sweeping the world

Chapter 309 The real chapter is the harshest

Chapter 309 The truth is the harshest

In the end, Liu Yan didn't even make a "squeak" at all, including the reaction to the proposals of all parties, what the hell is Jianguo calling the king.Except for the greeting at the beginning, he was only responsible for eating and drinking with a smile.

In the end, because the old god Liu Yan was a transparent person on the ground, even at the banquet, warriors from various countries should compete with each other, and even a hundred warriors from each country should compete. Some unspoken things were not done.

The banquet has become a real meal and drink. The dishes are very good, and there are many types of wine that are delicious, but no one can be happy.

"It won't be a few words that can solve the problem." Xie Ai also acted as a transparent person at the banquet. After the banquet, Jiang Gan approached him, and he said quite sincerely: "The King of Qin felt that he marched into Guanzhong to rescue Qingzhou, but why? Can't it be interpreted that Qingzhou attracted Shijie's heavy troops, so that King Qin could easily enter Guanzhong?"

It is very realistic to say that when Ran Min was a strong general of the Zhao army in Shijie, he killed many strong generals of Zhang's Liangguo, and even more soldiers died.Zhang Jun and Ran Min are now together, but has the previous hatred really let go?

It is very clear that Xiliang needs someone to stand in the way of Shijie Zhao Jun, and supporting Ran Min can easily achieve this small goal.

How many Liang troops did Zhang Jun transfer to the east?Just less than [-].There should be about [-] troops in Liang Country, so where did the other [-] troops go?Apart from the necessary garrison troops in the territory, there should be more than [-] Liang troops in the Western Regions!
Liu Yan could get all the information above, and there was no reason that Ran Min would not know about it, so it would be more interesting for Ran's Qin State to form a group with Zhang's Liang State.

There is no gunpowder now, but everyone wants to use the other party as cannon fodder. An alliance in this form must be full of intrigue.

"Alliance with them will not have any practical significance." Liu Yan revealed his thoughts in a new internal discussion: "The wall of Shijie Zhao State has not yet collapsed, and everyone's concerted efforts to push it are just forced by the situation. Zhang Jun wants to use Ran Min as a shield, and this is the purpose of giving any form of support. We don't want Ran Min to be defeated, so we can only put military pressure on Shijie Zhao."

Many things cannot stand scrutiny, some people pretend to be confused while others are overly smart.

How could it be possible that Ran's Qin State didn't realize their situation?Maybe Ran Min is now regretting that he did it too early, so that Shi Hu couldn't let him go.But Ran Minqian had already done it, even if he knew he would be Zhang Jun's shield, he might just bite the bullet and go on.He even knew that he could pull Liu Yan into the water, and he was trying his best to pull Liu Yan into the water.

"I have been persecuting Jiang Gan in private, and I finally got him to reveal some words." Lu Yi is the default guest, who is in charge of foreign affairs and ethnic affairs.This time, the envoys from all parties came over, and he was the one who arranged the reception.He frowned and said, "Li Nong is not loose."

If I remember correctly, before Jiang Gan swore that Li Nong would betray Shi Hu, how come Li Nong has not let go now?
The Qihuo Army is not only an army, but also represents the final force of the Jin people in the Central Plains.The internal components of this group are very complicated. It is definitely not as simple as a group of bitter hahas united in order to survive in the beginning.There are quite a few military leaders in the Qihuo army, who joined the local tyrants and big clans, and Confucian scholars infiltrated them later.In short, the begging army is really very complicated.

Ran Min took away those who supported him in the begging army, so those who didn't take away could only be left behind. Those who stayed behind belonged to Li Nong's direct lineage, and there were a lot of miscellaneous factions.

"It's very chaotic." Sang Yu seemed to have a special understanding, and said gloomily: "Li Nong is not the only one who still has expectations for Shihu."

The Jin people are a mess, as can be seen from the fact that there were at least three countries established by the Jin people.If you count Liu Yan's side, the same ethnic group with a population of less than 500 million has actually established a country.

"Maybe it's because we've been isolated. We haven't accepted any new people recently." Lu Yi was actually very satisfied that he would become one of the nine ministers after the founding of the People's Republic of China. His previous status in the south of the Yangtze River was not that good.He said with a sad face: "Only so far, our population has stopped increasing."

What is the population of the Han Dynasty?Counting all of them, there are more than 160 million.It sounds like a lot, but it depends on how much territory Liu Yan controls.

