Chapter 129
Knowing that mistakes are made is limited to a few high-level people, the middle and lower-level people just think that the plan is very smooth, happily stepping on the enemy's land with their general boots, and waiting to burn, kill and loot.

According to the original plan, after the troops landed, it was supposed to build a proposed landing port, but the landing site was wrong, and the establishment of the landing port was naturally postponed, and the construction began after they came to Incheon.

The landing port and the construction of the Han River Bridge were carried out at the same time, and Liu Yan finally figured out that the current king of Baekje is called Biru King, and the capital is Jubacheng (also known as Gumacheng).

"They are the descendants of the Fuyu people who went south at the end of the Han Dynasty." Liu Yan said, "This place is not far from their capital, about 250 miles away."

If you look at the plain map, Incheon is definitely not more than 140 miles away from Jubacheng. The problem is one thing when looking at the map, but another thing when actually walking.

"It takes about five days for us to build the landing point, and it takes about the same time to build the bridge." Ji Chang's face was full of gloom, the plan went wrong from the very beginning, which was really embarrassing and anxious: "Your Majesty, we need to increase our troops. "

There are slightly fewer troops landing, and another [-] troops can be brought in from the peninsula.Since the situation is wrong, it is inevitable to increase troops. After all, the invasion of Baekje has become a fact, and then they have to invade Goguryeo.

Manpower has been sent to Jubacheng, but the attitude of King Piru of Baekje is still uncertain. There is a relatively high probability that he will not tolerate the possibility of foreign troops appearing on his own territory and start a war. Unlimited.

Combat on two fronts has always been a taboo for any country or force. In fact, the most suitable way is to change the landing point and land directly from the coast of Koguryo. However, the situation is a bit complicated. Not all places on the Korean Peninsula are suitable for landing. The most important thing is the depth of the sea surface on the shore. It is impossible to park the ship a few hundred meters away from the shore and rely on small boats to toss and turn everything.

"Let's increase troops." Liu Yan frowned: "Pull troops from the two counties to the peninsula, and all the troops from the peninsula will come."

Ji Chang hesitated to speak, and finally agreed: "We don't have much to miss in Changguang County and Dongmou County, and it's really fine."

You can’t say that, Changguang County and Dongmou County are still very important to Liu Yan, but the Han Dynasty has made so much noise in the last period, and the big shots are all tied up by their own affairs, even if there are local forces If you want to snatch Changguang County, wait for the Goguryeo matter to be finished, and then Liu Yan will lead the army back to fight back.

In the next few days, everything was under construction. What is more comforting is that there are only some Mahan people wandering around, and the Baekje army only appeared as scouts, and no army directly came.

Of course, Liu Yan and others didn't know that Baekje was shaking the whole country. Just when the high-level officials of Baekje were arguing, the envoys from the Han Dynasty arrived.

As an envoy of the Han Dynasty, Fu Wei presented the necessary gifts and explained his intentions more directly.

After figuring out that the troops who landed came from Houzhao, and the reason for the landing was because of a stray, the Baekje monarchs accepted the reality for a while. After all, the troops that landed did not attack the city everywhere.

Fu Wei explained, and made another request. The Han Dynasty was going to attack Goguryeo. He wanted to lease the port for a few months. During this period, he would not make any hostile actions towards Baekje, and he would also pay some necessary rent. .

It is impossible for the Baekje monarchs and ministers not to know that the Han Ministry is building a port, and even more knowing that the Han Ministry is building a bridge to swim across the Han River. They did not give Fu Wei an answer immediately.

Fu Wei also broke the news that the Han tribe was the Tiefu of the Xianbei people, and this time they attacked Goguryeo by sea because they were invited by King Yan.

Well, if it was said that the Baekje monarchs and ministers had some doubts about whether Fu Wei was telling lies, and waited to say that the Han tribe was cooperating with the Yan army, they began to believe it.

Yan Wang Murong Hao led the army to conquer Goguryeo, which caused a shock in the Korean peninsula. Baekje and Silla were fighting each other, but they were affected by the Yan army's attack on Goguryeo. The main elites were concentrated on the northern front.

