Chapter 315
The will of a great nation is an indescribable state of mind. When encountering any accident or difficulty, they may shrink back, but the willpower of a great nation will make them go head-on in the next moment.

The resilience and even willpower of a country's citizens originally determine whether the country will be strong or not. The courage to draw the sword when encountering an enemy is the most basic psychological quality.

For example, if a small country with few people finds it difficult in a war, they will subconsciously choose to retreat even if they fight a little bit, and they will subconsciously choose to back down, especially when they are in a war with a big country, they will feel guilty before fighting.

In fact, the confidence in a person's heart can often determine his destiny. If he is transferred to the country's army, how much support he will have behind him, or whether there will be revenge after he is killed, then how strong he will be on the battlefield. willpower.

To put it simply, an army that has won many battles will have the belief of being invincible in the process of continuous victory. They will fight with full confidence and at the same time be extremely fierce and swift. Even if they are at a disadvantage, they will still firmly believe Victory will belong to one's own side, and there will be no situation where the heart is weak and the hands and feet are weak, resulting in only six or seven points despite having great strength.

The current overlords of the Central Plains, the Jie people, have enough confidence. When encountering a strong enemy, they will not feel guilty before fighting a strong enemy, but they still dare to fight even though they know that their armor and equipment are not as good as people.As long as there is no obvious disadvantage, the Jie soldiers dare to fight silently, just because they believe that they will be the victorious party.

If the ordinary troops of the Han army come to face the Jie army, both sides will be motivated to kill each other at first, but they will hesitate after the casualties on the battlefield begin to increase sharply, especially when the number of ordinary Han troops is lower than that of the Jie soldiers. There may be times of vacillation.

The problem is that it was not the ordinary Han army that was sent out to fight, but the imperial guards directly commanded by Liu Yan.

Liu Yan, who was far away in Fenggao, looked for a high attic at this time. He used to drink tea and chat with people, but then he asked the surrounding people to retreat and focus on playing remote control.

On the battlefield to the west of Fucheng, both sides are engaged in cavalry. The battle has been in a state of motion from the beginning, and the sound of horseshoes and people's shouts can be heard far away.

The battlefield is divided into two parts, the [-] Han cavalry and the [-] or so Shijie Zhao troops rushing out of Fucheng, and the [-] Han cavalry on the other side confronted the [-] Shijie troops led by Liu Hun in advance. Jie Zhao Jun.

The battle on the edge of Fucheng was a real collision. After the two interlaced pierced each other, the [-] Han army cavalry lost about [-]. The result of the battle was that the number of defenders from Fucheng was directly reduced to [-]. three hundred.They were adjusting their horses' heads, and soon there would be a third collision.

The Shijie Zhao army led by Liu Hun was rather depressed. They were chasing the tail of the Han cavalry, and they had been shot all the way by the [-] Han cavalry. The continuous casualties should be about [-]. But Shijie's Zhao army still hasn't touched a single hair of the pursuing Han army.

Ma Qiu, who was on the periphery and was about to intercept the retreat of the Han army, could see clearly that the cavalry archers of the Han army did not stop shooting at all, which meant that if they chased after them, they would always be shot unless they could be caught!

[The Han army only had one man and one horse, but what kind of horses did they have? ] Ma Qiu said that he couldn't see clearly and didn't understand: [The war horse has thick bones and looks like it has blood from the Western Regions. But shouldn't a horse breed with big bones from the Western Regions have enough impact but poor endurance? 】

That’s right, it’s hard to figure out what kind of horse the system cavalry’s war horse is. Anyway, it’s just that it’s not a variety of known war horses.

The cavalry with one man and one horse is actually extremely shabby, and the disadvantages will be more obvious.Under normal circumstances, it is reasonable for a cavalry to have two horses. For example, if Ma Qiu brought [-] Jie cavalry, they would have at least one person and two horses. Some wealthy Jie cavalry would also have four horses.

In fact... the cavalry of the Han army who were fighting outside Fucheng also had one man and two horses, but their spare horses were only used for carrying loads, and they were temporarily left on the side of the auxiliary soldiers.

Ma Qiu found out that the cavalry of the Han army who came after Zhai Bin did not show signs of breaking through and leaving, so he should think about whether to approach the battlefield and compress the space for the cavalry of the Han army to move, or Liu Hun led the cavalry. The batch of Shijie Zhao troops who have been shot have not fought back. If it continues, it will be a serious blow to the morale of the army.

