Chapter 198

See, things are so absurd. Because common sense cannot be used to make sense, the facts often become absurd and are then covered up in various speculations.

What did Lu Yi think?He felt that Liu Yan even said such unreliable things because Liu Yan considered his own feelings and was forced to blame ghosts and gods.

However, there have never been many strange things that happened to Liu Yan. For example, the three-year-old is only limited to certain specific groups of people, and seeing that Liu Yan can replenish some unknown sources of troops anytime and anywhere, Lu Yi thinks it is absurd At the same time, I really believed it, but I just rejected it subconsciously. After all, the master said, "Speaking of strange powers will confuse the gods".

"Maybe...Your Majesty is not talking nonsense?" Lu Yi is a scholar, a Confucian scholar, and a Confucian scholar after Dong Zhongshu, thinking extremely entangledly: "Han Gaozu killed the white snake and the Han family lived for 400 years..."

By the way, the Han Dynasty likes some gods and gods to talk about things, such as Liu Bang cutting the white snake, it is all to make it clear that Liu Bang is ordered by the sky, after all, Liu Bang can't hide the fact of his humble background, he can only borrow those ghosts and gods To consolidate the "legitimacy" of the Liu family.

No matter how entangled Lu Yi's heart was, as time passed, Yao Jing finally succeeded in destroying the bridge connecting the two banks of Jiaozi because Liu Yan deliberately transferred back the defenders on the west bank of Jiaozi.

Once the bridge connecting the two sides of the glue was destroyed, Liu Yan lost his retreat.Not only is it a retreat, but the logistics and food roads are also broken. No matter how you look at it, Liu Yan's headquarters has become a lone army in the true sense.

Yao Lan is a rather handsome looking young man, he met Yao Jing at Zhenting.

Yao Jing's original 2 people were attacked by a contagious wind and cold, but when the disease did not recur, he lost nearly [-] people, and his morale also fell to the bottom.

According to the rule of whoever is stronger is the boss, even though Yao Jing is Yao Yizhong's biological son, Yao Jing messed up the expedition. If he hadn't cut off Liu Yan's retreat, he would be really ashamed of himself.

In this way, after the two armies of the Yao family joined forces, Yao Lan became the main general of this army with a total of 7 troops.

"Three months of food and fodder?" Yao Lan looked at the gloomy Yao Jing with a very disgusted expression: "The plunder of killing chickens for warmth is just to raise three months of food and fodder?"

7 people can use the food for three months, which is actually quite a lot. If Yao Lan hadn't led the 1 people to come over, that batch of food and grass would have been enough for Yao Jing for eight or nine months.

Yao Jing was born in a prominent family and could act recklessly.He just came to the surrounding areas of Qingzhou not long ago, not counting the counties and counties that were harmed along the way, the entire county of Dong'an County and the west of Zhenting in Beihai County, the large area of ​​land was originally a bit popular, but after such a toss, it not only became extremely dilapidated , the vast area has even become desolate with almost no human habitation.

"Fei Yan escaped, and Liu Yan kept his secret." Yao Jing couldn't control his expression, and the gloom on his face couldn't be concealed: "Even if you don't come, the final victory of the war will belong to me!"

Yao Lan pouted, not bothering to talk nonsense, and said directly: "Although Liu Zheng is deeply trusted by the King of Heaven, he may be talented in governance, but he is a waste in military affairs."

To put it bluntly, it is actually a very taboo thing for the Yao family to enter Qingzhou. No matter what the banner is, it is tantamount to breaking the unspoken rule of not reaching out to each other in Shijie Zhao.In this way, they would not be able to annex Qingzhou openly, at least the position of governor of Qingzhou would not fall to anyone in the Yao family, they could only think of other ways.

"There is a chance to kill Liu Zheng." Yao Lan said with a cruel smile: "It doesn't matter if there is no chance. We will weaken Qingzhou's power to the greatest extent and place our personnel in some key positions."

Yao Jing twitched his face and wanted to say something, but finally turned into a sneer.

During this period of time, Liu Zheng is dispatching troops to the rear. Qi County, which is close to Jizhou, is relatively prosperous and has a larger population than other counties. It is estimated that it will not be a problem to gather an army of [-] to [-]?The problem is how Liu Zheng can maintain the logistics of a total of nearly [-] to [-] troops.

As Liu Yan, who had his escape route cut off, he pretended to try to restore the bridge on both sides of the glue, but without any surprise he failed.

The battle around Xiami City returned to the local conflicts that had been dawdling at the beginning. It was because Liu Zheng was gathering new troops and didn't want to intervene. Liu Yan was pretending that he had no choice but to defend Xiami.

It probably took about half a month like that?The Yao family army led by Yao Lan finally appeared outside Xiami City.

Looking from the top of the city, 10,000+ people are a huge piece of land. With the erection of military camps one after another, the vast land has become a forest of camps.

"The surrounding woods are about to be ravaged and bare." Liu Yan didn't seem to be nervous at all because of the arrival of a large number of enemy troops: "The Yao family should have [-] or [-] people, and Liu Zheng still has [-]?"

Lu Yi's expression was extremely bad: "Your Majesty, I hope it won't get out of hand."

