sweeping the world

Chapter 219 Hu people can be called Han, but Han people are not allowed

Chapter 219 Hu people can be called Han, but Han people are not allowed

Funny it is! ?

Not long ago, the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty canonized Murong Hao as the King of Yan and General. Long ago, Shi Hu was canonized as King Zhao and General, and Zhang Gui was canonized as Duke Xiping and Inspector of Liangzhou.

Those are still heroes, and others such as Yao Yizhong, Fu Hong, Zhang Bin, etc. are also treated well by the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.After being canonized, the lowest ranking person is also a marquis. Generally, he is treated as a county prince, and the official position is even more generous. It is either a general or a governor.

By the way, Feiyan was also canonized by the Eastern Jin Dynasty's Xiao~~~ court, with the title of Duke of Dong'an County and Governor.

Liu Yan is actually at the same level as Fei Yan in terms of title, and Liu Yan seems to be somewhat inferior to Fei Yan in terms of official position.And Fei Yan is now a lost dog, isn't this funny?It can even be regarded as the small~chao~ting of the Eastern Jin Dynasty insulting Liu Yan!

What made the Eastern Jin Dynasty do such ridiculous things?Liu Yan didn't want to understand, and Ji Chang, Sang Yu, Cai You and other people present just sneered.

Do you know what mood Mr. Gong Tao is in now?Mostly embarrassing and worrying.He didn't think it was necessary for Liu Yan to fight against Shijie Zhao Guo, but he was somewhat similar to Ran Min's thinking. He believed that even if Liu Yan quit Shijie Zhao Guo directly, he could afford to hide if he couldn't be provoked. .

The banner of Shihu gathering millions of troops is to divide the Jin Kingdom equally with Li Shou (Cheng Han), which is tantamount to directly pointing the spearhead at the small~chao~ting of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Suffering is a secondary position in the attacking level.

Bringing the topic up again, Liu Yan didn't want to fight to the death and he didn't want to flee overseas. He had other options. He bribed some people in the Shi Jie regime who could speak, and he might be more respectful to Shi Hu, and he might be able to get along.

As Shihu raised the banner to conquer, the small~chao~court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty didn't have many choices. Otherwise, what would be the purpose of causing Shijie Zhao's domestic chaos?

"I know you guys are bribing Zhao Lan." Liu Yan smiled very gently: "Tai Shi ordered to observe the sky, and heard that Shi Hu is superstitious?"

In an instant, Mr. Gong Tao first showed a horrified expression, and then turned pale.

Shihu's superstition existed a long time ago. In ancient times, conquests indeed required the approval of "God", and the person who conveyed God's opinions was extremely important.

In the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn Period, Taishi Ling was in charge of drafting documents, instructing princes and officials to record historical events, compile historical books, and also manage national classics, astronomical calendars, sacrifices, etc.Even though her status has dropped a lot, she still holds the right to speak of "God".

When the ruler doesn't believe in "God", Tai Shiling is actually the same thing, but if he encounters a superstitious ruler, Tai Shiling can do many things, including influencing the ruler's decision on war.

"If you can buy Zhao Lan, so can I." Liu Yan continued to smile gently, showing a not-so-standard smile with eight teeth: "Not only can I buy Zhao Lan, but other people who can talk, believe me Do you not believe that you can crush them to death with gold?"

Mr. Gong Tao fully believed that Liu Yan would do that, and he also knew that the Han Ministry did have enough financial resources to crush people to death with gold.

The Han tribe mastered the unique technique of sun-drying salt, and selling salt to the outside world led to the hostility of the Yao family. It can be seen how huge the benefits are?Then there is the strange way that the Han Dynasty has been exporting weapons and armor. Although the quantity and trading partners are strictly controlled, it is an incalculable source of income.

Talk about economy?Although the Han tribe is at the tribal level, there is really no shortage of money and silk. It can even be said that if the transaction can be opened up, it will be richer than some countries.

Some people just understand that there is never a shortage of Han Dynasty weapons, armor, and other military equipment. They think it is the benefits of selling salt.Another thing is to sell military materials to the outside world to obtain big profits, forming a virtuous circle.How could they know that Liu Yan had a background that was unmatched by others. As long as there were enough resources and enough workshops, there would be no shortage of military equipment at all.

"Your Majesty has something to say, if you play a bigger role, it's okay to be crowned king..." Mr. Gong Tao didn't have the confidence at all, but he had to say: "It's just that you can't be titled King of Han, you can only be titled King Qi. "

Bewitching Jianguo, but it can only be the king of Qi, not the king of Han?That's a lot of taboos.First of all, because of the incompetence of the Sima royal family, the homesickness in various places has become stronger and stronger.Next, Liu Yuan drove the Sima royal family to the south of the Yangtze River like dogs, and the name of the country established afterwards was Han.

There are other reasons, such as the general preference of the Hu people for establishing political power is Han. For example, in addition to Liu Yuan, Li Shouke, a member of the Badi tribe, also changed the country name to Han.Judging from a series of circumstances, although Han has been dead for so long, his appeal is not getting weaker every day, but getting stronger every day.

