sweeping the world

Chapter 242 Can Liguo Still Be Called Han?

Chapter 242 Can Liguo Still Be Called Han?
Seeing small profits and forgetting life, and doing great things but cherishing life, are you talking about the small~chao~ting of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, right?
Of course, the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty knew what it meant for Liu Yan to show the Han flag. He probably came to persuade him with a sense of relief, and secretly didn’t know how much it was to show Liu Yan the Han flag. happy.

"We can't expect a bunch of trash who just hope to survive to have a greater ambition." Liu Yan thought he was telling the truth: "Look at their so-called Northern Expedition. They have been busy for more than a year, but there are still no actual participating troops. Get it all together. Look at the gang who want to crusade against Cheng Han, how many years have passed and they are still arguing."

Xu Zheng, Ji Chang and others have already returned to Xiami, and they are coming back to participate in a new round of general deployment.

The battle in Taishan County is not over, but it will be the end of the cleanup stage. After the arrangements are made, no one will be in charge of the battle. It is enough to continue to develop according to the established deployment.

Several people who commanded the first battle in Taishan County came back. Of course, Liu Yan personally asked about the battle situation and knew more details.

"Really? Deng Heng will have his heirs come to join him?" This was the first time Liu Yan knew about this. He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "No wonder they sent those people. The battle was fake, the surrender was real, but they were actually selling out favors."

Looking for a way out for the family has almost become the instinct of every family nowadays. It is normal to branch out and seek refuge with different forces. For example, those who are loyal to the Shijie Zhao Kingdom must have some relatives or even brothers, heirs, and sons-in-law. Such characters serve other forces.

Before, the split betting probably happened in Shijie Zhao State, Sima 1 Jin State, Murong Yan State, and Zhang Shi Liang State. Look to step aside.

Now, perhaps Liu Yan should be proud. For example, the dignified General Shijie of Zhao Guodong actually believed that the Han tribe was also qualified to step on the stage of fighting for hegemony, and he did the thing of separating his family to join him.

Who present didn't understand what Deng Heng's behavior was?He destroyed the five hundred Dragon Guards because of a command error, and he would die when he returned. He chose the path of fighting to death out of necessity.That's because Shi Hu was really vigilant against the Jin people, not only being cruel to ordinary Jin people, but also very cruel to the Jin people who were officials in the court. It's just that in less than two years, he has found many reasons to kill everyone. An official of Shaojin origin.Deng Heng will definitely die when he goes back, and maybe the family will be implicated. Maybe dying on the battlefield can prevent the family from being implicated?

Subsequent events will prove that Deng Heng was still wrong. His death on the battlefield did not prevent the family from being implicated, and this is something that will be described later.

"According to what General Cui Xuan said, we have become a success." Ji Chang smiled more readily: "Four years are not in vain."

"Deng Heng will only be the first one, and there will be many more in the future." Lu Yi was also laughing, smiling very confidently: "Before taking office, I wrote letters to call friends and friends, and only a few poor families responded. However, quite a few high-ranking sects took the initiative to write letters."

Liu Yan was listening quietly. The more families want to come, it means that the Han Department has begun to have the qualifications to bet on. Those families who come to join may be just some side branches or poor families, but it is really a good one. beginning.

Being regarded seriously only shows one thing, that is, the Han Dynasty has really become a climate, and may still not be considered qualified to participate in real big scenes, such as competing in the Central Plains, but the strength of the separatist regime is definitely recognized.

Any force can only be considered famous if it is taken seriously.

Don’t care about the importance of reputation, it’s like a kind of fame for modern stars, at least people need to know who they are to generate more income, and if they are famous, people will come to make movies or appear on variety shows, isn’t it? ?

For the princes who are interested in conquering the world, it is more important to let people know their existence. Only with a high reputation can people with common ambitions come to join them and have the possibility of attracting talents.

It took the Han tribe four years to create the current situation. How much territory they occupied was actually secondary. The most important thing was that they had nearly 12 soldiers and nearly [-] secondary troops.Those are some armies that have been tested by war. Only their existence can give the Han tribe the right to survive. Let's talk about other development prospects.

"In the first battle of Taishan County, our side annihilated more than [-] enemy troops, and our own losses were [-]." Xu Zheng was in high spirits when he reported: "It was seventeen to one battle loss, and our Han army is mighty!"

All the generals present repeated the phrase "Han army is mighty" loudly.They are worthy of excitement. When the Han flag was displayed, they became people with the battle flag, and they were no longer the "polished" army.With the military flag and the overall designation, they became the Han army.They will also have the official number of their own troops soon. Don’t underestimate the importance of the number to a unit. The military flag is the spirit, and the number of the army can better reflect the sense of community, belonging, honor, and glory.

"The number will be set up separately in future battles..." Liu Yan said seriously: "Don't look at the expansion of soldiers, it is actually a forced addition. Whether it is a mule or a horse, it depends on the performance of each army in future wars."

Including Xu Zheng, all the generals and school held their breaths, and the next thing their king said would determine the fate of countless people.

Liu Yan scanned the past in a circle, and his eyes would stay on each general for a second: "We pay attention to class and treat them differently. The better the performance, the higher the salary, and the troops will also have strict distinctions. Such as the Huben Army), whether it is a qualified field army or can only be used as a garrison army depends on the actual combat results of each army.”

