sweeping the world

Chapter 317 The Death of Ma Qiu

Chapter 317 The Death of Ma Qiu
Huan Wen's archery posture and aim were perfect, but his luck was a bit unlucky. The arrow he shot was blocked by a Shijie Zhao Jun who suddenly turned a corner. Autumn was unscathed.

Ma Qiu seemed to have sensed the crisis. He turned his head to look, but he didn't find anything, and he didn't even notice that someone blocked an arrow for him.What worries him now is that the movement of his banner has affected the entire situation of the battle, but if he stops to fight the chasing Qingqi of the Han army, it is far from that.

The entire battlefield is currently in a state of chasing each other. Every army chasing others will be followed by another enemy army. While the scale of the vortex is expanding, there is no formation on the battlefield, and there are only arrows Flying and colliding with each other.

Huan Wen raised his bow and set his arrows again. This time, his target was Shijie Zhao Jun who was holding a big banner.

Shijie Zhao Jun's big banner rider fell down, and the next moment there was an uproar.

At the point where they can shoot people with a riding bow, the distance between the two sides has actually been shortened to within 100 meters.It was a scene where both sides were shooting arrows at each other, and every now and then a knight fell from his horse.

The main reason for the battle situation to develop into this is that the situation on the battlefield is too chaotic, and rushing to each other almost occupies the space, resulting in too narrow a space for movement.

Huan Wen shot again, this time aiming at Ma Qiu, but he missed.

Of course, Ma Qiu found the general of the Han army who was shooting at him, so he immediately bent down, picked up the horn bow and shot back.

The shooting range of the horn bow was not comparable to that of the riding bow. Huan Wen grinned as he watched the shot arrow fall limply in the distance, knowing in his heart that the enemy's general was upset.

At this time, the cavalry of the Han army who controlled the direction to prevent Ma Qiu from creating opportunities for Huan Wen finally arrived at their position. They successfully forced Ma Qiu to take the lead to turn again, delaying the speed of Ma Qiu's team.

"Han Army!"


Before Huan Wen's troops fought close to each other with Ma Qiu's cavalry, the battle horn was roared again, and then the cavalry of both sides continued to wave their weapons at each other on their horses.

There are basically two kinds of weapons for the Qingqi of the Han army, one is the cavalry spear, and the other is the horse-cutting knife.The lance is basically a one-time item, and the object it stabs will shatter by itself, in order to prevent the impact from falling off the horse. After all, not every cavalry has the martial arts of a cavalry.Zhanma Dao is a long-handled weapon. This type of weapon was widely used in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. However, it was abandoned in the Western Han Dynasty for some reasons. It was not until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty that Cao Wei's cavalry was widely deployed.

"You have no guts!" Huan Wen roared angrily, "How dare you fight me!"

Ma Qiu is actually a brave man, but he doesn't want to fight in person at this time, especially to fight with a little-known general of the Han army.On the way ahead of him, there are Han army cavalry rushing towards him, on the left side there are Han army Qing cavalry chasing up, and on the right side are his own people.

In the chaotic battlefield, there are cavalry running around everywhere in everyone's field of vision. If it weren't for the Han army's distinctive uniforms, it would really not be easy to distinguish the enemy from the enemy.

It is obvious that the Han army has fewer soldiers, but the more chaotic the battle situation is, the more beneficial it is to the Han army. It is a gap in coordination and organization.

In a scene of collisions and arrows flying randomly, the pursuit between each other never stopped.This scene continued until Ma Qiu, with about two hundred cavalry, came within one mile of the city wall of Fucheng, and Huan Wen followed with about one hundred cavalry.

Ma Qiu was angry about being bitten. If it weren't for the Han army Qingqi biting him in the middle, the development of the battle situation would not be so unbearable.

Huan Wen was also in an annoyed state of mind, and it seemed that the great credit he was talking about was about to fly away, and anyone would be annoyed.Just when he was about to choose to give up, under his gaze, he saw that a horse beside the enemy general seemed to have stepped on something. At that moment, Ma Qiu was tripped and hit by the cavalry next to him, causing the two horses to neigh fell to the ground.

The sudden accident made almost everyone a little dazed. Huan Wen was just stunned and immediately overjoyed, and the next moment he stomped his horse's belly and yelled: "This is the day when the big man makes his achievements!"

