sweeping the world

Chapter 245 Presented list

Chapter 245 List of Thousands of Miles
"We...have the right amount of baggage?"

"A bit on the small side."

Landed in Dongmou County by sea from Liaodong, rested for three days and was assigned where to go, and then assigned to leave.

Yang Su found that things were more complicated than he thought. A retired officer like him has not been fired. Is he a reserve officer or something?Anyway, it means something similar.They are assigned to continue to serve in the military, generally as grassroots managers in logistics.

In fact, many officers are disabled, but their experience is still there. They cannot lead Paozawa to continue to charge, but they are still qualified as managers.

The sudden large-scale military expansion does not mean that the number of soldiers is increased. The first premise is actually that the number of officers is sufficient.

For [-] soldiers, [-] corporal chiefs, [-] super chiefs, [-] team leaders, [-] village chiefs, [-] other ministers, [-] military marquises, [-] school lieutenants, and [-] general will be needed.

The ranks of the army have always been more difficult to cultivate as they go up. For example, the ranks below the head of the village only manage soldiers, and above the head of the village, not only must they be able to manage soldiers, but they must also understand some necessary logistics knowledge and battlefield tactics.

Don't underestimate the discipline of management. It is so difficult to cultivate a suitable department head in modern times, but you still have enough knowledge.In this era when illiteracy reaches 90.00% nine points and countless nines, everything depends on experience, and training is difficult because of illiteracy.

To have enough experience means surviving bloody battles one after another, and surviving bloody battles is not as easy as imagined.

For the Han, the troops were expanded, but many officers were forced to be promoted at all, and those who were promoted were still missing in many ways.

The combat troops are still forced to be promoted, which means that as long as they are suitable people, they will basically be transferred into the war troops. What about troops such as auxiliary soldiers?So it is a matter of course that those people who are physically disabled but have enough experience are reactivated.

The troops departed from Dongmou County and headed west along the newly opened official road.

In fact, the newly opened official roads cannot be called official roads in the true sense. They are not wide enough and the ground is not flat.

Yang Su's auxiliary brigade and 500 people from neighboring villages were integrated into a song, and he was fortunate to be the Sima of the other department of this song.Because of the fact that they were dispatched in batches, Yang Su was the chief officer of this team, not only in charge of a thousand auxiliary soldiers, but also a group of carriages accompanying the army.

By the way, Zhanbing is the highest officer of a song as a military marquis, but the auxiliary soldier is demoted to a different department Sima as the highest officer of a song.

There were not many carriages, and what they carried were some linen, silk, silk and a small amount of silk, and there was no grain or fodder in them.

In fact, the troops will receive a cloth bag full of fried rice before setting off.The long cloth bag is straddled obliquely on the waist, and there is enough fried rice for five days in it, but it is only used in emergencies. There will be a post station every ten miles on the official road on the marching road, and the troops’ food and fodder are provided by provided by the station.

The luggage is all made of various kinds of fabrics, no matter how you look at it, it is not normal. Even a small soldier knows that for the army, only food and fodder is the most important thing. Having enough food and fodder is the guarantee of victory. Once there is a shortage of food and fodder, the army will lose morale , come undefeated and defeated.

"I have asked, other teams basically carry all kinds of cloth, at most they add leather, without any fodder."

Yang Su was extremely confused in his heart. He also knew that the silk in the luggage was urgently purchased from the private sector, but Tian Shuo ran away and did not know how many companies could count as making up [-] carts.

Isn't silk a luxury?The clothes produced are pretty good-looking, but the question is, what are the good-looking clothes for combat?
"Those guys have been hanging all the way." Zhang Mao, commander of the auxiliary army, pointed to a team behind him.

Yang Su just smiled, unable to see how disgusted he was.

The number of that team was not too many, about fifty people, Yang Su had sent someone to check before, the team came from the Zhao family in Penglai.

Originally, not everyone in the army could follow them with their tails hanging. Yang Su had chased them away. It was only when the man named Zhao Wen at the back took out the letter from the city guard of Penglai, which clearly stated that he had the right to travel freely, that Yang Su didn't chase them away again.

In fact, the letter of Penglai city guard Han Qie is only useful within the scope of Penglai County. Whether the letter will be recognized outside the scope of Penglai County depends on whether other regions give their colleagues face.

Yang Su had talked with two brothers Zhao Wen and Zhao Wu, and he was able to identify the two brothers, how should I say it?Yes, that is angry youth.It belongs to the type that longs to join the army, but fails to join for some reason.

From many conversations, Yang Su has his own judgment. He can truly feel that the two brothers of the Zhao family are not pretending. If you have to pretend, you can pretend.He also felt another point, that is, the brothers of the Zhao family had an inexplicable sense of mission, as if they were going to do something great.

