Chapter 193
There is nothing wrong with Qingzhou becoming a mess, for Liu Yan, maybe there are more people who like the current situation, such as Murong Yanguo who sacrificed Mr. Gong Tao and Fei Yan, or Shi Zunna who is waiting for the right time a faction.

The rainy season has stopped, and those people who were nestled up because of the continuous rain can finally move around. Liu Zheng led his troops from Guanting and headed straight for Pingshou, but he didn't know if he would join Yao Jing. For Liu Yan, there was trouble.

Fei Yan was also moving. They left Chunyu and crossed the beach. Without any cover, they headed towards Xiami. The posture they made affected the overall situation.

Yao Jing is still staying in Zhenting. For him, something unfortunate happened. A few days ago, regardless of the consequences of marching in rainy weather, there was a contagious cold in the army. All he could do was to stay in place and do some isolation matter.

Liu Yan, the main force of the Han Dynasty, did not move either. They had better not move now, otherwise they might become the target of attacks by several surrounding troops.

Another army of the Han Dynasty, that is, the side division headed by Xu Zheng and assisted by Sang Yu, now they should find a place to hide, just because the rainy season stopped on the Beihai County side and replaced it on the Gaomi County side Continuous rainy weather.

Not only Gaomi County, but the northern part of Xuzhou is also covered by cloudy weather, which means that no matter what Guo Xiang's intentions are, he can only pause.

It is not easy to lead troops in any year. In addition to knowing military skills, one must also understand the observation of weather, so as to make corresponding deployments according to changes in the weather.

Liu Zheng was deeply valued by Shi Hu. The difference between him and the young Yao Jing was that he had more experience.

"No matter what Xuzhou's intentions are, they can't move until the rainy season is over." Liu Zheng frowned deeply: "The army that showed Murong Yan's flag must be wiped out!"

Yao Jing's face was as calm as water, there was really no fluctuation.He has a reason to be calm, he is not an official of Qingzhou, what happened in Qingzhou is a shit?It is possible to fight Feiyan, but the premise is that there are benefits, so that he will not be fooled by Liu Zheng and become a passionate young man.

"This old man has presented to the imperial court, how about nephew Yao Xian as Qingzhou captain?" The Qingzhou captain Liu Zheng said was the military attache in charge of the whole prefecture's military.

Yao Jing finally became interested, looked at Liu Zheng expectantly, and said, "Will the imperial court agree?"

"My nephew is joking." Liu Zheng kept smiling: "I asked you to play, and my nephew is from a famous family, how can he be rejected?"

Yao Jing smiled, very confidently.He needs a chance. Now that Liu Zheng has been handed the ladder to climb to the stage, there is no reason not to accept it, but there is a prerequisite: "Liu Yan must be eliminated!"

Liu Zheng would not agree to anything, and asked how many troops Yao Jing still had that could join the battle.

"Less than [-]." Yao Jing said with an almost grim expression, "If the governor is willing to provide medicinal materials, there will be more."

Once the army has contagious wind and cold, it will be a disaster. How many troops have been disintegrated like this? Yao Jing said that there are [-] troops capable of fighting, but in fact it does not mean that they can really attack. A contagious wind chill passed.

Liu Zheng smiled and said nothing, not to mention him, even the governor of any state does not have so much energy to concentrate so many medicinal materials, perhaps no one in the entire Shijie State of Zhao can do it, it is about synergy It is also a test of national strength.

However, although the Shijie Zhao Kingdom is a country, it is more like a tribal alliance cloaked in the guise of a country.

Of course Liu Zheng can fight the Han, but he can't just say that he will fight, he needs to have a reason that can be given.

"You are the governor of Qingzhou, order him to come and obey orders, if you don't come, you will be rebellious." Yao Jing needed to destroy the merits of the Han tribe, so he was more active: "I don't dare to come even if I count Liu Yan, Jieshi..."

Liu Zheng still smiled without saying a word, the matter is so one thing, but it is meaningless to say it.Furthermore, he doesn't want to push Liu Yan to the obvious hostile side now, it's best to use Liu Yan, for example, let the Han and Feiyan's troops fight, it's best for both sides to suffer.

Of course, there are not so many fools in the world. If you are really a fool, you will not become the leader of a party, especially in a place like the Central Plains that only depends on strength.

After that, Liu Zheng received new information, including Liu Yan's disregard for Fei Yan's troops stationed in Mi Township.

Mi Township was originally a subordinate military town of Xiami, and it was actually part of the situation of Jujiao. Liu Yan watched Fei Yan lead the army into Mi Township, which is very intriguing.

Yao Jing's troops had to continue to lie down, but Liu Zheng had to take action.

Infectious cold is a very terrible disease. In fact, in any era without effective medical means, infectious disease is really a disease that scares people more than the devil.

In just ten days, nearly 8 of the 2 people on Yao Jing's side were abolished. The number of people who died from the wind and cold is actually not that many, it should be more than [-] people, but the most terrifying thing is that about [-] people appeared Symptoms of wind and cold.

