Chapter 1090
Facing what appeared to be a large group of cavalry galloping towards him at high speed, how much courage would it take to have no fluctuations in his heart?
Most people are on the battlefield, when faced with a large group of enemy cavalry charging towards them, their legs are actually weak, and even their crotch has been wet for a long time. Between people, and the deterrence of military law, or seven or eight out of ten actually think not of desperately, but want to turn around and run away.

The Sasanian infantry on the outer front line, they first withstood a round of collisions from their fleeing cavalry, and then faced the close-up assault of the Han cavalry, and were shot several times. In fact, everyone's heart was broken state.

The formation of the front is often to coerce soldiers with a broken mentality to continue fighting.

In the crowded state, the soldiers in the front collapsed, but the soldiers in the back didn't know what was going on in the front. In this way, the people in the front wanted to retreat, the people in the back wanted to go up, and the soldiers who didn't know the situation collapsed The soldiers stuck in place.

The current situation is that the Sasanian infantry, who are squeezed in the front row and want to retreat but can't, obviously don't want to fight anymore, but they still have to watch helplessly as the cavalry of the Han army gallop at high speed and keep approaching.

The Sassanid soldiers in front were terrified. There was no attempt to block the advance of the Han army cavalry. It could even be said that they were facing the approaching Han army from behind, only caring for the friendly army to win a way out.

The Sasanian infantry, whose situation is unknown behind them, moved forward side by side and crowded.

Those Sasanian crossbowmen follow the command to shoot arrows continuously. They don’t know what the results of the arrows they shoot are. Some just listen to the military order repeatedly and shoot arrows repeatedly. In many cases, they don’t even know what angle they should shoot. Randomly come.

The cavalry of the Han army in both directions is constantly approaching the Sasanian front line. After charging within the range of the Sasanian crossbowmen, they actually did not raise their shields. And he was up and down, letting the arrows shoot at himself.

The armor of the assault cavalry of the Han army is not afraid of arrows, especially arrowheads like Sasanian arrows.They are covered with plate armor, but still retain some features of scale armor.In addition to the armor that can be seen from the outside, there is also a layer of chain mail and silk underwear in multiple layers.

In this way, even if the plate armor did not block the arrow, the chain mail would still jam the pierced arrowhead, and the silk clothes on the body would "pull" the arrowhead, in fact, it would only suffer a little flesh injury, unless it was Hit the eye, otherwise, even with dozens of arrows stuck in his body, he can still continue to fight vigorously without causing a lot of bleeding.

The first batch of Han army cavalry rushed up, and in an instant, the Sasanian infantry line was dented in a large area, but the Han army cavalry who made the collision were basically sunk in.

At the moment of the collision, the cavalrymen of the Han army were thrown away, and when they fell, they would inevitably hit the Sasanian soldiers underneath.

If they were able to react, they would draw out the sabers at their waists while still being supported, and slash whoever they saw below.

If you are stabbed by a sharp weapon after being thrown out, basically the iron plate will withstand it, but the person will be in a state of rolling and falling, and it will take more time to react.

Of course, the cavalry of the Han army did not rush into echelons in a swarm, but one column at a time. After the previous batch of collisions was completed, the next batch would rush up at an interval of about ten seconds.

After repeated collisions, the infantry line organized by Sassanids collapsed in less than three attempts.

Before the infantry line in front disintegrated, the Sasanian crossbowmen in the rear had been ordered to turn around and retreat, but they were usually overtaken by the Han cavalry who had pierced through, and being caught was tantamount to death.

After the assault cavalry of the Han army completed their piercing, the rest of the cavalry continued to rush into the Sasanian camp in the rear.

From the arrival of the Han army to the completion of breaking through the first Sasanian front, it took less than 10 minutes.Such a result is taken for granted by the Han army, and Sassan's side is actually not too surprised.

Surprisingly for Sassan, his side was able to persist in at least three waves of assaults, instead of collapsing the first time they encountered an assault.

The collision to the north was the first to occur, with the west following closely behind.