There is also a partial division in the Han Dynasty. If there is no gold finger, Liu Yan, who is surrounded by Xiami City, will not know the movement at all.Liu Yan, however, knew very well where Xu Zheng's troops were. He probably also knew that Xu Zheng led an army to raid Fei Yan's unit who was running south, but he didn't know the result of the battle.

"How could it be out of control." Liu Yan really didn't feel anxious or anything: "Xu Zheng has led his army to a hundred miles south of Xiami City."

There is another army, which is commanded by Ji Chang and recruited from the Liaodong Peninsula and the Korean Peninsula. The number is only 1, but the quality is not inferior to the partial division led by Xu Zheng. too much.

This is the first time that the Han Dynasty has dispatched more than 10 people to war, which is tantamount to destroying part of the development and going all out to fight.

"This war will determine the ownership of Qingzhou." Liu Yan had been waiting for this day for a long time, and the addition of the Yao family was an accident: "The total enemy army is close to 15? Are there about [-] cavalry?"

Lu Yi could more or less make a judgment based on some information, but it was absolutely impossible to have real data.He said: "Twenty thousand cavalry is the bottom line. Considering that the Hu people are good at riding... there will be more."

That's why it is necessary to start the fight in Xiami City. In the wild, even if Liu Yan has a golden finger, once the camp is breached, even if he can summon system soldiers, it will be difficult to resist!
"Here we come." Lu Yi looked at the approaching [-] troops, but he didn't know if the Yao family and Liu Zheng were working together, or if they belonged to one family alone: ​​"They are dressed in brightly colored clothes, should they be assembled temporarily?"

Lu Yi thinks that there is not much difference between those, even if the mob reaches a certain number, it is a very scary thing.

The sound of war drums was sounded at the top of the city, and the archers who received the instructions began to come up from the aisle of the city wall, and they would stand on the edge of the parapet.

In addition to the archers, some auxiliary soldiers will bring bundles of arrows, and then wood and stones, and even start to heat the "golden juice".

Xiami City was strengthened by the Han Dynasty. In addition to some normal city defenses, bed crossbows and catapult carts were also moved to the city wall. The base can be adjusted at any time if you want to disperse defense or concentrate shooting.

Liu Yan's eyes were always good. When he saw a big banner appearing, he glanced around and immediately found two young people riding on the majestic horses.

It's not that they are so extraordinary, it's that they have a lot of fragments on their bodies, they look too young, and there are even more sturdy fighters around them as guards.

The banners of the Di people are somewhat particular. The banners of the Han civilization are a large banner. The banners of the Hu civilization are mainly made of animal skins and feathers. However, the Di people combine the two civilizations. One piece, the top of the banner is made of fur and feathers, and the bottom is a cloth flag with the word "Yao" written on it.

"Those guys don't know we have bed crossbows?" Liu Yan watched the enemy troops approaching, and said a little excitedly: "Give them a hard time later!"

There is no need to talk about aiming. The Han Dynasty made many cart crossbows and bed crossbows, but because they did not really master the skills of crossbows, they had no marks on their accuracy.

Yao Lan and Yao Jing actually knew that the Han tribe had a giant crossbow. After all, the Han tribe had attacked so many fortresses and fortresses, it was impossible to cover up the news of having a giant crossbow.

Liu Yan blinked his eyes in disappointment when he saw the two cousins ​​of the Yao family stop outside the range of the bed crossbow.

The old routine was nothing more than sending people to talk nonsense in front of the two armies. Liu Yan knew what the people sent by the Yao family would say without having to guess. He personally drew his bow and shot an arrow, killing the guy who was 150 steps away with one arrow. There were loud cheers from the top of the city.

Speaking of which, Liu Yan's force value is approaching [-], and he may still be far behind the top generals, but he really doesn't need to work hard to learn any skills, he can almost use a weapon with familiarity.This is also one of the golden fingers.

The Han tribe cheered because Liu Yan shot him with an arrow, but the Yao army was in an uproar first, and then there were all kinds of abuse.

The original thing is to talk about it before the war starts, such as why we are fighting, what guilt or dark history this person has, and whether we can lower the morale of one side with our mouths. It is true or false. Anyway, it is just nonsense.what's the result?It was Liu Yan who didn't follow the routine and shot the man to death cleanly.

Perhaps Yao Lan or Yao Jing was not reconciled, and sent another person to slowly approach the city. He stopped 160 steps away and was about to speak, but when he saw Liu Yan at the top of the city pulling his bow again, he subconsciously turned his horse's head and walked away. run.

In fact, you have to shout loudly to know what to say when you are 100 meters away. How loud can you shout at a distance of 300 meters so that people can hear your words clearly?

Li Kuang lowered his voice and asked: "Your Majesty...can you kill someone at 160 steps?"

Si Hongzhuang opened his mouth and really didn't know how to answer.

Since the mouth is useless, there is no need to talk nonsense. Amidst bursts of desolate horns, Yao Lan and Yao Jing led the troops to retreat. They had not prepared construction equipment for the first time. Although they were half-dead with anger, they didn't even have a siege ladder. , Is it just to send people to the city to die just for the sake of exporting?

(End of this chapter)

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