sweeping the world

Chapter 307 The Heyday of Military Capacities

Chapter 307 The Heyday of Military Capacities

To tell the truth without falsehood, Murong Yanguo has always believed that even if Liu Yan is strong, there will be a limit. After all, it has been four years since Liu Yan had nothing.

What can you do in four years?According to the productivity of today's era, four years really can't do much. Even if there is enough population, four years is enough for Liu Yan to protect himself in Murong's family. Maybe even self-protection will seem worrying.

It can even be said that the Murong family thinks that Liu Yan is weaker than Ran Min who has just achieved separatism, referring to military strength, not economic ability.After all, Liu Yan has been selling salt for a long time, as long as he is not stupid, he must know that the Han Department is not much weaker in terms of economic strength.

Now, reality seems to have slapped everyone in the Murong envoy who came to the scene. If they continue to refuse to admit that their judgment was wrong, they will not be worthy of being a rapidly rising regional power.

"We must suggest to the king to suspend the trade between the Tuoba Dynasty and the Han." Yang Yu knew Murong Yan's national policy: "We have taught the Tuoba Dynasty a lesson, and originally intended to vacate part of the land for the Tuoba Clan , the plan is only to use Liu Yan."

So, it sounds very weird.Murong Xianbei beat up everyone around him, especially Yuwen Xianbei, Duan Xianbei, and Tuoba Xianbei, who were also Xianbei tribes, and beat them in turn, but after a beating, they would always leave some for those tribes. The respite is not a policy of demise.

Murong Xianbei's plan to go south has been in progress for more than ten years. They have been accumulating strength and sweeping the surrounding area is also preparing for the south.Under the national policy of going south, they will tolerate many things, including Liu Yan's forceful occupation of a peninsula in the east of Liao 1.

In fact, the reason why Murong Xianbei tolerated Liu Yan's occupation of a peninsula in the east of Liao Dynasty was relatively simple. Murong Hui's words were extremely rough. To put it bluntly, it was just because Liu Yan was Xianbei Tiefu, half of his own people. Since Liu Yan It was so miserable in the Central Plains, so I borrowed a piece of land to breathe.

From Yang Yu's point of view, Murong Hao seemed to be thinking about it. Liu Yan didn't have a bad time in the Central Plains, but he seemed to be doing very well. The presence of various diplomatic missions is the best proof.

What has to be said is that when all parties sent envoys to Qingzhou, only the Qin State of the Ran family and the Liang State of the Zhang family communicated in advance, while the rest of the Murong Yan State, Tuoba Dai State, and the Xiao~chao~ting of the Eastern Jin Dynasty all Use your discretion, it's purely a coincidence that you come across a piece.

Troops were constantly passing by in square formations under the city tower. The heyday of the army and the large number all showed an absolute fact that the Han Dynasty was definitely not as weak as some people thought.

"How much?"

"It should be more than ten thousand."

"There are more troops behind."

"The total number is about [-]."

Those who participated in the military parade were all the main force in the field. They came out of the camp and lined up, and then formed a square formation and walked under the tower. They circled around and stood still in the open space next to them, waiting for the next step.

A military parade was carried out from the first quarter of the morning (seven o'clock) to the four quarters of the noon (twelve o'clock). While everyone was watching the military parade, there were many attendants and maids busy behind them.

Many people brought tables and other tools, and then placed the necessary tableware and other things. The temporary kitchen at the bottom of the city had already started cooking, causing bursts of aroma to spread to the top of the tower.

The military parade is not just going forward. After each phalanx is finished, there is a demonstration of each arm. The most impressive thing for the representatives of all parties is that [-] heavy cavalry are arranged in a frontal array to attack. The movement of the horseshoe trampled the tower There is also a slight tremor on top.

If the Huben Army showed an aggressive offensive, the Cavalry showed absolutely perfect division and encirclement drills, and the Archers demonstrated running and shooting. The Cavalry drills were an expert guide for Murong Xianbei and Tuoba Xianbei, and for the Eastern Jin Dynasty Xiao~chao~ting, Zhang's Liangguo, and Ran's Qinguo showed their awe.

"The tiger and cardinal army was drilled with our help." Jiang Gan said proudly: "In the beginning, there were less than 500 people, and later it developed into [-]."

Xie Ai was more curious: "Why are there two styles of armor for the Huben Army?"

What we are talking about is the difference between system armor and non-system armor. The most obvious one is that the non-system armor belongs to the Mingguang armor of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, while the system armor for heavy cavalry tends to be in the pierced armor style.