While Ma Qiu was still weighing, the cavalry of the Han army who fought against the defenders of Fucheng collided again. It was a kind of high-speed confrontation between the cavalry of the two sides. It was an extremely intense fighting scene.

That's what the melee cavalry fights are all about. They swing their weapons at each other, and every time they cross each other, they can cause damage in such a short moment.At this time, the pros and cons of the weapon will become extremely important. If the weapon is sharp, it will directly make the opponent stand dead in an instant. If the weapon is poor, it may only cause injuries or leave a gap in the opponent's leather armor.

For the Shijie Zhao army who came out of the rich city, the collision with the Han army cavalry caused more casualties. What is more annoying is the two hundred or so Han army cavalry archers cruising outside.Not only were they enduring the collision of the melee cavalry, but their flanks were also being shot endlessly by the Han cavalry archers, and they would lose [-] to [-] in battle. It was not a small number of people who died under the arrows.

"Those idiots aren't that smart." Zhai Bin simply stood up and talked without pain in his back: "If you have an advantage in troops, why don't you allocate some of them to hunt down the archers and cavalry?"

The city guard of Fucheng is on the battlefield, and Zhai Bin is outside the battlefield, so what he sees is completely different.If you come again, the city guard of Fucheng said that he had seen Liu Hun chasing all the way and being shot all the way, so he chose to kill the Han cavalry who were fighting in close quarters first. victory.

Ma Qiu, who was on the interception line, finally chose to lead his army closer to compress the space for the Han cavalry to move.

At some point, some figures appeared in the forest where Ma Qiu was staying. They were Huan Wen and a small number of officers observing the battlefield.

Looking into the forest, there were soldiers standing motionless with their horses everywhere. There were more than three thousand in number.

This forest is widely distributed. Although there are gaps in some places, the overall area definitely covers a radius of about ten miles. Huan Wen's team came from the direction of Snake Hill, and the order they received was to meet the three thousand imperial guards. Thought it would come sooner.

Xie An's figure soon appeared next to Huan Wen.As the commander-in-chief of Huan Wen's cavalry, he concentrated on observing the battlefield when he arrived at the edge of the forest.

"It's the first time I've seen such a large number of cavalry confronting each other." Huan Wen looked a little excited, turned his head to look at Xie An, and asked, "Chang Shi, the order we got is to respond, but there are no restrictions to allow us to join the battle, right?" ?”

Xie An knew what Huan Wen was thinking. It was nothing more than not letting go when he was able to make meritorious deeds. Their faction belonged to the group south of the Yangtze River. They came to the Han part later, and if they didn't try their best to seize the opportunity, they wanted to catch up with the rest and become the Han people. The core of the department will appear difficult.

Xie An thought about it seriously, weighed it again, and said, "Join the battle if you are sure."

It is one thing to make meritorious deeds, and another to cause unnecessary losses. It would be very ugly if there is no credit at all.

"As expected of the imperial guards!" Huan Wen's eyes were a little salivating, first he clicked his tongue a few times, and then said: "We are at a disadvantage in numbers, but it seems that we are not in a hurry."

Xie An nodded approvingly, but he couldn't comment more, who made him really not that good at cavalry combat.

The number of the cavalry of the Han army that completed the piercing again was reduced to less than [-]. After they pierced through, they joined up with the cavalry archers on the flanks, and then completed the turn while galloping, and were chased by the cavalry of the Fucheng defenders behind. Go to join up with another friendly army.

The place left by the battle is full of dead bodies of people and horses.These corpses look very bad. No matter what kind of injury they suffered before and fell off the horse’s back, under the trampling of thousands of horses’ hooves back and forth, the human corpses turned into rags, and even some dead war horses had their stomachs pierced through their intestines. And the internal organs flowed all over the floor.In addition to the corpses of men and horses, weapons and arrows were left all over the ground, and the roots of the newly sprouted grass were trampled up before they had time to grow, and there was nothing wrong with them being blown by the wind in spring.

Ma Qiu's current situation is to choose the whole army to press on. He saw that another cavalry of the Han army chose to join the brigade, which was an exciting state of mind: 【In this case, our army will win the first battle! 】

If we don’t count the battle loss ratio and just look at who breaks away from the battle first, it is indeed the Shijie Zhao army that wins, but the price of their victory is a bit higher. There are no more than [-] Jie cavalry in the battle, and the Zahu who are lined up on the flanks to block arrows Lost about [-].

