sweeping the world

Chapter 118 The Crisis Is Coming

Chapter 118 The Crisis Is Coming
It's weird... In this year, the queen of Dai died, and the queen of Yan also died. It seems that Emperor Cheng of the Sima royal family is also dying?

"Yangyu became the Zuo Sima of the Yan Kingdom, and went to the north of Liucheng, west of Longshan, to establish the ancestral temple and the palace?" Liu Yan knew this lowly slave with five surnames, and he was comparable to Feng Yi in terms of shamelessness.He frowned: "The King of Yan sent his chief Shi Liu Xiang to Jiankang to ask for the seal of the Great General and the King of Yan?"

Those things happened in February, and now it is approaching October, and Liu Yan got some information because of his special attention, but the information is relatively rough. I only know that Emperor Cheng of Jin met all the requirements of Murong Xianbei, and the state of Jin looked down on Liaodong Murong Xianbei was the dry city of Jin.

It's so absurd. In order to threaten Shijie, the top and bottom of Jin State gave Murong Xianbei the title of general who never took office. If a king with a different surname is king, foreign ministers can assume the power to control Jin's military conquest, replacing the old rule of Jin's military affairs.

"To unravel the alliance between Shi Hu and Li Shou, isn't it?" Liu Yan felt that the Sima royal family was a joke from the beginning to the end, and he said, "Huan Wen has already started recruiting warriors who dare to fight?"

The Ministry of Han has dispatched spies everywhere, but the effect will not appear so quickly, and no one can answer Liu Yan's question.

Yes, Huan Wen is calling for friends, and he is also recruiting brave fighters. He is the son-in-law of the Sima royal family. The resistance of the great clan.

Liu Yan could imagine how difficult it was for Huan Wen. There were almost no people doing serious business in Jin, and there were definitely a lot of people who liked to hold back.He should be glad that he didn't travel through the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and even more fortunate that he had a system as his golden finger, otherwise his achievements would not be comparable to Ran Min. If he was in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, unless it was a rebellion...or he would definitely fall into the muddy pit of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

If it is very true, the Eastern Jin Dynasty is not like the Later Zhao Dynasty. The Later Zhao Dynasty is chaotic enough. If you have the ability, you can accumulate strength and organize an army. , fighting even harder and more decisively than fighting against the Hu people.

A brainy and determined person like Huan Wen can only gather a weak force to attack Chenghan westward, and after defeating Chenghan, it will be difficult to advance an inch.There are other talented people, it's not that they don't have the ability and talent, but there are a lot of people who are slow to do what they want to do anytime, anywhere. As a result, it is difficult to lift their feet when they are stuck in a muddy pit.

There is something wrong with Ji Chang's expression. He is making eye contact with Tian Shuo, Xu Zheng, and Lu Tai, the three partners who first came into contact with each other.

Liu Yan is going to marry Tuoba Xiu. The wedding won't be grand, but he is getting married.

The Han can have a mistress from Xianbei, but there cannot be only one mistress from Xianbei, there must be a mistress from Jin!
Ji Chang and others have actually been working on the matter of recruiting a woman for Liu Yan for a long time. They have never stopped exploring the road in Leling County in private, and they are also collecting information about the Cui family.They have not forgotten their ambition to go to Jin to buy a royal daughter, but they cannot put their ideas into action for the time being.

The Cui family is a big family in Leling County, but in the general environment of the Central Plains, no matter how strong they are, they have no way to wrestle with the barbarians.

According to the information that Ji Chang knew, the Cui family would never allow intermarriage between direct descendants and Hu people. They would rather give up the greatest benefits and pay some unbearable prices. .

For Ji Chang and others, it is a difficult problem for the Cui family not to marry a descendant daughter to a barbarian. After all, Liu Yan is a barbarian in the eyes of some people who don't know the real lineage. Only some of their core figures know that Liu Yan is a strong man. Descendants of the royal family. (random guess)
"Tuoba Shiyijian is going to build Shengle City." Liu Yan has already mentioned Saibei: "The construction of Shengle City will become the trigger for the Tiefu tribe of the Xiongnu to attack the Dai Kingdom, and the war is inevitable."

