sweeping the world

Chapter 340 It won't take too long

Chapter 340 It won't take too long

"It has to be said that Yao Yizhong's position today is definitely not a fluke or luck." Ji Changman said regretfully, "They didn't behave as we expected, the chaos was only the outer camp, and the core area still maintained sufficient control. I am afraid that our idea of ​​defeating the enemy in World War I will not be realized."

"It's a bit early to launch." Sang Yu's face was clouded, and he said quite seriously: "If the fleet can appear together with the land reinforcements, it will definitely cause greater panic to the enemy, even if it is not defeated in the first battle. The enemy army can also attack the core area."

The generals who led the troops had different expressions on their faces when they heard Sang Yu's words. Most of them showed a flash of anger, and many of them had embarrassed expressions on their faces.

It is not easy to defeat more than [-] enemy troops in one battle, but this time the Han army really has a chance to defeat hundreds of thousands of enemy troops in one battle. That is because the arrival of reinforcements caused large-scale chaos to the enemy troops. judgments that can be made.

Although because of Yao Yizhong's tenacity and prestige to the Qiang people, the Han army failed to defeat the Qiang army in the first battle, but the Han army has achieved great results, including destroying as many as 24 pontoon bridges, killing and killing the enemy There should be [-], and it has changed from completely passive defense to taking the initiative.

Before, Liu Yan's troops were surrounded by Yao Yizhong's troops to attack.

Now, Liu Yan used nearly [-] men to complete the encirclement of Yao Yizhong's camp on three sides. Only the side of the Yellow River was not encircled, but it could be blocked soon with the arrival of the fleet.

From a distance, there are only four pontoon bridges still connecting the two banks of the Yellow River.There has always been a crowd of people on the pontoon bridge. The high-level officials of the Han army used the convenience of binoculars to see that the pontoon bridge was full of old and weak women and children. It was not good news to find out.

Sang Yu said those words only when he was really in a hurry, otherwise he would not offend people easily with his usual joking style.The reason for his urgency is very simple. If Yao Yizhong stabilizes the morale of the troops, the war will turn into a long-term state, not to mention that it will delay the establishment of the Han tribe and attract Shihu to send troops or personally lead the army to come for reinforcements. also greatly increased.

Since the establishment of the Han Dynasty, it has been in a state of non-fighting every day, and the logistics materials can keep up, but the state of war will always affect people's livelihood and economic development.

This time Liu Yan repeatedly ordered mobilization, which has actually caused heavy damage to the people's livelihood and economy of the Han Dynasty. Then a large number of young people were transferred to various battlefields, but the number of slaves in the hinterland increased again and again. It may not matter if the time is short, but who cares if the time is long? It can ensure that those slaves can live in peace.If a slave riot occurs, even if the riot is suppressed in the end, how much loss should it have?

There are worse things than people's livelihood and economy.The Han army used to be in the mode of quick battle and quick decision. Each battle rarely dragged on for more than half a year. The quick and clean victory cultivated the spirit of the Han army, and the few casualties made the people's warlike hearts soar.

If this war drags on for long enough and the casualties are uncontrollable, it is difficult to assess the effect it will have, but it is always necessary to think about the worst in advance and prepare enough preventive plans.

Of course, there are many things that cannot be put in plain sight, especially those that cannot be made known to everyone, but the importance should still be mentioned to give the generals enough psychological pressure to make them understand how heavy their responsibilities are.

After talking about strategy, it's the turn of battlefield tactics.

The Han army put on an all-round encirclement stance, and the purpose was to make Yao Yizhong have enough sense of crisis.When people are in crisis, most people will become flustered, and when they are flustered, they will make wrong judgments and choices.

Next, the Han army began to attack one after another, and the intensity of the battle was not much worse than when the Qiang army launched a general offensive.

The main attack direction of the Han army was to the south of the Qiang camp, many times led by the cavalry, followed by the infantry.After breaking through a section of the camp, the infantry began to build fortifications on the spot, and faced the counterattack of the Qiang soldiers with strong bows and crossbows.

Yes, the Han army was compressing the enemy's space, or it was necessary to put enough psychological pressure on Yao Yizhong to force Yao Yizhong to move his troops. It would be better to have to fight back instead of relying on the complexity of the camp. Terrain huddle defense.

Liu Yan ordered the assault cavalry to charge regardless of the cost, which made the generals on the side of the Han army also feel a sense of urgency. In the eyes of many people, those assault cavalry are definitely the elite. A disastrous war of attrition?There must be a reason for this to happen.

