sweeping the world

Chapter 221 The whole world is at war

Chapter 221 The whole world is at war

"But...we are in a passive defense. Too few troops can take care of few places, and too weak troops will be defeated one by one." Sang Yu did not change his original intention: "Willingly recruiting troops may affect people's livelihood, but there will be no future if there are insufficient troops. Now, what kind of people's livelihood are you taking care of?"

Liu Yan recognized this truth, and he glanced at Ji Chang.

Ji Chang said gently: "Naturally, the more troops the better, it's just that mobs are useless."

The scene that took place outside the city was seen. Facing such troops as the tribal armed forces, the gathered servants, new auxiliary troops, and slave soldiers simply did not have the courage to fight against them.Such a demonstration cannot actually be used as an example, but it is enough to illustrate the problem.

Cai You said bitterly: "We can't produce more high-quality troops."

The population is limited there, and the time to rise is short after all. It is rare to have the current background, and it is impossible to ask for more.

Indeed, what the Han tribe will face next is a passive defense. At least three key nodes need to have enough troops to guard, and there are more areas that need to be invested in troops. The troops are extremely stretched.

"Import more slave labor and transfer the troops again?" Sang Yu asked tentatively: "If there are too many slaves, can the abdominal garrison suppress it?"

The Han Dynasty had an annual drill policy for the young and strong, and Sang Yu knew about it, and he rated it as "wonderful".He believes that now is the time for this policy to work, but he is also aware of everyone's concerns.

"It's not a problem to have no combat experience as an auxiliary soldier. Didn't the batch of auxiliary soldiers who became regular soldiers become regular soldiers because they fought many times?" Sang Yu really didn't understand what else to worry about: "Destroy the people's livelihood... then It’s also impossible.”

"Your Majesty, there are more reinforcements that can be mobilized." Ji Chang said as he looked at Liu Yan and saw that Liu Yan was just stunned for a moment without refuting, and then continued: "Because of some reasons, we can't mobilize all at once, and we will come one after another. Come for reinforcements."

"Xiu Chenghou? Or the lord of the country?" Sang Yu looked at Liu Yan with piercing eyes.

"Actually... Marquis Xiucheng can send troops to help." Tian Shuo muttered weakly, "Isn't there a shortage of troops? No matter what, there are 5000 people."

No one talked to Tian Shuo, except for Ji Chang who had a guessing calm face, everyone was staring at Liu Yan.

"It's tribal armed forces." Liu Yan made a grinning expression: "As long as you are not driven into the sea by Shihu all at once, new tribal armed forces will join the battle at any time."

Most of them were dumbfounded at this moment. They wondered where Liu Yan got those elite troops countless times, and they asked many times without answering, so it became an unspoken rule not to ask more questions.

This time it didn't work, so Sang Yu asked bluntly, "Why didn't your lord transfer it all at once?"

"Because it can't be done." Liu Yan said after deliberation: "At most [-] can be transferred at one time, and the rest...is hard to do."

"How many?" Sang Yu asked eagerly and formally: "Is there a supplementary limit?"

"No limit." Liu Yan tried to keep his tone as natural as possible: "As long as I don't die, my power will not be destroyed, there is no limit."

In fact, there are still limitations, such as the exhaustion of resources, but how do those Liu Yan explain it?
At that moment, everyone looked at Liu Yan with an inexplicable look, with fanaticism in their puzzlement, as if they were looking at a god who could turn beans into soldiers.

Sang Yu took a deep breath: "That's the case, Zhi still thinks that the number of participants in the war is insufficient."

However, Liu Yan was relieved that everyone didn't go deep into it. He knew that everyone had big questions in their hearts, but the unspoken rules formed for a long time made them endure their big curiosity.In some respects, isn't it because Liu Yan has continuously summoned the elite with an inexplicable method that he has established absolute authority?The Han Dynasty will be a force with a stable structure. The closer to the core position, the more confident and loyal Liu Yan is.

Cao Yan's face was extremely strange. He knew more or less about the so-called tribal armed forces. He had always been curious about where Liu Yan came from, a soldier who absolutely obeyed military orders. He tried many times to learn more but could not learn more from other people. .Others may look at Liu Yan as looking at a god, but he looks at Liu Yan as if he is looking at a monster. I really don't know how to describe his mood.

"Even if we don't increase the number of soldiers, the number of auxiliary soldiers should be increased to at least [-]." Sang Yu tried out the answer he wanted, and seeing that he relaxed a lot, he said with a smile: "Comprehensively abolish the slave soldiers who are of little value. Local labor and a large increase in auxiliary troops!"

That is to say, the Han tribe, which has a large number of young and strong men, can do this. If it is a normal tribe, how can 25 people arm more than [-] soldiers?

In the end, Liu Yan compromised. You can add more soldiers if you want to, and cut off the slave soldiers who are really useless. The newly attached army, not counting the total number of system troops, is 15 troops participating in the war.

