sweeping the world

Chapter 148 is just the beginning

Chapter 148 is just the beginning

When it comes to riding battles, if one side wants to keep running and fleeing, the chasing side can only rely on cutting down those who run slowly, like chopping wood, peeling off layer after layer.

Fortunately, the Han Dynasty finally has cavalry that can be used. If it is all infantry except for the necessary reconnaissance cavalry, it will definitely be embarrassing to attack the Qianyan envoy this time.

"Jiantong, you lead your headquarters to support Li Tan." Lu Tai was not chasing and killing the Qianyan envoys himself, he was full of worry: "Be faster."

The messenger who came back to report made it clearer that the 1000 people in Li Tan encountered more than [-] Yan troops. It seems that most of the Yan troops are cavalry?

"I don't want to worry too much!" Lu Tai gritted his teeth: "Order the cavalry to fight!"

Naturally, someone will pass on the order, but that requires Liu Yan's permission.

Originally, the Han Dynasty's armed cavalry should be kept secret, and they should not be used unless necessary.

However, now that Qianyan's envoys have been attacked, if they don't kill them all, are they going to leave them alive and let them go back to add fuel to their hatred?
You know, killing people is killing people, and there will be a big war in the future, but the final situation is definitely different if people are slaughtered and some people are run back.

Liu Yan was in a village not far from the city wall. After arranging the matter, he inspected the territory of the narrow peninsula of Liaodong according to the established arrangement, in order to appease the restlessness of those tribes.

It is really important for the supreme leader to stabilize the hearts of the people when the war is about to break out. Seeing Liu Yan patrolling around, the people who were originally in a bad mood saw that Liu Yan was still able to patrol leisurely, and subconsciously felt that since the highest If the ruler is not in a hurry, it means that the situation is not bad, and a little heart will not be so "plop, plop".

Because they did not conceal their whereabouts, the people sent by Lu Tai quickly saw Liu Yan, reported the situation briefly, and told Lu Tai's request.

"Allowed." Liu Yan regretted that the ambush failed, but he didn't have any special thoughts about the failed ambush turning into a strong attack: "Let Lu Tai kill all the members of the envoy. "

Xiao Bingbing was not treated for gossiping, so he respectfully answered "No!", and then got on his horse and hurried around.

At this time, the benefits of having a golden finger are immediately reflected. Liu Yan first checks the situation of the two battlefields in his mind. He can roughly see what is going on from the red and green punctuation marks, and he may also check the terrain of mountains and rivers. From a long distance, the armored cavalry on the other side of the Chengguan were dispatched directly.

This led to a scene. The people sent by Lu Tai had just seen Liu Yan, and the next moment all the armored cavalry who had been quietly waiting were dispatched. Lu Tai was just stunned for a moment when he saw that scene. Thinking in the direction of "Your Majesty is really far-sighted", as for Liu Yan's ability to give orders to the system troops anytime and anywhere, how could Lu Tai know.

The outfitted cavalry was dispatched, and the auxiliary cavalry chased after the absurd quarter of an hour after the outfitted cavalry was dispatched. Their appearance scared the Qianyan envoys who were playing a race with the chasing soldiers.

Armored cavalry, that is the armored cavalry!Yan used the power of the whole country to produce [-] cavalry, and a small Han tribe actually had... Well, there is no way to count how many, but there are definitely two to three hundred cavalry!

Zheng Lin knows the goods. Even if the distance is a little far, he can still see a lot of things from the posture of the Han tribe's armored cavalry, and he immediately draws a conclusion: "Where did this Han tribe come from? There are such elite cavalry!?"

Well, it's iron cavalry. According to Murong Xianbei's standard for equipped cavalry, knights with armor and good weapons, and horses with half armor, that's iron cavalry.

The reward given to Liu Yan by the system was quite generous. The knight had metal armor, and the war horse had leather armor but had metal plates in important parts. It really met the standards of an iron cavalry.

When I saw the city wall, I felt that I was tall enough to see the Han tribe that suddenly appeared. After seeing the elite cavalry, I found that I didn’t pay enough attention to it. I firmly believed that I must tell my master what I saw when I went back, and ravage the Han tribe. is a sure thing.

Why is there a war, and Zheng Lin still feels confident that he can go back?
I have to say that the strong side is confident.That's a very simple truth. Zheng Lin thought that it was nothing more than killing ordinary soldiers in the Han Dynasty. He would not dare to kill an envoy with status. Even if he was caught, it would be humiliating at best.

With a confident attitude, Zheng Lin even deliberately got closer, intending to take a closer look at what the Han cavalry was like.

Liu Yan, who was not on the battlefield and could only rely on the map in his mind to observe, noticed a group of red dots approaching the cavalry, and he was suddenly cautious.

Liu Yan's mentality is relatively normal, but that's two hundred cavalry!In his opinion, if the enemy didn't think they could win the battle, how could they approach instead of avoiding?