Hu people founded the country, and the country is called Han. It can win the hearts of some Han and Jin people, but in fact, it will not make the small~chao~ting of the Eastern Jin Dynasty so worried. After all, Hu people are Hu people, just a " The national title of "Han" cannot threaten the status of the Eastern Jin Xiao~chao~ting, which is related to "Zhengshuo".

Who is Liu Yan?He has always claimed to be a Han, but everyone thinks he is still a Jin.

People from Jin became kings of Han?The small~chao~court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty would not accept it no matter what. If there were people who were more suitable in terms of blood and legal principles to establish the Han Dynasty, where would the Sima royal family be placed?

In fact, it's not just the Sima royal family who don't accept it, the powerful family of the Jin people even more can't accept it, and even the Hu people don't accept it, which means that the whole world has a "fear of Han" mentality.

If Liu Yan didn't understand the global "Han-phobia" situation earlier, he should have noticed it after so long.He is not sure how much test he can endure now, but he certainly cannot be the enemy of the whole world. The name of the tribe is Han tribe, but he still hesitates to call himself the King of Han and establish the Han Dynasty.

The so-called "playing a greater role" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was a false proposition. Liu Yan couldn't do it even with Xu and Weishen, so he got up and left with a cold snort, leaving a group of civil servants and Mr. Gong Tao to continue arguing.

Zhang Li was still on Xiami's side, so he must have been aware of Mr. Gong Tao's high-profile approach. Liu Yan went to the barracks, and Zhang Li came to look for him.

When Liu Yan came to Yuanmen, he could see Zhang Lishou's face from afar.

"But there are so many good shows?" Zhang Li still did not change his arrogant appearance, especially after waiting for a long time at Yuanmen before Liu Yan came, with an unhappy expression on his face: "The Sima royal family is just a shabby household. What's the point of waiting for you for so many promises?" usefulness?"

It seems that...the Eastern Jin Dynasty's court was not only active on Liu Yan's side?A low-ranking guy like Fei Yan could become a county prince. You can imagine how hungry the small court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was.

Liu Yan noticed some clues from Zhang Li's attitude. How dare the Eastern Jin Dynasty Xiao~chao~ting enter the posture of casting a wide net for many fish, and almost everyone who can do it or can't do it is buying it?

There is nothing wrong with it. The Eastern Jin Dynasty's small~chao~ting was really terrified of Shihu gathering millions of people to go south, and began to try no matter what means.In some respects, this method is really useful for the Shijie Zhao State. After all, although the Shijie Zhao State is a country, this country is really very loose.

Liu Yan didn't know one thing, that is, Shi Hu listened to Tai Shi Ling's words, and the states and counties gathered millions of troops. The result was that "God" did not allow the war, and the army was dismissed after a hasty military parade.

In fact, it is definitely not that simple. For example, Shihu found that the food and grass could not be supported before gathering millions of people. people, and even weakened the Qiang, Di, and Zahu.Otherwise, how could Taishi Ling Zhao Lan make Shi Hu change his mind with just one sentence?

Of course, things need to come to a conclusion before there is a conclusion. It is still uncertain whether Shi Hu will send a million troops to the south.What is more certain is that the Han Department is not qualified at all for Shi Hu to lead a million people to attack.After all, the Han tribe is a tribe, not the Eastern Jin Dynasty or the Murong Yan Kingdom. How cheap is it for Shi Hu to attack the Han tribe with an army of one million as the king of a country?
This is why Liu Yan is not afraid. Waiting for Shihu to lead the army to attack, it should be after the Han tribe has survived several waves one after another, or Liu Yan has changed from a separatist local force to an independent country.

Of course Liu Yan had thought about the establishment of the country, but he had to accept the reality. In the short term, the establishment of the country can only be an idea, but it cannot be put into action.

"Huh?" Zhang Li didn't expect that Liu Yan was not scared at all, but could still state his powerful relationship, and raised his eyebrows: "I guess you don't have the courage."

What did Liu Yan just say?He has said a lot, for example, he will not have any collusion with the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (he doesn't like it), he will fight against Murong Yanguo (fact), but he will gather troops according to orders for Shijie, but To be honest, people may be able to make up 40 cars, 60 cows, [-] pieces of silk, [-] dendrobium, etc., but it is impossible.

Qingzhou is completely corrupted, isn't it?Not to mention Qingzhou, how many states and counties in the world can fulfill the quota required by Shihu?Zhang Li is more aware of this point. There is no state or county in the world that can meet Shihu's requirements. The difference is who can find a more suitable reason or excuse at that time.

Liu Yan's words changed, and he said quietly: "Presumably Xiangping County Lord is very happy to see Qingzhou become a rebel. It's just that you came here as an envoy, but you left Qingzhou as a rebel. I don't know what the king of heaven will think of it?"

Zhang Li frowned for a long time, and then said in a low tone, "The Han tribe needs to be renamed. It doesn't matter what the name is. It can't be named after 'Han'."

It is understandable that no one took the Han tribe seriously before, but after the First World War, can the Han tribe be looked at seriously?As a result, many parties became jealous, and they didn't want the name "Han" to reappear in the hands of a Jin person?
(End of this chapter)

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