Chapter 266

Two thousand armored cavalry plus four thousand cavalry cavalry and cavalry archers two thousand, they are Liu Yan's curtain call ceremony for this battle that has dragged on for nearly two months.

This is a sudden decisive battle. Liu Yan can observe that Wang Luan's command level has been declining recently. Without enough information, it is difficult to judge whether Wang Luan has been suppressed on the local battlefield or other things. problem appear.But what does that matter?There have never been so many strategies in war, the comparison is just who made more mistakes, and with today's situation, it is obviously Wang Luan.

A favorable situation for the Han army has formed, especially since Wang Luan sent not cavalry, but infantry to advance against the Han army formation. It is almost doomed that today will be a big battle, even if it does not Determining the outcome of this battle will also affect the outcome of the battle to the greatest extent.

The eight thousand infantry of the Han army formed a circular formation and advanced quickly. When they found that their opponents were also infantry, they were able to change the formation while moving. They spread out directly from the circular formation and eventually became a relatively thin straight line. According to the name of the military formation, this is called "Changshan formation".

Look at the Han army that turned to straight and horizontal push while moving, still with heavy soldiers in front and crossbowmen behind.The big swordsman at the front has always been a straight line, which makes people who see it so surprised that their mouths are full of disbelief.Following behind the great swordsman were the tower shield soldiers. They were really carrying the tower shield. The long sword at their waist was actually a spare, because they were focused on defense, and they would definitely not use weapons unless they had to.Behind the tower shield soldiers are the pikemen. In fact, it will be the pikemen, not the great swordsmen, who will complete the close coordination with the tower shield soldiers.The last ones are crossbowmen, they may become the absolute main force on the battlefield.

What exactly is Changshan Formation?The Han army pushing straight and horizontally is demonstrating this, and they will immediately collide with the Shijie Zhao army infantry charging forward, but before that, they were shouted "Wind!" The crossbowmen immediately responded "Gale! Gale! Gale!", appearing full of momentum.

There are those slogans because Liu Yan was influenced by the movie "Hero" by "Lao Mouzi".In fact, from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the Qin, Han, Three Kingdoms, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties, and Song Dynasties, when the archery troops formed an arrow formation to shoot, it has always been a habit of Chinese civilization to shout "big wind", which is similar to a kind of prayer. .

The army that would shout "Great Wind" before shooting arrows has disappeared in the Central Plains for a long time. Unless you are a person who is particularly familiar with history books, who would know that after the phrase "Great Wind" is shouted, there will be as dense as raindrops. Will arrows be shot?
Zhao Jun, Shijie, who was charging, knew that there would be arrows flying towards them, but what they were most afraid of were actually those strong men holding huge broad swords.

God!Where did so many soldiers approaching one foot (2.4 meters) come from?Look at the guys in their hands again, the length of the broad sword is definitely more than 1.5 meters, the blade is so wide, and the blade is so sharp.If you are struck by that kind of sword, you will definitely die!

The height of the great swordsman is [-] meters, every great swordsman is [-] meters, tall and strong, this is the great swordsman.

The faces of the creatures "summoned" from the system are randomly formed, and it seems that even their IQs are also?All types of arms have different heights. For example, a swordsman is 1.8 meters, a pikeman is 1.7 meters, and a crossbowman is only 1.7 meters [-].The shortest is the cavalry, any kind of cavalry, they are only [-] meters.

If the time goes back five to six hundred years, it is not uncommon for a strong man over two meters tall. During the hundreds of years of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States, the genes of short people were basically eliminated by cruel wars (one of the sayings ).To really know, even in the early Western Han Dynasty, it would not be too difficult to find some people who were about two meters long to serve as heavy infantry or spearmen (spear length six meters). On the contrary, at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the average height was Got shorter.

The Huaxia Miao people have never been short in height, and the Hu people are dwarves.The normal height of the Hu people is generally about 1.5 meters to 1.7 meters. Therefore, in the past wars between the Hu people and the Huaxia Miao, whether it was the Warring States Period, Qin, or Han, they could fight against physical fitness alone. Basically, the Huaxia Miao had the upper hand. Adding armor and equipment, that's not to mention, that's why there was a saying "What China lacks is a tough monarch, and giving it to an iron-blooded emperor can sweep everything away."

The infantrymen of Shi Jie and Zhao Jun who were charging forward were roaring and shouting as hard as they could. No matter what they were shouting, it would be good if they could embolden themselves.There is no formation in their charge, no matter what weapons they hold, they just charge forward anyway.When they reached the range of the bow and arrow, the archers among them would stop and shoot their feathered arrows.

The Han army continued to shout the word "Great Wind". What was more abrupt was that an indescribable sound suddenly broke in. It sounded like "Scared" or "Wow". There was a movement in the air, and then the sky was filled with crossbow bolts, and the dark clouds made up of crossbow bolts moved to cover the sun.

