sweeping the world

Chapter 313 Is it for fun?

Chapter 313 Is it for fun?

Before Ma Qiu was the General Zhengdong of Shijie Zhao State, he should be regarded as a high-ranking and powerful figure.His life can be regarded as ups and downs. Although his defeat at the hands of Murong Ke was tragic, it also made the Jie people including him know about Murong Xianbei's aggressiveness, and began to pay attention to Murong Xianbei.

It was the Jie people who began to pay attention to Murong Xianbei that allowed Shi Bin, who had good military skills, to train troops in Youzhou.

The civil servants of the Shijie State of Zhao are basically traitors of the Jin Dynasty. What they want to do most is to cross the Yangtze River and destroy the small ~ court ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, so that the State of Shijie Zhao has repeatedly negotiated with Li's Cheng Han to form an alliance to carve up the south of the Yangtze River. .

Those Jin traitors in Shijie Zhao State wanted to destroy the Eastern Jin Dynasty so much. It was not for no reason. Occupying the Central Plains can make oneself look discerning. The Jin traitors of Shijie Zhao State want to perish the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting because of their pursuit of Zhengshuo.

After all, it’s still an age of shame. It’s a shameful thing to go to the barbarian and serve. The more ashamed you are, the more you want to rectify your name. Then killing the person or country that makes you feel ashamed becomes the first thing. a choice.

The group of Jin traitors in Shijie Zhao State, that is, those Confucian scholars, had some right to speak before, but they lost their right to speak only after Shihu became violent. As a result, the Confucian scholars of Shijie Zhao State and the monks became sworn enemies.

Samana is another name for Buddhism. There are not so many sects of Buddhism at present. A group of people headed by Wu Jin are determined to destroy the Jin sect, and a group of people headed by Fo Tucheng are architectural madmen.

That's right, Buddhism actually likes to build buildings everywhere, especially likes to build tall towers.

With the support of Shi Hu, the Buddhists really built a lot of temples in the Central Plains. There must be tall towers at the same time. This kind of buildings will have a strong Western style. It was especially popular during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and later in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, architectural styles that integrated Han culture and Western culture appeared.It is rumored that the Chang'an architecture in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty was a fusion of ethnic styles, which formed a sharp difference from the ancient pre-Qin, Han, Three Kingdoms, and Jin Dynasties.

Ma Qiu is also a Buddhist. Before he left for the expedition, he specially went to the largest temple in Xiangguo to pray for blessings. He also met Feng Fang and got some verses that simulated the difference between the two.

Feng Fang is also one of the relatively well-known Shamen in Shijie Zhao State, but compared to Fo Tucheng and Wu Jin, he is too low-key.

The verse is inherently able to imitate ambiguity, and it is entirely up to the individual to guess which direction to think about. When encountering good or bad things, they will find it effective. When Ma Qiu was fascinated, Sun Fudu talked for a while only to repeat the call.

"What?" Ma Qiu looked at Sun Fudu in a daze, and waited for Sun Fudu to repeat before saying, "It's an obvious trick to lure the enemy."

Sun Fudu was just saying that Jibei County had found traces of the Han army, and Zhai Bin led the army to fight with them a few times before retreating to Suixiang.

Sui Township is at the junction of Jibei County and Dongping County, about [-] miles to the west is Fucheng, one of the military bases of Maqiu.

Speaking of it, Zhai Bin was very lucky. After his big defeat, he returned to Xiangguo and was not punished. He was just demoted and retained.After he was planned to be under Ma Qiu's command, he was used as a vanguard officer, and this time, [-] Dingling people who entered the Central Plains were also selected as the vanguard.

"Those trash are still useful." It's not that Ma Qiu doesn't like Zhai Bin, it's because the Ding Ling people from Mobei basically seem to have no brains, and they appear extremely ignorant.He asked, "Have you reported the battle results or battle damage?"

Sun Fudu had already said it just now, and repeated it again patiently, before continuing: "Zhai Bin would not take a few people to fight for his life, so he lost nearly four hundred if he was careful, which shows that the Han army that came is quite elite. "

The reason why Ma Qiu said that Zhai Bin's vanguard army was useful was at least to test the Han army.He touched his chin: "The Han army is really rich, and the three thousand cavalry are all sudden cavalry."

That's right, the [-] cavalry cavalry and [-] cavalry archers of the imperial guards who were selected by Liu Yan to provoke Ma Qiu were scattered at the beginning, and they did some things for the auxiliary soldiers behind to drive away the civilians, so that the auxiliary soldiers would The civilians were brought back to Qingzhou.

