sweeping the world

Chapter 261 The Family's Rules of Survival

Chapter 261 The Family's Rules of Survival
"The cost of a sudden cavalry in the Han army is about [-] infantry and six cavalry in our (Jin army)."

"Yes, the cost of Qingqi is our five infantry and two cavalry."

It's a hell of a life!A power that has only been rising for four years, where can it get the manpower, material resources and productivity to raise such an army?
However, Liu Yan really took less than four years to make these, and it is difficult to describe it in other words except to describe it as unbelievable.

"Grand Liu (Liu Yan) has the talents of Guan Zhong and Xiao He?" Huan Wen mentioned these two, one is economical and the other is internal affairs.He has been in a daze for several days, but he still feels shocked: "The most admirable thing for Wen is that Mr. Liu really dared to borrow troops from Wen."

Look, Liu Yan was just a move, willing to borrow three thousand cavalry from Huan Wen. When Huan Wen mentioned Liu Yan, he began to address him as "gong".The term "male" is not based on age, but on the degree of respect.

It was four days ago that Huan Wen and Yuan Qiao set off from the main camp of the Han army with [-] cavalry. They bypassed Cheng County and Lanling, and rushed to the edge of Boyang before resting.During the period, they also tentatively attacked Boyang, but they did not expect to charge into the city easily, wiped out and captured more than a thousand Shijie Zhao troops, and swept away the supplies that could be used, and now they have arrived within a hundred miles of Pengcheng .

Naturally, the captives in Boyang did not take them with them. Huan Wen is not a kind person, and he asked the captives to dig a hole to bury him.

Regarding Huan Wen's actions, Li Kuang, the captain of the [-] cavalry, had no opinion at all. Li Kuang's order was to obey Huan Wen's military orders on a reasonable basis, and to monitor Huan Wen and Yuan Qiao so that they could not escape. .

It is difficult for the cavalry to camp outside. Basically, they need to find a place to wait for the horses and eat and drink.It's easy to sleep. There is a straw mat on the pack horse, spread it on the ground and take out a blanket to cover it.

Straw mats and blankets can be rolled into rolls, which don't take up much space, and they don't weigh much, but for soldiers going out in the field, these two things are absolutely beautiful things, and they have a profound effect on the state of mind. Absolute importance. (Those who have spent the night in the wild must understand)
"I didn't expect to be so particular about leading cavalry." Yuan Qiao's face was full of emotion: "To tell the truth, Yuan Zi, Qiao thought that cavalry was just galloping all the way, and the speed was very fast, and it was better than infantry for long-distance travel. I didn't expect..."

"War horses are delicate, and only by cherishing them can they display their due combat power." Huan Wen actually didn't know it before. Also feed a little legumes and a lot of grains."

Yuan Qiao said mysteriously: "The horse feed of those sudden riding horses has minced meat in it."

Huan Wen understood this, he said: "I heard that war horses in armor riding gear need to be mixed with minced meat, and ken grass alone cannot raise high-quality war horses."

"Joe's book of horses only mentions that war horses need to develop the habit of running. It is very important to run a fixed distance every day." Yuan Qiao smiled bitterly: "But the book of horses doesn't say anything. Running a war horse consumes a lot of energy, and there is not enough time for running." The effect is not only to lose weight, but to become skinny."

There is a correct way to raise a war horse. It is not only feeding the horse, but also planning the running of the horse, taming the horse, and taking care of the horse carefully, such as brushing, feeding, walking, and so on.Knowing the steps does not mean that you can raise excellent war horses, or if you also know the steps of cooking, how can there be a difference between making "pig food" and gourmet food?
"There are horse farms in the south of the Yangtze River. Chu, Wu, and Yue in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods fully illustrate this point, especially Chu is a country of ten thousand vehicles." At the horse farm, he continued: "Why can war horses be cultivated before, but now, seventy out of a hundred horses will be bred and abandoned, and only about five of the remaining thirty horses can become war horses?"

Regarding the breeding of war horses in the south of the Yangtze River in the previous dynasties, there are not many records that can be found. It was caused by the burning of books by the first emperor. After all, the first emperor could find the history books, geography, and biographies of various countries. They were all burned, making it difficult to find some historical materials.

Most of the horse farms in the Eastern Jin Dynasty that cultivated war horses in the south of the Yangtze River looked for rare plains, but the results were obviously not very good, and could even be said to be extremely miserable. They could compete with Zhao Song, but the difference was that Zhao Song had enough Sima's small court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty could not withstand the exaggerated waste.

"Liu Gong (Liu Yan) has no shortage of war horses in his hands, and the court may be able to..."

"No, Mr. Liu is very hostile to the court and will not agree."

"Those people are really in a daze. If they want bad things, they should wait for the time when both sides will suffer."

"Don't blame them, whoever asked Mr. Liu to raise the Han flag."

