sweeping the world

Chapter 136 Insufficient strength, diplomacy to make up

Chapter 136 Insufficient strength, diplomacy to make up
"It's really terrible!" Jin Yuandao was talking about the progress of the war on the northern front: "Maru was taken by the Yan army without any effort. Not only was the birth mother of the king captured, but even the tombs of the previous kings were dug up..."

None of the Goguryeo people in the camp had a good-looking face. After Goguryeo discovered Qianyan's movement, Gao Zhao quickly mobilized. Thousands of troops.

As the king of Goguryeo, Gao Zhao took the initiative to attack with an army of 12 in high spirits. Almost everyone in Goguryeo was full of confidence in winning this battle. It was all because Qianyan only dispatched [-] troops, although Qianyan's [-] troops More than half of them are cavalry, but Koguryo is a mountainous area, so the cavalry can't take advantage of it!
Goguryeo's army attacked in two lines, and they quickly won the North Road. They defeated the Yan army led by Wang Yu, beheaded more than a thousand and captured nearly two thousand, which greatly boosted the morale of the whole Goguryeo army.

It seems that Gao Zhao realized that the former Yan army was nothing more than that, with a high-spirited posture and soaring morale, when the nearly [-] troops learned that Murong Hao personally led the army to rush from the steep and narrow South Road, he only had to shout "Murong Hao! It's a brain twitch, and you actually took a large number of cavalry to walk the steep southern road." With a wave of the flag, he rushed over.

For Goguryeo, something unfortunate happened!There is no problem with Murong Hao's brain, but it is Gao Zhao who has a problem with his brain.

Gao Zhao and his troops hadn't reached the South Road yet, and he didn't know what the situation was. He knew that a large number of scouts he had sent were missing or died in battle, but he didn't raise his vigilance, and just walked into the ambush circle set by Murong Hao in a daze. .

The "brave and good at fighting" Goguryeo people faced the Yan army that kept appearing from the mountains, and several main routes also saved the innumerable Yan army cavalry, and Gao Zhao, who had a problem with his brain, first shouted "No, Zhong Fu Seeing the bravery of the former Yan soldiers, the Goguryeo soldiers on their own side were constantly being oppressed and retreated, and took the lead in breaking through with their whips. The result was chaos for the entire Goguryeo army. Wan Dajun was left to be slaughtered by Qianyan Dajun.

Historically, as long as the high-level players can stand up, even if they are beaten badly, the high-level players will try their best to persevere.But if we can persist, the high-level people will run first, and the people below will see that the high-level people have all run away. Why should we stay?

In wars, those who actually died in the battle on the battlefield were actually a minority. Generally, the most people died after the defeat, and they were all caught up when they were running for their lives, and they were easily killed from behind.

It's just too miserable, too tragic!Goguryeo set off with the confidence of winning from the majestic more than [-] people, but it collapsed without thinking, and all the elites of the country were wiped out in a single battle.

Jin Yuandao was already crying bitterly. It was because of the capture of his master's biological mother, and because the tombs of the previous kings were dug up. In his heart, he was more concerned about Goguryeo's imminent "government".

All Goguryeo people are crying, the country is unlucky, and anyone who relies on the country as a protective layer, who will be lucky?They have no control over the northern front for the time being, but they have a direct stake in the bad situation in the south.

After crying for a long time, Jin Yuandao finally remembered the business and said, "That Han tribe sent an envoy to ask us to donate food and fodder, and not pursue the previous battle. I have already decided to agree."

There was a sound of inhalation, red eyes, and runny noses. Many officials looked at Jin Yuandao who was speaking in surprise.They are the collapse of the northern line, but there are still [-] elites on the southern line, so they can't fight anymore?

"The Han army appeared too abruptly, like Japanese pirates who crossed the sea. They don't attack big cities, but only burn, kill and loot villages. They don't have any worries about the survival of my big Goguryeo." Jin Yuandao looked at the shocked people with difficulty: "Japanese thieves only want money and silk, but I don't know if this group of bandits called the Han Army can be hired for money like the Japanese thieves."

Intense discussions soon broke out, and they became more emotional than the other, spitting and expressing various opinions.

The country of Wa is the collective name for an archipelago on the southeast side of the Korean Peninsula. It is rumored that it is still in the semi-lithic age, and the people are short and fierce.

The origin of the name of the Wa Kingdom is related to Cao Wei. According to legend, during the reign of Cao Rui, a group of small aliens who claimed to be Yamatai came to pay tribute.The dwarf race came from remote islands overseas. Cao Rui bestowed the title of "King of the Wa Kingdom", and the name of the country of Wa has been continued. It is necessary to wait for an island nation called "He" to rise and unify the islands before removing the word "Wo". Country name, claiming to be Japan.

The Han Ministry has already disarmed the Baekje Army, and the process was actually not so harmonious. When suppressing the Baekje Army, four to five hundred people were killed. Even a Baekje official named Park Zhimin was directly hacked to death because of his resistance.

