to implement. It is not to use words to teach barbarians how to become civilized people, or to set up a "school captain (Zhonglang general)" or "capital officer" in a certain place. Protector", such as the Xiongnu Xiaowei (Zhonglang general), or the "Western Regions Protector".In short, those who can do it will never speak. If you are not obedient, you will be obedient. If you are afraid of killing, you can talk about everything.

Liu Yan had long had a plan in mind. If Yao Yizhong knew better, he would surrender unconditionally. If Yao Yizhong didn't know better, he would die.

It is definitely not the arrogance of Liu Yan's head shaking and convulsions. For him, what about the millions of Qiang people? It is enough to have the Han people in the world. It is not about absolute blood, but two aspects of blood and culture. To do the kind of thing that clearly distinguishes ethnic groups and then gives preferential treatment to minorities.The few people will not be grateful, and the main ethnic group will still feel resentment, which is completely asking for trouble.

Liu Yan's thoughts are very straightforward. If you can't control the situation and you can't get absolute loyalty, it will be a big trouble to gather it together. Maybe the Qiang people will be stable for a while, but if it is possible to happen, like the old things in the Northwest at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it is better to have a From the very beginning, I made up my mind to expel or eliminate them altogether.

(End of this chapter)

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