There was such a scene on the battlefield at the Chengguan. Originally, the armored cavalry rushed straight to Li Tan's position. They turned a little bit and ran towards the Qianyan envoys who were estimated to have five hundred horsemen.

Of course, Zheng Lin subconsciously wanted to avoid it. He came here to have a look. Even though his own cavalry had the upper hand, he was not arrogant enough to use ordinary cavalry to collide with iron cavalry.

Speaking of which, system soldiers are all abnormal beings. Human endurance is quite long-lasting. As a war horse, it is also very durable. The sudden acceleration of the mount of an unknown horse species is also quite good.This was a tragedy for Zheng Lin and the others. When they wanted to evade, their mounts ran at full speed for a while, and their endurance had already declined. As a result, they were overtaken by the armored cavalry and began to stage what is called a rampage mode.

The rest of the Han army that was originally encircling and chasing the Qian Yan envoys, the infantry troops began to move towards the place where they had to pass, while the cavalry troops gathered together, rested for a while, and then pounced on the Qian Yan envoys. flank.

Another troop was dispatched from within the city gate, which was five hundred swordsmen, five hundred spearmen, and five hundred archers. They rushed straight to Li Tan's headquarters amidst the sound of uniform steps.

Standing on the city gate, Lu Tai first watched the tribal armed forces marching in formation, and then turned his gaze once again to the side where the two hundred cavalrymen collided with the enemy cavalry.

The first battle of the armored cavalry, it was like a blunt object hit the tofu, which easily broke a layer of skin on the surface, and turned into tofu dregs with the transmission of force.

"Good... so strong!" It was the first time that Lu Tai saw the battle of equipped cavalry: "This is still the case when dealing with cavalry, but if it is against infantry..."

In other words, the Goguryeo people had faced such a situation before. They were waiting for the battle, but waiting for Murong Xianbei's three thousand cavalry to enter the battle, the tens of thousands of former troops in front of them collapsed in an instant, and even the Chinese army was crushed by the rout. As a result, the entire army was defeated, and was captured and captured by light cavalry all over the mountains and plains.

The power of three thousand iron cavalry is simply too great, especially when dealing with infantry, it is not too much to be invincible at all. If there are hundreds of thousands of pigs piled up, it is not so easy to drive them away.

Murong Xianbei used the battle of three thousand cavalry to completely destroy the courage of the Goguryeo people, causing the Goguryeo people to have their livers and gallbladders split, and Wandu, the capital of the country, was also blown down.

Do you know what Zheng Lin is doing now?He was yelling that he was an envoy, not only an envoy, but also the lieutenant of the former Yan, and the military advisor and sacrificial wine of the former Lord of Yan, Murong Hao.

There is a large list of official positions and titles. If you encounter a normal person, your first thought is to consider capturing alive first. Only when you find it difficult to capture alive will you choose to kill.

What is more unlucky is that what Zheng Lin meets now is not an ordinary person, maybe not even a "person". The result is that a cavalryman from the Han Dynasty who passed by in his astonished eyes directly cut off his head, and the flying Head, eyes full of astonishment and disbelief.

No one knew that a person who should have been "shining and glowing" in the former Yan regime died, and even because of the horseshoe galloping over, that head was turned into a red and white "broken watermelon" by the horseshoe. In the end, Zheng Lin was classified as missing.

As soon as Zheng Lin died, the former Yan cavalry who had lost their protection target directly chose to disperse.It cannot be said that these Xianbei cavalry broke up, they were beaten a little bit badly, but they scattered in order to break out better.

The armored cavalry who had been raging for a while walked away directly, leaving a large area of ​​mud, and there must be those horses who died in battle. They joined the auxiliary cavalry who followed behind, and went straight to the east.

Lu Tai has his own work to do, the most important thing is to quickly plan to chase and capture those scattered enemy soldiers, and pay attention to the current situation of Li Tan's troops.

Then again, Lu Tai wasn't really worried about Li Tan, who was supported by the tribal armed forces. Although the tribal armed forces were infantry in anyone's eyes, no one could deny that they were an absolutely elite force.

"Your Majesty... where is the tribe, how can they train so many elites?" Lu Tai couldn't help but think: "In the past, they were just infantry, but recently armored riding equipment appeared..."

Just thinking about it, Lu Tai forced himself to hurry up and get down to business, such as writing a report on how to mobilize civilians to strengthen the defense facilities in certain areas.

"If it wasn't for winter, we should really dig a moat!" Lu Tai felt that his worries were not groundless: "Attacking those Wubao, with and without moats, the difficulty is at least five times different!"

On the other side, Li Tan took advantage of the terrain and continued to fight fiercely until [-] tribal armed forces appeared with neat steps. The sound of the footsteps was louder than the sound of the drums, and the morale of the soldiers of the Han tribe instantly rose.

In contrast, Murong Li, who led the troops to respond, was livid: "The troops from the Han Dynasty came, does it mean that Zheng Lin's dog slave was killed, and the 1000 people we sent were also killed?"

And without seeing it with his own eyes, who can answer Murong Li?
(End of this chapter)

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