sweeping the world

Chapter 1093 Years

Chapter 1093 Ten Years
Luhmaru Jido's head fell to the ground, and when the headless corpse fell to the ground with a fountain of blood spurting from its neck, all the Jidoro people were actually stunned.

Waiting for Ma Bin to walk over and lift Luhmaru Jido's head, the Jidoro people on the scene still couldn't react.

The expressions on the faces of this group of princes, nobles and officials in Jiduoluo are very exciting, incomprehensible, inconceivable... almost completely confused.

"You, you!" Musha Diluo Jiduo was about to go into a fit, but when he pressed his hand to the hilt of his sword, he heard Ma Bin read out Luhmaru Jiduo's charges.He was one of the people who knew Luhmaru Jiduo's plan, and he himself opposed it: "..."

Regardless of the true intentions of the Han Empire towards Jidoluo, the Han Empire did send troops to rescue Peshawar who was in danger.

Not only did the Han army come, but they did not sit back and watch the tigers fight until the Sasanian attacking side showed signs of decline or Peshawar fell, and launched an attack when they came.

No matter from which aspect you look at it, the Han army has shown its authentic side.

Where is Luhmaru Jido?From his standpoint as the lord of Jitara, there was nothing wrong with him in those actions.He just wants to ensure the authority that the ruler of the country should have and retain the influence of the Jido royal family.

If you want to say where Luhmaru Jido is wrong, it is that he has not recognized the reality clearly, and moreover, Jidoro is really too weak.

At the same time, Luhmaru Jiduo thought of the Han Empire too simply, and he didn't even know that the Han army who went abroad, whether it was the early Han or the current Han Empire, killed dozens if not hundreds of kings.

For the commanders of the Han Empire, just a charge of disrespecting the Han Empire is enough, and there is no need for any real evidence.

"If you don't respect the king, you don't have the piety to serve the emperor!" Ma Bin also raised Luhmaru Jiduo's head high, not caring at all that the dripping blood splashed on his boots and trousers: "Incite the army and the people to be hostile to the emperor. Master Hanwang really doesn't know the number of days. His death is stupid!"

In the current Han army, from Li Tan to an ordinary soldier, no one has any special mood swings.

In their view, isn't it just killing a king?The Han Empire wiped out the Western Regions, and the number of similar kings killed was dozens.What's so special about Jidoluo, or what surprised them when he was killed in public?
The Han army on the side of the palace square only surrounded the princes and nobles and officials of Jiduoluo in an instant, and surrounded them to disarm the soldiers of Jiduoluo, but they would kill them directly if they encountered resistance. Grinding.

In the area of ​​the city walls and in the rest of the area, there was no telling what was going on beyond the Palace Square.It's just that the Han troops in these places have been on alert for a long time. The orders they received are that if there is a change, they can counterattack on their own without asking for instructions.

"Musha Diluo." Ma Bin walked about three meters in front of Musha Diluo Jiduo, and said with a smile, "You are Uncle Wang, do you have a candidate for the heir to the throne?"

Musha Diluo Jiduo is actually full of shock and anger now, even Luhmaru Jiduo deserves to die, but Luhmaru Jiduo is the lord of a country after all, and he is also a man who has won the popularity and popularity of the people. The king who was loved by the nobles, how could the Han people kill him?
"..." Musha Diluo Jiduo originally thought that the Han army would slaughter princes, nobles and officials in order to achieve the goal of destroying Jiduoluo.He had already made up his mind to resist violently, and when Ma Bin asked him when he was about to make a move, he couldn't respond instantly: "This..."

"Lukhmaru's crime is a private crime." Ma Bin did not make any cheerful expression. On the contrary, he said extremely seriously: "I actually did it for the good of your country. With the strength of the Han Dynasty, I can't help you." He will endure a king with ulterior motives, especially one who incites his people to be hostile to the Han. If he dies, he will be sent to Luocun. If he lives... Jitoro will be destroyed by the Han one day. I don’t need to elaborate on this truth. .”

"Immortal country?" Musha Diluo Jiduo still gripped the handle of the knife tightly, but he was no longer so desperate.His expression kept changing, he took several deep breaths to calm himself down, and said, "The choice of the lord...I'm afraid he can't be the heir of the former lord?"

