sweeping the world

Chapter 169 Obtaining the Land of 1 County

Chapter 169 Obtaining the land of a county

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It took less than a month for the Han Dynasty to capture the eastern part of Dongnae County. Most of the wars that broke out were small-scale, and there were no battles involving more than a thousand people.

For a relatively simple matter, Liu Yan came while taking advantage of the Donglai Academy gathering, and caught a large number of patriarchs who participated in Mr. Gong Tao's conspiracy, which meant he had a lot of chips in his hand.

As long as anyone can live, he seldom wants to die, or how to say that ants are greedy for life.What would most patriarchs choose before being killed and surrendering?Many patriarchs would choose to die if their own death could allow the family to continue.However, what is more terrifying is that Liu Yan clearly told them that if they do not surrender, they will definitely be destroyed. They will pay a price if they surrender, but at least the family will not be destroyed.

The Raiders of Dongnae County did not have a decent resistance until a month later, which was the reaction of the various families.

A large number of families surrendered, whether actively or passively, they were concentrated and became the vanguard to attack those families who refused to surrender.

The wars everywhere are a true portrayal of Donglai County. During this period, it is unknown how many families disappeared and how many families changed their clan heads.

It must have been about two months since the soldiers of the Han Dynasty raged?Only one capital city remained in Donglai County, and all the rest fell.

Just when everyone thought that the Han tribe would save some face for the imperial court and would not attack Ye County, the county capital, Liu Yan's choice was once again puzzling.

After attacking a large number of families, those who cooperate from beginning to end are naturally given preferential treatment, but there are always some guys who think they are smart. As a result, Liu Yan has to kill again, but this time he plans to change the way of killing.

Liu Yan's heart is definitely strong enough this time, regardless of Hu Han, as long as he is unwilling to cooperate, all men, women and children will be captured, and he will be given a simple set-up, playing ant-attached siege for the first time.

To be honest, attacking the city with ants is too simple and too cruel, it is basically just taking human life...

"Collapsed?" Liu Yan glanced at the armrest of the grand master's chair, and said two words softly: "Let the arrow go."

It was shooting arrows at the broken soldiers who had fled back from the collapse. In a moment, the ground was filled with arrows.

The Han Department has been cleaned more than once, but why do those people still think Liu Yan is kind?It's just a short-term migration of the population, and it turns out that an "anti-Liu Yan alliance" will be born, so is it necessary to kill people in cold blood in troubled times?

The place Liu Yan personally led the army to attack could not be too small. It was the capital of Donglai County, Ye 1 County.

The city of Ye 1 County is as dilapidated as the rest of Hou Zhao's cities, but its population is slightly larger than other counties. It should be in the early [-]s?
At this time, the top and bottom of the east city wall of Ye County were covered with blood, and dead bodies were lying on the corner of the city and the area extending outward.

Those were the traces left after an ant attack on the city. Seeing that the siege team was retreating, the defenders on the city wall were seizing the time to push down the siege ladder built on the parapet.

Ji An Yan was very unhappy, he just wanted to live a happy life in An An, no one wanted to provoke him, but someone came to provoke him.

Looking at the surname Ji, it is obvious that the white barbarian from the Western Regions changed a certain surname from Shanshan. He is considered to be from Rouran, but Rouran has long been extinct. (It is not Mobei Rouran in the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, but the ancient country of Rouran in the Western Regions)

What's more strange is that Ji Anyan was not stupid to find that the army that suddenly moved over was obviously intentional, and was discovered on purpose, and then it was like giving away a head, without even being tempted, an ant attack came directly to attack the city.

"Your Majesty, none of the two thousand and eight people survived." Is Lu Shaoyang actually the captain of Liu Yan's personal guard?He asked blankly: "Is it to drive away the second batch of siege?"

Liu Yan looked at the side of the chaos. There were more than 3000 people surrounded by a large number of Han soldiers. They were undoubtedly the second batch of people who attacked the city.

The first batch of people who went up all died, and the second batch obviously didn't dare to go up?

"You can live by attacking cities and climbing walls!" Li Kuang didn't like doing this kind of work at all. Among those who were expelled, there were some people who had contact with them before, but the world is so cruel: "Stay where you are, stay where you are." Fa-rectification!"

There were cries, but still no one came forward, but many violent people were shot to death.

"Pull the bow!"

A large sound of bowing and stringing appeared.


The arrows kept falling, and the densely packed crowd was cleared out of a large area in an instant.

Li Kuang said with a dark face, "I repeat, Fa-rectification will be done on the spot!"

Finally, someone moved, step by step onto the battlefield.

Ji Anyan understood clearly that those people were really looking for death, and the siege was purely about taking human lives, without any rules.What worries him the most?It was the siege equipment that appeared outside the city. The ones he could understand included trebuchets, ballistas, climbing vehicles, and stern vehicles. There were many instruments that he couldn't understand but thought were very powerful.

"The only thing that didn't find the enemy at the south gate?" Ji An Yan twitched his cheeks: "Wai San Que Yi?"