"Thanks to us, if we could gather so many people, we would have let the soldiers step onto the battlefield empty-handed." Tian Shuo was a little proud. It can be a sharp weapon in everyone's hand."

For Tian Shuo's arrogance, everyone who saw it responded kindly.

It is indeed something that everyone can be proud of that the Han Dynasty did not lack food, fodder and military equipment. No matter how this background came about, there is no lack of Tian Shuo's credit. No one can deny this.

The new administrative order is issued, and the follow-up troops and supplies will be in place within the stipulated time.

Before that, what the Han Dynasty should do is to build three important military towns first. If it is difficult to build a city, start with Zicheng first.

It has to be mentioned that with the increase of the population limit of 3000, Liu Yan can be regarded as maintaining the number of farmers in the system at 3000.Except for about 1 of the [-] system farmers who were used for farming in the narrow peninsula in the east of Liao [-], the rest were all transferred to the territory of Zhao State in Shijie.

After upgrading to the "Castle Age", Liu Yan also has a new cheating function. In the past, materials needed to be transported long distances. After the town center can be built, the town center can obtain materials in a short distance after the town center is built. It is not 01 to increase the construction efficiency. :30 o'clock.

Knowing this, Liu Yan was out of breath at the time. Apart from the map in his mind, the town center could omit transportation. With these two cheats, he really didn't know what else he could be stumped by.

The entire East is currently engaged in war or intensively preparing for war. If the tense atmosphere can become a reality, it will definitely be so dense that even the sky will condense.

The facts are there...

Murong Yan is still aggressively conquering the countries or forces surrounding the eastern part of Liao Dynasty. After sweeping Goguryeo, he went to teach Fuyu a lesson. It seems that he has driven the Fuyu people into the deep mountains and old forests?The next target is Yuwen Xianbei.

On the Korean Peninsula, the Han, Baekje, and Silla have been bullying Goguryeo. As Liu Yan mobilized part of the army to return to the Central Plains, the Han’s participation in the war against Goguryeo has declined, but Baekje and Silla are still the same. It seems that it has been pushed to the north continuously.

The war between the Tuoba Dai State and the Tiefu tribe of the Xiongnu began in the seventh year of Xiankang (341 AD), and reached the decisive stage in the first year of Jianyuan (343 AD). Spread to the Heshuo area?
On several local battlefields, Shijie Zhao Guo's conquest of Saibei came to an end. Shi Bin completely defeated the Xianbei Husi tribe and began to farm near Youzhou.Apart from Shi Bin's conquest of the Xianbei Husi tribe, Ran Min's counter-insurgency in the northwest has ended, but Zhang's Liang Kingdom has continued to have partial conflicts with Shijie Zhao.Next, the friction between Shijie Zhao State and the Eastern Jin dynasty on the border became more and more intense, and it was about to evolve into an all-out war.What I have to talk about is that the war that just ended in Qingzhou was only on a larger scale, and the intensity of the fighting was not much more intense than some rebellions.

The Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting defended Shijie Zhao on the border, and stationed troops in Shouchun and Huaiyin. Not only that, but they also needed to suppress the southeast, and it seemed that they were still suppressing the rebellion in Jiaozhou.

It seems that Cheng Han seems to have calmed down a bit?Li Shou first reached an alliance with Shihu, but was persuaded later that he did not want to divide Jiangnan equally.But it is not that there is no war in Cheng Han. In addition to being adjacent to the border of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, they also have a border with Shijie Zhao, and then the plateau Qiang on the west has been invading endlessly.

Everyone has their own troubles. In terms of magnifying the situation of the entire "world", Qingzhou is actually a small piece of land, and it is only the Shijie Zhao State, the Murong Yan State and the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting that are involved. Some.

As the season entered summer, the Han Ministry's cleanup of the occupied areas came to an end. A large number of uncooperative families were pulled out one by one like nails, and a large number of slaves were "contributed" to the Han Ministry.

According to the discussion, the slaves will be sent to various places to serve as the main labor force, freeing up more young and strong to participate in the war.

The matter of recruiting young adults has been going on all the time. It is absolutely false to say that there will be no impact, but as Sang Yu advocated, no matter what impact it will cause, the current hurdle must be overcome first.

Today, Liu Yan once again saw Mr. Gong Tao, who had been away for about two months, and was more looking forward to how the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting would reply, and whether there was any request for the canonization of at least one state governor or state shepherd. satisfied.

Facts have proved that the small ~ court ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty did not care about the generosity of others, even if they insisted on the canonization of the title of king, the canonization of military positions is also full of stinginess.

Other things can be ignored for the time being. Liu Yan didn't hide his urgency at all. He almost shamelessly snatched the seals of the governor of Jin Qingzhou and the governor of Jin Yanzhou from Mr. Gong Tao, but when he got it, he was With a stunned expression on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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