As long as you are a warrior, no one will give in easily, and no one will give in when it is time to fight.

An honorary number like the Tiger Army?For a warrior, it is always more honorable to lead a troop with a name as a designation than a troop without a name as a designation.

Because there is no special secrecy, Liu Yan already has some well-named designations that have been circulated for a long time. With Huben, there will be Habayashi. These are the two most representative names of the strong Han army.Since their tribal name is Han, one day the founding of the country should also use Han as the name of the country.The Huben Army already exists, and everyone is staring at the Habayashi Army, and everyone thinks that they will become the Habayashi Army.

In addition to the Huben Army and the Habayashi Army, Liu Yan will also prepare several other numbers. (Special reminder, please help me pick it up, just write it in the book review area, the honor will be carefully selected)

Military generals will care about the official number of the army, while scribes will care about other things, such as the vision for the founding of the country in the future.

It may be nonsense, but what is emphasized nowadays is that no matter what you do, you must have an inheritance, such as the theory of the five virtues.

The theory of five virtues is a historical concept advocated by Zou Yan, a yin and yang expert in the Warring States Period.

"Historical Records. The Benji of Qin Shihuang" has a saying: The first emperor pushed the biography of the five virtues at the beginning, thinking that the Zhou Dynasty gained Huo De, and Zhou De in the Qin Dynasty was invincible.At the beginning of the current water virtue and the beginning of the new year, the court congratulations all start from the first day of October.

The first application of the cycle of five virtues started in Qin Dynasty. After Liu Han ruled the world, Zhang Cang believed that Qin Guozuo was too short and tyrannical, and did not belong to the orthodox dynasty.The Huode of the Zhou Dynasty should be replaced by the Han Dynasty, so the Zhengshuo of the Han Dynasty should be the Water Virtue.

In the period of Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Shuo was changed to Tude. It was not until Wang Mang established a new dynasty that Liu Xiang and Liu Xin's father and son were adopted, and the Han Dynasty belonged to Huode.

After Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty Liu Xiuguang restored the Han Dynasty, he formally recognized this statement, and since then established the Zhengshuo of the Han Dynasty as the virtue of fire, and the history books of the Eastern Han Dynasty and later, such as the Hanshu and the Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms, all adopted this statement.Therefore, the Han Dynasty is sometimes called "Yan Han", and "Yan Liu" because the emperor of the Han Dynasty was surnamed Liu.

Earlier, Ji Chang had inferred that Liu Yan was a descendant of the powerful Han royal family. Liu Yan did not deny it at the beginning, and Ji Chang took it seriously.

Later, after Liu Yan had the conditions to unify the uniform of the whole army, the style he adopted was the uniform of the Han army in the Western Han Dynasty, that is, the one with red on the top and black on the bottom. The introduction confirmed that Ji Chang spread in a few high-level circles that Liu Yan The statement of the descendants of the strong Han royal family.

In fact, Liu Yan himself didn't even know if he was a descendant of the strong Han Liu family. There were many Chinese surnames Liu in later generations. Who could figure out whether there was any descendant of the strong Han royal family in his blood?
Considering that too many Hu people changed their surname to Liu during the period of the Five Hushuanghua, it is not clear what kind of blood is in the blood vessels of the surname Liu.But blood is the same thing, people are people and not horses, horses talk about blood, people talk about ideas and sense of identity, as long as the appearance is not too special, such as obviously white skin, blond hair, blue eyes, you still have to say you are black , can you really distinguish so clearly?

"Your Majesty showed the Han flag and repeatedly emphasized the importance of 'Han'. It's time for us to do some research." Ji Chang's voice was extremely low: "The more troublesome thing is that Liu Yuan, the Hun, called the country Han, and then Li Xiong, a Di native, established Han in the land of Shu. Many times when the Hu people founded the country and called it Han, Han...is no longer suitable as a country name."

There is a person named Liu Yu who holds the same view.This is an extremely sturdy figure who killed six emperors successively. He claims to be a descendant of Liu Jiao, king of Chu and Yuan in the Western Han Dynasty. Liu Jiao is the half-brother of Han Gaozu Liu Bang.He controlled the Beifu army, killed many emperors and usurped the Jin Dynasty. According to claiming to be the descendant of Liu Jiao, the king of Chu and Yuan in the Western Han Dynasty, then the establishment of the country after the usurping of the Jin Dynasty should continue the name of the Han Dynasty, right?However, too many people established the country and named it Han before. At his time, the country name of Han was definitely stinky, and after some discussions, the country name was named Song.

Of course, Liu Yu was not born at all now, and he will have such a character 20 years later. According to historical records, his father, Liu Qiao, should now serve as the meritorious officer of Pengcheng County at the Xiao~chao~ting of the Eastern Jin Dynasty?

What I have to say is that in addition to sending people to Weijun to look for Wang Meng, Liu Yan also sent people to Pengcheng to look for Liu Qiao. Who made Liu Yu so famous, and who made Liu Yan once fight against an army called "Beifu Army" So curious, after checking the information, I remembered that Liu Yu's father was an official in Pengcheng?

(End of this chapter)

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