All the way to the west, passing through parts of Donglai County and Beihai County. On the way, one can find an obvious point. There seems to be almost no people left in Donglai County and Beihai County. The two counties are actually extremely desolate.

"It should be like last time, the population was gathered together and resettled together." It was inconvenient for Yang Su to eat because he lost an arm. Fortunately, as a member of the Han army, the people who ate were scientifically configured, like lunch boxes , spoons, chopsticks and so on are standard, and even forks and daggers can be applied for.

After passing through Dongmou County, the official road is no longer a post station for ten miles, but a post station for twenty miles in Donglai County, and it has become a post station for thirty miles in Beihai County.In fact, this also shows one point, that is, the issue of control.

More directly, although there are garrisons in the station in Dongmou County, the number is not large. The garrison in the station in Donglai County begins to increase, and the garrison in each station in Beihai County is as many as one Qu. , individual lots even exceed one Qu.

In addition, after entering Beihai County, Yang Su's team was attacked by bandits. However, compared to the well-armed and well-organized troops, the bandits basically never came back.

Every war will inevitably produce bandits, robbers and the like, even though the Han Dynasty is trying its best to gather war refugees, but it is really inevitable that some people cannot be found.

In fact, no matter if they were bandits or bandits, basically they would not provoke the army. The problem was that a lean year had passed, and the harvest season had not come this year. I was afraid that they had the guts to attack the army because they were extremely hungry.

"We have been promoting relevant policies, and even let people who have personal experience speak out, but some people still don't believe it."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Some people don't believe it, while others want to take advantage of the chaos."

Isn't that what Zhan Luan looks like?It will be an era full of careerists. Taking Liu Yan from the Han Dynasty as an example, many people have the idea of ​​"maybe I can do that too".

Within a hundred miles of the lower secret land boundary, it is obvious that there are more and more traces of military activities, and there are no traces of bandits.

Yang Su saw an acquaintance when he stayed at a post station, and after talking with them, they learned some news, saying that Liu Yan had ordered the suppression of bandits everywhere, especially within fifty miles of the official road.

"Those guys are really damned. Your Majesty is fighting bloody battles for the survival of the Miao descendants of the Han family. They actually threaten the army's logistics line!" Zhao Wen scolded for a while before saying to Yang Su: "Brother Yang, we have arrived at the border. It has been delayed for a long time. The matter is quite big, and we have been guaranteed, but we have to move forward quickly."

Yang Su laughed a few times, he already knew the news that the military sent cavalry to escort the Zhao family's team along the way, and he knew that the matter was really serious, so he made a hearty appointment and would definitely give three hundred glasses of wine if they could meet again in the future.

The Zhao family brothers were in a hurry and anxious, if it weren't for the long distance and unsafe, they really didn't want to dawdle.

The surrounding area of ​​Xiami City in Beihai County has become a large barracks. After the two brothers of the Zhao family entered Xiami City, they were quickly received by Lu Shaoyang, and they were taken to Liu Yan's location without any delay.


"The two of us must hand it over to Your Majesty."



Of course, Zhao Wen and Zhao Wu could not say that they could meet Liu Yan if they wanted to. When they arrived at the ground and entered the mansion, Lu Shaoyang directly asked for the list with a blank expression.

"This is a big matter, if this dear friend is willing to bear the consequences..." Zhao Wen took out the sealed box and handed it with a smile: "Take it."

What list?In fact, it was written by Zhao Lin, a list of some families who would revolt after receiving orders.

In fact, Lu Shaoyang didn't know what happened at all, but he was ordered to borrow someone, and then he took some list.Because he didn't know what it was, of course he didn't care much about it. When he heard that it was so serious, he was taken aback, hesitated a little, smiled and wanted to take the sealed box.

Zhao Wen retracted his hand: "Really take it?"

Lu Shaoyang frowned, and said, "Don't be silly. Not everyone can see Your Majesty, don't you understand the truth?"

Zhao Wen and Zhao Wu looked at each other, they seemed very hesitant, they muttered a few words, smiled strangely and handed the box to Lu Shaoyang, and said: "You don't understand at all?", staring at Lu Shaoyang Look, helplessly added: "If you give it to you, I will give it to you, but in the end, your lord will still meet my brothers."

In fact, Lu Shaoyang didn't understand the situation, so he went to report with confusion.

When Liu Yan got the box, he was teasing his daughter. She was a daughter who weighed seven catties and two ounces when she was born. There was no other mother besides Tuobaxiu.

The encryption method of the box is quite peculiar, it probably needs the correct method to open it, and the result is that it still needs the two brothers of the Zhao family to open it.

Liu Yan read Zhao Lin's letter first, and when he read it, he could see the gratification in his expression, and finally read the list...

(End of this chapter)

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