"Why don't you go and ask?" Qian Jiantong was chatting with Li Tan just now about the direction of the battle, talked about the loss of the cavalry, and encouraged Li Tan to say something.Seeing Li Tan shaking his head, he said helplessly: "A senior civil official said that we came too early, I don't know where your lord is..."

"Mr. Sang?" Li Tan said nonchalantly: "The enemy army intercepted is too incompetent. Should we stay where we are? That would be even worse."

"That's right." Qian Jiantong kept nodding his head: "It's impossible to let the enemy army retreat back to the main camp!"

They obviously killed and captured more than [-] enemy soldiers, and it was fine if they didn't get appreciation, but they were said to be hindering the battle situation. It's strange that they didn't feel angry in their hearts.

The shock cavalry in the Han army are all systematic troops, which is why Liu Yan did not care about casualties.For Liu Yan, system troops are just a bunch of numbers. To change this concept, system soldiers need to have sufficient intelligence, not the current situation where they have low IQs.

As long as Liu Yan has the resources, Liu Yan can make up for the loss of cavalry. The only thing he thinks is a pity is that he doesn't have the function of summoning fierce generals like other traversers. ?
It can even be said that if there were no systematic troops, wouldn't soldiers in war be consumables?For most Han soldiers, they were lucky in that they had systematic soldiers to fight for the mission that would inevitably lead to death, and they were fighting a battle with hope.

Qian Jiantong and Li Tan, including many officers without combat missions, stayed on the periphery to watch the battlefield with telescopes, watching the cavalry charge like waves, breaking through the enemy's wooden fences or other obstacles, using human and horse strength. The corpses opened the way for the infantry in the rear.

Almost everyone is thinking about one question, and that is why their loyalties consume the elite Rangers like that. The question that arises is where those Rangers come from.

There are countless question marks in everyone's mind, but no one is stupid enough to ask Liu Yan those questions.Countless unexplainable mysteries add to Liu Yan's sense of mystery, especially Liu Yan seems to be able to summon elite troops endlessly. While they have doubts in their hearts, everyone has an understanding that they are loyal to God.

Liu Yan has never had the idea of ​​playing a god or a magic stick. There may be gods and high-level existences that he doesn't understand in the world, otherwise he can't explain why he travels through time, let alone how the system came about.

People who have even experienced time travel but don't believe in gods or some kind of higher creatures, is there anyone more insane or inexplicable than this?Liu Yan will be in awe of the unknown, and use his own advantages to realize his ideals in awe.

When the Han army's strong attack did not stop, no matter it was day or night, they were doing their best to compress the Qiang soldiers' movement space.

The pressure on the Qiang soldiers from the storm was very high. It was not only material, but also the worries and fears of the future deep in their hearts. As a result, even a team with supervisors could not prevent the soldiers who lost confidence from collapsing again and again. .

Facing the dire situation, Yao Yizhong and other high-level officials had no good solution. Fortunately for them, the fleet of the Han army did not arrive, and the old, weak, women and children could still go to the north bank of the Yellow River from the four pontoon bridges.

Liu Yan was asked more than once why the fleet did not come. The answer he gave was that the Shijie navy was trying its best to block it, and the fleet would arrive as late as midnight at the latest.

In fact, the Han army fleet encountered great troubles. They sailed from west to east, and the Shijie Zhao army came out from the Tuma River to occupy the upstream position.

Shijie Zhao Guo fought the Eastern Jin water army more than once. Perhaps he didn't learn much about other tactics, but he learned how to use water to place fireboats.The trouble that the Han army fleet encountered was the continuous stream of flaming boats coming down the river from the upper reaches, and even the number of wooden rafts and bamboo rafts was terrifyingly dense.

Facing the densely burning boats, bamboo rafts, and wooden rafts, the Han army suffered a lot of losses when they were caught off guard. About [-] warships at the tail of the fleet were hit and ignited.

Fortunately, the Han fleet reacted fairly quickly, sacrificing nearly 67 warships, and the following non-system soldiers pulled up the iron chains urgently, and fixed them on both sides of the strait, so that the entire fleet escaped. Warships were repeatedly lost during the operation.Waiting for the fleet to speed up and advance, [-] warships have been lost without seeing any enemies. It can be seen how terrible the fire boat offensive is, and there is no longer any doubt about the thousands of boats that died in the sea of ​​​​fire in the previous Battle of Chibi.