The breakthrough in the north was completed first, and the west was about 5 minutes late. At this time, the cavalry of the Han army who launched an attack on the eastern front of Sasanian had just launched a charge.

Naturally, the Han army arriving on the battlefield would not outnumber the Sasanian army, but the Han army as the offensive side held the initiative, especially when the Sassanian had no cavalry cruising around.

Dospals Canandina sent out his high-speed mobile units in order to slow down the advance of the Han army.Under the premise that even if he was defeated in the battle, it was possible that only the chariot soldiers would be wiped out, and the cavalry would still have no problem leaving the battlefield.

In fact, if the cavalry sees the opportunity quickly, it is indeed difficult to be entangled, but that is the premise of not fighting.Once they really get entangled with each other, they are all cavalry, and they won't be able to leave whenever they want.

The correct decision was met with the unresponsiveness of the frontline commanders. The mobile force sent by Dospals Canandina was almost indistinguishable from the annihilation of the entire army.

Dospals Canandina, who was standing on a high place and had an overview of the battlefield, was already covered with cold sweat.

The first front line played a role in blocking the Han army, but in fact it only blocked it a little bit, buying a little more time for the rear to organize and improve the defense line.

The cavalry of the Han army rushed into the Sasanian camp. The cavalry was straight approaching the second line of defense organized by the Persians. During the operation, they rampaged, one tent after another was turned upside down and broken, and the places they passed were in a mess.

While charging, the cavalry cavalry of the Han army once again completed the echelon layering, forming a wave-like collision tactics, and soon rushed to the second front line organized by the Sasanian army.

At the same time, the light cavalry and cavalry archers of the Han army were avoiding the charging route of their own cavalry, and mounted and shot at the second Sasanian front in groups or scattered.

The Sasanian soldiers who were on the first line of defense just now, after the front collapsed, almost no Persians could successfully escape back to the rear. Even if they survived temporarily, they were still in the periphery full of Han cavalry activities In the camp, many people knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, and then they were hit and trampled by the galloping Han army horses.

Thousands of people became corpses on the battlefield almost in the blink of an eye, and they were seen by the Sasanian soldiers who were organizing the second line of defense.

As a result, the soldiers on Sasanian's second line of defense couldn't help but retreat, and arrows were constantly being shot past, causing the line of defense to be distorted and confused to a certain extent.

Dospals Canandina watched with wide-eyed Han cavalry rushing towards his second line of defense. He saw that only the first batch of Han cavalry rammed into the defense line and dented a large area. My heart sank completely.

breakout?Dospals Canandina never thought about it.He is more or less a general, how could he not know that any breakout after losing his mobility is delusional, he might as well just kneel down and ask for surrender, begging the enemy to treat him benevolently.

What Dospals Canandina needs to think about now is, once the situation is irreversible, should he struggle desperately, or pull the weapon across his neck.

"Surrender?" Dospals Canandina watched as his second line of defense was torn apart, and he had to hold on to the fence to prevent him from falling down: "Surrender to the Han... the end is not good. would be great..."

Sassanian generals like them who led the army, their immediate family members were basically in Ctesiphon, and they were properly taken care of by the royal family of Ardashir.

The previous Sasanian general who surrendered to the Han Empire, no one knew whether he was dead or not. Anyway, none of his relatives in Taixifeng survived.

The second line of defense collapsed under the charge of the Han cavalry, and then once again fell into various collisions and trampling by the follow-up Han cavalry.

Dospals Canandina's cheeks kept twitching. He didn't expect the third line of defense to be effective. He could only guess how long it would take for the camp to be completely disrupted by the Han army.

Judging from the general situation, after two consecutive lines of defense were breached by the Han army, the Sasanian camp has fallen into inevitable chaos.

There were people running around everywhere in the entire camp, and there were even some cannibalism in some places. No matter how you look at it, this Sasanian army is already in a state of collapse.

After breaking through two lines of defense in a row, the Han army's assault cavalry actually lost the ability to rush into the third line of defense again.

It's not that this batch of Han army's cavalry can't fight, but the horses under their legs accelerated and collided twice in a row, and their physical strength was consumed too much. Once the cavalry lost their speed, it would be very stupid to continue to collide. things.

