sweeping the world

Chapter 18 My Clan

Chapter 18 My Clan
Undercurrents are raging everywhere, and the Jie people in Buqicheng are not deaf and blind, so it is impossible for them to be ignorant of everything that happened.

In fact, when Er Rong learned that a force claiming to be Han tribe was marching towards Buqicheng, he was stunned at first and then became furious.

Han part?It doesn't matter what the name is, Errong is furious that they have not acted yet, and someone provoked them first!What kind of provocation?According to intelligence, the guy named Liu Yan led 700 people to Buqicheng in a bright way.

It's 700 people, not 700, let alone [-], and there are only [-] people who dare to take the initiative?It is conceivable that when Errong heard the news, he was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry.

"I ordered to collect food everywhere, but only a few counties responded, and almost negligible food was shipped. We failed to attack Liang and Jin. Does it make some people think that we can't do it?" Er Rongsheng The eagle-eyed wolf Gu's appearance, to put it bluntly, has an aquiline nose and a slanted forehead.He looked at his clansmen: "Get ready, since one jumps out first, then kill the chicken and show it to the monkey!"

Errong didn't say anything else, the number of miscellaneous people who came to assemble earlier than expected, he can't keep so many people for nothing for a long time, and now he has the opportunity to pull them out for consumption, in fact, he really wishes for them.After all, the Jie clan is still the overlord of the Central Plains and has a natural advantage in recruiting miscellaneous people. If you lose a group, you can just recruit another group.

The Jie people are white, and most of the Xiongnu are actually white, so the Jie people are not the only white ethnic group in China.It is normal for white people to have hooked noses, but it is relatively rare for them to have strange foreheads. The eyes of the truly pure Jie people must be green, unlike the white Huns who mainly have green pupils.

Although he didn't show a banner, Liu Yan was really advancing brightly.

Just when everyone thought that Liu Yan would go directly to Buqicheng, and wondered why Errong, the governor of Changguang County, did not respond, Liu Yan stopped about 5 kilometers west of Buqicheng, and then Errong Finally there was a reaction.

As the capital of Changguang County, Buqicheng is still in dilapidated condition, and the city wall is full of gaps due to years of disrepair.Such a city is naturally not enough to serve as a barrier, and Er Rong didn't want to be stationed in the city.

"Joke, the other party only has seven hundred soldiers, and except for a few scouts, the rest are all infantry." Errong went out, carrying a banner and leading the assembled army, looking mighty: "The county guard dispatched 500 people , there are five hundred cavalry among them, killing them is no more difficult than killing a chicken."

Ouch?Shouldn't the barbarians fight with all the people as cavalry?In fact, it is absolutely wrong to think so.In other dynasties, or the previous Xiongnu, they were entrenched on the grasslands, and the southward invasion was indeed dominated by cavalry, but most of them were still fighting on foot.Now, a large number of Hu people are in the Central Plains, and they are also rooted in the Central Plains. It doesn't look like the grassland forces can afford huge cavalry.

Liu Yan soon knew that there was an army dispatched in Buqicheng, and the source of the news was not his own scouts, but someone who sent it to his door.

The people who came were the Huns. They shouted that they belonged to the same family and said that they did it with good intentions.

It's a lie, don't say whether Liu Yan is from the Huns, he just said "In this case, do you send people to fight?"

"Your Majesty, many forces are spying on you." Xu Zheng had a sad face, he just couldn't understand why Liu Yan had to take the initiative to attack.He hesitated for a moment, then said: "The other party dispatched [-] soldiers, including [-] cavalry."

"The cavalry has no advantage in this kind of terrain." Liu Yan raised his finger and said, "Although the terrain here is mainly plains, but there are a lot of bushes, it is difficult for the infantry to have space to form an array, and the cavalry is even more limited. .”

In fact, there are not many places in Changguang County that can be called plains. Most of them are hills and mountains. The terrain is high in the east and low in the west.

Xu Zheng remained silent. By now, the troops had already moved over. What else could he do except obey orders and wait for the fight?
"I just want to fight hard with the people gathered here by the Jie tribe, so that those who are watching will know that the Jie tribe is really dead." Liu Yan looked full of confidence.