"..." Jiang Gan didn't know at all and said casually: "There must be tactical needs that we don't know about."

In fact, if you pay attention to the distinction, anyone can see that there are two systems of armor in the Han army. One is the Mingguang armor system that tended to the Sui and Tang Dynasties under the leadership of Liu Yan, and the other is the armor system during the Han and Three Kingdoms periods.The two different armors have one thing in common, that is, both belong to forging, not casting.

The cavalry of the Han army showed a high degree of organization, especially the coordination and cooperation shown by the assault cavalry and the horse archers. Those who know the art will definitely feel frightened when they see it one by one.

When it came time for the infantry drill, the process of organizing the battle formation made everyone look more and more serious.

"Tower shield, strong crossbow plus continuous crossbow..." Yu Yi looked extremely excited, he seemed to see the future belonging to the Jin army: "We can conduct military training in this way!"

The south of the Yangtze River lacks war horses, especially high-quality war horses. The main force of the Jin army is the infantry. In areas with many water networks, they can compete with the Hu people who are mainly cavalry. The army can only be slaughtered.

"It needs a lot...a lot of iron." Wang Chuo frowned deeply: "We don't have that much iron."

How much does a tower shield weigh?At least thirty catties.The structure of the tower shield is almost all iron, and only a small part is covered with leather. Then a tower shield needs [-] catties of iron. In terms of the iron production capacity of the small~chao~ting in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, tens of thousands of them can be manufactured. How many soldiers should the tower shield leave without weapons?
In fact, not everyone can play the tower shield, and it consumes too much iron, which is second to none for craftsmanship.Even if it is the Eastern Jin dynasty who wants to get tower shield soldiers, let's see what the tower shield soldiers of the Han army look like, and think about the physical fitness of the soldiers south of the Yangtze River...

"They are all strong men of about eight feet." Yu Yi obviously understood this, and he also began to frown: "It is difficult to have high-quality soldiers in the area we are in."

It is an indisputable fact that southerners are generally shorter than northerners. Especially after the end of the pre-Qin period in ancient times, the south did not know what kind of evolution took place. It is difficult to have the tall stature that was common in the Warring States period.

In fact, the Jin army has a special unit, which is borrowed from the tactics of the Western Han Dynasty, that is, the van chariot. The problem is that this thing is a bit bulky, and how to transport it across the Yangtze River many times is a huge project and problem.Furthermore, there is a shortage of horses in the south, and it is too slow to use oxen to pull them. The number of times the Jin army can use chariots is generally rare.

If there is anything else that makes everyone watching the military parade terrified and trembling, it must be that after the formation of the infantry battle formation, amidst the dense sound of clappers, arrows are shot wave after wave, covering from 350 steps. Almost non-stop coverage.

"With such strength, I am afraid that only armored riding gear can dare to charge." Li Hong said with a pale face: "It is still the kind of charge that bears a certain loss."

"How about forming a shield formation like that of the Han army?" Yang Yu was wiping the sweat from his forehead. In the winter, his forehead was covered with sweat, which showed the fear in his heart: "You can get close and fight in, right?"

"I'm afraid it's still difficult." Li Hong shook his head and said with a wry smile, "The Han army's infantry has shield walls, and it's impossible for them to let the cavalry watch."

A thought arose in many people's minds, just like the thoughts of many people in Shijie Zhao Guo and Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting, that is, it is impossible not to agree that Liu Yan's Han Dynasty has really achieved great momentum.

"The Han people themselves are extremely good at foot combat!" Yang Yu was talking about the Han people. When he was talking, he took a special look at Yu Yi and other Jin people not far away, and asked Li Hong in a low voice: "The last time we sent troops to Tiefu's territory , those people were eliminated by such troops?"

Li Hong shook his head and said, "It was defeated with heavy cavalry equipped with equipment and light cavalry."

Both of them had seen the tragic situation with their own eyes, and the densely packed corpses hanging on both sides of the forest road still impressed them very much, let alone the Jingguan built with the heads of Murong Xianbei people.

Do you know the biggest difference between Han people and Jin people?It is that the Han people are violent and pay attention to revenge, but the Jin people give people an impression of being extremely weak and rigid.

In the history without Liu Yan, a group of people in the Central Plains also abandoned the name of the Jin people and called themselves Han people. They fought bloody battles with the Hu people. After that, the Hu people had different opinions on the same ethnic group in the south of the Yangtze River and in the north of the Yangtze River. name.In the later historical stages, no matter how the dynasties changed in the north, they were always called Han people, but the names south of the Yangtze River were changed quite a lot. Generally, people south of the Yangtze River would be called Nanren.Nanren is actually a derogatory term.