"It should be an exchange of about one to five." Zhai Bin found that his body was shaking a little, and said very happily: "Fortunately, we didn't participate in the war just now, otherwise we would definitely be placed on the flank."

Most of the Ding Ling people who watched the battle were also trembling all over. This is not the case when they participated in the war in Mobei. There was no entanglement with each other for ten days and a half months. This is the scene from the beginning.

Zhai Bin took a deep breath and tried his best to control his body from shaking. After a long time, he shouted: "It's time for us to go on the field!" He felt that his team could win this game, and his presence on the field could make him stronger. Bring back what was thrown away.

The cavalry of the Han army who completed the rendezvous, they left behind the archers, and the melee cavalry charged at the position where the Zhao army's banner was located in Shijie.

Ma Qiu noticed that when the Han cavalry rushed towards him, he was shouting, "The time has come to show the bravery of our people!", waving his spear and pointing forward: "Kill!"

In fact, on the battlefield full of the sound of horseshoes, no matter how much a person roars, the place where the voice can be conveyed is limited, and Ma Qiu's roar can be regarded as emboldening oneself.

Ma Qiu also had to be brave on his own. He had just been re-appointed and had too many worries. Fulfilling Shi Hu's will was the first priority. Secondly, the army he brought out must not be damaged too much. Then he and Shi Jie needed to consolidate the country's foundation. Conflict.

He said "kill", but Ma Qiu didn't drive the horse forward. As a military leader, he would not participate in the fight unless necessary. Commanding troops honestly is serious.

This was the first large-scale collision between the two armies on the Fucheng battlefield. In 2000, about [-] Han army cavalry and about [-] Jie cavalry collided face to face. Fortunately, the west of Fucheng was open enough to accommodate nearly ten thousand soldiers. The cavalry rushed left and right.

On the other side, five hundred Han army archers made a small detour to block the cavalry coming out of Fucheng.Their mounted shooting at intervals can be extremely annoying, especially if they can't catch up.

"A decisive battle?" Xie An looked at Huan Wen seriously and said, "Colonel, if you intend to join the battle, this is the time."

Huan Wen didn't know that the forest they were staying in was originally used by Ma Qiu as an ambush, and Zhao Jun from Shijie was investigating the surrounding situation. Subconsciously forget.But he can confirm one thing, that is, the Shijie Zhao Jun should not know their existence, or else the Shijie Zhao Jun should have left the reserve team instead of rushing forward.

"Wait, wait!" Huan Wen was not familiar with cavalry warfare. He had made up many times when he was in charge of cavalry, and his observation of the situation had been cultivated for a long time."It's not time for us to play yet," he said.

On the battlefield, violent collisions have already occurred.After the cavalrymen from both sides collided face to face, the frequent screams and neighing of the horses almost covered the roar of the horseshoes. The red and black armored cavalry collided with the colorful cavalry from both sides, and the red tide could be seen rolling over the colorful side with the naked eye. When the two sides staggered and passed, the red wave rushed forward on a large scale, while the colorful side was scattered and missed by cavalry.

If the cavalry starts to confront each other head-on, it will really be no different from a decisive battle. Ma Qiu frowned when he saw that his own cavalry and the Han cavalry suffered in this collision: [It's not like armored cavalry, but I didn't expect this scale. The collision Qingqi will suffer such a big loss. 】

After all, Shijie was still the overlord of the Central Plains. After the two sides charged each other, the center endured heavy losses and continued to advance, while the left and right wings made "embracing" maneuvers like arms. If one looked down from a high altitude, a trident would form.

"It's not good!" Huan Wen could see very carefully from the angle, he said: "If the enemy army forms a siege, the only thing to see is whether the front can be pierced, otherwise it will be blocked."

Xie An said anxiously: "We are responsible for supporting the military affairs."

"Wait a moment." Huan Wen almost gritted his teeth: "The Imperial Guards are known for their tenacity and fearlessness of death. They can hold on a little longer."

The Shijie Zhao army still had a reserve team on the battlefield, and Huan Wen also saw the attractive banner...

……Dividing line……

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(End of this chapter)

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