Huan Wen and Yuan Qiao chatted for a long time before they both fell asleep. The two of them had to admit that it was a beautiful thing to sleep in the open with a straw mat and a blanket.

The next day, before dawn, the neighing of horses resounded throughout the place.

They stopped temporarily by a stream for the convenience of water for people and horses.

When Huan Wenwen and Yuan Qiao woke up, the stream was already full of people and horses, and the noise and neighing of horses sounded extremely noisy.

The early morning sun had already exposed half of it. Last night because there was not enough light to see the surrounding environment, Huan Wen half sat on the straw mat and looked around. There was dew on the grass, and the hands on the straw mat felt wet, and even the blanket felt wet.

No way, that’s how sleeping in the wild is like, even in summer, don’t expect it to be so dry, otherwise the old people would not always advise against eating and sleeping in the open, lest you get rheumatism when you get old.

"An enemy army appeared thirty miles away. It was about [-] infantry, escorting nearly a hundred carriages that looked like grain carts." Li Kuang was eating fried noodles, probably because the noodles were dry. There will inevitably be a chewing sound of 'crack'.He picked up the water bag and took a few sips before continuing: "The transport team came from the direction of Wuyuan. The scouts expanded their investigation around the transport team and found two enemy troops in the surrounding area. One was in Pengcheng. The other branch is in the direction of Tan County. In the direction of Pengcheng, there are infantry and cavalry, with a number of about [-]. In the direction of Wuyuan, there is an infantry army, with a number of about [-]."

Huan Wen and Yuan Qiao glanced at each other subconsciously. They had seen more than once that the Han army's scouts attached great importance to detecting intelligence. They paid attention to details and extension, which was completely different from many armies.

Intelligence is very important in the military. Whoever can grasp more detailed information is equal to who can seize the initiative, and even avoid falling into traps or being ambushed.

Now Huan Wen is faced with a choice. They want to push into Pengcheng, exert political pressure on Wang Luan, and force the Xuzhou army to split up to deal with their cavalry, creating a decisive battle opportunity for Liu Yan on the main battlefield, and also for Xie An who is crossing the river. reduce pressure.

"Do you know who the chief official Shijie is near?"

"The name is Niu Du."

Huan Wenyuan Qiao immediately frowned, completely clueless as to who Niu Dou was.

The generals of Chinese civilization are like this. If they want to know what the enemy leader will do, they will start to understand the enemy leader's family background, and then learn about the enemy leader's past experience and his own personality.To put it simply, the better you know the enemy general, the better you can guess what he will do and what he will do.

Yuan Qiao said strangely: "It shouldn't be sending out unknown people."

Li Kuang should say that the things to be done are over, and continue to eat his breakfast.

Huan Wen communicated with Yuan Qiao for a while, and they both looked at Li Kuang who was still eating fiercely, and Yuan Qiao asked, "What's Captain Li thinking?"

Li Kuang stopped eating, clasped his hands and said, "The order the general got is to obey the order."

Yuan Qiao smiled wryly.

Huan Wen said, "Is this how the Han army fights?"

"That's true." Li Kuang said seriously: "If Chang Shi and his colleagues have ideas, they can speak freely, and the Lord will make the decision in the future. Once there is an idea, it needs to be explained before the battle. If there is no explanation, any idea will be followed. Act according to the order. The general has no idea now, so he naturally obeys the order."

At that moment, Yuan Qiao was actually very unhappy to change Wen Wen, but Li Kuang didn't want to say anything, so what could they do.The problem is that the rules of the Han army are really like that. When it is time to say or not, just shut up and follow the plan.Li Kuang really had no idea.

"They..." Huan Wen pointed to the soldiers who were making relevant preparations, and asked, "How long can the continuous combat last?"

Li Kuang replied: "The longest period of high-intensity combat is seven days."

Huan Wen nodded, already having an idea in his heart.

There is nothing to say next, it is nothing more than based on the existing strategic goals, and the details depend on how to do it.

Wanting to make Wang Luan mess up is not just as simple as marching into Pengcheng, but also needs to make Wang Luan pay enough attention.Who Niu Dou is is only a difficult point in the details. What Huan Wen needs to figure out is what trap Niu Dou has set up.

The main force of the Xuzhou Army was confronting Liu Yan, where did the troops mobilized by Niu Dou come from?Huan Wen's judgment was that most of the local private soldiers were impromptu, so only the cavalry force in the direction of Pengcheng could be regarded as the main force, the elite provided by Shi Zun?

Huan Wen repeatedly confirmed from Li Kuang that what three thousand cavalry can do, he needs to play a big one, not only to serve the battle situation, but also to strengthen his reputation.

"Since Wen stepped on the stage, he should shine!"

Huan Wen has figured out that Liu Yan really won't let him return to the south, so it might be a good result for him to temporarily stay here with the Han army, especially if there is an army that can command it.

"Take those troops first!"

(End of this chapter)

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