sweeping the world

Chapter 335 Critical Moments

Chapter 335 Critical Moments
During the day, the troops invested by both sides were limited by the space, and the number of troops entering the attack or defense at the same time did not increase much. However, the confrontation was far more intense than the first day, and the number of reinforcements from the rear was bound to increase.

When the fight was at its most intense, the corpses of the dead on both sides were piled up layer after layer. When there was no rain in the sky, the ground turned out to be muddy. It was the blood that flowed from the human body that wet the ground. Another pair of big feet stomped on it.

In some low-lying areas, the blood pool formed by the collection of blood makes people tremble from the depths of their souls, especially with corpses floating on it, which adds to the sense of horror.

In the area where the battle was most intense, the corpses were piled up like hills. The soldiers on both sides stepped on the corpses of the dead and swung weapons at each other, adding another layer to the height of the corpses under their feet.

The war had started eight days ago. The intensity of the war meant that both sides had no chance to clean up the corpses. The corpses that had been killed earlier in the hot summer had long since rotted. The stench of rotting corpses and the thick smell of blood spread throughout the place. On the battlefield, no one had time to care about so much. Instead of being nauseated by the stench, everyone focused on killing the enemy soldiers.

"Why should we be transferred back to build a defense line in the camp?"

"Do whatever you want, ask so many questions!"


"No but!"

In fact, Dou'a's heart is extremely entangled, he is grateful but also guilty, and more confused.

They were transferred back to the rear and used any available things to build fortifications. It was a series of fence walls, earth walls, corridors and other fortifications that looked extremely complicated. It seemed that the front line seemed to be insufficiently supported. Prepare for defensive warfare.

Fortunately for Dou Ah, the fighting ahead was too brutal, and his own casualties were very heavy. Those who were transferred to the rear didn't have to fight for their lives in such a fierce fighting.His guilt is that he has to let others do it if he can't do it himself, and he will have the idea that those who died in battle are replacing him.

The loud shouts of killing, the sound of horns, and the sound of war drums have never stopped. Fights are happening everywhere around the Han army camp. Between two hundred paces as the core, the collision of multiple crowds of people is a blood rush, and the ground is filled with killed or injured human bodies.

The fighting of the new day lasted until the afternoon. Shocking cheers appeared on the battlefield on the north side. It was because the frequency of arrows fired by the crossbowmen of the Han army decreased, and the Han army that was fighting the Qiang people retreated. The morale of the Qiang troops was greatly boosted. the sound coming out.

At that moment, Yao Yizhong danced and yelled, "This is the first time the Han army has retreated. If there is a first time, there will be a second time. They are not strong enough!"

Previously, senior Qiang people had noticed that the frequency of arrows fired by the Han army had decreased. Some predicted that the Han army would not have many arrows. Without the cover of arrows like rain, the Han army would no longer have a great advantage. We would definitely be able to Some results have been achieved, but I didn’t expect the prediction to come true so quickly.

"Hurry up, blow the horn and let people catch the broken soldiers and kill them!"


The desolate horn sounded, and the Qiang soldiers, whose morale was boosted by defeating the Han army for the first time, shouted to charge, but they ran for ten steps but were stunned by the Han army in the camp who shot their heads and covered their faces with a rain of arrows.

Yao Yizhong didn't feel anything at all when he saw that scene. Instead, he ordered not to stop and to rush forward no matter how many people died.

On the battlefield, the Qiang soldiers who were strictly ordered to rush forward would die under the raindrops of the Han army's crossbows, and if they fled back, they would die at the hands of the supervising team. The pressure of death both before and after caused many people to collapse directly howling.

For those miscellaneous soldiers who participated in the battle in the Qiang army, they have been in hell since yesterday, not to mention the pungent stench, but the corpses full of sight stimulated their brains again and again.

There are soldiers on both sides who have been on the battlefield since yesterday. They are some wounded who have lost their mobility, and more are Qiang soldiers who have been strictly ordered to stay on the front line and not to retreat.

Yao Yizhong's strict order is still very useful, as long as he is willing to die on any front, he can always rush forward after paying a heavy price in casualties.

The Han army didn't know what was going on. After the front facing troops retreated, there was no new Han army to fill the gap. The Qiang attacking troops who ran all the way and died were the first to rush into the gap through the rain of arrows. After that was the second one, and nearly a hundred people should have rushed in here and there.

"Nearly 1000 people, [-] died before rushing into those."

Liu Yan still admired Hu Ren's ruthlessness, turned his head to look at Ji Chang, and asked about his preparations.

Ji Chang immediately replied: "The second line of defense is already under construction."

That means that there is already a line of defense in the camp, so it is time for the attacking Qiang troops to enter the camp.However, things can't be made too obvious, and you have to make an appearance of trying your best to resist but not knowing what to do.

Some Qiang soldiers rushed into the Han army camp, and the cheers that shook the sky were shouted out again, and even the demoralized miscellaneous soldiers also regained some energy.

In a war, what soldiers fear most is that there is no hope, but where there is hope, there is always hope, and only then will there be the desire to fight, not despair.

