sweeping the world

Chapter 131 Sweeping, Sweeping Again

Chapter 131 Sweeping, Sweeping Again
Attack the city?Liu Yan felt that his brain was relatively normal. Even though the back of Goguryeo looked relatively empty, there were at least 1 people in each city, not to mention whether the Goguryeo people would mobilize the whole city for defense. How can the Ministry take people away?
"The correct approach should be to sweep the outlying villages first, and loot supplies to reduce our logistical pressure." Liu Yan rode on a tall horse, and looked at the village where the flames appeared, where there was wailing and screaming: "Arrest the 'savage' , Send them back to the peninsula in batches, and decide whether to transfer them to Changguang County or Dongmou County depending on the situation."

In this era, anyone who did not live in the city was called a savage, especially the Korean peninsula, which was a closed and semi-slaved society.

There are still quite a few things that can be robbed. The current season is just after the autumn harvest, which happens to be the time when the landlord's family has surplus food.In addition to food, one has to tell the truth, that is, a small amount of fur has some value, otherwise the Goguryeo people can appear to be unbearably poor.

The Han tribe was plundering wantonly, which obviously stimulated the Baekje army, and a small group of Baekje soldiers began to secretly participate in the robbery.Baekje soldiers saw that the Han tribe only needed food, fur, and population, and they seemed not interested in bronze wares at all. They began to search for all the bronze wares they could find with bright eyes.

"Since the people of Baekje like bronze wares, the bronze wares belong to them." Liu Yan touched his chin and said, "Ask again to see if we can hire them to serve as auxiliary soldiers temporarily, and we will pay for them."

Ji Chang was stunned when he heard this, and nodded in agreement.

Formed Goguryeo troops have begun to appear around them. There are many in number, but relatively small in scale, which proves that Goguryeo must have reacted.

"Let them assemble. Let's have a field battle with Goguryeo." Liu Yan was looking at the map of mountains and rivers. They were all marks that were added slowly later. As for the place names, they were also named randomly. Gongsun Bao did not provide help.He said: "This place happens to be a terrain suitable for field battles. Waiting to defeat this enemy army, we can try to siege the city."

To be honest, Liu Yan doesn't know what this ghost place is called, but judging from the population distribution and city distribution, the population density in Goguryeo is obviously higher than most areas in Hou Zhao.This is related to Goguryeo's small territory, but it means that later Zhao destroyed most of the Central Plains, and there is a real intention to build the Central Plains into a large ranch?

In the next few days, the Han tribe continued to clean up the village, and those Baekje troops became the auxiliary troops of the Han tribe after Ji Chang delivered fifty catties of gold to Gongsun Bao.In addition to giving Gongsun Bao fifty kilograms of gold (called red gold these days), each Baekje soldier also received some additional "salary", which was agreed to be two five baht per day, and no credit was required.

"General, there is a Goguryeo army of 5000 soldiers moving here, and it will reach [-] when it joins the local thousands." Gongsun Bao didn't have any good intentions. Be careful not to trap yourself in it.He suggested very seriously: "How about we retreat?"

Goguryeo is a "powerful country" in the peninsula. Otherwise, Baekje and Silla would not have been suppressed and beaten. It seems that the land they are standing on now belonged to Baekje not long ago, and it was occupied by the Goguryeo invasion. Baekje was forced to retreat to the Han River.

Liu Yan and Ji Chang looked at each other. In fact, they didn't know the situation in Goguryeo that well.

After thinking for a while, Liu Yan nodded: "Then temporarily turn in the direction of Dai Fangjun."

Turn into it, this word is used too well, but it is not a derogatory term here. The Han Dynasty moved to Daifang County in a planned way, and it still burned, killed and looted the villages all the way. , even ran to a nearby city ahead of time to escape.

"Your Majesty, the Goguryeo army has begun to block it in a planned way." Ji Chang took the military information reported below: "Li Kuang's village encountered an organized Goguryeo army."

Li Kuang's report was quite detailed. He not only introduced the battle process, but also described the equipment and combat effectiveness of the Goguryeo Army.

