sweeping the world

Chapter 292 What is the intention, this is?

Chapter 292 What is the intention, this is?
The wind tended to the south, blowing the aroma of cooking from the camp of the Han army to the camp of the Jin army. The strong smell of meat was unstoppable, and the soldiers of the Jin army who smelled the aroma frequently looked to the north bank of the Yangtze River.

"How many sheep were killed?"

"It smells so good!"


The brigade is driving to the shore, should it be to deliver food to the fleet?
The Han army built a simple water village last night. Rows of wooden walkways were built. That is, the waters by the river bank were laid down with wooden piles, erected with brackets and then lined up with wooden boards. Creations similar to ferries appeared one by one. .

A large number of ships are parked in simple water fortresses, and horse-drawn carriages cannot enter. When they reach their positions, they can only be moved by people or picked up on their shoulders, and sent to the ships in batches.

"The long history has an order to send ten boats to the Jin army on the other side."


Nearly a dozen small boats of the Han army began to cross the river. There were not many soldiers on the small boats, and most of the space was occupied by wooden barrels filled with food.The soldiers on the boat would shout while paddling, to the effect that they came across the river to deliver food.

When the distance was far, the Jin army didn't hear clearly what they were yelling, so the Jin army who was in charge of guarding the shore hurriedly reported to their superiors.

By the time Yu Bing and the others knew that there was a boat from the Han army crossing the river, a dozen small boats from the Han army had already reached the middle of the river. The boats stopped at a distance of five or six meters.

"Hey, people across the way, what are you doing here?"

"I have an order from the top of the mountain to bring you food."

The soldiers on the small boat of the Han army said as they opened several wooden barrels, and a strong smell of meat wafted out.

The several wooden barrels that were opened were full of braised mutton.It was mutton with spices added. It smelled not only of a strong meaty aroma, but also of an inexplicable aroma, which made people salivate when they smelled it.

The current spices in the Central Plains are basically from the Western Regions, and some spices can already be grown and raised in the Central Plains.There are not too many types of spices. After all, Nanyang has not been developed at present, and some spices that are widely used in later generations have not yet appeared.

In fact, most of the current cooking methods in the Han Dynasty were developed by Liu Yan, such as the cooking method, and adding some Chinese medicinal materials to the food.In the past, cooking was basically boiled, that is, simple white water was thrown into the food, and nothing was added except salt. The taste and taste of the food can be imagined.

The confrontation ended when Yu Bing ordered the release, and the dozen or so small boats of the Han army were escorted (surveilled) by a large number of ships of the Jin army to the shore.

Due to arrangements made in advance, there were not many people watching when the Han army landed, and some closely guarded Jin soldiers were monitoring it.

"It's not necessary, is it? We just have less than 50 people here." Cheng Shuo was full of depression, he opened the wooden barrel again, and the strong smell of meat wafted out again.He and Paoze looked at each other, and more people opened the nearby wooden barrels, most of which were mainly meat, and shouted in unison: "It's pretty good stewed lamb, and there's even beef in sauce!"

It was really too fragrant, and the wind blew so fast that all the Jin troops within tens of meters around could smell it.

At that moment, I don't know how many pairs of eyes looked at the opened wooden barrels, and the sound of swallowing saliva was heard frequently, and those eyes were full of desire for meat.

To put it bluntly, there are not many cattle and sheep here in the small~chao~ting of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Even wealthy people may not be able to eat a meal of meat in a month. Maybe you can taste mutton, but don’t even think about beef. .Of course, those aristocrats eat meat as much as they want, but it is not so easy to eat a bite of beef, after all, cattle are part of productivity.

How much food can ten boats hold?The top day is ten barrels.A barrel is about two hundred catties of meat, and ten barrels is two thousand catties. In fact, it is twenty sheep plus about two cows.

If counted as an individual unit, twenty sheep and two cows would appear to be a lot, but if judged as an army collectively, it is only a small number.

The nearly [-] Han troops on land and water heading south had at their disposal [-] sheep and [-] cattle.In addition, regarding horse meat, it is cavalry, plus the poor horses that pull the carts, or the pack horses. Of course, the losses caused by these, disabled or dead horses cannot be discarded or covered up.

Xie An was assigned by Yu Bing. He was a little surprised when he saw the large amount of meat brought by the Han army, and then asked if it was a Sima from another division of the Han army. The official in the army who can lead 500 people gave a wry smile.

The military system adopted by the Han army was a strong Han system. Some official positions were the same as those of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. However, the military system of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had more changes, and even at the grassroots level, it was completely different.

In the army of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the traditional Shiwu system was still used below the team.There are about 200 people in the team, and there is a "team leader"; several teams are combined into buildings, and there is a "building leader"; generally three buildings are combined into an army, and an army has about 3000 people.There is no fixed establishment above the military level, and the court temporarily appoints a "commander" or "commander of the army".