Zhai Bin brought Ding Ling to Jibei County to collect food and grass, and then recruited local tribal cavalry, and then asked the accompanying Jin people to do some work such as building bridges and paving roads. It was really not to fight against the Han army.

The number of Dingling people who migrated from Mobei to the Central Plains was only [-] tents, which is about [-] people. It can be said that people are very precious, so Zhai Bin was reluctant to send his tribe to death.

"Before Xiangping County Lord (Yao Yizhong) crosses the Yellow River, we will take a defensive position." Ma Qiu kept Shi Hu's order in mind. The population of the Jie people has doubled over the past few decades, but the country still looks noble. Let the non-jie people go to die or something.He thought for a while, and then said: "Aren't there nearly [-] Zahu and Jin people in the team? Allocate some to Zhai Bin, and strictly order him to drive the Han army back and stick to the Snake Hill."

Sun Fudu recalled the terrain in his mind. Snake Hill is located on the edge of Wenshui. The north bank is surrounded by Xiaguan Pavilion, Sui Township, and Juping, and the south bank is Gangping, Wenyang and Yangguan.

"Should we arrange a garrison at Yangguan?" Sun Fudu said that Yangguan is an ancient pass in Taishan County. It was originally an important city gate of the Qi State during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but it has long been in disrepair, that is, the terrain You can take advantage of it.He said: "Although we know that the Han army is good at attacking cities, it is still necessary to delay. Maybe it is also a good anti-lure strategy?"

Ma Qiu knew Sun Fudu's psychology. Taishan County and Dongping County were separated by Jibei County, but there was no dangerous terrain along the way.

In fact, you only need to look at the place names to know. Chinese civilization likes to name a place according to its terrain. For example, Taishan County has a mountainous terrain, and Pingyuan County has mostly flat terrain.Dongping County also has a word "Ping", so one can imagine what the situation is.

Ma Qiuhui brought the army to Dongping County. It was nothing more than the fact that cavalry accounted for the majority among them, and he took it for granted that the Han army should be mostly infantry.

"They are tempting us, and we can lure them too." Ma Qiu said with a smile: "Before that, let the Dinglingren, Zahu and Jinren bleed."

Sun Fudu took a deep look at Ma Qiu, and nodded in agreement: "We are only a partisan in this war, and the real main force is the army of Xiangping County Lord. Before Xiangping County Lord's army crosses the river, we will stabilize The battle line is the victory."

It is unspoken among the people of the Jie tribe that the population of the Qiang tribe is too large. Yao Yizhong has shown his loyalty to Shijie Zhao, but in fact all the Jie tribe including Shihu still think it will be a hidden danger. The same is true of the Di clan headed by Fu Hong.For Shi Hu, it is too necessary to let the Qiang and Di people consume it. It is related to two words, which is "national foundation".

The Yellow River is thawing, but it is estimated that it will be a month or more after the complete thawing.

It is not entirely a characteristic of Chinese civilization that the so-called army advances without moving food and grass. Then the troops of Ma Qiu and Yao Yizhong began to enter the arena, but the time to actually launch the attack is not spring, but autumn.

Before the livestock and war horses are fattened up, any battles will only be small fights, which can be regarded as warm-up preparations.It was those cannon fodder that Ma Qiu arranged to go to warm up, including Zhai Bin and Dingling under his command.

Zhai Bin, who was far away in Sui Township, was scolding his mother after receiving Ma Qiu's order. After venting his anger, he asked a little blankly, "Where is Yangguan?"

There was no other way, Zhai Bin and the others didn't know a single word, and they didn't have much idea of ​​the topography of the Central Plains.It was because of this problem that Ma Qiu arranged a staff for Zhai Bin.

"The south bank of Wenshui is not more than five miles away from Wenshui." Mrs. Guo doesn't like to be Zhai Bin's aide at all, especially after Guo Xiang of her own family was captured by the Han army, and then the whole Shijie State of Zhao rejected the Jin people. obvious.He looked at Zhai Bin who was still in a daze, sighed inwardly, but smiled on the surface, and explained: "It used to be a pass, built along the water, and has high military value."

Zhai Bin said in a daze, "I'm asking how far it is from Sui Township."

Mrs. Guo replied: "Should it be a hundred miles?"

"That's it..." Zhai Bin drew a long ending and nodded his head: "My headquarters has been fighting for several months, and I need to stay where I am to rest. There will be reinforcements coming later, let them go."

Ma Qiu's order is for Zhai Bin to lead the headquarters and the arrival of reinforcements to relocate, but listen to what Zhai Bin said?So Guo hates Zhai Bin too much. This savage barbarian doesn't have a strict understanding at all, and still takes ignorance as a reason.