"Is it similar to county soldiers?" Liu Yan felt that this was normal. If they wanted to retreat, Goguryeo needed to stop them: "That is to create an opportunity for the [-] Goguryeo army coming from the northeast to catch up with us."

"The Baekje people are taking advantage of them." Ji Chang could tell one thing no matter what. The damn Baekje people would push back the troops confronting Goguryeo. They might also strategically deceive the people and promise something, so Goguryeo would mobilize troops from the central region.He said coldly, "Your Majesty, let the troops at the landing point shrink appropriately."

Liu Yan heard that Ji Chang felt that the Baekje people could not be trusted at all and should make relevant preparations as soon as possible.

As a long-time military planner, Ji Chang had every reason to doubt everything that could be doubted. His duty was to assist Liu Yan in planning and plugging possible loopholes.

The materials and people they plundered in Goguryeo were all sent to Incheon, almost as soon as they arrived, a batch was sent away. In order to achieve fast transportation, Liu Yan also transferred all the ships that maintained the Miaodao Islands. The result was There were some impacts on the local side.

Looking at the map, the direction of Daibang County on the Korean Peninsula is an oval-shaped peninsula. I don’t know the terrain without going there.

However, Liu Yan knew very well that the Korean Peninsula was a mountainous area. It was reasonable to say that such terrain was not conducive to invasion, but once the invasion was successful, it was not difficult to find a place to hold on.

It took four days, and they almost stopped attacking the village, and they withdrew to a place called Liekou.

Liekou was first established in the Western Han Dynasty and belonged to a county under the rule of Lelang County. After being occupied by Goguryeo, the county level has been abolished.

In fact, Goguryeo's administrative division is rather strange. They implemented a tribal system, so there was no administrative unit like a county. Instead, they had a city system. Each tribe or family owned a city and then took orders from the Gao royal family.

"Jin Yuandao is in command of the [-] troops." Gongsun Bao said with a serious face, "That is a famous general."

Jin Yuandao?Anyway, except for some commanders and generals of Goguryeo during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Liu Yan was blind to Goguryeo during the Sixteen Kingdoms period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

The so-called famous Goguryeo general Jin Yuandao was rumored to be a domestic slave of the Goguryeo royal family.Saying that he is a slave of the Gao family is not a slander. Not everyone in Goguryeo can be a slave of the royal family.He repeatedly led troops to invade Baekje or Silla in the south of Goguryeo, and seemed to win more than he lost. For Baekje and Silla, what is that if not a famous general?
Liu Yan's heart is extremely crooked. The Korean peninsula is just a better place than the Wu Lie Islands. The Wu Lie Islands are fighting at the village level. The Korean Peninsula should be fighting at the town level. What kind of famous generals can be produced like this?
Of course, he was despised, but Liu Yan still made sufficient preparations, such as erecting the necessary walled city and putting up peripheral fortifications.

"What?!" Gongsun Bao was both confused and angry: "Three thousand Baekje troops set up another camp?"

In other words, the Baekje people only brought the most basic luggage, so there was no way to set up a camp.

"How about you withdraw back to the country?" Liu Yan looked good for the Baekje Army: "A war is about to break out here. Swords and arrowheads don't have eyes. We just have to deal with our war ourselves."

Gongsun Bao had the urge to vomit blood. When they were on the bank of the Han River, Liu Yan didn't say to let the Baekje army retreat. He would only retreat when he and the Han army retreated to Liekou?

"We will be stuck halfway!" Gongsun Bao thought for a while: "I found that your fleet is operating in this area, otherwise... let us retreat on your warship?"

"Don't even think about it!" Liu Yan refused bluntly: "How do I know if you will snatch the boat?"

Gongsun Bao seemed to want to explain something, and Liu Yan said a few words of benevolence and morality before he finished.

"We are not an allied army, so it is impossible for us to be in the same camp. Either you set up camp quickly, or you retreat." Liu Yan also said with a serious face: "Don't worry, even if you are blocked halfway, if you die in battle, look at it." For the sake of being happy with each other, we will avenge you!"

"..." Gongsun Bao's face darkened instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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