Ma Qiu, who fell on the ground and was crushed by a horse, should be the most confused person. He looked at the Han army Qingqi who was getting closer and closer, and the ecstasy on the face of the Han army general could be clearly seen , I couldn't help asking: [How could this happen, is it what fate should be like? 】

Huan Wen had reason to be ecstatic. He believed that God wanted to make him soaring, so that this change happened when he was about to give up.

No matter what anyone is thinking, they are complaining, time is still passing while the horseshoes are trampling, and the two hundred cavalry led by Ma Qiu found that the army leader is in a bad situation and are already making remedies, but the cavalry galloping at high speed is not what they want If you turn around, you can turn around immediately, but the hundred riders led by Huan Wen just went straight forward without changing direction at all.

Under the eyes of everyone, Huan Wen, who was galloping, had already put the horse into a forward stabbing position, and when he was within ten meters of Ma Qiu, his body was also lying down slightly, and the moment he passed by, he stabbed out of the horse with a scream.

At that moment, Huan Wen's heart was extremely hot. He had thought about capturing him alive, but he needed to dismount, but the current situation did not allow it, so he had to kill him.

Is Ma Qiu dead?A big hole was stabbed in his chest, and blood was constantly flowing out. His body fell to the ground and his eyes were staring blankly at the blue sky. He was definitely dead.

Zhai Bin, who was not far away, looked at him in astonishment. He couldn't believe that Ma Qiu died like this. Did he die in a battle that could only be described as testing each other, and he died as if he was extremely useless?
As soon as Ma Qiu died, before the Han army shouted "death to the general", the Shijie Zhao army yelled first, and that shout immediately changed the direction of the battle. It was all Shijie Zhao troops who subconsciously stopped their horses to watch.

After Huan Wen passed by him, he rode his horse to the side of Ma Qiu's body. He dismounted and strolled past. He took off Ma Qiu's helmet and cut off his head with his sword. He got on his horse again amid a burst of laughter, and then led the crowd. Control the horse gallop.

Almost when Huan Wen cut off Ma Qiu's head and got on his horse again, Shijie's Zhao army was completely blown up.

Shijie Zhao Jun watched his army leader die in a strange way, and then watched the army leader's head being cut off by the enemy. If it were any other army, it would probably collapse, but they are Jie people. !

Zhao Jun, who exploded his hair, went crazy, especially Liu Hun, who was on the battlefield, was even more mad, roaring and roaring constantly.

Huan Wen, who had captured the enemy's head, was now the target of pursuit. He broke through the two interception lines with great difficulty. Leave the battlefield.

After leaving the battlefield, Huan Wen turned his head and looked back, the cavalry and cavalry archers were covering, it was a decisive break.

[No matter who is leading this friendly army, a share of the credit for killing the enemy general must be shared! ] Huan Wen was so excited and moved, especially when he saw the fighting scene that was even more brutal than before: [What I should do now is to have someone pass the head to Xie An, and then I can lead my troops back to respond! 】

Huan Wen thought so, and really did so.He has not forgotten the military order he received, even though he killed the enemy general, ignoring the military order should be meritorious and demeritful, and even the flaws are worse than meritorious service.

Just when Huan Wen led his army to approach the battlefield again, he found that the situation on the battlefield was a bit confusing from a distance.What he saw was that the friendly army was running over Shijie and Zhao Jun was running, and he couldn't help being confused: 【What's the situation? 】

The reality is that Shijie Zhao Jun became enraged after the bombing, and it would be a good thing if he could gain an advantage by relying on his indignation.But Shijie Zhao Jun was facing a group of troops who didn't know how to be afraid. No matter how angry they were and how aggressive they were, facing a group of troops who simply ignored them, the increase in morale would be useless.

People's anger or excitement is actually just a matter of time. When they find that it is useless at all, and when the loss is greater due to impulse, it becomes inevitable to retreat.

Although Liu Hun was furious, he was not carried away.

This battle was considered a complete defeat. Even if Ma Qiu didn't die in battle, if he lost more than [-] people, and possibly killed less than [-] Han troops, it would still be a great defeat.

That is to say, the Shijie Zhao army with the Jie people as the main body can withstand the loss of 4000 people without collapsing, and only the Jie people's army can lose a battle loss of almost three to one with the Han army.

In other words, this is already the best battle loss ratio between the Shijie Zhao Kingdom and the Han army. Otherwise, there have been previous battles where the battle loss ratio was not five to one, or even one to twenty.

Of course, Liu Hun didn't know that, and even if he knew, he couldn't be happy, all because Ma Qiu, the leader of their army, would die in such a trial battle.