Lu Yi said that there is a metaphor for those, that is, if you want to fight a war, you have to choose a profitable position to fight. Otherwise, the population will continue to be consumed, and it will be an extremely bad situation.

"There is no man's land from the north to the Yellow River, and we have actually controlled this area." Sang Yu was talking about Qi County and Le'an County, and then continued after a pause: "Then is the direction of Yanzhou, first there is a large-scale There was quite a big fire, and Shijie was clearing the wall behind. Our scouts went deep into the edge of Jinan County and found no human settlements, and there was a barren area of ​​more than [-] miles in the middle."

With a population of 160 million, the number of males is 110 million, and the rest are females. 40 people are over 13 years old and under 47 years old. Excluding women, there are 65 young men who can be mobilized when necessary.

Of course, unless it is a critical moment of extinction, no one will really mobilize all those who can take up arms.

In addition, it means that Liu Yan has developed a mature household registration system, and the Han Dynasty has always been a military control system, otherwise it is impossible to really do it even if you know how many young and strong people can mobilize.

So far Liu Yan has mobilized 20 troops, but there are actually not that many that can be used for war.In the future, if the Zhao army in Shijie did not launch an active attack, then the Han army would send troops to Yanzhou, and the number of troops they would use would actually be [-]. It would be impossible to have more troops. All because of the large territory, the places that need to be guarded will also change. There are many, but not all the troops can be used on one battlefield.

"There are only so many main forces in the field, and the rest can only be used by the servant army and the new attached army." Ji Chang pointed at the map, especially the area of ​​Mount Tai that was almost burned to the ground: "We need to leave guards along the logistics line." Garrison troops, there will be fewer troops that can really be used for offense."

Sang Yu interjected: "We don't have enough time. We need to see if the Ran family Qin can support the pillar, and when the Murong Yan State will attack Youzhou."

There is also a relatively ready-made matter, that is, the issue of Murong Yanguo. It was unnecessary to discuss it before, but now it needs to be discussed in detail.

Murong Yanguo had been preparing for a long time to go south, and it was foreseeable that once he went south, he would devote all his country's efforts to it.Looking at the actual battles between Shijie Zhao Army and Murong Yan Army in the past few times, it is obvious that Shijie Zhao Army is not the opponent of Murong Yan Army, but that is the premise of a field battle.

"There are quite a few surrendered generals in Murong Yan Kingdom from various places, and among them are the generals of the Jin army who have fought old battles." Ji Chang's words are very clear, which means that Murong Yan's army will not lack generals who understand siege warfare. , He added: "Looking at Murong Yan's army attacking Goguryeo and taking down Marudu in just one attack, although it has something to do with the incompetence of the Goguryeo people, it can also explain a lot of problems."

If the Murong Yan army occupies Youzhou, the Jin army must be next to Jizhou. The Han people have never expected to live in peace with the Murong Yan army, because not only the Murong family is peeking at the Central Plains, but the Han tribe is also coveting the Central Plains. .

"We have made relevant preparations to attack Murong Yan in the east of Liao 1, and I think Murong Yan will also have relevant considerations." Liu Yan finally spoke: "According to your opinion, before they go south, they will think about us. Do you want to take action on the territory of Liaodong?"

"Murong Yan State has always been in a state of war, and it is impossible to judge from the mobilization situation." Ji Chang said the truth, he frowned and said: "Our scouts in the east of Liao 1 are already conducting intensive investigations, at least we have not found two hundred Is there any movement in there?"

Lu Yi interrupted appropriately, and said, "The information reported from Goguryeo also shows that Murong Yan's army did not gather in areas where Goguryeo can detect."

What is it actually?It is Murong Yan's army that has begun to shrink to Longcheng in western Liaoning. A large number of supplies have also been concentrated in Longcheng. The rest of the area is basically in a vacuum state, especially as it goes east and north, it becomes more empty. Even Goguryeo has sneaked past Wandu, Murong Yanguo ignored this.

It is very necessary to figure out some things, including what the various missions are doing. After the people who gather to discuss have said what they should say, they will naturally leave to do what they should do.

Discussions in formal occasions have no results, and private exchanges and chip exchanges will become the mainstream. Lu Yi, who is in charge of external communication, needs to find out what the parties can do next, and then how much chips they have.