Shijie Zhao Jun was not a Spartan, and would not like to fight in the shadows. They screamed in horror or shriek, those with shields raised their shields, and those without shields hid behind the people next to them.As long as the one who died was not themselves, they could do anything.

The moment the crossbow arrows fell, screams and groans came out intensively, and the area covered by the arrow array instantly became a dense jungle of crossbow arrows, and those who did not have shields or armor to protect people were shot to death without exception.

One wave of crossbow arrows was followed by another wave, covering one area after another. Such a scene happened on the battlefield. After ten waves of crossbow arrows, Shijie Zhao Jun, who was originally charging forward, turned to flee backward.Before they collapsed and fled, they were still more than two hundred steps (about 300 meters) away from the Han army.

Wang Luan, who was watching the whole process, also opened his mouth wide in surprise. He couldn't believe it was like that. It wasn't that the troops sent were defeated, but that the infantry of the Han army could change formations while moving without confusion.

[How many such troops does Liu Yan have? 】Wang Luan looked to the other side, the place was full of haze caused by trampling horseshoes, it looked like a blur, making it impossible to observe the situation: 【Maybe it's just that the infantry is well-trained? 】

Thanks to the IQ brought by the system upgrade to system organisms, there is cooperation if they are able to communicate. Furthermore, after long-term drills and actual combat experience, system troops can serve as the guides of the army formation, and non-system soldiers only need to follow closely The person you should follow is enough.

The Han army's formation, which formed the Changshan Formation, resumed its advance. The length of the column was two Jinli (1 Jinli is about 350 meters). They faced the hazy area and moved forward indomitably.

Zhai Bin was cursing, scolding the ruined infantry of his own side, and scolding Wang Luan as a commander for being incompetent, as if Ding Ling could charge fearlessly in the face of strong bows and crossbows, and he could turn the situation around by commanding himself.

Wang Luan wanted to fulfill Zhai Bin's wish, so he directly announced loudly: "From now on, obey Zhai Bin's command for the time being!"

As if premeditated, just as Wang Luan announced it, someone immediately repeated the announcement, and shouts of "Temporarily commanding Zhai Bin" resounded everywhere in the camp.

Zhai Bin was stunned, then sneered.He didn't care what Wang Luan's intentions were, he regarded this as Wang Luan's retreat and cowardice, and he didn't even think about directly taking over the command.

"Greeting our private soldiers." Wang Luan said with a gloomy face: "Go back to Pengcheng, go back to Pengcheng immediately!"

"My lord, but..." Wang Biao said with astonishment on his face, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Maybe I can still live in Pengcheng now!" Wang Luan's face was full of ferocity: "Zhai Bin has a secret order, he can kill me and anyone in the barracks at any time!"

Wang Biao has no official position, so he is only surnamed Wang, and is Wang Luan's...well, adopted son.

The sense of crisis, coupled with the feeling that he was betrayed by Wang Ji, made Wang Luan very confused.

Of course Zhai Bin found out that Wang Luan got out of the nest car. He would really kill Wang Luan at an appropriate time, but at this moment he changed his mind. good.He was thinking: [The Wang family seems to be a wealthy family?In order to appreciate the grace of not killing, he naturally needs to pay some money. 】

Who is this?One former commander was full of anxiety about being killed, and the other was full of wanting to collect property and develop his tribe well.

Liu Yan on the other side is still waiting, and he is not idle, but uses the map in his mind to check the battlefield situation.

It seems that although the Han army is at a disadvantage in numbers, it has taken the initiative in the battle situation. It is the dual initiative of the cavalry and infantry!
[This will force the enemy to continuously send new troops for reinforcements, but it will not lead to a decisive battle...] Liu Yan observed the map, paying special attention to the green arrow that kept traveling back and forth: [Is this the troop in the Huanwen belt?That’s you! 】

Huan Wen's army was the first Han army to enter the battle. They have lost from 600 to less than [-]. At the beginning, they would go head-to-head and smash through the formation, but they were caught and crushed in the middle, and it was Qian Jiantong who led the army Only support can avoid the fate of being encircled and wiped out.

[The galloping speed of the war horses has been decreasing, and we should find an opportunity to leave the battlefield...] Huan Wen was still thinking about what to do. The people and horses were moving with the brigade, and he was still thinking about what to do, but he found that the leader The knight took the initiative to change direction, although he was aware of it, he didn't care. Waiting to find out that he was charging towards the enemy's main camp, he roared uncontrollably: "Changing direction, changing direction! Damn it, we are the only ones going to charge the camp?! "

Well?The cavalrymen who charged forward said that the hooves of the horses were too loud, and they couldn't hear what Huan Wen was shouting...

(End of this chapter)

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