That is the disadvantage of the system troops. They have no problem fighting to consume, but it is impossible to fight flexibly and autonomously.Under this current situation, what can be done besides fighting for consumption?I don't know when it will be changed.

It may be that the loss of the Han fleet stimulated the Shijie navy, and the morale of the Shijie navy was greatly boosted to attack. They were stopped by the iron chain set by the Han fleet, and soon continued to chase.

The water armies on both sides happened after the Han army sent out a group of warships to stop them. Shijie Zhao Jun seemed to believe that the Han fleet had only powerful warships but was extremely incompetent. He waited for the real battle to realize his mistake. .

There are not many ways to fight water in the cold weapon war, that is, to shoot rockets at each other back and forth, and then to collide with each other. On the contrary, gang battles will only happen in the battle to seize the ship.

The Shijie navy, who originally thought that the Han fleet was incompetent, was completely suppressed from the beginning of the war. Only then did they realize that the Han fleet was not as incompetent as they thought. Instead, the Shijie navy came with full confidence in the face of a terrifyingly dense force. The arrows and bed crossbows were all trembling with fear.

The water battle on the Yellow River came to an end in less than half an hour, and finally the Shijie water army retreated with heavy losses.They used the old method again after the retreat, that is, to continue to place any flammable floating objects, hoping to achieve results with the same tactics.

It was just walking all the way and stretching the iron cables to intercept and slow down the speed of the Han fleet. In the end, Liu Yan directly controlled the division of the fleet, and only selected about fifty warships to continue southward, and the rest were left behind instead. To the Shijie water army that is still pursuing.

Fifty warships arrived on time at midnight. Their arrival made the Qiang army near the river erupt into an uproar of extreme fear, and those on the four pontoon bridges were even more frightened.

"How many people will die in the belly of the fish tonight?" Sang Yu looked a little sad and sentimental. If he couldn't drink alcohol, he really wanted to drink away his sorrow because he believed that there was no possibility of a quick end to this war.He turned his head to look at Ji Chang, and asked puzzledly, "Tai'an, what makes you look so calm?"

Ji Chang didn't take his eyes back from the four pontoon bridges, he was watching the jostling on the pontoon bridges, the people under the jostling fell into the water like dumplings, and those who fell into the water were fluttering in panic It sinks quickly.

"Your Majesty has ordered a troop to land from the direction of the sea." Ji Chang said very calmly: "That troop will appear on the north bank here soon, and those who escape to the north bank will become corpses or prisoners."

Sang Yu was completely stunned. After a while, he patted his forehead. He didn't seem so depressed, and said a little excitedly: "Your Majesty is going to use those old and weak women and children to threaten the enemy troops on the south bank to surrender?"

Ji Chang finally turned his head and looked at Sang Yu with strange eyes, and said strangely: "It's not wrong for Hu people to care about their family members, but how many Hu people are willing to die for their families?"

"Huh?" Sang Yu was confused and said hesitantly: "Then..."

"We don't want the old man. We should kill them all afterwards." Ji Chang smiled and said something unrelated to the war: "Women, we are extremely short of women. There are many women who fled to the south bank, enough to Meet tens of thousands of bachelors."

Well, Sang Yu looked a little gloomy again, and said sullenly: "That's after the victory, it won't help to end the battle quickly."

"No." Ji Chang said flatly, "Although we don't know why Zishen is so upset, what Junshang and I guess is that Yao Yizhong won't stick to the camp for too long, and he should break out soon."

"Can I not be upset? Shihu has assembled 30 troops in Xiangguo and Yecheng!" Sang Yu said a little excitedly: "Shihu wants to weaken the Qiang and Di tribes, but he can't sit back and watch Yao Yizhong here. The whole army is wiped out, and the longer the war drags on, the more likely we will have to face the Jie army directly. Maybe we can win the battle again, maybe it will continue to be a stalemate, but that is nothing more than giving other countries a chance to reap the benefits. If faced with such a situation, how can we compete in the world in the future?"

When Ji Chang heard it, he felt admiration for Sang Yu. It was not only limited to a local area, but also focused on the whole world!
……Dividing line……

Persisting in the honor of being updated continuously for 178 days, I bow to all my dear friends and wish them a happy New Year. I wish you all a fortune in the New Year, all your wishes will come true, and your family will be healthy!

PS: There will be a password red envelope at [-]:[-] p.m., dear friends, don't miss the benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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