The Han army's martial arts performance was over, and at a glance, the ground was full of arrows.

On the top of the city tower, everyone has settled down and is preparing to hold a banquet, but below, there are many auxiliary soldiers recovering arrows.

In fact, in the early days, the camp of the Han army was full of cooking smoke, and a strong aroma echoed in Xiami, including the surrounding area.

The banquet is full of the characteristics of the Han Dynasty, nothing else, it is a plate of stir-fried vegetables and carefully cooked seafood.

That's right, cooking is an epoch-making product brought by Liu Yan, otherwise it would have to wait until the Song Dynasty to appear, especially the Southern Song Dynasty to become popular.

Before the two Song Dynasties, no one would believe that the menus of the big foodies were actually very "simple". Cooking basically relied on stewing, or eating kuai was very popular, and many Ming people died of abdominal pain full of parasites. die.

At the beginning of the banquet, those who had eaten the fried vegetables were naturally impressed, while those who hadn't had their noses sniffled.

With the crisp sound of a small bell, everyone started, and many of them wondered why there was no vocal music or singing and dancing. After all, it would be very abnormal for a banquet to have no vocal music, singing and dancing. No feast without joy is the mainstream of Chinese civilization.

After the meal, no one spoke. Facing the rich and never-before-seen dishes, each of them was basically buried in the table.They waited to eat a lot before they had time to look at each other, and the atmosphere turned from warm to weird.

"My lords!" Li Hong raised his wine bottle and proposed in a loud voice: "For the sake of the majesty and might of the Han army, let's drink together!" As he spoke, he also paid tribute to Liu Yan who was in charge.

Liu Yan naturally picked up the wine bottle and greeted everyone present.

After drinking a bottle of wine together, everyone was still looking at Liu Yan. Murong Xianbei's side made a start, which indicated that the prelude was over and it was time to talk about some serious business, but the matter was obviously not over yet.

"We all came here for Shijie, do you think so?" Yang Yu asked first, and when he faced Yu Yi and others, many people immediately felt that there was a good show to watch.As expected, he said, "May I ask you poets and calligraphers, are you also here to attack Shijie together?"

Yu Yi really has good calligraphy, but it is obviously not a compliment to be called a calligrapher now.He looked at Yang Yu with a calm face, and said slowly: "I don't bother to talk too much about rebellious ministers."

Yang Yu was furious at first, then sneered: "Nie Chen?" He looked around, pointed at Xie Ai, then at Jiang Gan, then looked at Liu Yan, and asked Yu Yi: "Are you talking about us? "

Xie Ai and Jiang Gan looked at each other, but the two lay innocently on the gun, but there was no attack. After all, there was another Liu Yan who was also involved.

"I have never been a minister to Xiao~chao~ting." Liu Yan didn't hide his disgust, and said coldly to Yang Yu: "You don't deserve to be with me."

Yang Yu can't get angry with Liu Yan, because the fact is that he and Liu Yan are really not equal existences, the king is the king and the minister is the minister, and he can't deny this even if he is ashamed.What he wanted has already appeared, that is, Liu Yan said that he did not submit to the small court, but before he could continue to mock Yu Yi and other people from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Liu Yan spoke again.

"We can talk about attacking Shijie together, so don't talk nonsense." Liu Yan said bluntly: "If you want to separate the master from the slave, it's pure nonsense. It's better to be open and honest because of its hypocrisy."

Xie Ai and Jiang Gan looked at each other again. They were quite surprised that Liu Yan would be such a straightforward person.

"What Tie Fu said is true." Yang Yu seemed to like to talk, and he suggested: "But the necessary division of labor and division is still necessary. What does Tie Fu think?"

At this time, Tuoba Gu said to Yang Yu who was watching over him speechlessly: I will just watch and never speak.

In fact, Tuoba Daiguo is being run around by Murong Yanguo, even if Murong Yanguo no longer beats Tuobadaiguo, but Tuobadaiguo has finished the battle of the Gangyu Xiongnu Tiefu, and really has no extra energy to participate in the attack Shijie, especially attacking Shijie is of no benefit to Tuoba Daiguo.

Liu Yan didn't respond. He really didn't want to talk to Yang Yu.The topic of the next discussion has been decided, and there is no need for him to say anything personally. It is for his subordinates to discuss it.

………Dividing line………

There is an outline, but it’s really stuck. Honor needs to clear his mind.Um, can I ask for a recommendation vote?Maybe there will be another chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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