Is it true that Baekje is indifferent to the sudden landing of the Han army?That is, most of Baekje's troops were originally concentrated on the Eastern Front, and later they were transferred to the Northern Front. Originally, they were fighting Silla, and later they were fighting against Goguryeo. It was really impossible to transfer the troops to the Western Front.

Of course, the Han Dynasty did not know the situation of Baekje. According to the thinking of later generations, Liu Yan subconsciously believed that Baekje was just a shabby country.

What Liu Yan didn't know was that Baekje was actually quite powerful in the Korean peninsula. It continued to win the war against Silla, and then it would continue to win the war against Goguryeo, expanding its territory from near the Han River to the Han River. The front line of water (both expanding the territory of more than three hundred miles).

Probably when the construction of the landing point was completed, and the construction of the floating bridge on the Han River was coming to an end, Fu Wei brought a Baekje envoy named Gongsun Bao over.

Gongsunbao's official title is Zhujia, which is a strange official title, but Baekje can be regarded as Southern Buyeo, which retains the social system of the Buyeo people.

In Fuyu's system, officials under the king were mainly named after the names of six animals, such as Ma Jia, Niu Jia, Zhu Jia, and Dog Jia; they were also called ambassadors, ambassadors, and envoys.Zhujia all assist the king and participate in state affairs; all the roads outside the king's city belong to Zhujia.There are thousands of big ones and hundreds of small ones.There are "Yiluo" under the road, each of which is managed by "haomin".The "lower households" in the city are all slaves.

Zhujia's official name seems strange, but it is a relatively prominent official position in the country of Baekje.

"Mr. Gongsun is a descendant of the Gongsun family of the Han Dynasty?" Liu Yan asked afterward. Fortunately, he had a system to help translate, otherwise even Gongsun Bao would not be able to understand Chinese.

Gongsun Bao is a middle-aged man with a strong figure, wearing a white official robe, the belt around his waist seems to be raised a bit, and it almost touches his chest.That is the costume of Baekje, and the people of Baekje regard white as noble, which is different from that of the Han family.

"I don't know that the general is an official in the (later) State of Zhao?" Gongsun Bao maintained the proper etiquette, but it was obvious that he was vigilant: "Is this landing really to cooperate with the (former) State of Yan to attack Goguryeo?"

Speaking of Hou Zhao and Qian Yan are enemy countries, Baekje is not so ignorant even if it is in the "Siyi".If Fu Wei hadn't given Liu Yan the identity of Xianbei Tiefu, no matter what Baekje said, he wouldn't believe that Hou Zhao's army would cooperate with Qian Yan.

Tempting each other is a relatively boring thing, but it is not so easy to talk about it.

Ji Chang has been listening silently, and after hearing some senses, Baekje looks tough, but in fact he is bluffing. All signs show that Baekje seems helpless, because he does not want the Han to stay in Baekje. , but also helpless mentality.

Since the landing troops of the Baekje Nahan Department have no good solution, everything seems to be much easier to handle.

The Han Dynasty allowed Gongsun Bao to visit to his heart's content. The more than [-] soldiers looked like well-trained [-] soldiers, and the other [-] were auxiliary soldiers but were not inferior to other countries in terms of equipment.This number of troops would not appear to be large in the Central Plains, but for Baekje, it was one-fifteenth of the country's military strength.

Later, another two thousand soldiers came from the peninsula, and Gongsun Bao went to watch the landing together at the invitation of Ji Chang.

"I still have [-] similar troops." Ji Chang showed his arrogance appropriately: "That's why the (Later Zhao) court had no way to deal with the Han tribe, so King Yan invited my king to join Goguryeo, which was attacking from a flank."

What I have to say is that Gongsun Bao was really surprised by the strength of the Han tribe.

"Yes, yes, yes..." Gongsun Bao is fortunate that Baekje did not send troops to attack immediately. Otherwise, the 3000 people in the vanguard are definitely delivering food, and at least [-] troops will be dispatched later to defeat the Han. Catch the sea.

Please note that Gongsun Bao believes that [-] is only possible to drive the Han tribe into the sea.He suddenly changed his face: "We and Goguryeo are enemy countries, and the proposal of the Han Ministry to attack Goguryeo from the south together is completely feasible!"

The corners of Ji Chang's mouth curled up immediately, it would be great if this were the case!
(End of this chapter)

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