Infectious diseases in the army are far more serious than those in local areas, especially in troops assembled temporarily like Yao Jing.

"Those people... let's kill them!" Facing the impatient Yao Jing, Wang Teng gave a very normal suggestion: "They will die anyway, and the most direct way is to get rid of them all before affecting more people." .”

Yao Jing wanted to deal with it at first, but he couldn't make up his mind for a while. Hearing what the deputy said, he nodded silently: "Then deal with it."

In other eras or in other armies, if some rumors were exposed, there would definitely be a big problem, but it was not such a big deal in the period of the five chaos.

It's really not a joke, Yao Jing killed a group of patients, even if someone has an opinion, it can only be an opinion.Yao Jing only needs to appease the leaders of the five major clans, give enough compensation, and kill them if they kill them.Yao Jing's treatment of the Jin people will be easier, probably because Shi Hu has stipulated in the law that if a Jin person is killed to compensate for a sheepskin, someone must come to collect the compensation. Yao Jing is dealing with the Jin people. It will all be disposed of in time to ensure that no one will receive compensation.

While Yao Jing was treating patients in batches, Liu Zheng had already reached the west bank of Tanshui.

The person Liu Zheng sent to Liu Yan's side should have returned long ago, but he didn't come back. There is only one possibility, that is, he must be dead.

"A wise decision!" Liu Zheng didn't need to find out who killed the person he sent: "That is, Liu Yan will not consider obeying my orders."

At this moment, Liu Zheng has a lot of opinions on Liu Zheng, the former governor of Qingzhou.

After all, it is the relationship between the predecessor and the predecessor. As long as Liu Zheng is willing to check the documents, it is not difficult to find out that Liu Zheng has been conniving with Liu Yan's rise from the beginning. If Liu Zheng suppressed Liu Yan from the beginning, there would not be as many things as now.

The troops led by Liu Zheng increased slightly. When the [-] troops arrived on the west bank of Tanshui, it was equivalent to three troops around Xiami.

Liu Yan naturally occupied the main city of Xiami, and the number of the entire army could reach [-], but there were only [-] soldiers, and the rest were not considered regular combat troops.What can be expected is about [-] new attached troops. It is lucky that those civilians don't become a burden.

Fei Yan's troops were close to [-], but as long as you do some research, you will find a serious problem. Except for about [-] people who can be regarded as soldiers, the rest are actually just the number of people.

If you use military terms to analyze the situation under Fei Yan's command, you can probably describe it as a refugee army. Since a small number of core troops are the main force, the rest are mobs in the true sense.

"So it was a joke from the beginning that Fei Yan raised his troops?" Liu Yan was really looking at it as a joke: "Why didn't he just be more straightforward and just snowball into coercion?"

Although Liu Yan said he was joking, it wasn’t really a big joke. Fei Yan looked like he was looking for death. The refugee group didn’t look like a refugee group, nor did it look like a formal army. It’s really confusing. This can do something.

"Yao Jing's troops are in a similar situation, but Yao Jing chose to coerce, and the number is close to [-]." Lu Yi's intelligence is problematic, Yao Jing only has [-] actual troops.He said nonsense in a serious manner: "If Yao Jing was given more time, the number of people gathered would be more. They stopped at the booth probably with similar intentions."

The incident about the contagious disease in Yao Jing's army has not yet been spied on by the Han Ministry, but Liu Zheng led the army in the past and quickly left to be discovered. Regarding this part, it was highly valued as Liu Zheng led the army approaching the secret.

"We can't pretend to be deaf and dumb anymore." Liu Yan smiled indifferently, talking about the fact that Liu Zheng, the governor of Qingzhou, sent another person: "How many troops in this small place...?"

Lu Yi answered blankly: "13." After a pause, he added: "Yao Jing's troops came here, it should be more than 20."

"After the fight this time, Beihai County will be abolished immediately." Liu Yan also said nonsense with a serious face: "When the armies clash, the lives will be ruined. It's just that Murong Yanguo has been taken advantage of."

The actual situation is that the cavalry sent by the Han Dynasty in the early stage continued to wreak havoc and destroyed Beihai County long ago. Even if the army of more than [-] continued to fight, there would not be too many things that could be destroyed.

It's time for Murong Yanguo to take advantage of the major turmoil in Qingzhou. Even if Shi Hu is really going to die, he can't sit idly by. Shi Bin will not allow the turmoil in Qingzhou to affect the supply route in the back road. It seems that there is a secret conspiracy With the participation of forces, the chance of Shi Jie Zhao State causing trouble with Murong Xianbei would be greatly reduced.

Liu Yan wanted to communicate more with Lu Yi, but Lu Shaoyang came to retaliate.

"Your Majesty, Liu Zheng led his army across the beach and came straight to the next secret."


Just to clarify, it is very easy for the barbarians to gather manpower in this era. It is not an exaggeration to have tens of thousands of people at every turn. It should be said that as long as there is enough food, they can easily pull up a large number of troops. As for whether they can fight or not, it depends. The situation is gone.

(End of this chapter)

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