At the moment when the sky-shattering cheers sounded, the soldiers of the Han army in the camp had to look in the direction of the sound, and fear appeared in many people's eyes.

How do non-high-level people know what plans will come out? Their first thought is that there must be something wrong with the friendly forces on the front line.If there is no worry, it is absolutely heartless, it is worrying about its own life, and it is also frightening that its king is still in the camp.

"Don't stand still!" Of course, Dou'a was also terrified, but as an officer, he couldn't show it, and shouted at the soldiers under his command: "Work!"

The soldiers heard this and continued working. They tried very hard to speed up their work, and their hands shook when they were dissatisfied, so mistakes were inevitable.

Dou'a frowned at the soldiers who frequently made mistakes, and would turn his head to look north from time to time, and told the relatives next to him: "Go and ask the military master if you want to prepare for war."

The soldiers should "promise!" and go.

Some cavalrymen started galloping and roaring in the camp, telling Pao Ze, who was building the fortifications, to speed up, and a defensive battle in the camp would begin soon.

Someone informed that the soldiers were still worried, but the officers relaxed.

That's a very simple reason. Since the higher-ups have ordered it, it means that they have made corresponding preparations.How can I be so stupid to be an officer? I know that it is better to be prepared than not to be prepared, not because the situation is out of control that I was worried about before.

At the frontiers of the battlefield, the morale-boosting Qiang soldiers attacked even more frantically, while the Han army seemed to be affected and fought and retreated. Even the eastern battlefield where the Han army has always had an absolute advantage, the front there is also moving towards the front. The direction of the camp of the Han army moved.

It doesn't take too much to interpret the whole battle situation, anyone can see that the Han army has changed from a rock-solid state to a fragile state, which stimulated the blood of the Qiang people's high-level people to spurt, and everyone yelled so that Yao Yizhong must not be afraid casualties.

"How many people have we lost?" Yao Yizhong's cheeks twitched a few times when he got the answer, and he took a breath: "Twenty thousand before the end?!"

In other words, it was a storm that didn't care about casualties!
In fact, the number of deserters killed by the Qiang Supervising Team was close to [-]. That was the real kill, not the estimated number on the battlefield.

"Master, we already have troops to break through the gap, don't you..." Yin Bi drew a long voice, gritted his teeth and said, "Try cavalry to charge the camp?"

If Yin Bi doesn't say anything, other people will suggest to do it. If there are conditions for the Mata joint venture, it must be done, and if there are no conditions, conditions must be created.

Yao Yizhong naturally accepted the correct suggestion, and said to a fierce-looking Qiang general: "Yuncuo, lead your headquarters to try to storm the camp."

"No problem!" Yuan Cuo was not tall, with obvious radish legs. He laughed a few times after saying "haha", saluted and mobilized his headquarters.

Yao Yizhong then gave orders to several generals, saying that once Yuncuo successfully charged into the camp, they would also take the opportunity to lead people in.

On the side of the Han army, after gaps appeared continuously, they began to fight and retreat. They retreated to the first line of defense in the camp before stopping. It was inevitable that there would be another bloody battle with the enemy troops chasing and killing them.

Knowing that there is a defense line inside the camp of the Han army, although the senior Qiang people are depressed, they can understand it.

How can any military camp only have one line of defense on the outside? There should be a line of defense inside such as checkpoints. Otherwise, how to prevent assassins from entering the central army, and how to separate the military camp into different levels.

Generally speaking, the defense line in the barracks will be relatively simple, that is because of the need for army mobilization.If you think about it this way, the way the Qiang people understand it is that since the most difficult outer areas will be attacked, the defense lines inside the Kendem camp must also be captured.

Yao Yizhong personally got on the nest car at the front to watch, and used the height to look into the Han army camp. The first line of defense of the Han army is composed of many complicated fences, earth walls, and corridors. Naturally, horses, antlers, etc. are indispensable. and other obstacles.He also saw some smashed catapults. If he was thinking about whether the collapse of the Han army was a trap just now, he immediately relaxed a lot when he saw the wreckage of a large number of catapults.

"The bow and crossbow troops of the Han army seem to be a lot thinner?" Yin Bi was not talking nonsense, but a large part of the array was really missing.He said with a smile: "I am afraid that what I guessed before is true. Liu Yan was forced to use crossbowmen as pikemen."

Yao Yizhong nodded silently, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "Is there any new information about the battle to intercept Liu Yan's reinforcements?"

Yin Bi shook his head and said, "Not yet."

"That's good." Yao Yizhong looked at the Han army camp again, and he could see a very tall watchtower in the distance, and said a little relaxedly: "I think Liu Yan is on that high platform at the moment, but I don't know Faced with such a predicament, what is he thinking?"

Yin Bi scoffed without even thinking: "Liu Yan must have extremely regretted his contempt for you, regretted that he should not have come to fight you personally, and even beat his chest and hated that he had too few troops."

Yao Yizhong didn't feel anything special about Yin Bi's flattery, considering his status, he was already immune to flattery.


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(End of this chapter)

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