sweeping the world

Chapter 288 At a loss

Chapter 288 At a loss
What is the situation of water warfare under cold weapons?The long-range basically relies on shooting, and the short-range relies on impact.As for gang-jumping operations, it can only be regarded as an alternative, mainly to achieve the goal of capturing enemy ships.

"It's really rough!" Yu Yi had to admit that he was frightened by the long-range attack ability of the Han army: "Arranged in a straight line, the speed of long-range coverage, the bed crossbow is about [-] breaths once, and the strong crossbow is [-] breaths once."

Information about the strong long-range attack capabilities of the Han army has long been transmitted back to the south of the Yangtze River. It was the careful work of the Jin army during the battle between the Han army and the Xuzhou army and risked their lives to observe from afar.

"Range." Yu Bing paid the most attention to this: "They were already firing crossbow arrows when they were [-] steps away from the shore, and they were firing strong crossbows when they were [-] steps away from the shore."

Perhaps it is more frustrating for the generals and academies of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Of course, the Jin army has bed crossbows, but the range of the bed crossbows of the Jin army is only 280 steps, but the range of the strong crossbows is similar to that of the Han army.However, it must be explained that there are not many strong crossbows in the Jin army, and the number of ordinary crossbows is relatively sufficient.

"Why can the Han army's strong crossbow shoot so fast?" Yu Bing has a strong desire to know: "Is our strong crossbow inherited differently from theirs?"

The strong crossbow of the Jin army was inherited from the Cao Wei regime, and the Cao Wei regime was acquired from the Han Dynasty, but the Han Dynasty inherited it from the Pre-Qin Dynasty, and the Pre-Qin Dynasty plundered Korea during the Warring States Period. It can be said that it has been inherited in one continuous line.

"Our crossbow is a kind of foot crossbow. It takes about [-] breaths for a skilled crossbowman to fire once and reload?" There are a group of crossbowmen in the troops commanded by Yu Bing. He had a special experiment before. Over rate of fire.He watched the warships of the Han Dynasty in the distance continuously firing arrows to clear the field, and said, "Is that round ship a landing ship?"

The transport ships of the Han Dynasty did not directly approach the shore. After all, the beach could not be directly approached except for the deep water area, let alone the shore?The Han army put down a large number of small boats, and the soldiers went down from the climbing net to the boats. A boat should be loaded with eleven people, that is, one Shi, and then rushed to the shore with paddles.

According to those who know how to do it, the actions of the Han army are really a set of procedures that can stand the test, which directly makes those who originally thought that the Han army didn't know how to fight water... well, it was a landing battle.In short, it just made the generals and school onlookers from the Eastern Jin Dynasty dumbfounded.

"They did it."


"If that's what they wanted to show, they did."

"Beach landing?"

Yu Bing is not just charging the beach with one finger, but referring to a whole set of actions, including the formation during the charge, placing the iron cables blocking the river, knowing the formation of horizontal lines to increase the range of long-range weapon shooting, ... and many other signs To make it clear, the Han tribe does not seem to know anything about water warfare, and even shows some knowledge or experience that the Jin army did not know at all.

In fact, that's right. Liu Yan was born in the navy. If you want to say that you don't understand things on land, you need to accumulate experience and knowledge in actual combat. No matter what, you have a lot of contact with the navy, and you need to learn a lot when you are a non-commissioned officer. , I will understand something no matter what.

There are not many Zhao troops in Shijie on the north bank of the Yangtze River. Although they are preparing for battle, they are just taking precautions, which are not very careful or sufficient.

The number of ships dispatched by the Han army is only a small part of the large fleet, but they can't stand the absolute long-range advantage. The Shijie Zhao army should be deployed in a relatively hasty manner. Under the cover of the long-range advantage, it was only the seventh round of the shore that no longer had the established Shijie Zhao Jun. It was a scene of desperate escape.

The densely packed assault boats roared towards the north bank of the Yangtze River. From the time they approached the shore to when the soldiers landed, they encountered no resistance at all. Familiar with the relationship of water currents collide.

Seven boats collided, and three of them turned over, which meant that [-] soldiers fell into the fast-flowing Yangtze River. Some of them were rescued by grabbing the boat by themselves, and many of them were floated out and scattered by Paoze. The net was picked up, but there were also eight people listed as missing.

The landing force was first five hundred, then one thousand, and by this time it was time to carry out the necessary garrison on the shore.However, in view of the fact that the Shijie Zhao army did not resist at all, the steps of building fortifications can be saved. What the landing troops should do is to kill scattered resisters and persuade more enemy troops to surrender.

The entire landing battle was actually not that intense. Even Guo Xiang's order to ignite and release the ship did not reach the upstream in time. The sudden engagement ended in less than two quarters of an hour.

"Elite soldiers." Xie An found that his hands were trembling a little: "If ours are to defend, will they be able to stop it?"

It is difficult to have a clear answer to the false proposition. It should depend on how many troops participated in the battle, how many equipment such as bed crossbows and catapults they had, and how many crossbowmen were invested.