Is this Tuoba Shiyiqian provoking Liu Hu?But... Isn't Dai Guo now in a period of weakness?How could Tuoba Shiyijian take the initiative to provoke the seemingly powerful Tiefu tribe of the Huns? You must know that Liu Hu has the support of many shamans of the Huns, but he has recalled quite a few Huns. It is rumored that the assembled army has exceeded 20.

Speaking of the Xiongnu shaman summoning the Huns to go to the northern part of the country to fight, something big happened to Liu Yan. If he was not summoned, he would not be recognized as a Hun. And then there’s the Huns’ skin.

Ji Chang and others made some remedies. For example, the Han tribe was a new tribe, so it was named "Han tribe". It was properly "Chinese", but it was not one of the five major tribes.Some Jin families chose to be open and honest to a limited extent. For example, Liu Yan was indeed not a Hu, and he was not mentioned at all as a (false) descendant of the powerful Liu family.

There is absolutely a reason for saying that something big happened, probably because Liu Yan's identity was exposed, and his status as a non-member of the five major clans caused an undercurrent in Changguang County. obedient.

However, things are not completely developing for the worse. At least most of the families of the Jin people have shown a closer attitude.

There are families of Jin people who behave closer, and there will naturally be families of Jin people who are starting to distance themselves. Even if no one takes the lead in doing something, no matter how many ideas they have, they can only hold back.

Why talk about the general development of the surrounding area?It was the Han Dynasty who realized the crisis, and before preparing to invade Goguryeo, it had to carry out another internal cleansing!

This time the internal cleansing will be bloodier than before, and it will be a real death-or-surrender, regardless of whether it is a Hu or a Jin.

"We already have 1 elite soldiers and [-] first-class regular soldiers." Xu Zheng said with pride on his face, "Counting the auxiliary soldiers, the whole army has [-] people. This is the armed force of the tribe."

Not counting the system armament, those sharp soldiers are in some respects just the kind of "defying death" without system armament, and naturally they don't have the convenience of being able to recruit another system soldier in three hours after they die.After a year and a half of intensive training, the sharp warrior becomes a cavalry soldier when mounted, and an infantry soldier when dismounted.

The quality of the second-class soldiers may be slightly worse, but it can be regarded as a force that can be pulled out to fight.

The largest number of auxiliary soldiers, they usually serve a soldier with two people, the number reached 8000.It is said to be auxiliary soldiers, but if you look at the quality of the equipment, to be honest, it must be much better armed than those places. Each of them has a good weapon, but the rest of the forces do not.

The accumulation of almost two years has not only increased the strength of the troops, but also hoarded a considerable amount of siege equipment. The Han Dynasty has enough strength to carry out internal cleaning, and the walled city and Wubao will not become obstacles.

"The big battle will start in Saibei, and almost everyone's attention will be drawn." Ji Chang said rather darkly: "Based on next year's 'eating order', it will be clear at a glance who obeys and who does not. Jie Shi, Destroy those who disobey."

Liu Yan had no objection. Anyway, even if Murong Xianbei invaded Goguryeo, it would not be over in a short time. The Han tribe originally needed Goguryeo to mobilize the whole country to fight Murong Xianbei, and then they landed from the coast.

"The family of Dongmou County will look forward to the king's victory!" Cai You had no choice but to express his position: "If there are disobedient people in Dongmou County at that time, we will be the first to fight for the king!"

Changguang County was brought here when Liu Yan was not strong enough, and he was kidnapped by the Han tribe.Although Dongmou County also attacked, but because the Cai family took the lead, it was tantamount to automatically surrendering to Liu Yan.It seems that it was a good move to attack Dongmou County at the beginning, at least to clean up the disobedient ones, and Cai You's families in Dongmou County became a help.

At first glance, if it is just to clean up the land of the two counties and refuse to obey, the core class of the Han Dynasty has shown no fear. Generally speaking, the upper-level structure is calm, and the will is also united in the same direction.

"It's just..." Cai You twitched his cheeks: "Shi Bin asked the Han tribe to send troops to participate in the battle in northern Saibei, how should we respond?"

It's not impossible. Although the news was slow to pass, the news about Liu Yanfei's five major Hu people would definitely get out and be known by Shijie's upper echelons.

Indeed, what should we do if the imperial court also starts targeting the Han tribe?
(End of this chapter)

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