"Sheriff!" Looking at the rough barbarians, who were also Caucasian: "There must be an ambush over there!"

It's not that An Yan has no IQ: "The other two sides, which one seems to be suitable to break through?"

The rude Huren blinked his eyes: "It seems like they are all the same?"

Ji An Yan stopped talking.

It is estimated that the end of the first batch of attackers, this time the second batch of people who were unable to attack for a long time did not dare to retreat, and it turned out that someone attacked the city wall after a long time, but soon became corpses and were thrown down .

"Your Majesty, those young and strong may stay." Lu Yi sighed: "We need labor in two places in the east of Liao 1."

There are iron mines and coal mines in the narrow peninsula in the east of Liao 1, and they are devouring lives every day. According to Lu Yi's original opinion, the people captured in Donglai County should be sent there, but Liu Yan thinks that the necessary deterrence is necessary.

For those captives who were besieging the city with despair, maybe the constant prayers in their hearts had an effect, and the Han tribe actually sounded the sound of Mingjin retreating?

At that moment, I don't know how many people's eyes were full of enthusiasm. They ran backward at an unprecedented speed, but less than half of them survived in the end.

Liu Yan looked up at the sky, the sun will climb to the middle in more than two hours?He said, "Break the city before four quarters."

The four quarters of the noon is replaced by the modern time unit, which is twelve o'clock noon, which is not too much for the siege troops of the Han Dynasty.

The catapults looked huge, and they and the ballista were pushed to the range. Amid the chants and slogans, the round stone bullets and thick crossbow arrows were bombarded, and there were bursts of noise from the dilapidated city wall. Dull movement.

To be honest, with the current level of technology, there is no need to think about it at all. The soldiers who operate the catapult and ballista want to bombard the city gate, and it is luck to get one out of ten shots.

Shouts came from the walls on the other two sides. It was the supporting troops coordinating for the siege to the east. It was a feint attack to attract the defenders. If the defenders didn't pay attention, they would make a fake show.

Ji An Yan didn't dare to take risks, he could only mobilize troops to go there, and the east would inevitably become weak.

It probably took about half an hour?The city walls and towers on the other side of the city gate were smashed badly. Judging from the marks on the city gate, it is estimated that only five stone bullets were hit, but the number of thick crossbow arrows was as many as thirteen.

And An Yan was thinking about a very crucial question, wondering if the enemy army outside would accept the surrender?

Come on, every nation has its own national character.Although the Shanshan people and the Jie people are both Caucasian, the Shanshan people have never been stubborn. The difference between them and the Kucha people is that the Kucha people have always presented women who can sing and dance when they see the enemy. It is to leave the girl and leave everything that can be thrown away and run away.

Why can Ji Anyan be the sheriff of a county?Probably because the Jie people think they are both Caucasians, or because An Yan has money in his pocket?The latter is more likely.

The catapults and ballistas stopped firing, and several carts began to break away from the brigade and move forward. I don't know how many people were shouting "For the tribe", and the slogans sounded quite neat.

But... what the hell is the apricot-yellow flag raised over the city?

And An Yan raised the flag and surrendered. As for why it was not a white flag, it is because it is not popular to raise the white flag to surrender these days.Even in the Song Dynasty, the apricot-yellow flag was the symbol of surrender. If the people who traveled through time did not understand why they raised the white flag to surrender, they probably would not understand and would still be killed.

Liu Yan didn't understand that raising the apricot-yellow flag these days was a surrender, but he should understand later if he didn't understand it before.

Surrender should have the appearance of surrender. The city gate was opened, and An Yan was wearing plain white and walking in front holding a plate. On the plate was a seal ribbon wrapped in red cloth.Behind him is a string of teams, carrying banners, but the battles are not so orderly.

After a large group left the city, they were divided into two teams, waiting for someone from the Han Dynasty to pass by. The two teams immediately knelt down on the ground and raised their buttocks high.

Ji An Yan was brought to Liu Yan, knelt down and held up the plate, waiting for Liu Yan to pick up the seal from the plate with one hand, before Ji An Yan hoeed his head on the ground.

The next thing was quite simple. The army of the Han Dynasty marched into a part of the city, carried out a massacre according to the posture that a broken city should have, and then gathered all the surviving people in the city.

It is to break a city. In ancient times, siege talked about conquering a city, breaking a city, destroying a city, and massacring a city. Different words have different emphasis.Ruke City means not to kill after breaking the city, breaking the city is to lightly kill the defenders and residents in the city, destroying the city means killing all the defenders after the city is broken, and massacring the city means killing for how many days after the city is broken .

Liu Yan didn't know how much attention is paid to attacking a city before. After a certain siege was completed, his subordinates asked what kind of method was used to destroy the city. After that, he stopped killing, and even helped the residents of the city to do a certain degree of aftermath.Before, he wanted to kill those who dared to resist.

After conquering Ye County, Donglai County fell into the hands of Liu Yan, and whether this is just a start depends on whether Mr. Gong Tao, who has been wandering around for two months, has already established a connection...

(End of this chapter)

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