However, the establishment of the Han army included a corps leader with six men and one corps.

Han Shichang and two corporal leaders are 13 people.

A team of 66 people including five chiefs, ten corporals and one team leader.

There are 330 people in five teams, plus a village commander and 330 six people in five personal guards, forming a village.

There are 340 people from the four villages, plus two Sima's five personal guards each, a military lord and the corresponding ten personal guards, forming a song.

There are 720 people in five songs, plus a school captain and his [-] personal guards, forming a tribe.

When you reach the level of the ministry and go up, you are a division. The division is led by the general as the chief officer, and the general is qualified to bring thirty personal guards.

Don't think that the division system is unique to modern times. The real situation is that the division was the main force in the war during the Spring and Autumn Period. Two" is a "Che", how many "Che" is a "Brigade", and the "Teacher" is above the "Brigade".Taking the former state of Jin as an example, the military strength generally retained six "divisions", that is, the families of the six great feudal lords of the state of Jin each had a "division".

Under normal circumstances, the "department" in the Han army is the most used organizational system. Those that need to be used at the "division" level are considered to be of a battle nature, and the use of the "army" level is the nature of a campaign.

By the way, when it reaches above the "department", two "departments" are used as the strength of a "division", and the strength of the "army" level from the "division" is not fixed, it can be two "divisions" "It can also be countless.

In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there were people who had a special understanding of the military system of the Han army. They had a mentality that did not understand the military system of the Han army. It was all because the military system of the Han army seemed simple, but it seemed too large in terms of organizational system.

The food sent by the Han army naturally needs to be tested for poison or something. Because the people who crossed the river from the Han army yelled loudly and made it known to everyone, the generals and schools on the Eastern Jin side felt embarrassed from the bottom of their hearts.

"An You has eaten some, and it's very delicious." Xie An looked at Zhang Heng with a wry smile, and said, "They sent a lot of meat, but in fact they couldn't be divided into everyone's mouths."

"It can't be said that they have malicious intentions. After all, they are close to four thousand catties of meat!" The catty Zhang Heng said was different from the measurement unit of the Han tribe.He also smiled wryly: "We have nearly 150 soldiers, and those... well, they also asked for nearly [-] catties of meat."

The ones Zhang Heng was talking about were Wang Xizhi and a group of people. There were less than ten people but begging for nearly all the beef, but it was not known whether they were big eaters.

Xie An really didn't know that Wang Xizhi, Xi Yin and others begged for 150 catties of beef. After a little bit of astonishment, he smiled wryly again: "Beef? It's rare for us to eat beef once a year. When they heard that there was beef, they naturally wanted to let it go." eat."

A group of so-called celebrities are a group of people who like to take drugs and go crazy with their breasts exposed, or literati with good poetic talent, brushwork, and painting style. After that, I took some medicine, that is Wushisan, I went crazy, shook my head for a long time, just to dissipate the power of the medicine, and continued to drink.

This time, they didn't have time to make poems or sing songs, and put aside calligraphy and other things first. They launched a fierce attack on the beef on the plate, and while eating, they praised the commander of the Han army on the other side who knew how to be a man. Here comes such deliciousness.

"It's full of spices, and the beef is also extremely chewy!" Of course, Xi Yin is someone who will never miss a bite of beef, but it's not easy to get spices, and moreover, he has never tasted such a delicious sauce.He said as a matter of course: "Go to someone and tell Zhu Zi on the opposite side that Yi Shao and Xing Gong are all here, order them to bring more delicious food!"

Yishao is Wang Xizhi's surname, and Xinggong is Sun Chuo's surname.Both of these two were well-known celebrities, and both were famous for their calligraphy.

No one had any objections to Xi Min's statement. They took it for granted that since there were two great calligraphers here, the Han people on the other side should kneel down and lick them, and they were happy to eat the food sent by the Han people. Big face.

They dared to think, and they really dared to do it, and they directly bypassed the Yu family brothers and Jiang Fang's command, just a few young men ran to the shore in arrogance, and "cracked" at Cheng Shuo and others who were waiting. ", the general idea is that the meat is delicious, and send another batch quickly.

At this time, the Han army was already advancing, and both land and water armies were heading west of the Yangtze River waterway. It seemed that there was a lot of movement, and Yu Bing and other generals had no time to deal with the brain-twitching behavior of those celebrities.

Cheng Shuo and other Han soldiers felt puzzled, while Xie An and other people from the Eastern Jin Dynasty were full of astonishment.

In other words, the purpose of the Han army's sending meat has not yet been determined. Is it really good for those celebrities to do this?
(End of this chapter)

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