"This official doesn't care." Ma Bin really didn't want to: "You can discuss on your own. It's best to mention a few more candidates for the Holy Majesty to judge."

The Han army was still sitting in a circle, but it did not prevent the princes and nobles and officials from Jiduoluo's side from getting together to discuss.

Ma Bin didn't throw away the head of Luhmaru Jiduo, he even sent someone to send a cloth that can be wrapped up, and he will carry out necessary treatment later, such as sprinkling lime for embalming, and then send someone to Jilongpo .

"These barbarians don't lose their heads and don't wake up." Li Tan didn't have any emotional fluctuations from the beginning to the end. He personally killed three kings in the Western Regions. The general of the great country felt refreshed: "It's a bit of a waste to kill only one person."

Previously, Li Tan had sent troops to allow some Han troops to enter the palace. It didn't matter whether it would cause bloodshed or not. To control it, the "brain" of a country should be tightly controlled.

There is no military order to plunder, but the Han army cannot plunder, which is why Li Tan said it was a waste.

"This small country...is very poor." Ma Bin saw it with his own eyes: "The so-called national treasury, a few boxes of gold coins and jewelry, besides that are weapons and armor."

Li Tan curled his lips, with a displeased expression on his face.

It’s not that Li Tan, the general of the Han Empire, is so greedy. It’s that the Han army pays attention to expenditure and income. Military operations with no income and only expenditure are considered losses. In recent years, the Han army has long stopped losing money. In this kind of war, even if there is no oil, you have to scrape the ground to get some oil and water out.

The army's income is not completely swallowed by itself. The soldiers get [-]% of their own income and [-]% are handed over to the army.The army can keep [-]% of those proceeds, and the remaining [-]% will be turned over to the national treasury.

In some respects, the reputation of the Han Empire is so bad, and the military will definitely take the blame for it!

But, the emperor doesn't care about the country's reputation, what he wants is benefits.

The army has received benefits, and it is full of enthusiasm for foreign development and maintains a strong combat effectiveness.

The military is composed of people, and those soldiers basically have relatives, and the property sent back is obtained by the relatives, and the relatives then consume it.

In this way, not only the military families benefit, but the consumption of the military families also stimulates the economies of various places. When the economy is stimulated, people are attracted to invest in production, and the country can collect taxes with transactions.

Precious metals have such a set of cycles. It can be said that there are definitely not one or two groups who get the benefits. Who will complain if they get benefits, and they will complain if they don’t get benefits.

If the army seized livestock such as horses, cattle, sheep, etc., it would actually reduce the price of livestock in the Han Empire, and at the same time make eating meat less luxurious.

For example, after the Battle of Hetao and the Battle of Hexi in the Western Han Dynasty, almost everyone in Guanzhong benefited. Similar things happened to the Han Empire. Knowing that foreign wars have dividends, either the interests are damaged, or the brain is broken. Why not oppose war?
Location, Longjipo.

Xie An received the battle report on the third day after the results appeared in Peshawar.

Kill a king?Xie An just glanced at it, and didn't have any thoughts about it. Anyway, if you kill him, you will kill him. The report also mentioned some deeds of Luhmaru Jiduo. It would be a dereliction of duty for the people there not to kill them.

The camp on the Jilongpo side is in a state of being cleared, and it seems that the number of garrisons is not too much.

As for the follow-up troops from the mainland, two standing armies have been brought under the command of the Xizheng shogunate, and at the same time, they have brought [-] county soldiers and nearly [-] servants from the Western Regions.

To the north of Jilongpo, that is to say, the partial division led by Dou'a, they had a move to fight with the Habayashi army at about the same time, but after entering the Xigaoche, they were all in vain.

Of course, the Han army knew that Xigaoche was migrating across the country, but the main force of Xigaoche was still in the country, and chose to station on the edge of the desert, as if waiting for the Han army to come to fight.

The Han army in Dou'a didn't rush forward immediately, because firstly, they needed to go through the desert, and secondly, they were not ready yet. Once they went up, even if they won, they would suffer heavy losses.

The retreat of the main force of Xigaoche still did not escape the eyes of the scouts of the Han army. The reason why Dou'a chased after him was nothing more than an act of seizing land.