When the two Han armies met, there was no need for them to leave the battlefield in a way of fleeing, but to leave in a leisurely manner.When they left together, Zhai Bin led Ding Ling to clean the battlefield, mainly to snatch the weapons and armor of the Han army's dead. He found that all the weapons and armor left by the Han army were destroyed, so he targeted those who had no one. On the vehicle in charge, that is, the luggage they had discarded earlier, they drove the vehicle as if to leave without saying hello to anyone.

"Everything is the fault of those gangsters!" Liu Hun's eyes were red like something, and he stared at the gangsters driving the vehicles and shouted: "Kill them!"

The Jie cavalry, who were bent on being aggrieved and had nowhere to vent their anger, had an outlet to vent their anger. After Liu Hun roared, he drove his horses to charge, yelling to let Ding Zhazai die without a place to be buried with the army leader Ma Qiu.

After all, Zhai Bin watched Ma Qiu get killed under the premise that he was really able to support him, and Liu Hun did not wrong them.It was only when he discovered this that Zhai Bin wanted to run away, because he was a little greedy and still cared about some benefits.

What followed was a scene where six or seven thousand Jie cavalrymen chased the Ding Ling people who were trying to escape, forcing Zhai Bin to give up the baggage again and flee.

Huan Wen and the others who had already evacuated naturally discovered the scene behind them. Huan Wen hesitated for a moment or chose to accept it as soon as it was good. They met Xie An's team at Snake Hill, and then took a boat along the thawed Wenshui River Come to Juping.

The fleet came to Juping, and the troops landed at the ferry. Huan Wen still didn't know who the friendly commander who cooperated with him before was, and he received the order to board the ship again with confusion, and walked along the Wenshui River with Xie An , it took half a day to arrive at Fenggao that night.

As soon as they arrived in Fenggao, Huan Wenwen and Xie An were arranged to freshen up and go to meet Liu Yan overnight.

Before the team returned, Liu Yan had already learned the news that Ma Qiu was beheaded by the formation, which was sent back by You Hongling urgently.Knowing the report of Huan Wen beheading Ma Qiu, Liu Yan was in an excited state of mind. After all, it was a trial battle, and there might be follow-up lures and big fights, but he just didn't expect Ma Qiu to be so fast. It's over.

"This is Ma Qiu?" Liu Yan looked at the slightly treated but bloody head on the desk. In fact, the head was distorted and ugly. After confirmation, no one was taken away. He looked at it with a smile Looking at Huanwen and Xie An who were still in the salute posture, they said, "You two did a great job!"

Naturally, Liu Yan met him in the military tent, which was mainly abandoned and the city was not suitable for stationing.

"We are not the main attacker, but the friendly forces create opportunities." Huan Wen was humble enough and did not feel arrogant at all: "We just seized the opportunity."

Liu Yan was very happy, and kept nodding his head to look at Huan Wen, saying: "If you have an opportunity, you must seize it, and the opportunity you seize is the opportunity."

Once Ma Qiu died, the Shijie Zhao army on the west road lost their command, which would have a great impact on the development of the next battle.On the way back from Huan Wen's team, Liu Yan had already ordered the troops from the Xuzhou direction to attack. They would directly pass through Lu County and enter Dongping County, which would speed up the pace of the war.

"Get ready, after awarding honors and titles..." Liu Yan smiled brightly: "Prepare to make new contributions!"

Huan Wen and Xie An also smiled, and they said "No!" in unison, and stepped back.

In terms of merit, Huan Wen will at least be promoted to a general this time, and his title should also be promoted five ranks in a row. He will rise up as a brand new star in the Han army.He will become the number one general in the Han army among those born in the south of the Yangtze River, which is definitely a good thing for him.

Xie An should also be honored, the position will not change, but the title will also be promoted by one level.

Waiting for Huan Wenwen and Xie An to retreat, Ji Chang, Sang Yu and others came out from the side tent.After they came out, they all looked at Ma Qiu's head on the case table, with full smiles on their faces.

"Your Majesty, things are really unexpected." Ji Chang said joyfully, "Huan Wen has done a good thing this time. Killing Ma Qiu is tantamount to abolishing Shijie's Zhao Kingdom."

Yes, of course Liu Yan knows what that means. Even if Shihu in Yecheng wants to rearrange, it will take time. Before that, they can take advantage of the victory to expand their victories, and then deal with Yao Yizhong on the north bank of the Yellow River. .

(End of this chapter)

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