sweeping the world

Chapter 20 1 Must Get Him!

Chapter 20 Must Get Him!
The Tumi Department and the Tu San Department joined together with 300 people moving forward. Their team looked loose, probably with some people holding shields in front and people holding bows and arrows in the back.Their shields are not good stuff, they are actually wooden shields put together indiscriminately, and a few are leather shields. Few of the more than 300 people had metal weapons, and most of them were holding wooden sticks.

Compared with the waves of shouts from the attacking side, the Han troops waiting in formation did not make even a single sound.

This silent army only moved when the enemy approached within 300 meters, and the swordsmen and spearmen in front gave way to the archers.

Only 250 meters away from each other, the archers of Tumibu and Tusanbu quickened their pace. They shouted and prepared to stretch their strings and set their arrows while running.

At 200 meters, the shouts from the Tumi Department and the Tusan Department were even louder. In contrast, the Han Army formation still looked solemn.

"It's hard to deal with!" Er Mingcheng frowned deeply: "It's too quiet, too calm."

There was once such an army in history, they wore black clothes and armor and rarely made a sound when they were in battle. They were fiercely offensive and punctual.This army walked out from the continuous Qinling Mountains, brandishing long spears, singing "Jiu Jiu Lao Qin", and ruled the world in ten years.

In many cases, a loud voice does not mean majestic and majestic, but silence is full of strength.The Tumi Department and the Tu San Department who are shouting, the closer they are to their opponents, seeing that the enemy's formation has not wavered in any way, they can't hear any enemy's voice in their ears, and an invisible and intangible sense of oppression hits their faces Coming, making more and more of them shut their mouths, with hesitation on their faces.

How far is the shooting range of bows these days?This is a bow of different tension, and the shooting range is also inconsistent.Ordinary people use a one-stone bow at most. Only those who can be called warriors can pull bows of more than two stones. Those who can pull three stones can be called super warriors, and those who can pull more than five stones are considered inhumans.

The range of a stone bow is about 100 meters. In fact, it should look very floating if it exceeds 60 meters.

When the distance between the two sides reached [-] meters, bursts of bowstrings sounded, and then arrows were shot into the sky.

Why shoot arrows at [-] meters?That's because one side is running, and the arrow needs a process from shooting to falling, which is enough for a person running hard to advance ten meters.

How much tension is the bow of the barbarian, and what kind of arrow is it, and so on? Arrowheads are definitely the best of their time.

do you know?How far an archer can shoot and how accurate it is depends not only on the archer's own skills, but the importance of the bow and arrows, especially the arrow shaft is far beyond imagination.Yang Youji, the number one archer in China, used only three arrows repeatedly in his life. The three arrows were served in the ancestral temple of Chu State during non-wartime, and were given to Yang Youji by the King of Chu during wartime.It is said that those three arrows were the best arrow shafts from any angle at that time, so the treatment was comparable to modern nuclear weapons.

The two sides fired several rounds of arrows at each other. While the arrows were still flying in the sky, the archers either stopped or retreated. The Hu people's melee soldiers continued to move forward, as did the Han swordsmen and spearmen. Advance in queue.

Screams appeared on the battlefield. There were people on both sides who fell from arrows, but the number was not too many.

On the side of the Han, there are swordsmen with armor and shields in front, and the arrows shot by the barbarians have irregular shafts, which appear to be fluttering and weak; The protection is the thick sheepskin jacket. You can see that many barbarians wearing thick sheepskin jackets are still alive and kicking with arrows stuck in their bodies.

The Hu people shouted again, brandishing their weapons, trying to make their faces as hideous as possible.They thought this would intimidate their opponents as much as possible.

The Han soldiers remained silent, stepping forward step by step with the same rhythm. The sound of neat footsteps gave people an endless sense of oppression.

The two "torrents" collided together, the collision of shields, the interweaving of flesh and weapons, and various sounds began to appear.

Hu people seldom own metal weapons. In fact, even if they did, the weapons of Hu people and the weapons of Han soldiers would definitely not destroy the weapons in the hands of Han soldiers.

A cold light flickered, and short and shrill screams were shouted, which were swords or spears frequently swung or poked out during the advancement of the army formation.

Most of the barbarians only have wooden sticks in their hands. Blunt weapons like maces are powerful enough to be very lethal, but sharpened wooden sticks are really ineffective against armor-piercing people.They can hit Han soldiers once or twice with blunt weapons, and Han soldiers will only be injured once or twice, but as long as they are stabbed by swords or spears, bloody holes will definitely appear on their bodies.

From the perspective of the outside, the Han army has always maintained a tight formation, and the loose Tumi and Tu Sanbu rushed forward, waiting for the two groups of people to collide. The changes in the battlefield were very fast in less than a few minutes. It appears that the army of the Han Dynasty is advancing slowly but steadily.

"We lost." As soon as Ermingcheng finished speaking, the rear team of the Tumi Department and the Tu San Department had already turned around and ran.He took a deep breath: "The opponent is too stable, so stable that he won't change his rhythm at all due to any external factors."

Ji Chang kept nodding, and said, "The opponent didn't pursue, but retreated to the position just now."

The brief fight did not seem to be very intense, but as long as you look at it, you will understand that it is an illusion.

In the place where the battle had just been fought, the bodies of the dead and the wounded could be clearly seen lying on the ground. Those who did not die stayed on the battlefield moaning and howling. In some places, the corpses were piled up.

There were more than [-] people from Tumibu and Tusanbu before the attack, and no more than [-] people fled back. They stopped after they thought it was safe. Everyone was in shock, and many people would look at just now with fear The enemy who fought against each other, the silent army that returned to its original position and still did not make any sound.

"It's... terrible! They don't say a word, and they won't retreat even if they are injured."

"Yes, yes! I saw someone hit them, but they ignored the pain and kept stabbing spears!"

The people who survived talked in fear, summed up their words, and summed it up with "fearless and fearless".

It is too stable, and what the Hanbu has shown is that no matter what changes have taken place in the world, it is still its own way and will not waver.In anyone's opinion, if such an army is not called elite, what other army can be called elite?

Ermingcheng didn't know if it was to boost morale, or if he really sensed the other party's flaws, he said loudly: "It's steady, but it looks a little stiff." Then he gave some orders to the rear.

The defeated soldiers from Tumi and Tusan did not go back to join the brigade. Zahu defected and was defeated. He must be pushed up again to be beaten. Now the victory or defeat is not judged by the number of people. They fought against the Han, and it is very clear Although there are few Han people, they are really difficult to deal with.

Tuobaxiu, who was watching the battle from a distance, looked at Liu Yan's back with her eyes.I don't know if it's an illusion, but when she watched the fight between the two armies just now, she suddenly found in her heart that Liu Yan was tall and stalwart, and her eyes were blurred... well, in fact, she was thinking: "Did he train those soldiers? Dai Guo must get him! Must get him! He is really a great talent in military training!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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