sweeping the world

Chapter 175 Spring Plowing Period

Chapter 175 Spring Plowing Period

Liu Yan led the army back to Qingzhou, some people gritted their teeth, and some people felt happy.

Do you know what Mr. Gong Tao was plotting before?It is to gather a group of forces to carve up Changguang County and Dongmou County.So why did they carve up Changguang County and Dongmou County?Not entirely for the land, but also for the sake of obtaining war dividends to fulfill the king's order on Xiangguo's side.

"So I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune." The old Zhangtou is being escorted away. The eldest son of his family of four has become the new subordinate army of the Han Dynasty, and he, his wife and daughter have become servants of the Han Dynasty or something ?A fluke appeared on his wrinkled face: "This way Da Ya won't be dragged away?"

Speaking of which, the old Zhangtou was the family that was robbed by Zhao Qian, and the girl named Daya was a girl who made the soldiers of the Han tribe who had seen her feel a pity.

Logically speaking, after seeing Da Ya, so many soldiers felt that it was a pity not to snatch her. So Da Ya was a very beautiful woman?

Da Ya is a bit "big" in the true sense, with big breasts, big butts, and a bit big skeleton frame, but in the eyes of farmers, this is the real "beauty" , because they can give birth and have enough bones to work.

A woman with small arms and legs, pink and white, who can be easily pushed over?They are just the playthings of a bunch of noble lords who don't have to do physical work.It is a plaything in the true sense. In addition to being used to warm the bed and be lusted, it can also sing, dance, and play the piano. Is it true that such a woman can't even lift a thing weighing thirty kilograms, right?
For farmers, a woman who can do nothing but "play" can only be a burden. What they need is a laborer who can work. At most, he can add a necessary function, that is, he can get pregnant and give birth healthily. offspring.

"Big girl." The old station head said with a sad face: "That little brother named Zhao Qian, he said he would marry you."

Da Ya looked at the naive, very simple girl, and she was not shy when she heard the words, and said, "Can you get your parents out of slavery?"

It was because my daughter was married to a soldier of the Han Dynasty, and one of them could get out of slavery, so Lao Zhangtou would say this.

"Then get married." Da Ya said in a relatively longing tone: "Da Ya has inquired about it, and their soldiers can get heads in exchange for credit, and a head can be exchanged for a person's free body or get a Officials are slaves."

Lao Zhangtou just listened. He still didn't know what kind of family Zhao Qian was from or what kind of relatives he had at home. Seeing his daughter saying those words in a longing tone, he said with relative uneasiness: "But I don't know if there is anyone in his family who needs it." Merit in exchange for freedom?”

"There will always be a head in exchange for my mother's freedom." Da Ya did not change her longing, but said in a firm tone: "If he disagrees, I will beat his son!"

In other words, if Zhao Qian is really married to Da Ya, then Zhao Qian's son is also Da Ya's son, right?Do you want to pray a little or observe a moment of silence for the unborn child?
There are many similar things, and Zhao Qian was one of the first to strike.

There is no way, the ratio of men to women in the Han area is too different, most of the men have been cultivated a sense of urgency, and they will never give up if they have the opportunity to make a marriage first.

"So there are nearly a hundred more people who have solved the problem of being single?" Liu Yan was full of relief: "Expansion is indeed beneficial, and it can solve the problem of being single among the tribe, because many people become in-laws in many ways, and the new batch can be better and faster integrated into the tribe."

Eight days have passed since the capture of the secret. Crossbows have been placed on the city wall, the moat has been slightly dredged, the walls of the satellite city outside the city have been built, and the perimeter of the city wall has also been reinforced a lot.

The satellite city is not big, but it looks very strong with stone walls.This sub-city will be used to arrange 500 soldiers from the headquarters and nearly [-] new attached troops including Wang Pu, which is equivalent to resettling [-] people.

Dou'a is the commander of Zicheng, and his official position is Sima of Biebu, and then he is Junhou.

At this time, Dou'a was directing the new attached army to dig the necessary cellars, which were used to store food, arrows, weapons and other materials, and to dig enough wells in the sub-city.

I didn't pay much attention to the construction of the city wall of the sub-city, it just looks like a hexagram. Of course, this form of the city wall is to increase the defense's range of long-range weapons.

The family has been escorted to Donglai County, it seems that they will be sent to Dongmou County?As a result, Wang Pu couldn't have more ideas, and could only serve the Han Department honestly.

Because of his background, Dou'a couldn't compare with Wang Pu in many aspects of knowledge. Quite a few city defenses in Zicheng were deployed by Dou'a after listening to Wang Pu's advice.

"I really don't want to admit it..." Dou'a said to him, "But people from rich families are indeed more knowledgeable than us."

Wang Pu just didn't want to die, and his family became hostages.Even if the upcoming war here is difficult, can he surrender again?I'm afraid that once he surrenders, his family members will live a miserable life, so they can only do their best to help improve the fortifications.

