Chapter 152

The superior person is in charge of rewards and punishments, and only when there are degrees of rewards and punishments can the governance be orderly.

Since Liu Yan founded the Han Department, he has been talking about discipline and order, and the numbering and ordering of newcomers is one of his means.He was limited by talents, and it was difficult to perfect the army's organizational system in the early days. For a period of time, he didn't even have basic officers, and it was only after one year of establishment that the army was truly perfected.

The Han tribe is now a large tribe with a population of nearly 20 free people. It is more a country than a tribe.Although the Han Dynasty is relatively small in scale, the law, including the administrative system, is really more like a country than the country established by some Hu people.

What is a country?In addition to one family after another, isn't it just paying attention to the law to maintain order?Then there is a strict system of rewards and punishments, and the country is basically formed.

At the beginning, the atmosphere of the banquet was not so lively, it was mostly Liu Yan's lecture hall, instilling ideas to high-level figures and constantly encouraging ordinary soldiers, because only Liu Yan was speaking.In some respects, the atmosphere of the banquet can be said to be relatively monotonous, but the participants are still full of agitation. The high-level people can know more about what Liu Yan wants, and ordinary soldiers can't understand what they are talking about, but they are excited.

The banquet began to become lively when Liu Yan continued to persuade him to drink.

With distillation technology, it does not mean that high-grade liquor is required.In addition to high-quality rice wine, the most common fermented glutinous rice wine is also prepared, and there is also a kind of yellow rice wine, and the rest are various fruit wines.

Yes, there are quite a few types of fruit wine, and Liu Yan didn't create them. They really exist and are widely welcomed.

In fact, there have always been a lot of wines in China, and almost every place has its own "hit product". For example, most of the wines in Zhaodi are turbid wines, which can be regarded as wines with relatively high alcohol content among all wines. But it is still a kind of sweet wine.

After pouring a few cups of yellow soup, and Liu Yan's deliberate indulgence, the people at the banquet began to let go, chatting loudly, and even came out of their seats to perform a sword dance after asking for instructions.

The current sword dance probably retains the legacy of the Han Dynasty. It does not mean that you only perform "dance" with a sword. If you want to play sword dance, you need to match a shield. It is more powerful and slow, as if it is really killing the enemy on the battlefield.

It is a relic of the Han Dynasty, rather it is a relic of the ancient pre-Qin era. At that time, it was very fashionable to have a sword dance at the banquet, and many warriors relied on this to gain the appreciation of the nobles.

The first person to perform the sword dance was Cai You, who usually seemed to be joking and joking. Although he always had a smiling face, he was very "regular" when performing the sword dance. It seemed that every movement had been honed.

That's right, but all Jin people who have a relatively orthodox education must learn battle skills, even if they can't learn military skills, they must learn basic enemy-killing to learnWhat to learn?Practice hard and learn to kill!It is possible to have a few pounds of strength, but it is absolutely impossible not to kill people. That is the reason why sword dancing skills are widely popular in the upper class.

Liu Yan did know one thing, even in the Eastern Jin Dynasty where the turmoil was extremely severe, the high-level gentry had a sword hanging from their waists, and almost everyone could perform a sword dance.

The sword dance transformed from a demonstration of killing skills into a real dance, which evolved from the two Jin Dynasties. In the end, it really became a "dance", but it was purely beautiful and no longer became a demonstration of killing skills.

Chinese people like to talk about things at the wine table. In fact, it has been popular since the Jin Dynasty. You must know one thing deeply. When it comes to the ability to "talk the gun", it is definitely not in Lanxiang at this time, but in a group of people who think they have the power to reach the sky. On the son of Jin who can but has nowhere to display it.They enjoy fine clothing and good food, but it is difficult for them to have a place to truly display their talents. They can only call their friends to drink and have fun, drink a few bowls of yellow soup and talk about "heroes". Start to compare with your ancestors to be more prominent.

That's right, Jin's comparison is to compare one's ancestors, whose ancestors did something, what official position they were, not about what merits they have done.

"That's why those wastes will make the Central Plains slump, and they will be reduced to doing things like crossing the south." Liu Yan has already ordered to replace it with high-alcohol liquor: "It's not like us, who don't forget to expand the territory in difficult times , crossed the ocean and killed the 'land of barbarians (North Korean peninsula)', and killed the ancestors of those sticks howling like hell!"

Liu Yan was wrong. Neither Goguryeo nor Baekje was the regime of Bangzi's ancestors. Now more than [-]% of Bangzi can only be slaves or servants, at the bottom of society.

During the Han’s expedition to the Korean Peninsula, a series of things are still fermenting. The more common phenomenon is that with the flow of various commodities from the Central Plains to the Korean Peninsula, the number of peninsula natives who came into contact with the Han began to increase, especially Baekje. The power of the tribal alliance and the chieftain could not completely restrain the lower tribal nobles, but after Goguryeo suppressed Baekje, they began to be wary of the Han tribe.