[Trouble the situation!First mess up Changguang County, then Qingzhou, then the entire Qidi, and finally the entire Central Plains! 】

Liu Yan is not an egomaniac, on the contrary he knows exactly what he is doing.He has a golden finger, and the speed of development will be unmatched by others. After he grows up, he will be targeted by various tribes under the leadership of the Jie tribe. It is better to first destroy the dominance of the Jie tribe in the hearts of all tribes.

"The population of the Jie tribe is not large." Liu Yan said with a smile on his face: "The reason why they are the overlords of the Central Plains is because of the occasional event, and Shi Le is also a rare hero. But Shihu and others..., now They showed their weakness by attacking Liang and Jin, and I don’t know how many people were watching secretly..."

Xu Zheng didn't understand, but Tuobaxiu, who was brought along on purpose, understood.

Tuobaxiu was locked up all the way, and was only released today.She learned that Liu Yan took 700 people and ran far away to a county capital to provoke the local ruler. To be honest, the first feeling was that Liu Yan was looking for death.

Later Zhao attacked the Liang Kingdom and the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but lost both battlefields. What was shown to the world was no longer the powerful Zhao Kingdom, but a country that took the initiative to provoke in important battlefields twice in a row but was defeated again.

Because of her special status, Tuobaxiu knows more than the world.What she knew was that Murong Xianbei in Liaodong had already started to make the final arrangements, catching Goguryeo and beating him violently, so that Goguryeo could only huddle close to the peninsula to survive.

Then, Murong Xianbei also allowed the Khitan and Kumoxi and other small tribes to move around and occupy grasslands and mountains. The reason why the Tuoba clan was able to establish a country was also allowed by Morong Xianbei.All of this was just because Murong Xianbei looked down on those bitter cold places in Liaodong. After learning that Shi Zhao was a little bit dead, he turned his attention to the legendary Huahua World, which is the Central Plains!

"You... have 400 elites, but..." Tuobaxiu frowned, and tentatively said, "If what I see is your full strength, then what can you gain from the turmoil with a little strength?"

"I don't want much." Liu Yan looked ahead, and a black line appeared on the horizon. He said, "It's just a piece of land that allows my people to survive!"

Tuobaxiu was silent, she was guessing Liu Yan's background.

On the side, Xu Zheng's eyes showed longing, yes, no one knows what that means better than the Jin people for a piece of land that can allow the tribe to survive.

What appeared on the horizon was naturally an army. They came from different cities. Their number was not the 2500 in the intelligence, but at least 3000 by visual inspection.

"The combat effectiveness of the Jin people is unreliable." Tuoba Xiu curled his lips: "No matter how elite your 400 tribesmen are, can they deal with 3000 enemy troops?"

Xu Zheng's lips moved, and he could only lower his head in the end. The Jin people also have troops that are good at fighting. For example, Hou Zhao has a begging army composed of Jin people who are very capable of fighting, but... he is different from the current robes... Even they doubted whether they could fight.

"When they are not Jin people, they can fight when they become Han people." After Liu Yan finished speaking, he rode his horse and moved.

The sound of footsteps echoed. It was the four hundred soldiers of the system who were ordered to start forming an array. They walked to their own positions according to Liu Yan's order, and then stood still.

Xu Zheng is also busy with his robes. They need to place refusal horses in certain positions on the battlefield, and then retreat to the back line obediently, waiting for Liu Yan's order to retreat to the expected second front line.

"What?" Tuoba Xiu was stunned for a while: "You originally had few troops, but you have to let the Jin people retreat before they start fighting, leaving 400 tribal armed forces to fight 3000 enemy troops alone?" There was clearly a look on her face. 'Are you kidding me' look.

Liu Yan just nodded, keeping his eyes on the enemy soldiers who were getting closer.

"You're crazy!" Tuobaxiu said very seriously, "You have nearly [-] Jin people, and it's fine if you don't use them to consume the strength of the Jie people, but you use your own tribe's arms to consume them?"

Liu Yan was also very serious, took a deep breath, and said, "You don't understand."

Yes, not only Tuobaxiu doesn't understand, even those Jin people don't understand, Liu Yan doesn't like Jin people who appear cowardly and timid, but no matter how incompetent those Jin people are, to Liu Yan, they are also clansmen, and they were killed by Hu in the Central Plains. The comrades who are killing fewer and fewer people!
(End of this chapter)

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