Because the city walls were built by systematic peasants, the city walls of Zicheng are actually higher than that of Xiamiben City, which makes people feel weird no matter how they look at it.Not only is the city wall of Zicheng higher than that of Xiami, the city wall of Xiami is rammed earth, but the city wall of Zicheng is made of stone. Anyone who looks at it will wonder why there is such a difference.

There are more incomprehensible places, such as how did the stones for building the city walls come from?I didn't realize how busy it was to transport stones from everywhere!

A smart person should ignore things he shouldn't know and grab whatever he can to save his life.

Those who are not smart enough grasp the life-saving straws that can be grasped. For example, Zhang Zhu is flattering his brother-in-law Zhao Qian.

"Is it possible? It must be possible, right?" Zhang Zhu was afraid, and he looked expectantly: "Isn't it a soldier who has an auxiliary soldier? You can definitely let me follow my brother-in-law, right? "

Zhao Qian's response was to punch Zhang Zhu until his eyes were blackened, and he said angrily, "How can there be a safe place on the battlefield? With this skill, quickly adjust your mentality, and then chop off a few heads in exchange for a chance to become a member." Capital."

Zhang Zhu is more than 1.9 meters tall. He looks quite strong, but he is a little timid.He got a black eye socket, but he still flattered him naively: "You can chop off the enemy's head just like you are with your brother-in-law, right?"

Zhao Qian was a little speechless, he just wondered in his heart: "Looking at a tough man, why does he have the guts of a mouse?" After thinking about it, he figured it out again, and didn't join Han Wasn't he such a coward before he was appointed to the Ministry, or even before he was assigned to fight everywhere?
It's the season of spring plowing soon, and the farming fields around Xiami City seem to be half full?I saw that most of the canals had been re-dug and repaired, and the weeds in the fields were just cleared, and they could be cultivated when the season came.

A problem arose. Xiami City was occupied by the Han, and all the people in the city except the soldiers were relocated. This year, it is impossible to see the busy farming crowd outside the city.

"There is still no sign of moving the nest?" Liu Yan was walking on the edge of the field outside the city, occasionally squatting down to look at the groups of tadpoles in the canal: "Do you want to wait for farming?"

farming?Liu Yancai doesn't know how to farm. Are there any modern urban youths who know how to farm besides those who go to agricultural schools?Even if they are young urban youths studying in agricultural schools, it is estimated that not many of them know how to farm, right?

"Your Majesty, we have been mopping up, at least in Beihai County... most of them cannot be plowed in the spring." This insidious plan was proposed by Lu Yi, who sent cavalry to harass various places. Those families couldn't bear it either."

The harassment did not distinguish the target, almost wherever the cavalry fled, it was the harassment, and the impact on Beihai County was definitely large enough.

This kind of behavior will certainly cause enough hatred for the Han, but more families may have greater opinions on those guys like Mr. Gong Tao. After all, the Han has made it very clear that the reason why they came to Beihai County , was provoked.

Liu Yan now has a mentality that he is not afraid that the incident will not be big enough. He will annoy the people in Beihai County and put pressure on Mr. Gong Tao, so that Mr. Gong Tao has enough motivation to call more people.

"Beihai County's jurisdiction is not large, so it's not a pity to smash Beihai County to pieces." Lu Yi obviously thought about it: "With a decisive battle here, the resistance encountered when entering other counties will be reduced."

Liu Yan agreed with Lu Yi's point of view, just wondering where Lu Yi's confidence came from, for example, they could really defeat the hundreds of thousands of enemy troops who surrounded them in Xiami.

There will be tens of thousands of people. As for whether it is an army or not, it is quite difficult to say.In this year, young and strong are gathered casually, and a mob with farm tools and messy weapons appears.But such a mob, how much combat effectiveness really does not know.

"We need more labor in Liaodong." Lu Yi was actually laughing?"The more people come to attack, the more labor we can increase," he said.

What is Lu Yi's confidence based on?There are [-] tribal armed forces in Xiami City.These three thousand tribal armed forces are absolutely elite in anyone's eyes. If you encounter a mob, one enemy ten is not too much, right?One can count as ten in field battles, and five more can be added in defensive battles, that is, one can count as fifteen, and three thousand tribal armed forces can equal forty-five thousand mobs.

In addition to the [-] tribal armed forces, there are also [-] cavalry in the lower secret. No matter how bad the cavalry meets the infantry, they will treat one as three, and it is normal to treat one as five cavalry. Things like people running away.

Isn't there still five thousand soldiers?Five thousand well-armed soldiers should be equal to five.

In other words, after doing all the calculations, Lu Yi found that there really seemed to be nothing to worry about, so he naturally waited leisurely for the siege battle to happen.

For the Han tribe, what should be worrying now is not how many enemy troops there are, but whether those enemy troops will come over, and how long it will take to come over.

"Spring plowing is the deadline, and you won't come after spring plowing..." Liu Yan sighed: "That means I can't fight the enemy, so I will fight the enemy."


"Rebirth at the end of the Sui Dynasty and Ding Jiangshan" The concubine Wang Ping, imitating Cao Cao's strategy and Li Yuan's strategy, became a capable minister in the world, a hero in troubled times, and determined the world.

(End of this chapter)

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