sweeping the world

Chapter 202 Something is wrong

Chapter 202 Something is wrong

"Arrows! Arrows! Shoot 'em!"

Yao Lan's face was full of ferocity. They had been attacking the Han camp for six days. Although they broke through two checkpoints, they were firmly blocked by the third checkpoint.

Arrows all over the sky fell from mid-air, and those slave soldiers who had been beaten to the ground screamed and fell to the ground after being shot by the arrows.

Yao's army's slaves have been consumed batch after batch. The "quality" of the front ones is not bad, but the later they go, the worse they are in terms of physical fitness and courage, so that Yao Lan needs to rely on bloody deterrence to make the slave soldiers Follow orders.

Located on the west bank of Jiaoshui, the first two camps of the Hanbu City Walled City had been turned into ruins. The large number of war dead were scattered throughout the ruins because they had not been dealt with.

There was a sound of orderly footsteps, and it was nearly a thousand soldiers wearing metal armor, holding a tower shield in their left hand, and a sword in their right hand, and then stepped forward.They are of course the tribal armed forces of the Han tribe, and it is because of the existence of these troops that the Yao family army is firmly blocked in the third line of defense of the camp.

"Damn it!" Yao Lan was both angry and puzzled: "Where did they get so many soldiers!"

Armor is just a general term, it can be divided into light armor and heavy armor. Light armor is like the thousand tribes who are still marching forward. Heavy armor is not just a soldier wearing a layer of armor. Soft armor, with one or more layers of armor on the outside.

Yao Lan really didn't understand that Liu Yan's presence of soldiers could be explained by sufficient productivity and smelting ability, but the number of Han soldiers was actually a little exaggerated. Furthermore, during the Yao's attack on the camp, at least nearly [-] Han soldiers were consumed. Thousands of soldiers did not see any reinforcements from outside, but the soldiers in the camp just couldn't kill them all!

In six days, Yao's army lost nearly 3000 people just on the camp side. The real loss can no longer be used as combat power. The result of the battle is to break through two lines of defense. Soldier?
Yao Lan was shouting: "Defense!"

It’s funny!There will never be more than 3000 Han soldiers in the camp, but since yesterday, the Han tribe actually started to counterattack. Yao Lan didn't take too much precaution during the first counterattack. Tian's attack meant a loss of [-], not [-].

A thousand armored soldiers lined up in two rows, which is equivalent to two columns. Their straight line should be distributed at about 700 meters, and it can be seen from the rear that there are many spearmen and archers following them.

Do you know what a "short assault" is?The scene that is about to start is.

A thousand armored soldiers began to speed up in silence, and the sound of footsteps seemed to be the beating of war drums. After they ran for a certain distance, the [-] or so Han soldiers who followed behind shouted "For the tribe!", Follow to launch a charge.

Yao Lan was jumping cheekily. He kept yelling "Defend! Defend!", looking around, and said unwillingly, "This damn terrain, those damn obstacles!"

The battlefield was the two camps that were lost by the Han. Because the fighting continued, it was difficult for Yao's army to clear them out. As a result, the wooden fences, fences, repelling horses, wooden stakes and other things in the camp still existed, making it impossible for Yao Lan to join the cavalry. .

Most of the slave soldiers in the Yao family’s army dodged their eyes. They were really afraid of those Han soldiers who charged and fought in silence. It was the aftereffect of many days of confrontation. Anyone who was injured would still fight desperately. Enemies who only make some noise when they are dead, unless they are really brave, they should really be afraid.

"Master, we should charge and collide!" Yao Yu had a scar on his face, which made his face look hideous, and he waved the mace in his hand: "The courage of those slaves has been broken, and it is up to our warriors to attack." Go into battle yourself!"

The Yao family brothers came to Beihai County one after another, and they brought nearly [-] clan soldiers, and only lost about [-] in the ten days of fighting. It can be seen that the Yao family brothers still cherish the clan soldiers very much.

"No! Let the slave soldiers block it, and you can see if you can attack from the left and right sides." Yao Lan would not feel bad if any number of slave soldiers died, but the Qiang soldiers were the foundation for the Yao family to have a place in the Central Plains.

The collision ahead has already happened, that is, the armored soldiers rammed into the chaotic crowd facing the scattered arrows, using shields to ram or swinging swords.

The morale of the slave soldiers of the Yao family has been low for a few days because of the unfavorable battle. Facing the collision of the Han soldiers, if they can retreat, they will definitely turn around and run. It may be a sharp weapon that is holding a crude weapon and smashing it with its body while crying.

"The Qiang people dispersed to the left and right wings." Zhong Xing wiped his face, it was the blood sprayed on a man who had been hacked to death just now: "You lead people to form a front on the left wing, and I will lead people to the right wing."

Chen Jiaju nodded with a grinning grin.