Liu Yan’s established strategy for Ji Chang is relatively simple. Baekje’s tribal alliance is like a sieve. There is no complete and rigorous social system. Then bribe the chief of Baekje to make Baekje lose vigilance against the Han, and the land in Incheon will be stabilized.

Ji Chang did those things with ease, a large number of goods and bribes cleared the way, and the Gongsun Bao family was the rebel of Baekje. Since the Gongsun family, the actual owners of the two "roads", didn't care about land occupation, the rest of Baekje I wish that the strength of the Gongsun family would be damaged, and the Korean least nothing would happen to the Han tribe's occupied area on the Baekje side.

Now, Liu Yan has just returned to Liaodong Peninsula for less than a month, and the slave trade between Han and Baekje is already underway.The nobles of Baekje exchanged their slaves with the Han for commodities. Those slaves were the real sticks that Liu Yan said. Almost every day, there were ships coming and going to send commodities back to the population.

"Your Majesty." Lu Tai seemed to have drank a little too much, he rushed over with a red face, and saluted Liu Yan: "The last general thinks that the moat should be dug in time, in case Murong Xianbei comes to attack and prevent the tunnel attack."

Speaking of which, when the Han tribe attacked those fortifications or Wubao in the territory of Hou Zhao, at least six out of ten relied on tunnels to dig down the opponent's fortifications (see Loujia Extras). Lu Tai thought he could do that It makes no sense that Qianyan, who started to rise, didn't know how to do that.

Seriously speaking, the Han Dynasty has fought wars almost every year for the past four years. It can be said that it is a force that has truly come out of the flames of war. It may not have experience in large-scale wars, but it has enough experience in medium-level wars, especially in offensive and defensive battles. accumulated enough experience.

The Han tribe has already confronted Qianyan for real, especially retaliating against the strong with the weak. It is absolutely impossible to say that Qianyan will just forget it!

"The [-] troops of the Yan army defeated the tens of thousands of Goguryeo. They won the first battle. You should not underestimate it, no matter how much you value it." Lu Tai maintained his salute posture: "When the civilians are called, the army will also be dispatched. The hard ground can't stand the excavation of a united effort!"

Liu Yan could tell that Lu Tai had no idea.

That's right, the strength shown by Qianyan is a bit scary. The [-] army easily defeated the tens of thousands of Goguryeo's army that was three times more than her own. In the first battle, she also broke through the capital of Goguryeo, Marudu. It will indeed make people fear and dread. Psychologically, Lu Tai would be abnormal if he had no psychological pressure.

Digging in permafrost is unusually difficult. Liu Yan has considered digging in winter, but it is obvious that he will pay a huge price.He could only comfort Lv Tai and talk about some practical things. For example, if Qianyan could attack Goguryeo in winter, there would be no hesitation in attacking Han in winter.

"...The excavation of the moat still needs to attract running water, and the project volume is too large." Cai You is a civilian administrator, so naturally he started from the administrative point of view: "The whole project is huge and can be completed in a month or two."

Lu Tai thought he wanted Liu Yan to send those efficient tribal farmers again, but he didn't say anything.

It took less than three months to build a city wall section of more than ten miles. This efficiency really shocked countless people's jaws, but farmers in Liu Yan's system don't know how to dig moats. half done?
"In this case, we can only start with other city defense facilities." Lu Tai's face was a little sad: "I also ask your majesty to agree to send enough bed crossbows."

The Han Dynasty took more than two years to build a lot of siege equipment such as catapults and bed crossbows. Although some were worn out in repeated battles, most of them were preserved.

"Yes." Liu Yan said: "Let's transfer from Changguang County and Dongmou County over there."

Cai You still had a lot of words to say, and watched in a daze as the matter skipped the stage of "reasoning" and had a direct result. He shook his head and returned to his seat to continue enjoying.

At the final stage of the banquet, it was debauchery. It wasn't just Liu Yan who got drunk, but Li Tan, who still had a mission, probably controlled it a bit, or everyone was drinking heavily.

"Whether it is Hou Zhao or Qian Yan, they are all stumbling blocks on our way forward, and sooner or later we will kick them away!" Liu Yan really drank too much: "What I am most worried about now is how to turn Jin people into Han people, Jin people It's really too soft!"

A group of drunk people, even though they wondered why they were called "Hou Zhao" and "Qian Yan", they still applauded Liu Yan loudly.

Li Tan has listened to the details, and if he speaks the truth after drinking, then Liu Yan is really not worried about the upcoming war. The only thing he worries about is how to make the ruler have backbone, and that is indeed a long process.

In fact, it's pretty good now. It's not like at the beginning that all the softies, Liu Yan can only rely on system soldiers. Now he has at least nearly [-] non-system soldiers who dare to fight, doesn't he?

"Our journey will not stop at the land of China, our journey is the 'World Island'!" After Liu Yan said this, he glanced at his subordinates who were almost all snoring on the desk, his body swayed, and he fell down. go down...

(End of this chapter)

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