What can be confirmed is that the Ran family and the Qin State have the least chips in this diplomacy, so they are also making promises everywhere. Lu Yi and Jiang Gan have met no less than dozens of times, but nothing has been discussed. Come.

It is not the Han tribe that has the most chips, but Murong Yanguo.They still didn't pay much attention to Ran's Qin country, but they were very interested in Zhang's Liang country.

The one with the least sense of existence was the Eastern Jin Dynasty envoys. They were completely ignored. Even the Tuoba Daiguo envoys who came to make soy sauce had a higher sense of existence than them.

It has been repeatedly confirmed that Tuoba Daiguo will not participate in the war against Shijie Zhaoguo.

The reasons given by Tuoba Gu were quite sufficient. They had just fought a battle with the Huns, and now they were being chased across the grassland by Murong Ke's army. They did not have the ability to participate in this carve-up feast, and they did not need to. They felt that they could Survival on the grassland is very good, which means there is no desire to go south.

In the next month or so, the secret exchanges and exchanges basically ended, and what they would come up with, and what they would do again, basically ended in secret bargaining with each other.

While waiting to meet again, Liu Yan arranged vocal music, singing and dancing this time.

Yu Yi and other people from the Eastern Jin Dynasty did not attend the banquet, and Tuoba Gu and other Tuoba Xianbei people did not participate. After all, this was an informal alliance occasion. Since they did not participate in the idea or strength of attacking Shijie Zhao, naturally, is to stand aside.

The things that should be determined have been agreed upon. Jiang Gan repeatedly believes that this is an alliance, and it should be written as a call to spread the four directions, and even a prudent memorial ceremony should be held to pray to God.

Liu Yan made it clear that it was not an alliance. He was even less interested in writing a call to action, and he would not make any preparations for sacrifices.

Yang Yu said that he was not qualified to sign the alliance on behalf of Murong Hao, and expressed his disgust that even if it was an alliance, he was only interested in forming an alliance with Liu Yan, and thought that he had no idea about forming an alliance with Ran Min who was blocked in the pass.

Jiang Gan didn't feel any embarrassment, he just tried again casually, and didn't force it when he saw that it didn't work. Anyway, Ran's Qin Kingdom had already got a lot of what they wanted this time.

There was a small episode later, that is, all the people who were waiting for the return journey had left, but the Li family Chenghan from the middle of Sichuan appeared.

Li's Cheng Han is now still headed by Li Shou. They are a country established by Li Te, a member of the Di tribe. The country was called Cheng before, and it was later renamed Han. However, all countries are still called Cheng, but no one calls them Han.

Lu Yi was puzzled by the Cheng-Han envoys that suddenly appeared, because Li's Cheng-Han had a friendly relationship with Shijie Zhao, and the two sides had agreed to divide Jiangnan.

Zan Jian is a general under Li Shou's command. He is the official envoy of the Cheng-Han envoy this time. He heard that only the envoys from Ran's Qin State and Zhang's Liang State remained, and the envoys from Murong Yan State and Eastern Jin Dynasty had already returned. He immediately showed a regretful expression.

"Are you also here to participate in the agreement to attack the Shijie Zhao State?" Lu Yi used a question, but his expression was not like that. He knew that Zhang's Liang State was using a way to become a Han, and that already explained the problem.He said calmly: "The parties have already made an agreement, but you are late."

Zan Jian is actually quite young. Looking at Lu Yi's unpredictable expression, he asked curiously, "Can you tell me the details?"

Lu Yi shook his head directly: "This is a military secret."

"Actually, it's not too late." Zan Jian didn't care, he said with a smile: "If we can get a share, we naturally want to participate." Looking at the gate of the city, he said with a surprised face: "Don't you invite us?" go in?"

Lu Yi seemed to have just reacted at this time: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He made a gesture of false invitation, and then told the city gate captain to let him go. Looking at the continuous stream of motorcades entering the city, he said in confusion: "Look. like……"

"I heard that you are buying silk on a large scale, and we have shipped a large amount of silk." Zan Jian pointed to the huge motorcade and said calmly: "I came here to participate in the alliance just by the way, in fact, I came to exchange information."

Lu Yi expressed his deep doubts about this. Just because trade requires the dispatch of a country's former general?
Zan Jian said very seriously: "Money, silk, or what you need, we hope to buy a large number of weapons from you, the most important thing is warships!"

"..." Lu Yi likes to communicate with warriors, and knows what the other party needs urgently. Such a person saves the most effort.

(End of this chapter)

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