The officers who came to Beihai County to participate in the war have experienced many bloody battles on the Korean Peninsula, and their psychological quality must pass the test in order not to be "dispatched".So many combat experiences have given them enough experience to make the most basic judgments on the battlefield.

The battlefield seemed a little narrow, and it was impossible to deploy too many troops. The Qiang soldiers on the left and right wings should have nearly five hundred each?
Qiang is one of the five major ethnic groups today. They have a long history dating back to the Shang Dynasty. They were originally active in the Southwestern Basin and Plateau. They were also active in the southern part of the Western Regions during the Western Han Dynasty. Han land.

There are not few historical records of the Qiang people in the past, such as the rebellion of the Qiang people in the northwest at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but the historians of the Han family never regarded all the Qiang people as the same ethnic group, and even the Qiang people themselves did not consider them to be an ethnic group , they don't like the name Qiang people even more.

So far, the oldest and relatively mature characters found in our country are the representative characters of the Yin and Shang Dynasties more than 3000 years ago-the oracle bone inscriptions.

In oracle bone inscriptions, there is one and only text about the title of a nation (or clan, tribe), that is, "Qiang", which is the earliest record of a human clan name in China.

"Shuowen·Sheep Department": "Qiang, Dayu Xiqiang Shepherd also, follow people from sheep, sheep also sound." Qiang, belonged to him, that is, the tribes of the Central Plains owned the west (Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan) a general term for nomadic peoples.Therefore, it can be said with certainty that the Di ethnic group is by no means a single ethnic group. They have different ethnic tribes, languages, clothing, customs, etc. The only thing in common may be the nomadic lifestyle of "living by water and grass". Nouns are circulated and quoted.

"Be careful." Zhong Xing reminded loudly: "Qiang people are different from Zahu, so don't be careless!"

The Qiang people entered the Central Plains far earlier than the Huns or Jie people. Some Qiang people have passed through time, and their living habits and clothing are no different from those of the Han Miao people.

Of course, that is still for some "advanced" Qiang people, such as the Yao family.Most of the Qiang people still maintain their living habits and clothes. For example, the two groups of Qiang people who are turning around on the left and right wings have obvious characteristics. The Qiang people who belonged to the command kept wearing sheepskin and disheveled hair.


The same word was shouted in different languages, and the two groups collided. Most of the Qiang people used blunt weapons, while the Han people were either spears or swords or knives.

Who is Zhong Xing?He is down and out now, but he was a direct descendant of a family in the early days. He received traditional Han education since he was a child, and he has good swordsmanship. In addition, he has been crawling and rolling on the battlefield for two or three years. On the leader of the enemy army.

The traditional Han family education is the six arts of a gentleman. In addition to the toughness of the Central Plains, the various families in the Central Plains have added melee combat skills in addition to "shooting".For example, Cai You seems to be a weak man, but he at least knows how to dance swords. For people like Zhong Xing who can fight on the battlefield, they need martial skills even more.

When many Han soldiers saw Zhong Xing chop off the opponent's officer's head and hold it up high, their morale was boosted and they shouted "Wan Sheng!"Similar cheers have resounded many times in the past few days. At the beginning, Liu Yan in the direction of the main city thought he was killing some important person. Shouting, it really made Liu Yan feel a little cheap.

The side attacks from the left and right flanks were blocked, and Yao Lan looked at the rout of the slave soldiers on the frontal battlefield, with a very ugly expression on her face, and without saying a word, she pulled the reins back.

This was not the first time Yao Lan had done something similar. He retreated with his troops. The first time was to attract the Han soldiers in the camp to pursue him, and he used cavalry to charge, but the Han soldiers were not fooled.The next few times were necessary retreats when the battle was unfavorable. The Han troops would retreat again after pursuing the edge of the camp. Yao Lan waited for the Han troops to withdraw and then occupied the previous space again.

For the Yao family army and the Qingzhou army, the ten-day battle was definitely a painful process, but it was finally getting on the right track.

That's when Liu Zheng transferred a group of craftsmen. The method of siege is no longer just to build a siege ladder, but to play with other methods.

"One month." Yao Lan's face was livid: "One month is the time limit. If you can't take down the secrets, you will besieged, and then sweep the counties and counties occupied by the Han."

The Hu people are really not good at attacking cities, why don't they repair the old cities after occupying the Central Plains, and keep them dilapidated very deliberately?
Liu Zheng's face was also livid. He still didn't know how to hate Zhang Liang (who has the same name as Liu Hou) who repaired Xia Mi City.

"I don't know what's going on..." Yao Jing's face was not only livid, but also constipated: "I always feel weird, for example, Liu Yan's partial division has never appeared, and the soldiers of the Han army over there in the camp have a kind of supernatural power. Does it look like the more you fight?”

Needless to say, they all discovered similar situations, if it wasn't just that the war was unfavorable, it would be the same, the terrible thing is that they don't know about some things...

(End of this chapter)

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