About two days later, the reinforcements assembled by Ma Qiu arrived in Suixiang. As a result, Zhai Bin did not let him rest at all, and immediately let the first batch of [-] mobs who arrived continue to head east.

The Ding Ling people's lack of understanding of military discipline is actually not much better. It is absolutely true to say that the seven thousand people who came are a mob. They are small tribal cavalry who are even more undisciplined than the Ding Ling people and some Jin people who were forcibly strengthened. .They continued to move eastward full of complaints, and did not go beyond the thirty miles of Suixiang. They dispersed immediately after encountering the Han cavalry. Only less than [-] people took back Suixiang, and the rest were either killed or captured. captured.

"Look, any move forward is inappropriate until the group of Han cavalry is dealt with." Zhai Bin just made up his mind to be passive and sabotage. As for how many non-Dingling people died, he didn't care about him.He stared at Mrs. Guo, and said: "Write a letter, write a letter immediately, and send an emergency to the rear. There are elite Han cavalry intercepting along the way, and we can't kill them."

"..." Mrs. Guo honestly wrote the letter according to what Zhai Bin said.

In fact, Mrs. Guo understood that Di Bin didn't want to work hard at all, so Guo Tai, who was Zhai Bin's aide, was so happy to dawdle.

After Ma Qiu, who had no salt, received the letter from the army and Zhai Bin, he was surprisingly not angry, but said to Sun Fudu: "As we expected, that dingo will not move if it can nest, and the more than 7000 people will not move." People are buried without even blinking their eyes.”

"The possibility of that Han army's lone army going deep is much greater." Sun Fudu frowned as he said, trying to persuade: "Master, it is necessary to win a battle, but...do you want to be more stable? "

According to the information collected by Ma Qiu, the number of cavalry under Liu Yan's command is not too large. Once the [-] Han cavalry sent to rush into Jibei County are lost, the Han army will definitely lose the confidence to go forward and fight.

"The risk of passive defense is too great. Maybe we will go to war with the Han army first, and Yao Yizhong should laugh his teeth out." Ma Qiu is not willing to take risks, but wars are risks.He said: "We must stop the Han army from moving westward. To stop the Han army from moving westward, the [-] Han cavalry in Jibei County are the key!"

Sun Fudu seemed to be convinced by Ma Qiu and began to discuss the next deployment with Ma Qiu.The two of them did not intend to do anything too complicated. They just used Zhai Bin's troops to attract the Han army, and then marched covertly with the elite cavalry. When the Han army attacked Suixiang, they intercepted it from behind.

To say that the march was concealed is just another way of saying, and the Han army was really completely attracted by Suixiang, which caused the scouts to minimize the detection of the surrounding area.

To be on the safe side, Ma Qiu personally led the troops and asked Sun Fudu to stay in Wuyan to arrange follow-up matters.

Later, more troops will be sent to Dongping County one after another, some of them will be recruited from the surrounding areas, and then there will also be cavalry from the Jie tribe coming from the Xiang Kingdom. In the end, the number of troops under Ma Qiu's command will reach about 15, including There are [-] people from the Jie tribe.

Zhai Bin, who was at the forefront, had no idea what Ma Qiu was up to. The number of times he scolded his mother had increased recently. The reason was that the cavalry of the Han army kept appearing around Suixiang, and even rushed within five miles once. From under the eyes of the Suixiang garrison, some people were driven past.

Didn't Shijie Zhao Guo do something to clear the wall and the wild some time ago?Taishan County is directly empty, and the border of Jibei County near the east is also in a vacuum state. Otherwise, it is impossible for the Han army to rush to the border of Dongping County as soon as the battle is about to start.

Zhai Bin rolled his eyes and asked, "Are there any friendly troops around us?"

Guo Tai miraculously found that he became a know-it-all in Zhai Bin's eyes. He would be very happy if he was so dependent on him as a Jie clan general, but a Ding Ling general who was obviously abandoned seemed a bit dumbfounding.

Mrs. Guo told Zhai Bin honestly: "Our army is the only one around!"

"What!?" Zhai Bin seemed to know the news for the first time, and exclaimed, "We are the only ones left?"

Mrs. Guo was quietly waiting for Zhai Bin's next words.

Sure enough, I heard Zhai Bin say it as a matter of course: "It's not good to go deep alone, let's pack up our belongings and retreat!"

Mrs. Guo's face at that moment was extremely strange, she felt funny and relieved, thinking: [The military leader is not as bad as the rumors say, he can even predict what this little savage will do.So this time with the bait, it depends on whether the Han army will pursue it! 】

(End of this chapter)

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