All kinds of dissatisfaction of the Baekje army were only subsided after Park Zhimin was hacked to death. It turned out that this unlucky guy was a Silla species, and his ancestors were generals who surrendered to Baekje. It is not a small family in Baekje.Those Baekje people saw that the Han tribe dared to kill even Park Zhimin casually, and all the high-ranking ones died. It means that there is no Han tribe that dare not kill, and they can only stop.

By the way, although the Korean peninsula has been killed and killed, the direct members of each family are actually mainly captives. After being captured, a ransom is paid before they can be redeemed.That's why Baekje people saw Park Zhimin being hacked to death, and those guys who could be called officials immediately surrendered without saying a word.As for the more than 1 Baekje people who died, those were all slave soldiers of the Pu family. If they didn't die, the whole family would have died.Therefore, in the semi-slave social system, even sitting is the last word.

"You...you..." Gongsun Bao was almost ashamed. He considered himself a noble man and a learned man. When he was most frustrated, he didn't swear at others. He just used some allusions about faith and righteousness to bury Liu Yan, but it was a bit wrong. .

"We are not allies, and then you betrayed first." Liu Yan didn't feel that he had done anything wrong: "I heard that you, a pig, have a high official position?"

In modern thinking, being involved with pigs is either stupid or cute. Obviously, a middle-aged uncle like Gongsun Bao can't be cute, and he doesn't look stupid.

"I am the patriarch of the Gongsun family." Gongsun Bao was not showing his identity: "Just make a price!"

"What do you mean? It's not wrong for us to invade, but we are not kidnappers." Liu Yan didn't realize that he was ashamed, and didn't understand the current culture and values ​​of the Korean Peninsula: "Isn't that what you asked for? Our original goal is Goguryeo."

"..." Gongsun Bao's cheeks were twitching. What he thought was that Liu Yan didn't plan to release him, so he would either be imprisoned forever or killed: "You can't do this..."

People with higher status are more afraid of death. Intellectuals in ancient times were more afraid of death. Otherwise, why would Qi Jiguang like to choose illiterate and naive people as soldiers?

Liu Yan is waiting for the response from the people on the Goguryeo side.In fact, he didn't think that Goguryeo would agree to those seemingly exaggerated conditions, especially when he led his army to rampage in Goguryeo. It seemed that he robbed no less than 4000 villages, robbed nearly [-] people, and fought for at least [-] people three times. Goguryeo soldiers?
However, things were somewhat beyond Liu Yan's expectations, or it could be said that the Han Department did not understand the thinking of the Korean Peninsula race.

"Huh?!" Liu Yan met the Qibu Yi Lianli who came over, and knew that this guy was Goguryeo's "little envoy". Sincerity!"

Small envoy is a kind of official title in Goguryeo. There are many repetitions of official titles in the Korean peninsula. For example, the big envoy, ambassador, and small envoy correspond to the ambassador, envoy, and envoy of Baekje.On the contrary, Silla adopted different official positions from Goguryeo and Baekje. For example, "Hwarang" sometimes refers to an official, but sometimes refers to a knight with superb sword skills.

Liu Yan had a reason for being confused. Goguryeo fully agreed to the request of the Han Dynasty, ended the war between the two sides, and provided the grain and fodder needed by the Han Dynasty. The condition of the Han Dynasty was to evacuate the territory of Goguryeo.

Qi Yuyi Lianli proposed the employment, not only to hire Liu Yan's army to launch a war against Baekje, but also to say that it is not a bad idea to divide Baekje equally.

"It seems that Goguryeo's war in the north is very unfavorable." Ji Chang said with a cold face, "It's fine to divide Baekje equally. They can't afford too much money, and we don't need too little money."

Liu Yan has no interest in dividing Baekje equally. Goguryeo is probably in a state of serious damage. What is the point of dividing Baekje equally?

"Here, there is something that can be used." Ji Chang's eyes flashed a look that is called wisdom on his own side and cunning on the enemy side: "Goguryeo first brought food and fodder, and allowed us to temporarily lease the western part of Daifang County and Tixi ( Jinchuan) generation. If they agree, they need to send at least [-] civilians to help us build a port in Haiming (Haizhou).”

Liu Yan blinked. Daifang County is not a big place, but it seems to have four cities?He originally wanted to capture one of them to see if it would help the system.

The seemingly excessive request did not seem to be agreed to by Goguryeo, and even started to evacuate the civilians in Daifang County.

Soon, Liu Yan gained control of a city and obtained the city order (the seal and ribbon of Goguryeo). He couldn't wait to observe the markings in his head, and he saw 0/1 (state), 2/8 ( County), 7/24 County.

In other words, although Qingzhou occupies two counties, there are really very few counties. Before acquiring the city, Liu Yan's mind displayed 6/24 (county), waiting to seize the Korean peninsula. A city only showed 1/7 (county), which immediately made his eyes widen with a ferocious expression.

Amidst everyone's stunned expressions, Liu Yan first laughed wildly, and the inside was very beautiful: "Ha! It works! And because of the capture of the 'foreign land', a population limit of [-] is rewarded!?"

(End of this chapter)

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