"In our place, the only thing we can do is to let go of the beachhead." Yu Yi said truthfully: "The Han's long-range attack weapons are fully dominant, and it is too disadvantageous to shoot against them. We can only deploy troops in the Han's navy For places that cannot be attacked from a long distance, use the distance between the river channel and the land space to set up a blocking line."

The nobles of the Eastern Jin Dynasty... Or the generals who lead the troops. Only those who understand water warfare can lead an army alone. That is a matter determined by the national conditions. Who makes the Yangtze River a natural danger? The Yangtze River is dangerous this day.

It is because they all understand water warfare, and the difference is how much they know or how much actual command ability they have. When they see what the Han army has shown, they feel fear in their hearts.

"The infantry of the Han Dynasty can engage in intense wars with the Hu people on land, and they have won many battles." Yu Bing was full of a sense of urgency, or a sense of crisis: "In the battle of Xuzhou, Liu Yan's command was only [-] soldiers. The infantry controlled the situation of the battle, firmly blocked the cavalry of the Hu people, and advanced steadily."

The Jin army on the south bank of the Yangtze River was watching the north bank with wide-eyed eyes. The fighting there had stopped, and from a distance one could see the surrendered Shijie Zhao army being escorted and gathered.

Looking at the Yangtze River again, there are more and more ships of the Han Dynasty there, and the small boats laid down look densely packed. If you have dense phobia, you will definitely get goosebumps when you look at the moving boats.

"Are we just watching the Han tribe occupy the north bank of the Yangtze River?" Yu Yi could only articulate the sentence that others are not allowed to snore on the side of the couch: "The Zhao army in Shijie is unbearable in water warfare, and often can only passively defend us from crossing the river to fight. , replaced by the Han Department..."

"So what can we do?" Yu Bing said distressedly: "Now we are the ones who need the Han people, not the Han people who need us."

"General..." Xie An paused and said, "Perhaps King Qi needs us."

Yu Bing was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "An Shi explained carefully?"

Xie An just had a feeling, but he couldn't tell what the Han tribe needed from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, so he could only say: "King Qi came to do things...well, he did it rashly? If he didn't ask for anything, I'm afraid it would be like When dealing with Shihu, we will fight against it with force in everything, and we will not even treat it as a snake. Since King Qi sent a large fleet to come and informed in advance, he must have no malicious intentions with us."

Xie An's words made everyone think deeply.

Just as Yu Bing was about to say something, someone came to report that the ship was slowly approaching the south bank at first, and it seemed that it was going to dock?

The battle on the north bank of the Yangtze River has ended. Soldiers of the Han army are boating along the coast to find a place for ships to dock.What is certain is that such a place is definitely not easy to find. After all, the draft of the ships coming from the Han Department is too deep. It is really not easy to find a place with a natural water depth of five meters on the shore.

In fact, if it is on both sides of the river, there is basically no such thing as a natural deep-water point near the shore. It is all excavated manually, and it is not like the coast will form a natural harbor.

"What are they doing?" Zhang Heng looked puzzled: "It's been around the shore for a while."

No wonder they didn't understand. In fact, the Han army who first entered the Yangtze River waterway was dazed. According to the habit of the seaside, they first patrolled the shore and then measured the water depth.

Perhaps it was because knowledgeable people entered the waterway that the foolish behavior of the Han army was improved.The troops who landed began to look for woods to cut down, and the soldiers in the boats also began to gradually measure the water depth. After choosing the construction site for the ferry, the personnel who cut the wood had already started to make things related to the ferry.

On the south bank of the Yangtze River, Fu Wei can be regarded as going ashore, and fifty soldiers went ashore with him.It took them a short distance to meet the Eastern Jin nobles and generals headed by Yu Bing. The location was at a pavilion at the bottom of a low mountain next to the Yangtze River waterway.

From what Fu Wei saw, the Eastern Jin Dynasty's formation was not too small. There were a large number of soldiers who appeared to be excellent military strategists, and there were also capable warriors. 】

In China's officialdom, everything pays attention to official prestige, so there will naturally be ostentation.

What kind of pomp did Yu Bing put on?It was the elite soldiers arranged on the left and right sides of the mountain road. These elite soldiers seemed to be in good spirits and tall, and they all stared at the people from the Han tribe who were walking slowly along the road.

"Hehe!" Fu Wei didn't lower his voice, and asked Wei Junchi, who was watching with him, "Are these soldiers just fakes, or are they?"

Wei Junchi replied: "They are sharp men who have killed people before."

Only then did Fu Wei restrain his smile, and said, "If Shu Qiao can call him a sharp man, he must be a strong man."

Wei Junchi was originally from Ran Min's side, and later worked for Liu Yan. His family and clan also moved to Qingzhou.His current official position in the Han Dynasty is not low, and he is a military lord.

When a group of people came to the pavilion, Fu Wei saluted politely and shouted: "I have seen General Cheqi and everyone!"

The pavilion was quiet at first, and Yu Bing looked at Fu Wei and the corresponding Han soldiers for [-] breaths, and when he opened his mouth, there was a river: "Take it!"

(End of this chapter)

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