Dou'a did not leave any garrison troops along the way. After entering the territory of Xigaoche, they kept going westward. The gesture they made was to chase the main force of Xigaoche. It would be a big battle if they could catch up. The Sasanian crossing was roundabout, and the main force of the shogunate would invade Sasanian from another direction.

At the same time, the Habayashi Army has already entered the battle state with the main force of the Sasanian army, that is, the number of the Habayashi army is only a quarter of the main force of the Sasanian army, and the camp construction of the main force of the Sasanian army is not like that of Peshawar. Without the possibility of a breakthrough, it is entering a stalemate stage.

Not counting the servant army, Xie An currently has a total force of 17 troops, including five standing armies alone, including the Habayashi Army, which has three standing armies in one standing army.

The Han Empire has not dispatched more than three standing armies for many years. They are usually mobilized and dispatched at the level of "divisions". Only two standing armies were dispatched to fight against the most powerful country in the third continent.

It can be said that the Han Empire still attached great importance to Sasanian, an empire-level country, and dispatched five standing troops in the first march after the war.

"General." Wang Quan said with a smile, "General Huan landed on the coast of Sasan, did he scare Sasan?"

According to the information from the Western Expedition Shogunate, Sassan originally planned to gather at least 50 troops, and no matter how elite the 50 troops were, the number of 50 was an exaggeration.

If it was from other countries, Xie An would think it was nonsense when he received the tip, but if it was Sassan, there would be no surprises at all.

Persians have their own historical background in playing violent soldiers. It is said that in the era of Darius hundreds of years ago, an army of 70 to [-] people could be assembled.

What Xie An knew was that the 20 Sasanian army that was supposed to be transferred to the eastern battlefield was temporarily moved to the coast, which shows how much Shapur II valued the expedition fleet led by Huan Wen.

"General Huan's mission is to attack Rome from afar, and attacking Sassanid is just training troops." Shaking his head, Xie Ai said with a wry smile: "Our attack on Sasanian did not destroy the country at once, but to destroy more Sasanian troops. General's actions..."

The Han Empire is powerful, but Sassanid may not be weak. The Han army can defeat the Sassanian army, but even the most arrogant Han people do not have the confidence to say that they can destroy the vast Sasanian army in one go. .

The war between the empire and the empire cannot be a war that will result in the final outcome. In fact, it is a confrontation again and again, not only to destroy the opponent's army and vital forces as much as possible, but also to deplete the opponent's national strength.

How long did Rome fight Parthia?How many times have you fought a battle that can be defined as the level of destroying the country?If the soldiers lost on the battlefield by both sides are fully counted, the total will definitely exceed 300 million.

Later, it was Parthia's own civil strife, and then it was really difficult for the national power to continue the war. It happened that Rome encountered Augustus who did not consider the hidden dangers of rapid military expansion. Otherwise, even if it was Parthian civil strife With no money, if Rome proceeds step by step, the result of the war will still not appear so quickly.

"The center has long been concerned about it." Xie An didn't mind revealing: "The war between the big man and the Sasanian, the first ten years will probably be a way of encroachment, and there is no thought of destroying Sassanian."

The Han Empire can't bear the pressure of destroying Sasanian at once. It's not any other pressure. Sasanian is an empire with a vast territory and a population of 8000 to [-] million. It is to destroy Sasanian military power at once After destroying the ground and penetrating the entire territory of Sassanid, then it will be over?

It will never be so easy!It can even be said that after the disintegration of Ardashir's rule over Sasan, the difficulties really began.

"The Han mainland is too far away from Sassanid..." Xie An's expression became a little strange: "Even if there is no burden and loss of food transportation, other difficulties are not small."

There will be casualties in the war, and the source of troops must be replenished.

There will also be consumption of equipment in wars, and they are also shipped from the mainland.

Then road construction has become a necessary thing. The key is that even if it is from the local Anxi Duhufu to Jilongpo, it will take more than 2000 miles, which means that it will take more than 2000 miles to build a military passage. inside.

What's more terrible is that there are many aspects. First, the Han Empire could not conscript corvee to allow Han people to build roads thousands of miles away. Second, road construction required tools and materials.

In this way, even if the Western Expedition Shogunate can capture prisoners of war and become a labor force for road construction, the materials still have to be transported, right?
Thinking about the importance of the military channel, and then sorting out the various difficulties, it is not difficult to guess why the center made a war plan for the preparation period for the first ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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