The follow-up cavalry hadn't come up yet, and the light cavalry who discovered this situation made an instant decision.


The sound of the strong horn was sounded, and the first batch of Han army light cavalry gave up clearing the battlefield, and slowly gathered together, and slowly formed a frontal formation of cavalry as they moved forward.

The cavalry knights whose horses were tired and whose mounts were difficult to replace during the war, took over the task of the light cavalry to clean up the remaining enemy troops.

The Sassanid soldiers on the third line of defense, seeing the Han army appearing in front of them so quickly, were already in a dazed state.

According to the thinking of these Sasanian soldiers, there are at least five or six thousand friendly troops ahead, so they should block them for more than an hour no matter what?But in less than 15 minutes, the Han army came up!

"I don't want to die..."

"Run, run away..."

The light cavalry of the Han army who were charging at an accelerated speed showed ecstatic expressions in an instant. They had already rushed forward with the determination of life and death, but the next moment they saw the enemy army in front of them collapse on their own.

Even if the cavalry rushed into the formation, it actually carried a lot of risk, especially the first batch of knights who charged up was almost a matter of narrow escape, using their lives to make a successful start for the follow-up allies.

Light cavalry to charge into the tight formation of infantry?If it is said that the assault cavalry is close to death, then the light cavalry is ten deaths and none.

Under normal circumstances, when the light cavalry charged at the enemy's dense infantry, it was actually more of a threat than a real collision.If the enemy can be scared to collapse and disperse the formation, they will really kill them; if the enemy's infantry still maintains a tight formation, they will shoot a round of arrows at most, and then they should retreat from the side in a desperate manner .

The current situation is that the northern side of the Sassanid camp collapsed first, and then the collapse of this side affected other parts, resulting in an unstoppable collapse of the effect.

"Being a Han slave and maidservant, surrender without killing!"

"Resist, kill!"

Do Persians understand Chinese?In fact, they do not understand.

However, some Sasanian soldiers saw that the Han army let go of those who kneeled and surrendered, and relentlessly chased and killed those who resisted and drove away those who fled.

The Sasanian soldiers who didn't want to die followed suit one after another. When they found out that the Han army hadn't killed them, they breathed a sigh of relief, and then burst into tears.

"It's too miserable, it's really too miserable!"

"If we didn't hold on for a day, how could we fight the Han people?"

"Who is going to start a war with the Han people..."

What's the use of talking about it now?Is it sure that the Han people are as good at fighting as the rumors say, and it is only natural that they are defeated?

Dospals Canandina saw the collapse of the third line of defense and the surrender of soldiers on the front line in batches. How could he not know that the situation was over.

"This general..." Dospals Canandina relaxed now: "If you want to fight to the death with the Han army, who is willing to follow?"

Several people spoke one after another, all willing to die with honor.

After getting off the ground, Dospals Canandina glanced at the assembled undead army, and walked towards the front line.

Li Tan appeared on the battlefield around the time when the Sasanian soldiers began to surrender en masse.

"How's the situation in Peshawar?" Li Tan looked in the direction of Peshawar: "Look at the smoke covering...the fire is very strong!"

No matter which country or nation it is, wood is absolutely indispensable for building a house. Once a fire breaks out and the house spreads, it is really not so easy to put out the fire.

Li Tan didn't have much intuitive impression of Peshawar, but he read the information sent back by Ma Bin before departure. According to Ma Bin's description, Peshawar is a city that is so chaotic.

Regarding the fierce battle outside the city, but Jiduoluo didn't have even one person to help the battle, Li Tan had two decisions.

If Peshawar was miserable, Li Tan would naturally not ask for more.

If Peshawar had the ability not to come out, Li Tan would not have any kindness in the future.

"General Lang, the enemy's commander-in-chief requests a battle with the division."

"To the teacher?"

Li Tan thinks that Sassan's general is out of his mind, facing the end of a big defeat, and asks for a one-on-one fight?
"Honro won't want to wait any longer."


(End of this chapter)

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